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Get to know John Calvin

How can we get to know this beloved father in faith a little bit better? If you are Reformed you have heard the name of John Calvin and you know the basics of what he taught, but you might not know much about the man himself.

So what’s the best way to learn about anyone? Well, you can read words written by the man himself, or read about him in books by others. What follows are articles or reviews written about John Calvin and his work.

Reading Calvin

You can click on the titles to go the linked articles.

1. What sort of man was John Calvin? We can get a feel for him from his letters
A stereotype of Calvin is that he must have been a very hard man, but his letters display a very different sort of person. This article by Rene Vermeulen has several quotes from Calvin’s letters that show Calvin’s humble, caring side, and directs readers to more sources where you can read more of them!

2. Calvin’s Magnum Opus: a review of “Institutes of the Christian Religion”
Calvin’s most famous work is his Institutes of the Christian Religion, but few of us have read it. Should we? Wes Bredenhof took the time to read it from beginning to end, and he gives some guidance on how to approach this large and useful work. A read-through will remind Christians that while Calvin is influential, he is not the gold standard for Christian doctrine (we don’t agree with him on every point). It’s quite the weighty book, yet, those who persevere and read his most famous work will glean valuable and beautiful insights.

3. Calvin’s Institutes: which edition should you read?
If you decide to take the plunge and read Calvin’s Institutes (or at least some parts of it), what edition should you read? Here’s some guidance! Ultimately layout is highly important for such a long work – since you’ll be reading for quite a while.

Reading about Calvin

If reading Calvin himself is a bit daunting, you can try reading books about Calvin instead. We’ve reviewed a novel and three biographies about him. You can click on the book title for a longer review.

The Betrayal: a novel on John Calvin
by Douglas Bond
2009 / 383 pages

Novels can immerse you into a world in a way a nonfiction book can’t, placing you right in the heads of people who lived in that world. Rather than taking the perspective of well-known John Calvin, this novel takes the perspective of an ordinary person. Jean-Louis lives through some of the hardships common in life at the time, and interacts with Calvin through the course of his life. Because this book includes some heavier theological dialogues, this book is best suited for adult fans of Calvin – but it is a fascinating read for those interested in his life.

The Life of John Calvin: a modern translation of the classic
by Theodore Beza
1997 / 148 pages

Theodore Beza wrote this classic biography of Calvin, and a modern translation makes it accessible to us. Its short length makes it more inviting to readers, and its biggest recommendation is that it is an eyewitness account by one of Calvin’s friends and disciples.

This Was John Calvin
by Thea B. Van Halsema
1959 / 224 pages

This is also a shorter biography of Calvin, but despite its length it contains extra details that make his life come alive. It also includes a helpful background on Calvin’s interactions with Michael Servetus. Overall, this is a great, readable biography.

The Legacy of Sovereign Joy
by John Piper
2000 / 160 pages

This book is a bit different, because it’s not just about John Calvin but rather about three giants of the faith: Augustine, Martin Luther and John Calvin. It’s also by well known author and pastor John Piper. He tackles the flaws and shortcomings of each of these men, and how God used them in spite of their struggles. Since this book is short, it is primarily focused on encouraging the believer rather than being detailed biographies of these men. It might even inspire you to take a look at some of their original writings!


We hope these articles and reviews can guide you in learning more about Calvin! Looking to the fathers of faith who have gone before us can help us see through the assumptions and blind spots of our own age. We may find we think very similarly to them, or very differently, and this can prompt us to think about what has changed and why.

Have you read any great books on Calvin lately? What are the best ones you’ve read? Let us know by sending us a note.

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Pro-life - Abortion

An amazing, horrible, inspiring, heart-breaking, simply massive display!

