Articles, news, and reviews that celebrate God's truth.
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His eyes are darker than wine, and his TEETH WHITER THAN MILK – Gen. 49:12
The Parable of Ryker and Samwell
Rev. Alfred Sadd (1909-1942): a great man, and a faint shadow
Four days in the life of Albert Tenfold
Archbishop Ussher and being fully known
The Gift of Flight: Two brothers’ determined quest
The Son of the Clothmaker – a slice of the English Reformation
The Good Hanoverian (Luke 10:29-37)
Crying, “Abba! Father!”
30 days of April
On conmen and other masters of deceit
The theology of dirty jokes
If the unborn are not our equals…
How to defend the unborn in under a minute
Witnessing without knowing it all
The don’t and do’s of answering fools
10 tales to help us clear away transgender confusion
The Ultimate Proof of Creation: Resolving the Orgins Debate
Wrong questions lead to wrong answers
Surviving Religion 101: Letters to a Christian Student on Keeping the Faith in College
Tactics in defending your faith
Collision: Christopher Hitchens vs. Douglas Wilson
I love apologetics
Pro-life 101: Removing the red herrings
When Lewis says it brilliantly: 7 key quotes
Not all T-shirts are created equal
C.S. Lewis’s Apologetics: a Reformed assessment
6 responses to 1 very angry atheist
Ready to reason: is apologetics even necessary?
Four things you can do when someone challenges your faith
Two atheists walk into a bar…
Can God create a rock so heavy He can’t lift it?
Pro-life shirts that spark, spur, and speak
The case for bumper-sticker and T-shirt Christianity
The Triangle Curvature Inclusion Bill
One simple question: “What do you mean by that?”
God is visible to any with eyes to see
On “the Overton Window” and talking crazy
Highflying comparisons, down-to-earth questions, and truthful declarations – apologetics in 3 steps
Apologetics 101: Stay on message
Atheists can’t explain evil
The JFK assassination and apologetics: the facts don’t speak for themselves
Abortionist: “God performs way more abortions than I do…”
What is Man?
Disarming a name-caller by asking them to define their insult
“Am I A Chinese Woman?” How questions can defend the Truth
Princeton scientists announce discovery of “sex chromosome”
Don’t Argue the Exceptions: Beating bad arguments for Abortion and Transgenderism
A Christian & an Unbeliever Discuss Life, the Universe & Everything
Apologetics 101: Give them what they are asking for
How to write
Life in bloom: The gift of flowers
Aged saints can tell you what your peers don’t know or won’t say
Necessary Endings
The peculiar blessings of Covid
More time to pray
Christians don’t retire
It’s necessary: use words!
On the Truth, and the cost of lies
Why write?
How to be happier
How to look forward to the future
The pot experiment has been a disaster
6 on Anxiety
On encouraging courage
A New Atheist loves that old time Religion
RP’s guide to “adulting” – our top articles to help you gain the skills to feel grown up
Lost and found: God’s guiding hand in seeking and finding a missing girl
The quickening
7 articles on aging well
Solving loneliness
Advice for young women … from A to Z
The Colson Center: a sibling we look up to
That I may declare it boldly
When “helping” kids hurts them
What makes a person instantly unattractive?
A lament for our nation
Love is…
Gambling as the new norm? Christians still need to say no
Sparrow blessing
Outward appearance over against the heart
Complaining: our national pastime
Behind the scenes: the editorial cast and crew of RP
Keeping Christ in Christmas: 12 ideas for honoring God in our Christmas festivities
How to live your best life: knowing, and participating in, the greatest (true) story
The emotional communism of sensitivity training
Unless the Lord builds the house
Getting old(er)
Learning to be anxious for nothing
A biblical counselor’s advice for church leadership
Anxiety and the triumph of hope: 3 biblical counsellors explain anxiety
A pastor on anxiety
Words and Phrases: a little road trip quiz
…but I have a couch
In the right place to serve: Christians are leading the way in helping one city’s homeless
Puppy love: in praise of pets
When it comes to evangelism, do we trust the Holy Spirit will show up?
Too certain by half: standing firm doesn’t mean dismissing all debate
Making hospitality easier: how onion dip changed the world
Tragedy, resistance, and change: Glimpses into the Lejac Residential School near Fraser Lake, BC
“good” vs. good
How to have a proper conversation
Red, White, and Blue? Are there greener pastures south of the border?
Is it time to leave Canada?
Santa Claus at Nicea
“Yes, Virginia, there was a Santa Claus”
Getting used to a new church
Aging in hope!
The gift of sleep: it’s good for what ails you
G.K. Chesterton on the difference between reformers and deformers
The coming battles over church property
Hospitality hacks for folks who want to be, but keep finding excuses not to be, hospitable
Holding on to wisdom: What would a younger you tell you to do?
Truth requires you to love and love requires you to be truthful
Is recreational marijuana sinful?
Reflections on “12 ways your phone is changing you”
Seniors: Florida does not exist
Lesson From My Mum: there is hope for western civilization
The words a father speaks
Fraud and Truth
Allies vs. cobelligerents: don’t mix them up!
