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Abortionist: “God performs way more abortions than I do…”

In a Dec. 29 tweet abortionist Leah Torres went viral by claiming:

“God performs way more abortions than I do…”

While pro-lifers were quick to respond, most failed to offer an effective reply. When we debate the world there can be a temptation to assume anything they say must not be true. That’s what happened here, with many a Christian afraid to concede there was something to Torres’ claim, at least as far as it went. And because this uncomfortable truth was avoided, the rebuttals missed their target.

The newsgroup tweeted this reply:

“But you believe in evolution. So it’s evolution’s fault, not God’s.”

Maybe Torres does believe in unguided evolution, but the largely Catholic LifeNews presumably doesn’t. So why not offer a Catholic or Christian response, instead of this evasion? thought another reply, a tweet by ToniMZ81, was worth sharing, but it also sidestepped the real issue. She wrote:

“…most miscarriages are because of an issue with the pregnancy/ non viability & most abortions are viable pregnancies.”

What this forgets is Who controls viability. There is a difference between an abortion and a miscarriage, but this tweet didn’t get to the heart of it. The difference is not that Torres takes life and God does not. The difference is that God is the Author of life and Torres is not. As the Source of life He has a right to take what He has given. Torres does not.

This point was made by a few pro-lifers. Greg Schultz tweeted:

There’s a difference…

Taken to its logical end, Torres’ argument justifies every sort of murder at any age because, after all, God has killed more people of that age, than any of us have. To highlight the incredible wickedness of this logic, Anthony Abides, in the most memorable tweet of them all, put Torres’ self-justification in Hitler’s mouth:

“God killed more Jews than I do.”

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