This blast from the past appeared in the magazine 10 years ago in the October 2014 issue. ***** Some injustices are on such a sheer scale as to be beyond comprehending. That's how it is with abortion in Canada - the number of dead are so large as to seem unreal. What does it mean that the equivalent of a city the size of Chilliwack, or Red Deer, or Brantford are killed each year? When we hear that more than 300 children a day are killed, does that number mean something tangible and understandable to us? It probably does not – the sheer scale of this evil is just too enormous. Our mission, then, was to make the incomprehensible understandable. So on the morning of October 2 the staff of ARPA Canada and more than 80 volunteers headed to Parliament hill to plant 50,000 pink and 50,000 blue irrigation flags on the front boulevard. Each flag represented a child who had been killed by abortion in the last year: 100,000 preborn children are killed each year in our country. Background This idea of a massive flag display came from my sister, who showed me pictures of some flag displays like it in the United States. The visual impact was impressive. I brought the idea forward to my colleagues. The largest display that we could find in the USA involved about 65,000 flags. Would we be able to pull off 100,000? How would we get permission, who would pay for it, and what impact could it have? When we first approached Parliament with the idea, we were denied permission. It took multiple tries and a lot of communication from our Legal Counsel Andre Schutten before permission was granted. However, we were not allowed to put the flags into the main lawn that is right in front of Centre Block and the Peace Tower. We had to use the front boulevard. After looking at this closer, we realized that the boulevard had benefits which the front lawn didn’t. It extends much longer, is angled towards the busy Wellington Street, and can’t be missed by most of the MPs and public in the area. Finding close to 100 volunteers who could commit to a full day wasn't easy, especially given that we decided to keep this project as quiet as possible because we did not want a counter-protest to get all the attention and distract from the powerful message. Thankfully, about 40-50 brave youth and adults travelled from southern Ontario and as far as Alberta. Another 30-40 from Ottawa came as well, representing both Jubilee church and other ARPA friends from Ottawa’s broader pro-life and Christian community. A strong majority of the volunteers were youth. We are thankful that their parents allowed them to skip school for a day and we are confident that this was an educational experience they won’t forget. The Day-of ARPA staff met at 5:30 am, driving in Bruce Deboer’s now famous 15-passenger van, decked out in pro-life graphics and weighed down with 100,000 flags. We dropped the flags off in bundles of 1,000 pink and 1,000 blue, based on our previous calculations for lawn coverage. At 6:45 the volunteers all met at the Centennial flame, in front of the Peace Tower. Campaign director Mike Schouten explained the procedure for the day, Grassroots director Bruce Deboer detailed the logistics of filling the lawn evenly with the flags, and I led the team in devotions, reading from Psalm 72 which prophetically speaks about our King Jesus Christ and his regard for the vulnerable. Verses from this Psalm are appropriately carved in the Peace Tower that was towering above us. The volunteers spent the next 1.5 hours inserting flags into the grass, and when the flags were all up we all donned pink and blue t-shirts and brought out the large banners explaining what the display was about. Thankfully, no counter-protest was present and none formed all day. We spent the day handing out colorful cards which explained the cause and pointed to the website. At 11:00 we held a press conference, accompanied by Members of Parliament Stella Ambler and Harold Albrect. It was an intentional decision to not expand the group of MPs – the goal was that the focus stayed on the grassroots Canadian public calling for justice, not the MPs. But having a respected male and female MP still made it clear to the media that there was a lot of support for what we are doing from within the walls of Parliament. We continued to distribute the information tracts and talk with the MPs and public until 4:00 pm. The consensus was unanimous – this was an amazing day. But what impact did it have? Impact #1: Visual Before the flags were all up I looked down the boulevard and was caught off guard by the sea of flags. It was literally awe-inspiring and heart moving – far beyond what I expected. By the time they were all up, anyone who came to Parliament Hill not only noticed it, they were blown away. From construction workers who were making renovations to one of the Parliament buildings, to the MPs and staff, to the media, all were visibly moved. The sheer beauty and size of the display led many to ask, “what is this all about?” As soon as we explained it represented 100,000 abortions, it was clear that the message hit home. “Wow” was a constant sentiment we heard. For example, early in the morning a TV cameraman from one of Canada’s leading national stations came by. He started filming what he saw, turned back towards his office but then stopped, pulled out his camera again and did more filming. When we approached him to ask if he would like to arrange an interview he exclaimed that the visuals of this were so staggering that it did not even need words. He quipped that his editor would not appreciate the fact that he took far more footage than usual – he couldn’t help himself. Impact #2: Parliament We were able to interact with dozens of MPs and Senators. Many of them intentionally came out to us to talk, often expressing their immense appreciation and awe. They had never seen anything like this before. As a result, some pro-abortion MPs, like NDP leader Thomas Mulcair, came by to ask what was going on and how we got permission to do this. And pro-life MPs were emboldened. They started tweeting pictures of it, leading their colleagues to do the same. One MP had told me the day before that he was not comfortable promoting the display and wasn’t sure if he would publicize it. But when he saw it, saw his colleagues promoting it, and saw how peaceful and positive it was, he did at least three tweets about it. MP Harold Albrecht did an extensive in-studio TV interview with Sun New, about our display. He sounded like an ambassador for WeNeedaLAW and noted that he was so proud to see how civil and positive we were, engaging on such a sensitive issue. Towards the end of the day I stood outside of Centre block as the MPs were leaving after Question Period. Dozens streamed out and, judging from their responses to our information card, every single one knew what the display was about. One MP commented to us that early in the morning the MPs in the Parliamentary restaurant were going to the windows, checking out what we were doing as we were setting it up. Another MP said that he was in the elevator with four other MPs and they were asking what it was all about, giving him an opportunity to share exactly what it was about. Another MP, who we didn’t know prior, was caught off guard by the display as she stepped out of her office. I had a chance to walk with her from her office to Centre Block. By the end of the walk, she asked for pictures of her among the flags and volunteers so that she could share it with her constituency. One MP was so encouraged by the flags he asked if he could give a video message to our supporters, thanking them (you). You can find that on the website. Watch it and be encouraged. Impact #3: Media, conventional and social Early in morning the story had already been picked up a large local radio station so commuters were hearing about it every half-hour on the news. It was featured in two different shows on Sun News (the interview with Harold Albrecht as well as a separate in-studio interview with Mike Schouten). Both of these featured extensive video of the display and our press conference. They were very positive – almost to the point of being a lengthy endorsement. Other TV cameras filmed the display throughout the day, though it is hard to know where this went. We are beginning to see glimpses of it spread throughout the Internet. For example, it was Yahoo News’ featured “photo of the day,” as well as being one of the pictures of the day for BBC News website. Outside of the mainstream, the story was picked up by the largest pro-life sites in North America as a lead story. But one of the biggest impacts was via social media. Our supporters, including many of you, shared the pictures far and wide – reaching tens of thousands of people from every corner of Canada within hours. One of our volunteers who lived in Ottawa commented to me that she helped with the flag set-up but then had to go to her university class. She told one of the other students what she was dong early that morning on Parliament Hill. That student happened to be on Facebook at the time and showed her a picture of the display on her feed. Although she was not aware the display was even happening, she was made aware thanks to people who shared the pictures to all their friends. It was so exciting to get emails and text messages from our friends and supporters from around the country. They were seeing the pictures and cheering us on. Impact #4: For the volunteers Perhaps the most rewarding aspect of the entire display was the impact it had and will continue to have on the volunteers. Many of the people who helped us had never done anything like this before. Yes, they were aware of the issue and have talked about abortion with family and friends. But it is something completely different to stand on a busy street in downtown Ottawa, wearing a bright t-shirt and engaging passersby about the delicate issue. One lesson that stands out above most others from my career is that talking and writing about an issue is nothing like having to directly bring that issue to a secular audience. Many of the women walking by have had abortions. Others were experts and professionals. We were 12-year-old students and 67-year-old seniors, and many of us had never done anything like this. When we take our convictions to the next level – action – it results in changed hearts and minds and gives us the courage and experience to keep doing this the rest of our lives. This makes it easier to apply our faith to other issues and people, including outside of the political realm. As our society becomes increasingly secular, this is so important. I was moved by the stories from the volunteers who shared the conversations and their responses to people going by. Their parents, pastors, and teachers must have done a good job educating them because they demonstrated grace-filled and truth-filled responses to the difficult questions and challenges. For example, one pro-abortion man challenged a couple of young teen volunteers to stop “imposing their religion” on women and society. By the end of the conversation he said, “you sure know your stuff!” Never once during the day did I see any of the volunteers acting disrespectfully or responding inappropriately – keep in mind that many were young teens who were skipping school. This was noticed! One MP who we had never interacted with us before was so impressed with the conduct that he joined us after the day was over and made a speech, standing on the edge of the centennial flame fountain, expressing how impressed he was with the witness of the volunteers. Moving forward ARPA has made 5 separate display packages, each with 10,000 flags, with the purpose of having them move through Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta, and BC, reaching towns and cities throughout Canada in the years to come. We are looking to you to make use of these! They include banners, information tracts, and t-shirts. And it comes at no cost! We are encouraging that they be used beyond the Reformed community. They can be shared with all pro-life groups. Contact for more information. We thank God for the freedom, the means, and the level paths that he provided to turn one idea into a strong voice for justice for our preborn neighbors. ...