When it comes to witnessing, are we just too impatient?
All’s well with the Earth
Suffer Annie Spence
God wants young men to be brave, not crazy
“You too?” What friendship is, and why it’s so hard to find
What does God’s “favorite” Bible verse tell us?
Gezellig: cozy, restful
A matter of seeing: decay and delights to consider
The devil’s foothold
Quotes on the single life
When promises hold up as well as pie-crusts…
Love your emotions by making them obey Jesus
Woven Together
Why we don’t evangelize and why we must
A more generous ministry of mercy?
“I’m fine”…and other lies we tell
Being salt and light
There’s an app for that!
The Healing Touch
MODERATION: Where beer and psalm-singing go hand in hand
Improving the elders’ home visits
Was Saint Francis a Sissy?
Vindication and the spider
Two Trees And The Big Storm: a parable for children about COVID-19
Prince Jonathan on showing up
Forming Adam
Ringing in the New Year
The boy that drove the plow
I Have A Son Seven Years Old; He is to me full dear…
Merry X-mas
He who has ears, let him hear
Worldviews and Dogviews: what are they?
Losers are part of the plan
Is it ever permissible to lie?
Fossil fuels are essential to the modern world
A true story of a journey from sexual exploitation to freedom
Henry VIII’s reformation, Big Bird, and the end coming to us all
Mental illness: responsibility and response
Little white lies and why we tell them
Remembering the head nurse and other people
Come now, let us reason together
Singleness: on being active and included in the body of Christ
The destiny hermeneutic
The Christian job description
How important is “nothing”?
Maintaining the motivation of elders and deacons
On tidying up with and without Marie Kondo
The Bible and Alcoholics Anonymous
Song of Songs (A Christine Farenhorst Christmas story)
When should we unwrap presents?
Beyond Monopoly – They’ve taken the bored out of board games
Wax on, wax off: the world’s increasingly shaky understanding of tolerance
When we have to parent our parents: help and hope for caregivers
Living out Lord’s Day 1: a Cuban story
C.S. Lewis on real happiness and real Christianity
Stepping into the story: Hamlet with a happy ending?
A history of Healthcare…and why Christians have done it different
Your RP connection for fun kid content!
What are we to make of gambling?
Which bits of the Bible would you walk around with?
On a wife deciding to leave her husband
“Did God answer her prayer?“
Hull humanity
That cloud of witnesses….
The conceited apple-branch: a Romans 12:3-8 fable?
Go to the ant, you sluggard…
On being a Titus 2 young woman
“The Devil’s Delusion” and the baseless confidence of the certain atheist
Older women have much to give
“Othercott” – like a boycott but better
What my grandma taught me
Older men still have a job to do
“So what you’re saying is…”
To be known
Why doesn’t the OT say more about what happens after death?
On being separated
Help wanted: Prophets
What’s next? The growth of Statism in Canada
4 reasons to remember your Creator in your youth
“And behold, I come quickly” – the dying need to hear the gospel
Good habits help us minimize trouble…
If only for this life we have hope in Christ…
The Gift: an allegory of sorts
The slippery slope is real
The Pursuit of Wisdom: do it ‘til you die
What should we think of withdrawals?
The End was near
Professor Peterson is not PC
Choice words – a queen’s folly
Overpopulation is a myth, and we should have known
Am I a fanatic?
Not all humility is humble
Simply and truly
A hill to die on
Sliver Mustard’s journey
To appear before the Lord
A crowd can make you crazy
What to do when you don’t know what to do
The “Force” behind bad statistics
The definition of patience
Confirming what we’ve always confessed
Growth in independent schools and homeschooling
What about a Christian university? My experience at Dordt University
Gillespie Academy: a one-year Reformed bootcamp
“Early Years” mornings help preschoolers, and their parents, build connections
What the Charter says about private schooling
Do we need public schools?
How’s this for a graduate profile?
Math: why are we learning this anyway?
Christian education as violation of children’s “human rights”
Calvin Hutchinson: from chemical engineering to high school teacher
The Sexual Revolution: a glaring gap in our kids’ education?
Paul Bartels: from carpenter to high school shop teacher
A call to teach
Report from the front lines: pros and cons of teaching in a Reformed high school
KINGDOM WORKERS WANTED… for frontline role
Why biblical poetry matters
Truth & Lies in American Education
On public schools: evangelism is not discipleship
US homeschooling grows by a million
Reformed teachers are different… right?
Why study History?
Should a student’s peer group be so important?
A Christian perspective on 2+2
Learning like an adult
Martin Luther on the vital, foundational, educational calling of parents
Church, Home, and School – A Two-Legged Stool?
Do what the guru says? Public schools are spiritual too.
Educating Royalty
Rating books for the school library
School: who should rule?
No other gods
Peter and PICS: Inclusive Education
Teaching English from a Christian perspective, as brought to you by the Letter C
Does God picks sides in sports and politics…and marriage?
Daughters in sports
Winning at all costs?
