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Highflying comparisons, down-to-earth questions, and truthful declarations – apologetics in 3 steps

Bill Muehlenberg is one of Australia’s most insightful commentators, and in his recent column “Sex Wars: Can’t get no satisfaction” he quickly and succinctly highlighted how thinking just doesn’t make things so. He wrote:

“…consider this meme making the rounds on various radical feminist, homosexual and trans websites:

“Things that don’t necessarily make you a woman:
– having breasts
– having a vagina
– menstruating
– being pregnant
– having a uterus
– going through childbirth
– having ovaries

“Things that definitely make you a woman:
– identifying as a woman

“Oh dear. Let’s just change things around a bit and see how all this works out:

“Things that don’t necessarily make you an airplane:
– having two wings
– having a fuselage
– being able to fly
– having a means of propulsion
– being able to counter gravity
– having the ability to take off, fly, and land
– having landing gear

“Things that definitely make you an airplane:
– identifying as an airplane

“Hey, why not? I happen to have NONE of the things listed above, but I sure do identify as an airplane. So who wants to go for a ride with me? Who is ready to fly the friendly skies with me?”

This comparison is brilliant, but to expose the nonsense we need more. So how can we take this even further?

First we have to understand what point we’re trying to make. In the gender identity wars, we have two points to make:

  1. God made us male and female
  2. Anyone who says anything else is talking rubbish.

When the other side is downright silly, then the best way to point that out is to get them to explain themselves further – we can make our point by asking them to make theirs. If they insist that simply feeling like a woman can make you one, we need to ask, “What does it mean to feel like a woman?”

Remember now, they’re denying all the obvious biological differences – being a woman has nothing to do with any particular body parts. As we’re hearing more and more often now, some women have penises. So if gender has nothing to do with our objective biological differences, then what’s left? What makes a woman a woman?

Do women have different emotions? Different preferences? Different tendencies? Do they think differently? Perish the thought – as the feminists have long told us, there are no emotional, mental or psychological differences between men and women. Suggest that boys like trucks and girls like dolls and you’ll be told that’s just social conditioning…. and that you’re a Neanderthal for even thinking such a thing. But if there is nothing objective that makes one a man or a woman, and nothing subjective either, then what is this nonsense about feeling like another gender? According to the world, there are no such things as “gendered” feelings.

Christians know better. God made us male and female, and while that has obvious outward biological differences, it extends beyond the physical. Sure, the different body parts are easier to identify, but the different attitudes, thought patterns, strengths and weaknesses do manifest themselves in general gendered divisions too. And in His wisdom, and perhaps even displaying His divine sense of humor, God has so arranged things that somehow these differences complement each other so that the two can become one flesh.

Great analogies, like Muehlenberg’s above, and careful questioning are fantastic ways to point out the flaws in worldly ideology. But we can’t stop there. Our goal isn’t limited to exposing error; we want to share God’s Truth. And when it comes to gender, what an amazing Truth it is – one even Christians don’t begin to fully understand! God has not only made us male and female, but He has given us a mirror, in the relationship between husband and wife, to show us Christ’s relationship with his Church. It is a mystery. It is wonderful. And it is evident for any who have eyes to see.

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