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Saturday Selection – Oct 5, 2024

Click on the titles for the linked articles... Christian filmmakers are getting creative... The knock on Christian films has always been two-fold: poor production values, and a shallow depiction of good and evil with the good guys simply too good and the bad guys utterly soulless. There are some bad folks who are simplistically wicked – I just saw a chilling bit about a euthanasist in Canada who reveled in her death-dealing – but as the Bible shows us with the wise and weak Solomon, the righteous and murderous David, the believing and mistrusting Abraham, God's people sure aren't saved by their own merits! Even the best people are seriously flawed. Now, I've only watched the trailer for Average Joe (see below), so I can't speak to the characterization. But I wanted to share it for the production value side – it shows a level of skilled playfulness that we haven't seen often in Christian films. Coming out later this year, Average Joe is the true story of a public high school football coach who got in trouble for praying publicly after games. Funnest bit of the trailer is when the coach and his wife break the fourth wall, the two of them sharing their different recollections of a kiss. I hope the film is as good! Did God create life on other planets? Otherwise, why is the universe so big? "The Bible’s ‘big picture’ seems to preclude intelligent life elsewhere" but it wouldn't seem to preclude something like bacterial life, or even animals, on other planets. So why haven't we found any? Might it be because, while the Bible would allow for alien life, evolution needs it? Evolutionists argue that life from non-life is plausible, and if it is, and it has happened here in abundance, then of course it must have happened elsewhere amongst the billions of stars and planets. So the lack of alien life is a message from God – another blessing from Him – highlighting just how impossible life from non-life, without an Omnipotent Creator, really is. How was the pronunciation of God's Name lost? Today Christians treat many words as absolutely forbidden - you won't find a Christian novel using the F-word, and Christian movies don't have anyone, even farmers, using the other four-letter word for "poop." But you will regularly find both using God's name in vain. Thousands of years ago, the Israelites had it the other way around, being so careful about God's Name that the pronunciation of it was lost – no one living today knows how to pronounce YHWH. So, "why did the Israelites go from swearing by Yahweh’s name, and using it in prayer, song, and greetings, to forbidding its use altogether?" Tim Challies: Stop swiping, start serving You probably didn't get drunk this past week. But you likely succumbed to other forms of escapism whether it was hours of video games, Netflix binging, or swiping through your phone's feed. 11 reasons two-parents is the ideal Sometimes it isn't possible, but let's not lose sight that it should be the goal. Contra mundum Here's one for Church History teachers when you're tackling Athanasius. And here's one for politicians when the media, or your party leader, directs their attention your way. And here's one for all the rest of us when we are tempted to back down, not because we are wrong, but only because we are standing against the room. ...

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Alberta to help pay for independent school construction

A massive growth in population had Alberta Premier Danielle Smith announce $8.6 billion in funding, over three years, towards building new schools in the province. And for the first time ever, a provincial government has said it will help cover the construction costs of new independent schools too. It’s this decision to fund private schools' construction that has received the attention and predictable outcry. “This policy shift increases the siphoning by funneling what sounds like unlimited public capital funds to pay for the construction of exclusive buildings that most Albertan kids cannot access,” complained the communications director of the activist organization Support Our Students Alberta in a column in the Edmonton Journal. Independent schools in Alberta currently qualify for 70 per cent funding of operating revenue, but they have to cover all their own capital costs. Michael Van Pelt and Catharine Kavanagh, from Cardus, defended the premier’s announcement in their own hard-hitting article, also published in the Edmonton Journal: “Public education includes 45,000 Alberta kids attending independent schools. They too are members of the public — and their education is as much public as it is in any government-run school.” Van Pelt and Kavanagh explained that every child that is educated at an independent school leaves an open space in a “big-board” school. And that saves the province $3,400 per student. Further, independent schools have grown at three times the rate of public schools since 2022, so they are experiencing far more expansion pressure. Specific details haven’t been shared yet about how the province hopes to help fund capital projects for independent schools. While government funding can be a massive relief to Christian parents, increased funding can so easily result in an increased reliance on the government. It was only six years ago that a previous Alberta government demanded Christian schools add terms like gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation to their policies, allow “gay-straight alliance” clubs, and remove some of their references to the Lord and the infallibility of Scripture from their policies. Schools that didn’t bow their knee were threatened with a loss of funding and accreditation. So, while funding can be a blessing, let’s be careful to not make our children’s education dependent on it....

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What is going on with Canada’s conservative leaders?