When we understand our opponent isn’t our enemy….
Boys and sports
A Good Coach is Crucial: the potential and danger of school sport teams
Sports teams are important for our Christian schools
Is the good foul good? Playing basketball a different way
10 great Christian biographies
Can two denominations become one? What are the state of CanRC and URC unity talks?
Why and how the Nicene Creed came to be
How and why the Apostles’ Creed came to be
When they thought the Apostles had written their creed…
Radiant: Fifty remarkable women in Church history
The necessity of creeds and confessions
The Defenestration of Prague
Jenny Geddes: the Reformer who let fly…
When the Word of God is not preached
Original Sin: Luther’s other life-changing doctrine
A 2,000 year history of Christian pro-life activity
Rahab the whore…mother of Christ
Rome’s Catacombs art was created to encourage fellow Christians
The Queen on our coins testifies to Canada’s Christian roots
Macarius: great works vs. grace
Report of a meeting which was never held
Kuyper’s legacy: for better and for worse
Abraham Kuyper: larger than life
On the shoulders of giants: how church history helps
Marcion: a heretic we need to know
What sort of man was John Calvin? We can get a feel for him from his letters
What God has done in Korea
How can everyone be wrong about the world?
World gone woke
The subterranean origins of certain Equality and Justice doctrines
Peppa Pig propagandizes preschoolers
Lorie Smith: another Christian battling to preserve a freedom we all need to use more often
Samuel Sey on Critical Race Theory
How the Bible made the world a better place
A beginner’s guide to contending
The problem with pacifism
The Great Reset: don’t let a crisis go to waste
“Let’s meet in the middle”: the con in compromise
Animal rights vs. animal welfare
What’s the best response to a wedding cake request?
Can one culture be better than another?
Black Lives Matter – the slogan
Are you “blessed” or “privileged”?
May I judge?
Bruce Jenner & Micklewhite: Adult problems lurk amongst the picture books Embraces Nudity
There is a Hell. Jesus Says So.
Did Adam have a belly button?
White sister thinks she is black mother
A creative approach to boundaries in dating
How to get married younger
3 great books about dating
Speed dating night beats scrolling right
How our friends, and the ‘Net, brought us together
How I married your grandmother: dating advice for a young man
Preparing for Marriage: Help for Christian Couples
Dude, where’s your bride?
10 questions to discuss when “interviewing” someone for marriage
Marriable Men
What is “Sovereign Grace Singles”? An interview with founder Dean Scott
Online dating as seen from the other side
The pros and cons of online dating
Reformed Harmony: a new tool promotes friendship…and sometimes marriage
Thoughts on Deepak Reju’s “She’s got the wrong guy”
I Survived “I Kissed Dating Goodbye”
Faint heart never won fair maiden
Will you die well?
The five Ws of funeral planning
Write your own eulogy
Let the little children come
A funeral is a community event
Cremation: why and why not
Come, sweet death, Come blessed rest!
Comfort facing death
Tariffs are terrible economics: why Canada shouldn’t hit back
There’s No Free Lunch: 250 Economic Truths
No Free Lunch:
Premier Ford calls on the feds to make EV cars more expensive
The Hyperinflation Devastation
Christians can’t “invest” in cryptocurrency
Investing in Eternity: thinking 30 million years ahead
Christian Economics in One Lesson
Economics in One Lesson
Thinking on the margin, or why some pollution is better than none
THERE’S NO FREE LUNCH – an economic principle Christian teens (& adults) need to know
On achieving equality…
An abundance mentality in business
Nobody knows how to make a pizza
The art of the apology
The hidden tax of inflation
What does a Reformed entrepreneur look like?
The impact of saying, “I’m so busy”
Manure into mattresses – we can “create” resources
The $15 minimum wage – good intentions are not enough
Love Gov: Breaking up with government is hard to do
Thinking in terms of tradeoffs rather than solutions…
It’s A Wonderful Loaf: why free enterprise makes bread in abundance
Two tales of trade: how free trade creates wealth
5 things Christians should know about income inequality
I started my business for the wrong reasons
Wait till it’s free
On Union Membership: voices from the past
A sad tale of a wealthy millennial’s moral confusion
A multi-level warning about multi-level marketing
Sales as a noble calling
The $33/hr minimum wage?
What makes a salesman good?
What if selling could be a beautiful thing?
If work is worship, does that mean I just gotta be warm and fuzzy all day?
The rich get richer by making us all wealthier too
Work is Worship
The rich keep getting richer… and they’re not the only ones
Counting our blessings: Ways the world is getting better
BUSINESS IS BEAUTIFUL! How do you view your business?
What is “Equal Pay for work of Equal Value”?
Let’s not be the squeaky wheel
“Honey I blew the budget!”
How do you buy a house when you are 19?
Frugalship: 37 ways to save a buck
Tiny home contentment
On investing, with Wade Van Bostelen
Can you afford a home? – some practical suggestions
Home ownership for Christians: how it happened in the past, and how it might now
Finances for the layman: a podcast review of “Two Stewards”
Simple steps for living generously
When your finances have you scared
Is gambling wrong? And if so, what about buying stocks?
