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Scarred Earth (The Grand Canyon)

This half-hour video is divided into two parts. The opening 15-minute are an investigation into how the Grand Canyon was, and was not formed. Presenter Eric Hovind notes that while evolutionary explanations don’t fit well with the facts, the evidence does line up with the biblical account: that this massive scar on the planet Earth had to have been formed during the events of the worldwide Flood described in Genesis 6-8.

While the first half of the film will be interesting to both Christians and open-minded non-Christians, the second half of the film is aimed at specifically the unbeliever. It is a Gospel presentation where Hovind, in interviews done with visitors to the Grand Canyon, explains how we are all sinful and in need of a savior. He then shares how God has provided that Savior in Jesus Christ, who takes our deserved punishment on Himself. This approach – taking a topic as a leap off point to sharing the Gospel – is inspired by the work of Ray Comfort, who has done something similar with abortion, homosexuality, and even bananas.

For a more in-depth look at the Grand Canyon from a 6-day creationist perspective, see Chapter 18 “When and How Did the Grand Canyon Form?” (which can be read for free here) from The New Answers Book 3: Over 35 Questions on Creation/Evolution and the Bible. One important point the chapter makes that doesn’t come out in this video is that while a creationist explanation lines up well with the evidence, and better than a millions-of-years-timescale, that doesn’t mean creationists have it all figured out. And since we don’t want to overstate our case, it’s important to acknowledge we have our own unanswered questions.

To watch the video without signing up to Eric Hovind’s email list, simply hit the “No thanks” button. But if you liked his 3D film Genesis: Paradise Lost (which we review here) you may want to pass along your name and email.

Grand Canyon Movie from Creation Today on Vimeo.

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