Pierre Poilievre, Danielle Smith, and John Rustad have discovered success in a “blue ocean” ***** When the leaves rustle and the winds blow in the valley that I call home, there is a good possibility that a new weather system is brewing. Over the past year, a political wind that began in Ottawa and carried on through Alberta has reached BC. Something significant is changing, and the new system is catching the old guard in Canada’s political and media landscape off guard. Under Conservative Party of Canada Leader Pierre Poilievre, New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith, and now also BC Conservative Party leader John Rustad, conservative politicians are figuring out how to champion conservative principles, skirting the mainstream media gatekeepers. And they are being rewarded with a growing and energized base of support that has eluded their predecessors. Now, for something completely different The concept of “blue ocean vs. red ocean strategy” was first introduced in a 2015 bestselling business book called Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne. The book explained how businesses’ traditional strategy involved them trying to outperform their rivals to capture more of the existing market – businesses succeed by taking market share away from their competitors. With this strategy the ocean is red because there is blood in the water from all the fierce competition. In contrast, those who employ a blue ocean strategy leave that contested realm altogether by creating an entirely new market space through innovation, where there is little to no competition. Now there’s no need to beat the competition, because the competition doesn’t even exist. A classic example is the introduction of the iPhone to the mobile phone market. Apple made something people didn’t even realize they wanted and had the market to themselves for years, still dominating it today. Although the blue ocean strategy is usually confined to business school, conservative politicians, and Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre in particular, have discovered a place for innovation in Canada’s political landscape. By championing conservative principles publicly, and communicating them directly to voters via social media (like his YouTube channel), Poilievre is making both the mainstream media and the traditional way of doing politics far less relevant. This innovation is not only translating into political success in the polls and ballot box, it is emboldening other conservatives to champion conservative principles, and to do so with a level of conviction that hasn’t been seen for many decades. Out with the old For fifteen of my past seventeen years, I devoted much of my livelihood to promoting Christian principles in Canadian law and public policy. The organization I led worked closely with MPs, MPSs and MLAs, encouraging them to advance laws that would uphold life, freedom, and flourishing. Although we developed good relationships with government officials from a variety of political parties, we worked most closely with conservative officials, since many of them shared similar principles. Some of these MPs and MLAs were champions. They were willing to devote their political career to defend the values that motivated them to run for office in the first place. But, without fail, the chief obstacle to these principled men and women was not their political adversaries inside or outside the legislature, but their own parties. The party leader, as well as a relatively small group of un-elected staffers, were convinced that their chief purpose was to form government, at which point they could really make a difference. And the only way to form government was to hide or minimize many of the principles that activated the party base. But as Reformed Perspective’s editor Jon Dykstra explained so well in a piece already back in 2016, “while power is a wonderful servant it is a terrible master. When getting elected is our first priority, then everything else – including our message – must serve that goal.” And those who wielded the sword decided that conservative principles, especially social conservative ones, were a liability. If there was even a whiff of social conservative values being promoted beyond the office walls, these MPs and MLAs were often put in their place. That meant staying in the back benches and being denied opportunities for influence. Time and again I witnessed how, after hundreds of hours of work to spearhead and build a coalition of support around a worthy initiative, such as a new bill, inevitably the MP behind it would get a call from above, scuttling the effort. “It isn’t the right time” was the most commonly used and accepted justification. “Perhaps when we form government.” Of course that would change to “when we have a majority” to “we don’t want to lose this majority.” It was never the right time. These leaders and staff were perpetually in fear of the media. Talking points were carefully crafted in a way that the media may find them worth sharing in a favorable light. Yet in spite of all their efforts, the media had its own interests and were happy to share the narrative the way they wanted. So what happens when the desire for power overrides conviction, principles, and ideology? It doesn’t take long and the party is little different than any other parties that share this same prioritization of power. It is little surprising that only about 6 in 10 eligible voters bother to vote when the parties don’t stand for much. But it isn’t just demoralizing for voters. It also takes away the motivation to volunteer for, donate to, and even care about candidates and parties. Speaking from experience, it is hard to be motivated to give my time and money to candidates who say one thing in private and something entirely different in public. What has come from the leadership of Andrew Scheer and Erin O’Toole (federally), Tim Hudak and Patrick Brown (Ontario), Brian Jean (Alberta), and Kevin Falcon (BC)? Have they left any legacy, either through principled policy that was advanced, or through championing conservative principles so that Canadians would at least understand the direction we could have gone? After so many years of failed ambitions, have these leaders and staffers learned their lesson? More often than not, instead they chose to blame their lack of political success on the “extreme” elements in their party who dared to speak up for principles that they believed in and were “caught” by the media. What a contrast this is to leaders from the other side of the political spectrum, who have continued to champion their “progressive” values, even back when these values were considered extreme. Pierre Poilievre finds a blue ocean Quite the change happened on the federal scene when a relatively-unknown MP, Pierre Poilievre, won the leadership of the Conservative Party in 2022, in the first ballot. Poilievre was a whole lot more than a good communicator who happened to come on the scene at the right time. That is red ocean thinking – competing in the existing market to win. Instead, Poilievre is to be credited with showing that the old way Canadian conservatives did politics is obsolete. He did this in two ways. First, unlike the leaders before him, Poilievre was willing to take a stand on conservative principles, even if it risked making him the center of fire from the political and media elites. For example, he showed up at the Trucker Convoy in Ottawa in 2022, standing with those whom all the other mainstream political leaders declared to be on the “fringe.” And although previous Conservative Party leaders were fearful about making any principled stands on social issues, he was clear and public in his opposition to providing surgery and puberty blockers to gender-confused youth. And he stood up for parental notification in cases where children want to change the name or pronouns they go by at school. He regularly challenges woke culture and says out loud that he wants to defund the CBC. But having ideological conviction isn’t itself enough to have created a whole new “ocean” of possibilities. He combined this with a new medium of communication. Instead of relying on the mainstream media to reach Canadians, he largely ignored them and spoke directly to the public through his own channels, especially YouTube. Poilievre’s videos allowed him to not only frame an issue the way he wanted, it also allowed him to explain it with a depth that the mainstream media rarely provides. For example, he produced a 15-minute documentary about housing that has been billed “the first of its kind in Canadian politics” and has garnered millions of views across platforms. It is one thing to get 30 seconds to communicate a message to distracted Canadians on TV, and another entirely to have Canadians choosing to give 15 minutes of their own time to be educated about why housing has become so expensive, and about possible policy solutions. And when the media tried to nail him with accusations of “taking a page out of Donald Trump’s playbook,” Poilievre responded with simple questions of his own, all while munching on an apple. That too has become a YouTube sensation, with millions of views. Yet another strike for the “legacy” media. More leaders find the blue ocean Poilievre’s approach has struck a chord with millions of Canadians who no longer trust what they are being told by the legacy media. The Conservative Party polls have climbed to levels not seen in their 21-year history. They are currently tracking twenty points beyond the next party. In the past year we have seen other conservative leaders copying these tactics by: 1) being willing to demonstrate their own convictions 2) actively circumventing the legacy media Danielle Smith is the most notable example. I followed her personal newsletter during Covid and didn’t think it was possible for someone with her strong views on the subject to be elected to office. But I was wrong. She didn’t back down from her opinions, and was rewarded with the top role in the province. And I’m seeing this play out in even more dramatic fashion in my home province of BC right now. The BC Conservative Party hasn’t held power since 1952 and didn’t elect even one MLA in the last election. They weren’t even considered a serious contender in BC politics until last year when they received official party status in the legislature after two MLAs left the BC Liberal Party to join the BC Conservatives. One of those MLAs was John Rustad, who went on to become the leader of the fledgling party. Yet within a year, he has this party neck and neck with the NDP, contending to win the upcoming provincial election in October. I first met John Rustad when he kindly agreed to join a group of local residents in a neighboring community for a dessert social, so that they could get to know their MLA. What was striking about him then hasn’t changed today – he is an ordinary guy who cares about this province. He is humble but confident about the truth. And he isn’t scared to say the truth, even if his party leadership or the mainstream media disagree. Rustad didn’t leave his former party because he was looking for better opportunities. He was kicked out, after challenging the established thinking on climate change. And then, for his very first question in the legislature as the party leader, he called on the Premier to replace the government’s sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) program in the province’s schools. SOGI, like climate change, was another sacred cow that the BC Liberals didn’t want their members to publicly talk about unless they were upholding the “progressive” consensus. Not only have the BC Conservatives exploded in popularity, the BC United Party (formerly known as the BC Liberal Party) collapsed almost overnight. Kevin Falcon, the United leader responsible for kicking Rustad out, humbly chose to not run the United party against the Conservatives. And the NDP, who were favorites to win the election, are suddenly rethinking their own progressive policies, announcing that they support getting rid of the carbon tax if allowed by the federal government and reversing their opposition to involuntary care for those with mental health and addiction issues. This is all the more remarkable when you consider BC was the first province to put a carbon tax in place. From blue oceans to blue skies We may be encouraged by, and even rejoice in, some of what these politicians and parties are now embracing. It is a welcome change from the political leadership we experienced over the past decade. But just as their new approach was unthinkable a few years ago, there are so many more principles and opportunities that are still unthinkable in today’s political climate… but which would be a great blessing to our nation and society. Imagine a country where our leaders humbled themselves under our sovereign God, acknowledging that He is Lord over all. Imagine a constitution and laws that uphold God’s unchanging will for humanity. Instead of appealing to “common sense,” our leaders would direct our eyes to God’s Word. Imagine the blessings that would flow from a nation that prioritized marriage, as God designed it, and the children that God so graciously gives to many. A nation where the rule of law is upheld and our leaders are hungry to pursue justice and uphold the fundamental freedoms that God has granted. It isn’t just the world that gets mixed up on priorities. I’m also guilty of prioritizing power over principles. If I’m in a public forum, I’m tempted to stick to values that others will share. I downplay or hide what God has made very clear in His Word, even though I confess that “I delight in your decrees” and “I will speak of your statutes before kings and will not be put to shame” (Ps. 119:16, 46). Yes, we need to be prudent and not throw pearls before the swine (Matt. 7:6). But if we love our neighbors, we should want the very best for them. Cutting taxes and shrinking government is great, but it doesn’t get close to addressing the real brokenness in our culture and country. The real problem isn’t taxes or restrictions, but sin. And the amazing reality is that there is a solution! Jesus Christ offers the kind of life and freedom that can never be taken away. So while we can be grateful that some of our leaders have discovered blue oceans, and that may be as good as we get in the political realm today, let's point them and all our neighbors to blue skies. Real and lasting hope are found in Christ alone. Picture credits: Pierre Poilievre: screenshot from “How do you like them apples? Part 1”; John Rustad: screenshot of a Sept. 13 tweet; Danielle Smith: Marvin Samuel Tolentino Pineda /