The case for biblically-responsible investing
Can you cut your grocery bill in half?
The Lord loves a cheerful giver
Do we need to tell our mortgage banker about our school payments?
Higher Ed advice: 34 women, 6 principles
10 lessons learned at 8 post-secondary institutions
Advice from grads
Thriving at a non-Christian university?
I’m graduating – now what?
Podcasts to get you educated, not schooled
The case against MMA, boxing, gladiatorial combat, cockfighting, bullbaiting and other blood sports
Here’s the problem with just closing your eyes during the sex scenes
Beyond judging a movie by its poster
The pitch meeting for “Redeeming Love”
Reading films: are Christians as discerning as they used to be?
How then shall we watch?
Striving to be godly men
More to consider: women on setting life and post-secondary goals
Different is good! God created male and female
Men and Women in the Church: A Short, Biblical, Practical Introduction
Who’s Afraid of Proverbs 31?
Men and the Marriage Dance
No, complementarianism is not inherently misogynistic
#chairchallenge highlights male/female divide
“Homemaking is the ultimate career” – C.S. Lewis (sort of)
Don’t overlook the blessings of today
Israel at War
Christmas Truce
What I learned from my Oma
The long road to Christian broadcasting in Canada
The bad king that prompted the Great Charter
USS Meredith Victory: the “Gallant Ship”
“I have a bridge to sell you” (and other deals too good to be true)
The Canadian Revolution of 1982
The Pope who hated black cats
Listen! Six Men You Should Know
Why History matters
Residential schools: what worldview is to blame?
Residential schools and the devastation of State-perpetrated family breakup
Slip sliding away: a very different chapter in Dutch history
The Great Moon Hoax of 1835
Questioning daycare and preschool: how young is too young?
Charles Darwin’s grave mistake
The rise and fall of Canada’s most effective opposition MP
Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms was always meant to be revolutionary
Ulrich Zwingli: Reformer in the shadows?
Karl Marx: preaching a different gospel
The untimely death of Emmett Louis Till: The power of graphic pictures
Our heroes have feet of clay
Being Gay for Jesus, or, homosexuality above the Bible
The secret thoughts of an unlikely convert
Christians and same-sex attraction
How do you like me now? When a child, parent, spouse, or sibling says they’re gay
When a gay couple wants you to help them celebrate sin
One in ten? Alfred Kinsey’s most famous lie
Why defend free speech?
The biblical and historical basis for parental rights
A Christian perspective on freedom of speech
How mom and dad can fight Big Brother
What is Freedom of Conscience?
Do we have a “right” to life?
ABILITY ≠ WORTH ….but the world thinks so, and sometimes we do too
Abortion supporters don’t believe in equality
Human Rights need God
The foundation of Human Rights? God’s prohibitions
Should Christians be free to obey our conscience?
The world doesn’t dare ask why we have human rights
God’s humor on display in Education Secretary’s misquote
Say what? Insights from the “Devil’s Dictionary”
What is humor?
Are you a transkindophobe?
Call me Billy
Humor and the life of faith
Comedy as a calling
Ode to hurt…or why my tolerant nature can’t stand your opinions
Tearing down tyranny, one joke a time…
Why men are superior to women – a pro-life analogy
Based on a true story
First transage winner of under-10s race
Even a talking horse beats quiet convictions
Tidbits – March 2025
Tidbits – February 2025
Tidbits – January 2025
Tidbits – December 2024
Tidbits – November 2024
Tidbits – October 2024
Tidbits – September 2024
Tidbits – August 2024
Tidbits – July 2024
Tidbits – June 2024
Tidbits – April 2024
Tidbits – March 2024
Tidbits – February 2024
Tidbits – January 2024
Tidbits – December 2023
Tidbits – November 2023
Tidbits – October 2023
Tidbits – September 2023
Tidbits – August 2023
Tidbits – July 2023
Tidbits – June 2023
Tidbits – May 2023
Tidbits – April 2023
Tidbits – March 2023
Tidbits – February 2023
Tidbits – December 2022
Tidbits – November 2022
Tidbits – August 2022
Tidbits – June 2022
Tidbits – May 2022
Tidbits – April 2022
Tidbits – March 2022
Tidbits – January 2022
Tidbits – December 2021
Tidbits – November 2021
Tidbits – October 2021
Tidbits – August 2021
Tidbits – July 2021
Tidbits – June 2021
Tidbits – May 2021
Tidbits – April 2021
Tidbits – March 2021
Tidbits – February 2021
Tidbits – January 2021
Tidbits – December 2020
Tidbits – November 2020
Tidbits – October 2020
Tidbits – September 2020
Tidbits – August 2020
Tidbits – July 2020
Tidbits – June 2020
Tidbits- May 2020
Tidbits – April 2020
Tidbits – March 2020
Tidbits – February 2020
Tidbits – January 2020
Tidbits – December 2019
Tidbits – November 2019
Tidbits – October 2019
Tidbits – July 2019
Tidbits – June 2019
Tidbits – May 2019
Tidbits – April 2019
Tidbits – March 2019
Tidbits – February 2019
Tidbits – January 2019
Tidbits – December 2018
Tidbits – November 2018
Tidbits – October 2018
Tidbits – September 2018
Tidbits – August 2018
Tidbits – July 2018
Tidbits – June 2018
Tidbits – May 2018
Tidbits – April 2018
Tidbits – March 2018
Tidbits – February 2018
112 Canadian churches vandalized and burned
Private property rights finally planned for Indigenous British Columbians
Residential schools: the lesson that’s being lost
A call to action: loving our Indigenous neighbors
The Truth matters: analyzing the facts beneath “mass burials” at residential schools
Truth & reconciliation is possible, but not as it is being popularized
Looking at two more of the TRC’s Calls to Action
Stop swiping, start serving
On becoming tech-savvy Christians
3 things we need to tell our kids about ChatGPT
Technology in Reformed schools
Talking to teens: How does social media fit into a Christian worldview?
