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In His Image: Delighting in God’s Plan for Gender and Sexuality

2020 / 104 minutes
Rating: 8/10

One of the most serious challenges that the Christian church is currently facing is in the area of gender and sexuality. When the church holds fast to the Biblical teaching that God created us male and female, that God is the one who defines our gender, and that marriage is a sacred, lifelong bond between one man and one woman, then we are placing ourselves distinctly outside of the mainstream of our society. What’s more, the challenge to the Bible’s teaching on gender and sexuality comes not only from outside of the church, but also from within.

Because of the importance of this issue, it is essential that Christians be prepared.

  • First of all, we must understand what God’s Word teaches about sexuality and human relationships, in order to personally stand firm on that solid foundation and not be led astray by the latest cultural trends.
  • Secondly, we must be prepared to lovingly stand up for that teaching, in the face of often virulent opposition.
  • Finally, we must be ready to serve, help, and love those who are struggling in this area. In a world in which abuse and disorder have affected the lives of so many, the church needs to be ready and willing to serve as a beacon of hope, a place where the healing truth of the gospel can be found. The church is where that life-giving and hope-giving message must not only be proclaimed, but also lived out!

A resource that can help

In His Image: Delighting in God’s Plan for Gender and Sexuality is a valuable resource for Christians who need to be equipped to understand and apply the truth of Scripture in their personal lives, in their relationships, and in their interaction with our culture. This documentary was released in 2020 by the American Family Association, and is available online as well as in a DVD set, for use as a group study resource. As a full length film, this is not a shallow treatment of the issues, and it would be a worthwhile resource for several weeks’ worth of small group study and discussion.

The documentary features a number of personal stories, including that of Walt Heyer, who lived for eight years as a woman before having his “sex change” reversed. A number of pastors and theologians also contributed to the film, including Kevin deYoung, Sean McDowell, and James R. White.

It starts with the Bible

In His Image begins with a discussion of that foundational Biblical teaching, that every human being is created in the image of God. Beginning with the creation of Adam and Eve in God’s image, the documentary bases everything that follows on the teaching of Scripture, emphasizing the sufficiency and the authority of God’s Word.

From those very important starting points, the film goes on to address other means of addressing the issues. As Robert Gagnon, Professor of New Testament Theology at Houston Baptist University, emphasizes, we begin with Scripture, we make use of philosophical reasoning and scientific evidence, and finally, we turn to personal experience. Sadly, the tendency in our culture is for personal experience to take precedence over everything else. In His Image, while using a number of personal stories that really make an impact, gets things right by focusing first and foremost on the Word of God as the ultimate source of wisdom.

I highly recommend In His Image as a very powerful and useful resource that will help to strengthen Christians in their commitment to God’s Word in the face of ever-increasing pressure to conform our thinking with that of the world. The message of Scripture is proclaimed boldly and without compromise. But importantly, this is done in a way that emphasizes the Good News of Jesus Christ, and how we can show genuine love for our neighbor by proclaiming, and living, that truth.

You can watch the trailer for In His Image below, and see the film for free at

Rev. Jim Witteveen blogs at

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