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Saturday Selections – Sept 21, 2024

Actions speak louder than words During the COVID lockdowns political leaders were caught, with some regularity, violating their own rules, so this just-released clip might not even seem all that newsworthy. It is particularly scandalous – in this undercover video, Dr. Jay Varma, senior advisor to the New York City mayor, and, in his words, the architect of the city's COVID rules, admits to holding a sex party that violated those rules. What makes this notable is what Steven Crowder highlights: "This is a story about those in charge not fearing what it is that they demanded you fear..." The lesson here is that when something is outside our expertise and we have to trust someone else's evaluation, their actions – not their words – tell us what they really believe. What we have here is a COVID expert telling us that this virus was dangerous enough to shut down our church services but not his sex parties. And that's a bit of hindsight worth filing away. How women survive breastfeeding There is so much more going on in our bodies than anyone has ever imagined. Scientists just discovered a hormone produced when a mother is lactating that prevents her from going into a calcium dive – otherwise the baby getting calcium from mom would come at a cost to the calcium in mom's own skeletal system leading to osteoporosis. This is a longer article, and a bit technical, but the gist is amazing. Helping others trust God in the face of infertility and miscarriage (20 min) Jeremy Pray, the author of Infertility and Miscarriage: Helping Others Trust God in Every Season, discusses how to counsel couples facing infertility. How should they understand what God is doing? This podcast is intended for biblical counselors but would be a good listen for friends and family of anyone facing this struggle. Listen to this as a 20-minute podcast or, for those who prefer to read, there is also a transcript. When therapy harms instead of helps The Bible speaks to the value of wise counsel. But it shouldn't surprise us that some secular counseling makes things worse. How green energy endangers us in an emergency How far is your EV car going to get you when a storm knocks out the grid? But a truck with a full gas tank can get you out of the danger zone. And a tank of gas can get ambulances where they need to go. And power the semis bringing in emergency supplies. And etc. and etc. Gavin Newsom signed a deepfake ban so The Babylon Bee responded AI advances now allow the quick, cheap, and easy creation of "deepfake" videos that can depict people saying things they never did or would say. A fake but realistic depiction of Joe Biden could be made to say, "The nomination was stolen from me," or an indecipherable-from the-real "Donald Trump" could be shown talking about how the Russians backed him. These sorts of deepfakes could cause enormous problems. Some sort of regulation would seem a must then. However, when regulations come from unprincipled politicians we have to remember what Obama's former chief of staff Rahm Emanuel said about using trouble to push an agenda: "never let a serious crisis go to waste." When California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a law banning deep fake election ads, it would have been naieve to think it won't be weaponized against his enemies. After all, we're seeing more and more "lawfare" – lax enforcement of the rules for friends of the government, and the strictest application of the law against their enemies, So The Bablyon Bee stepped up to be the first target, creating the ad below. There is supposed to be an exception for satire, but Newsom agitated for this bill in response to a clearly sataric ad against Kamala Harris, so we will see. Got to love the very last line. ...