The challenge of keeping technology in its proper place
Demystifying ChatGPT
Is AI just another tool, or something else?
Use RSS to get RP delivered
…the Internet can pervert anything
Google or God? Who are we turning to for guidance?
Fund a film about fighting sexual temptation
We can’t save the world, and that’s OK
A valley of conquerors
Is our curiosity controlling us, or are we controlling it?
The smartphone stack
The Tech-Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in Its Proper Place
20 Scriptures to guide our online speech
Parents, you are your child’s best protection from online horrors
3 reasons to praise God for social media
Proverbs: 3,000 years ahead of its time
Censorship isn’t Christians’ biggest social media problem
3 simple reasons we believe misinformation
You believe you are the center of the universe
Technology and our anxious hearts
Do we “like” sin?
Charles Spurgeon with some advice for the Internet age
Wikipedia: reader beware
One week in: Facebook isn’t for everyone
Facebook…to God’s glory
13 quick thoughts on “Screen-Smart Parenting”
Facebook censorship?
Jason Bouwman is finding hope in the desert
Jordan Feenstra is copying His work
Simone Bos’s calming cubes of color
Deb Menken’s “thing” is she has no one thing
Hetty Veldkamp’s landscapes began with a birthday
Joanne Stoffels is on a treasure hunt
Jim Menken transforms tree trunks!
Julia Veenstra is expressing the world!
Stephanie Vanderpol has a zoologist in the house
How letters mingle souls
Activism 101: 4 tips on being heard
Complementarianism vs. Egalitarianism: there aren’t just the two positions
A Promise Kept: the Story of an Unforgettable Love
The surprising secrets of highly happy marriages
A husband reads “Lies Women Believe”
Is the Proverbs 31 wife an unrealistic supermom?
Angry? I’m not the type….right?
A careful look at the issue of birth control
Three questions for you
To the newly married…
Canada’s news ban one year later
Dear Mainstream Media: 4 strikes and you’re out!
Misleading us for years: looking back at bias in the US and Canada
“Conservative” media fails the test
Proverbs 18:17: the antidote to Fake News
A call for Christian journalists: an interview (of sorts) with Marvin Olasky
Our dangerous diet of clips, tweets, memes, and headlines
Religious “ghosts” haunt the mainstream media
FAKE NEWS: Media gets it wrong about the Bible getting it wrong
Don’t watch the news, read it!
Don’t read the news, read a book!
Now YOU are the media
Someone, somewhere, said something stupid today
Lies, Mistakes and Half-truths – 3 types of media bias
Taylor Swift’s explicit evolution
Why you, too, should listen to Jamie Soles
Does God listen to Rap?
Music from the eyes
That morning I listened to Kanye West
CD REVIEWS: Bach and Beethoven for kids (and adults)
Why so much Rap is Reformed
U2 shows us how love can hurt
Fun music for your kids (that you might like too)
Some thoughts on Christian Contemporary music
Have a child – change the world
Obstacles and roadblocks to having children
What’s the purpose of family devotions?
Raising a family to hunt
How well are we fulfilling God’s original command?
Preparing to inherit the earth
Kids and alcohol: parents are more influential than they may know!
4 problems with State-funded daycare
Keeping in touch with the grands
Teaching your kid to appreciate broccoli
Quantity, not quality: good parenting takes time
Children’s games that mom & dad can play without going batty
The high cost of fatherhood: being a blessing to your children is hard work
Chores are good for our kids, and the earlier the better
“Mom, where’s my toothbrush?” 9 packing tips for before and during the trip
8 tips for traveling with the family
Don’t let the culture train up your children in the way they should go
5 tips for family devotions with small children
6 Duties of Parents
Is Cleanliness next to Godliness?
Fading to black: alternatives to screen-time
10 games you can play with your toddler without having to roll off the sofa
Gel-Pen faith
A Tale of Two Fathers
Christian fathers are coaches
One way to talk to your kids about God
Parents: do you have the courage to be gentle?
21 things I learned living with teenagers
Why you should keep reading to your kids
Parenting: many different approaches – only one set of guiding principles
If you want to spank your child, don’t
10 QUOTES: On technology and the family
Why Reformed churches should be full of adopted children
Helping our children listen well
Raising children who despise themselves
Spanking on trial: how to make a public defense
The problem with explanations
TikTok passes 2 billion downloads
Gentleness: a gift to your family
Exposing the poor research fueling the anti-spanking campaign
“I will fight for our young people. Will you?” – a pastor’s plea to Christian parents
In defence of Biblical spanking
On the difference between punishment and discipline
Why you should consider fostering
Patricia Polacco gets woke
Teaching boys to fight
3 picture books that tackle anxiety, anger, and failure
A smartphone contract for our kids
Parents: Understand that much depends on you
J.C. Ryle on teaching our children to pray
The Golden Rule: the biblical response to self-pity
Ignore your inner defense attorney!
Just how bad is the teen anxiety epidemic?
On reading together
Fathers, fear, and self-interest
Discipline or punishment: do your children know the difference?
When you’re asked, “Do you spank your child?”
5 frank quotes from Jonathan McKee’s “Sex Matters”
Should it be “I’m sorry” or “Please forgive me”?
Teaching small fries to take notes, sing psalms, and speak to God
“When you coming home, dad?”
Parents, are you pushing or leading?
Raising readers: the surprising power of reading aloud
Are our children leaders?
“Daddy issues”
A book for children, to help prevent sex abuse
There is more to life than being safe and legal
The part about parenting I didn’t find in any parenting book
From explanations to dialogue, from monologues to questions
Five things I wish I had known… about being a father
Spanking does have a place in Canada
4 for family movie night
Chang Shen: grace to persevere
Get to know John Calvin
Albert van der Heide’s passion for print
Elon Musk and visions of the future
Elon Musk’s highs and lows
Francis Schaeffer: Intellectual leader of the Christian Right
Is Jordan Peterson the champion we’ve been looking for?
Betsie, the watchmaker’s daughter
How the ruling princes of Liechtenstein defeated the abortion activists
Edith Cavell: a brave guide
Getting to know J.I. Packer
Jonathan Edwards: The pastor who packed them in the pews while preaching the wrath of God
Pieter Jongeling (1909-1985): husband, father, Nazi-fighter, prisoner, Member of Parliament, children’s author…and Reformed journalist
Eve: the mother of all living
Jacobus Arminius: professed the confessions even as he opposed them
Top 10 political wins in recent years
A nation needs a conscience too… but does Canada have one?
What is going on with Canada’s conservative leaders?
Alberta planning to enshrine right to refuse vaccinations
A place for Christians on Parliament Hill: inside Parliament Hill Christian Fellowship
Separating Christianity from politics
RPTV: MP Arnold Viersen on the legal fight against pornography
There is no neutrality so will the State be secular or Christian?
Al Siebring: councillor & Christian
The Rhinoceros Party: politics has always been absurd, but 30 years ago, even more so
Arrogance: a necessary element of the liberal worldview
Why the Right always drifts Left
Political tactics 101: reframing the aggressor
Conversion therapy and silence in Canada
Bill C-4: the Conservatives did this to Canada
Chief Concern With Conversion Therapy Law
Haggai and the call to rebuild the temple: a case study in Church/State relations
2K is not OK
What is “political success”?
Compulsory voting is only for show
Reforming Canada’s electoral system?
5 ways God’s providence should impact how we approach politics
Even the world should agree…Christians activism is good for democracy
Backing away from Big Brother: government overreach doesn’t just happen in China
Communism’s ongoing influence
Dethroning the dictator
John Piper on debating moral issues in the public square
4 bad arguments for Traditional Marriage…and 1 good one!
The Bible and Pluralism
What is Principled Pluralism?
First and Second Things: Power is a wonderful servant but a terrible master
Electoral Reform: paper and pen beat bits and bytes
Should one issue determine who we vote for?
A church response is needed to stop the porn crisis
Free video series to protect families from porn
The “couldn’t be my kid” delusion
Solomon on smartphones and the pull of pornography
Porn addiction isn’t just a guy thing
No satisfaction: James’ Epistle on pornography
Is Porn more like heroin, or driving a car?
FIGHT! A message from the most porn-riddled country in the world
An amazing, horrible, inspiring, heart-breaking, simply massive display!
What does Pierre Poilievre think about the unborn?
Pro-life legislation attempts in Canada
Pro-life flag proposal gets town talking about worldviews
RPTV: Katrina Marshall on being a pro-life advocate
Dr. Seuss’s “Horton trilogy”
Abortion was the leading cause of death in 2022
A day in the life of a pro-life intern
No place for pro-life cynicism
180: from pro-choice to pro-life in minutes
Pro-life memes and cartoons to share
Abraham Lincoln, on abortion
A pro-life push back against the darkness
Not without a fight: the history of the pro-life movement in Canada
On mandatory vaccines and “My body, my choice”
Can a politician be personally, but not politically, pro-life?