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Sports betting explodes across Canada

Since Canada legalized sports betting in 2021, the industry has exploded, and last week the Edmonton Oilers and the Alberta government were just the latest to cash in. On Sept. 9 the Oilers announced that they were getting sponsored by Play Alberta – the government’s own online gambling platform – to put a patch on the team’s home jerseys. Many fans weren’t impressed; an online poll by the Edmonton Journal’s hockey writer David Staples had the majority annoyed with the Oilers for degrading their uniform. But what about a government that promotes a vice that harms their own citizens? Those harms aren’t limited to Alberta. With three years of data on hand, the Christian think tank Cardus has just published an extensive report about the hidden harms of sports betting in Ontario. Their report shared that sports viewers in Ontario now get hit with 2.8 gambling references every minute of a live sports broadcast. The advertising is effective – the number of sports betting accounts is climbing quickly in Ontario, from 492,000 in the first quarter of 2023, to 1.3 million today. The average being lost by each of those 1.3 million gamblers is $283 each month. As is always the case with gambling, the biggest winner is the company, organization, or government behind the scheme. Revenue from betting increased from an already huge $368.1 million to a staggering $588 million just from 2023 to 2024. It isn’t only sports betting that has taken off. Revenue from casino gaming saw an even greater spike, doubling from $854.8 million to $1.78 billion. Gambling is bad stewardship of what God has entrusted to us, because the odds are always stacked in favor of the house. Even if you do win it is only because your neighbor has lost, and lost big. And gambling is also addictive – sadly, those who have the least to steward are often the most likely to be hurt by this addiction, adding the additional yoke of debt to their already-challenging lives....

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Liberal MP reminds journalist who holds the purse strings

Ongoing funding of Canada’s media by the federal Liberal government appears to be emboldening some government officials to demand favorable reporting. On Sept. 7, Liberal MP Taleeb Noormohamed weighed in on a tweet made the previous day by Terry Newman, a senior editor at the National Post. Newman’s tweet on X was critical of immigration minister Marc Miller specifically and the Liberal government overall, and that didn’t sit well with Noormohamed who replied with his own public post: “Your paper wouldn’t be in business were it not for the subsidies that the government that you hate put in place....” Newman was quick on the draw. “Okay. You win. You pay my salary,” she replied.  “I’ll stop criticizing your government now. Please don’t fire me.” Mr. Noormohamed is well aware of the National Post’s funding, since he sat on the “National Forum on the Media” parliamentary committee this summer where he argued that since reporters were taking government money and were still remaining critical of the government, clearly such funding wasn’t a problem. However, now, only a couple months later, he is the one making what appears to be an implicit threat to a journalist who dares challenge his government. For years now the Liberal government has been channeling hundreds of millions of dollars to media outlets that meet their criteria. “We’re pretty close, by my estimation, to a 50 percent wage subsidy on journalist salaries up to $85,000 per year,” noted Rudyard Griffiths, executive director of The Hub, a relatively new non-profit media organization that has been very intentional about not taking government funding. A recent poll has found that more Canadians say “a lot of the news is just government propaganda” than “the news is fair and transparent.” And almost twice as many respondents said “I don’t think I get the truth from mainstream news in Canada,” as said “I get the truth from the news.” Media outlets have been struggling financially in recent years as the public is increasingly unwilling to pay for a publication, relying instead on social media and other online content to stay informed. The federal government stepped in to help with direct funding, including a $595 million dollar bailout and a “Special Measures for Journalism” fund that provides tens of millions in cash to numerous publications each year. But one of the inevitable consequences of a government-funded media is that it makes it difficult for the public to trust that such media is independent of the government, and able to report objectively about the government’s decisions....

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Saturday Selections – September 14, 2024

Why not raise the minimum wage to $100? Transgender thinking has infected economics too, with politicians applying the same wishes-can-reshape-reality thinking as they hike the minimum wage. They've decided if they say workers are worth $15 a hour, then they will be. But if such wishing really did make it so, why not hike it to $25 an hour? Or $50? Or as this video (from 7 years back) asks, why not $100? It's because in the real world, the minimum wage is actually an employment ban on anyone who can't bring that amount of value to their employer. Inexperienced workers, handicapped workers, or elderly workers who might work at a slower gear could all be barred from employment. And if we made the minimum wage $100 an hour, that would ban a lot of people. But why is it okay when we ban smaller numbers of people at $15 a hour? And how did it become the government's role to decide not simply whether or not people should be allowed to offer their labor at a lower rate, but whether they should be allowed to work at all? Why did God create viruses and bacteria? While we don't understand all that bacteria and viruses might have done before the Fall into sin, some of their current useful functions give us some clues. 4 arguments against doctor-assisted murder These are 4 really good arguments to stack on top of the foundational truth that our lives are given by God, and therefore are not our own to dispose of as we would. As He has said, don't murder. Psychology of marriage There's an old joke about a band of scientists and researchers who set out to scale Mount Intellect, rising up from the valleys of ignorance. They scrape their way slowly up, and as they finally summit the highest peak, they find a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries. God made us for marriage, for commitment, and thus that's so much better for us than "shacking up." And now some psychologists have discovered and explained how making the choice to commit is better for us. Welcome to the summit, gentlemen. A Christian’s practical guide to reproductive technology 3 key takeaways: Doctors create an average of 15 embryos in a single round of IVF. Unfortunately, only 3-7% of all created embryos result in the live birth of a child. The outcomes of IVF are not neutral. Children born through IVF have a higher likelihood of cancer, autism, minor cleft pallet, or a congenital heart defect. A diagnosis or season of infertility does not mean that a couple will never have children; only that it may require more work and time than they initially expected. Is Gen Z really the poorest generation?  God forbids covetousness in the 10th Commandment, and one powerful way to counter temptation in this direction is to count our blessings. So, yes, many are worse off than they were just 5 years ago. But even the struggling Gen Z is probably doing a lot better than their grandparents were in the 70s. This video is American, but there's a lot of transfer to what's going on north of the border. ...