The wonder of the womb
Investigating the Birth Control Pill
Pro-lifers aren’t helping people after they’re born?
Should we ask God to forgive Canada for all the babies being aborted? No.
FREE FILM: Babies are still murdered here
Some pro-life arguments are not pro-life arguments
The Missing Project
Does the birth control pill cause abortions?
The Supreme Court did not find a right to abortion
Jagmeet Singh, abortion, and illogic
Only one question to debate: What are the unborn?
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
Harder Truth
Babies are murdered here
Can Christians do pro-life undercover work?
Real progress: Canada is warming up to an abortion law
DIRECTION MATTERS: the difference between legal, decriminalized, and regulated abortion, & why we support gestational limits
STAY ON MESSAGE: a lesson from the Chilliwack pro-life flag display
Should all adoption records be unsealed? A pro-life perspective
Don’t know? Don’t kill.
A person’s a person, no matter how small-hearted (or not so) pro-lifers might be
Margaret Sanger: Planned Parenthood’s apostle of eugenics
People with Down Syndrome in “civilized” Denmark almost all exterminated
Why pro-lifers should publicize, not mourn, the Morgentaler decision
Does God require, or forbid, graphic pictures in the abortion debate?
Rescued: the heart of adoption and caring for orphans
The Christian case for adoption
Euthanasia changed the abortion battle
State-sanctioned murder now the 5th leading cause of death in Canada
Getting even crazier: 27% of Canadians think being poor is good enough reason for euthanasia
“Markus showed us how to find meaning in suffering”
They shoot horses, don’t they?
Euthanasia and the folly of downward comparisons
“A Guide to Discussing Assisted Suicide”: a summary review
Physician-assisted suicide: would it be wrong to refer?
Euthanasia film highlights horrors, but offers the wrong solution
Fostering? I could never!
Reformed communities stepping up to provide “Safe Families”
7 ways to help a foster family
Our modern Underground Railroad: a case for foster care
Christianity explains everything…even Reincarnation
The Qur’an gets the Trinity wrong
Why Do We Suffer? Buddhism vs. Christianity
Talking to your neighbor about Islam
Mormons and Masons have their secrets. We don’t.
Will the Islamic State disappear?
An open letter to Glenn Beck on the difference between Mormons and Christians
Questioning Islamophobia
The Bible vs. the Book of Mormon
What do Pentecostals believe about the miraculous spiritual gifts?
What must Ben Shapiro do to be saved?
Jorge’s Heresy
C.S. Lewis on the Pope: infallible, fool, or fraud
The Roman Catholic Bible
True and False Catholicism
Operation Manna
Prayer and comfort in Sachsenhausen
War through the eyes of a child: Alice Kuik shares her memories of World War II
Forgive me!
5 books to help us never forget
Sgt. Stubby: an unlikely hero
Why we remember
The Hiding Place
Living through World War II
Mountains after the Flood
Optically Excellent
The Farm at the Center of the Universe
My dog ate the evidence for evolution
Is creation worth fighting about?
Secrets of the Cell with Michael Behe: Season 2
Science Uprising: a revolutionary case for Intelligent Design
ICR’s impactful half century
Big Bang Christianity?
How does the world explain the origin of life?
Masters of disguise!
Evolution’s Achilles’ Heels
Biomimicry recognizes the genius (but not the Genius) behind the wonders of creation
Dinosaurs and dead bodies
Squirrel wonders (and the failure of evolution to explain them)
In the Beginning: Listening to Genesis 1 and 2
Replacing Darwin Made Simple
Foresight: How the chemistry of life reveals planning and purpose
Dismantled: a scientific deconstruction of the theory of evolution
Our remarkable Sun
Archer fish: a wonder of creation
Giraffe: nature’s gentle giants
Free film: Genesis Impact
Secrets of the Cell with Michael Behe: Season 1
Evolution as a gravedigger
The cost of an old earth: Is it worth it?
I believe in theistic evolution
What you need to know to survive and thrive in your secular science class
Why I am a six-day evolutionist
“Inferior” design: a proof of evolution?
Scarred Earth (The Grand Canyon)
12 free Creation videos that’ll have you awestruck
Mankind is rusting out…and that’s a problem for evolution
Why haven’t we heard from ET?
The ordinary is extraordinary: Dr. Gordon Wilson at Creation Weekend 2018
Deep Time – the god of our age
ON THE ORIGIN OF ARTICLES: You thought this article was designed? How unscientific of you!
The appendix question solved
On DNA and how “things are seldom what they seem”
The “Watchmaker argument”
MOLECULAR MOTORS: Design on a microscopic scale
Of baby birds, and death before the Fall
The Galileo myth as a universal solvent
The Galileo myth: Stories that we all know, often ain’t so
How should Christians view climate change?
7 biblical principles of environmental stewardship
Environmentalists: How to tell the bad ones from the good
Catastrophic global warming? A brief biblical case for skepticism
Environmental Extremism: a one-world view
The making of the Cornwall Alliance
Environmentalism and marriage?