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Saturday Selections – August 31, 2024

Click on the titles to go to the linked articles... Jordan Peterson pressed on whether he is Christian or not (10 min) Jordan Peterson has seemingly been on the cusp of repenting and believing for a long time, speaking glowingly about both Jesus and His Word. But past examinations of Jordan's beliefs have shown him to be Jungian rather than Christian. So has anything changed? Well, in late July he talked with John Rich, best known for being half of the country/pop duo Big & Rich. I only recently learned that Rich professes to be Christian (during his Tucker Carlson appearance) as the duo's best known song, Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy), wouldn't have you thinking so. But in a July 26 interview on Peterson's podcast, Rich pressed Canada's most famous psychologist on whether he is or isn't a Christian. The video below hits the highlights, but if you want to listen to the whole 90-minute original, click here. Was Jesus just a good moral teacher? As John Stonestreet notes and as C.S. Lewis did before him (and as Jordan Peterson should consider – see above), you can't call Jesus a good teacher if you don't acknowledge Him as God. Limiting my phone expanded my view of God "I’ll always remember summer 2024 as the first 'real-world summer' of my adult life—the summer I fundamentally changed how I interact with my smartphone. I left social media behind in 2022, but according to my screen-time reports, I was still spending around two hours a day on my phone. Two hours. I have a full-time job and two kids. Surely I could have been doing something else with all that time..." 11 statistical tips for a healthy marriage Some great points here for couples to ponder, whether these are reminders or entirely new thoughts for you. The great myth of the Sexual Revolution: you will always be young Jonathon Van Maren reports on how egg-freezing for women employees is becoming a common thing, promising that they can first establish their career and then have children later. But it is a false promise. The myth of "Junk DNA" Evolutionists predicted that much of our DNA would be junk – it was just the remnants of our long-ago evolutionary ancestors. Creationists and Intelligent Design proponents made a very different prediction: we'd find functions for this "Junk DNA" since we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Guess which prediction came true? It's important to note, too, that the secular assumptions discouraged inquiry – atheism stymied science, and an acknowledgment of a Creator furthered science. ...

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On becoming tech-savvy Christians

Technology changes so quickly that we can become bewildered over what to think about all the new products, services and platforms that appear and disappear. A new technology can be hyped to the sky one moment, and fall into disuse the next month. (Case in point: who still uses Clubhouse?) But some technology has a profound ability to change our world. We wonder, how do we approach these? What should we think about them, from a Christian point of view? Here are a few pieces we’ve published in the past that can help us with several new technologies that seem to be sticking around a bit longer. Click on the titles to go to the linked articles. CHATGPT AND OTHER AI Demystifying ChatGPT The latest thing being hyped is artificial intelligence, and the most well-known example of AI is ChatGPT. What is ChatGPT and how does it work? If you feel confused, Thomas VanDrunen breaks it down in simple terms. 3 things we need to tell our kids about ChatGPT It’s one thing to understand technology such as ChatGPT, it’s another to know what we should teach our kids about it. Here are some pointers about what kids might need to know. Is AI just another tool, or something else? New technologies often appear to be useful tools that make life easier, and their negative consequences can take more time to reveal themselves. Artificial intelligence is one of the latest technologies to catch attention, but we should be aware of these potential drawbacks. CRYPTOCURRENCIES Christians can’t “invest” in cryptocurrency For a while, “investing” in cryptocurrencies looked like the newest and greatest way to make money. Here’s why Christians shouldn’t “invest” in these projects. THE SOCIAL WEB Our dangerous diet of clips, tweets, memes, and headlines This article doesn’t even mention TikTok, but it illustrates a trend that’s gotten far worse. Our tendency to absorb information in bite-sized chunks has decreased our ability to know much about any one thing in depth, even while we might have a larger number of things we know a little bit about. When navigating the online world, it’s good to keep this in mind. What might we be missing? Where should we be more humble about our understanding of an issue? TikTok passes 2 billion downloads Speaking of TikTok, what is TikTok? Here's a quick summary of this incredibly popular app. One week in: Facebook isn’t for everyone What is it like to give up Facebook? It can reveal a lot about our dependence on so-called “social” media. REST OF THE 'NET Is our curiosity controlling us, or are we controlling it? The answer to almost everything is a quick internet search away. Anytime we wonder about something, or have a friendly debate over a piece of trivia, we can easily settle the question. But curiosity, while often a force for good, can also become an endless search for something “new” and interesting. Our brains thirst for the next intriguing bit of information. Then we should consider whether it’s really us in control, or our curiosity. Solomon on smartphones and the pull of pornography Speaking of the online world, we should all be well aware by now of some of the dangers of the shadier corners of the internet. That doesn’t mean we always navigate the internet wisely, especially with devices in our pockets that offer us 24/7 temptation. In this article, Ryan DeJonge walks through the guidance that the book of Proverbs offers Christians and how it can help with the battle against pornography. …the Internet can pervert anything Pornography is the obvious danger when it comes to the Internet, but it’s not the only thing to watch out for. The internet can pervert anything. Emily Arend gives some examples of how innocent interests can lead down a darker path. Wikipedia: reader beware Wikipedia is one of the most well-known and well-used websites on the internet, and it’s been around for a long time (by tech standards). But its limitations are becoming more apparent. Sure, there’s a chance Wikipedia can be inaccurate, but a bigger issue is the potential for bias, especially in topics that venture into the realm of controversy or opinion. SMARTPHONES Reflections on “12 ways your phone is changing you” We know cellphones have changed our world drastically, but they might have a bigger impact than we realize. Author Tony Reinke has written a book on exactly this, which we review here. Our phones’ always-available distraction, disconnection from face-to-face interaction, sense of privacy that encourages temptation, and one-sided algorithms can lead us away from the Christlikeness we’re called to. The smartphone stack There are many suggestions to increase face-to-face interactions and get off our phones, and it’s worth trying a few to figure out what works for you. Here is one simple yet practical suggestion to try with a group! TOWARDS A POSITIVE RELATIONSHIP WITH TECH Technology and our anxious hearts As a pastor, Reuben Bredenhof has noticed more and more people dealing with a sense of unease, and feeling unsettled, fearful and restless. A lot of this anxiety can be traced back to our use of technology. Here he addresses some of the common anxieties that technology brings out in us, and counteracts these messages with a Christian response. God can give us peace even when it comes to technology. Elon Musk and visions of the future Elon Musk has a vision of the future. Christians should have a vision of the future as well, but do we know what it is? In our tech-obsessed world, we should have our eyes fixed on our ultimate hope! CONCLUSION The cycle of new technology will continue to turn, and we will keep being confronted by innovations, and new decisions about how to interact with these new things. But ultimately “there is nothing new under the sun” – the creations of humankind will be influenced by our sinful nature as well as our God-given creativity. It will take a lot of wisdom and prayer to navigate our changing world, but we can rest in the security that ultimately every tool is under God’s control....

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Saturday Selections – August 24, 2024

Abe Lincoln with a lesson on lying The smartest politicians don't break promises; like Abe here, they try not to make any promises at all. Pro-life voters need to watch out lest their votes go to politicians who won't be pinned down as to what they'll actually do for the unborn. Aging peacefully It comes to all of us, that moment when we realize that there's that certain something that we enjoyed before, but we have to let go of now because of age. This is a mom writing, but I think guys will empathize too. An old challenge to old earth assumptions 20 years ago creationists sent coal samples to secular labs to test for Carbon-14, which has a half-life of 5,730 years, and shouldn't exist in coal beds that are said to be 50 million, 100 million, and 300 million years old. And yet, it was found. So either those coal beds are much, much younger or.... Well, two decades later, evolutionists still don't have much of an answer to offer. How to minimize digital distractions in your marriage "Do you struggle with digital distractions? Is it sleeping next to your phone? Watching TV at night to 'wind' down? Most of our time is spent in front of a screen instead of being in front of real people – most importantly, our spouses – who are looking to us for connection." When “helping” kids hurts them Christians should be wary of secular psychology (and any Christian counseling that leans heavily on it) as it understands us as minds but not also as souls. It also doesn't recognize our true purpose and true identity (as created by God to glorify and enjoy Him forever) and so can't offer any sort of corrective to patients confused about these most important matters. It's lack of any firm footing means it's liable to fall for the latest thing, as it has in siding with the transgender agenda, pushing the impossible notion of "transitioning" on already troubled patients. And it also means that, as this article details: "...over 40% of young adults have a mental health diagnosis, twice the rate of the general population. So, the generation most treated for psychological well-being is doing the worst psychologically." More unintended consequences One of the premises behind government-run economies is that people are simple. The socialists don't put it quite that way, of course, but that's what they'd need if their governments were to have any chance at managing the economy: citizen's interests, desires, and actions would need to be easy to predict and easy to direct with just a push or pull of the right political lever. But what this video, and the many others in this series, show, is that leaders is government and industry too repeatedly fail at properly predicting how folks are going to act. And if people are complex, then the best government is going to be the one that recognizes its own inability to know, let alone meet, those less than predictable, desires. ...

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Let the little children come

Children can’t be sheltered from the death of a loved one. But they can be comforted. ***** Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matt. 19:14) A year before I was born, my oldest brother Sidney died in a car accident. My parents and nine siblings navigated the visitation and funeral as best they could. In 1984, death and grief were not as openly discussed as they are today. In hindsight, my parents wished they would have slowed everything down a little, giving themselves more time as a family to take in what had just happened and also to prepare my two youngest brothers for the experience. These brothers were kindly babysat by a lady from their church during the visitation and funeral. But now, as grown adults and parents themselves, they still have clear memories of that time and they wish they had been included in the funeral events. Ten years later, when I was eight years old, we lost my brother Justin in a car accident as well. This time, as siblings, we were able to experience things together as much as we wished to be included. Not everyone wanted to go to the accident site, but some of us did. There wasn’t a question of whether we were too young to attend his visitation and funeral; we all attended. From the oldest to the youngest, we shook hands with hundreds of people who came out from our church community to support us. My brother Reuben, who was 11, and I might have taken breaks to run around the funeral home for a bit, even getting in trouble from the funeral director just once. Sidney, Justin, and Jason, three of Diane’s siblings who died young. I share this to be realistic. I strongly believe that children need to be included in all family events in an age-appropriate manner. This starts with being truthful about what has happened. “Grandpa has died, and his soul has gone to heaven to be with Jesus.” We need to steer away from terms like sleeping or resting. Not being honest with a child can cause confusion and even unnecessary fear of what death actually is. Telling them they cannot see their loved one in the casket because “it is not appropriate for kids” only makes their imagination run wild, potentially leading to real fear and avoidance of death or funeral homes in adulthood. I know adults who were made to fear funeral homes and caskets as children, and now they struggle to attend visitations and funerals to support their own friends and church communities. This is unfortunate, as death is a part of life, as God speaks of this in Ecclesiastes 3:1-2: “To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted.” In 2014, we lost my brother Jason to cancer at 45 years old. Now, as an adult, I had also been a funeral director for over eight years. This was a different grief for me than when I was eight years old. I had this brother my whole life; he was my friend, and now it was time to say goodbye. Navigating the funeral details with my brother’s wife and ensuring his children felt included was crucial. They all came to the funeral home the day after his death to pick out his casket. They stood in the visitation receiving line and attended the funeral. Seeing their young friends come to support these grieving children was so special to see. I am glad that, as a society, we see more and more children coming to support their friends who have lost a loved one. This will help raise young people with a healthy perspective on death and dying and with the understanding that those who are grieving need their support. God has also made it possible for us to share these difficult experiences in a positive way! “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” (2 Cor. 1:3-4) Diane Vanderwoude Russell is funeral director at Kitching, Steepe & Ludwig Funeral Home in Hamilton, Ontario. You can email her at [email protected]....

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