The Poor: why we can’t let the Global Warming debate be over
Free movie: Blue
Canada’s beautiful beaver
Half duck, half beaver: the astonishing platypus
Why animals don’t get lost (and no, it’s not because they’re willing to ask for directions)
The wacky wombat
Surprising similarities: shrubs and whales, trees and snails
Pluto: Déjà vu all over again
A sixth sense? Yup, it’s true!
Why we’ll never run out of things to discover
We’ve all got rhythm – internal clocks in plants, animals, and people too
Your head is fearfully and wonderfully made
Genetically-engineered babies have now been born
Don’t push Dad into the pond (and don’t tell Mom about the bugs!)
Plants that pack an explosive punch!
Amazing green meat-eaters!
DNA: good discovery, bad agenda
Stephen Jay Gould: An evolutionist who helped creationists
WONDERFUL WHALES: Design on a gigantic scale
How the nose knows!
Star gazing and star guessing
RPTV: Jojo Ruba talking about Canada’s Conversion Therapy Bill
Make it up as you go: Alfred Kinsey’s sex research
In His Image: Delighting in God’s Plan for Gender and Sexuality
Song of Songs: The Greatest Love Song
Are bans on conversion therapy actually bans on religious conversion…in drag?
Propaganda disguised as Sex Education
What is conversion therapy and why does it matter?
Why won’t safe-sex advocates advocate safe-sex?
The world doesn’t always think “abstinence” is a four-letter word
Poise, aka self-control
Friends or acquaintances?
How to approach a porcupine
“Lord, how can I help?”
Should Introverts be expected to act like Extroverts?
Do not worry…
If only there was a way to avoid life’s traffic jams…
Finding the right words: use what you’ve received
A serious problem
Is the State of Israel a fulfillment of biblical prophecy?
The sovereignty of God
Does 1 Corinthians 6 mean Christians can never appeal to the courts?
The problem with “pan-millennialism”
What is Grace?
What a cross-continent trek taught one pioneer about Sunday rest
American Gospel: Christ Crucified
Free film: The God Who Speaks
A secular defense of the Sabbath, and how it falls short
The Bible on angels
10 Christian answers to life’s deepest questions
Infant Baptism and the unity of Scripture
The Father’s gift: His people are of inestimable value
What leads to true repentance? Godly vs. worldly sorrow
Did Adam have enough time to name all the animals?
Should we baptize infants? Resources that make the case
Heaven-bound: What will it be like?
Neither poverty nor riches? Making God our priority in prayer
On the Regulative Principle of Worship, and elements vs. circumstances
Criticizing like a Christian
Envy dressed up as equality
On the benefits and limits of creeds and confessions
Two on worship…and the prevention of worship wars
HERETIC? Let’s not throw bombastic terms around glibly
Infant baptism vs. believers-only baptism: What’s the main difference?
Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out
Fighting error in the Church
The Marks of a Cult: a biblical analysis
A conversation on authority
More birds than believers in church
Bill, and The Brothers Karamazov, on the Problem of Evil
Is it real corporate worship? – a parable
Why I’m religious, not just spiritual
Repentance – what does it look like?
Calvinism in the time of coronavirus
On the Trinity: Augustine, the American Revolution, and my Jehovah’s Witness friend
On angels and guardian angels
What does it mean to be Reformed?
Mike Ditka and Abraham Lincoln’s temporary comfort
“Whose am I?”
Countering Tim Keller’s case for evolution
The Bible doesn’t have a lot say about ___________
Why should we study Scripture together?
#4: the forgotten commandment?
On the proper role of Government (and the footnoted Belgic Confession article 36)
God gives rest: On the 4th Commandment
Anger is not your friend
A passage from “The Hiding Place” I can’t manage to read out loud…
Whom Do You Serve? Sphere Sovereignty and the need for limits on power
BAPTISM DEBATE: Credo vs. Paedo
Choosing Evolution: Bad reasons for a big departure
The limits of the “two-books” metaphor
#3 – The unknown Commandment
PAUL vs. JAMES? Dealing with Bible difficulties
Should a Christian ever be discontent?
Calvinist vs. Arminian: a tale of two books
How are we to understand the Bible?
Heaven: what can we know?
Did Abraham really exist?
Dealing with the Bible’s troubling texts
The best news ever!
Practicing the Sabbath: on living out the 4th Commandment
What does fleeing sin look like?
After Evolution: 4 Reformed figures who accepted evolution and kept on moving
How are we to read the Bible?
Trump says what few dare about transgenderism madness
Transmutilation defender comes to regret youthful tattoo
Leaked documents show “gender medicine” is neither science nor medicine
What is a Woman?
When Steve wants to be called Sue
The ethical issue of transsexuality
Netflix’s “The Baby-Sitters Club” sells transgenderism to its preteen/teen audience
The transgender debate isn’t about washrooms
3 problems with transgender surgeries
Transgenderism 101: Share the truth with compassion
You think feelings can redefine reality? What if I told you I feel like they don’t?
A is A…except when it wants to be S?