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This time the liberals are leaving – congregations depart CRC over orthodox turn

As many as 24 congregations will disaffiliate from the Christian Reformed Church (CRC) after its Synod 2024 made clear that disagreement with the federation’s official positions on homosexuality will not be permitted. At its federational meeting in 2022, the CRC had accepted The Human Sexuality Report, which affirmed the traditional Biblical teaching that homosexual sex is sinful and clearly forbidden by Scripture, and that that Confessions already condemn such actions as sin against the seventh commandment.

The question that Synod 2024 ruled on was how the churches would deal with congregations that did not agree with this adopted teaching and allowed practicing homosexuals to remain office bearers and members in good standing. Synod 2024 ruled that:

“churches which have declared themselves to be… in protest… regarding synod’s decisions shall be entered into a one-year process of discipline requiring repentance and a move toward restoration with CRCNA positions, or towards disaffiliation.”

By requiring repentance of these churches, Synod 2024 essentially called it sinful to affirm that homosexual behavior is permissible for Christians, and affirmed the clear delineation that Synod 2022 had adopted. Remaining “in protest” is likely not an option for churches that disagree with these decisions: they are being asked to repent, or disaffiliate, within a one-year period.

In October, The Banner reported that at least seven churches have officially indicated a desire to disaffiliate from the denomination, while Religion News Services suggested that “at least two dozen” would do so. The CRC consists of just over 1,000 churches, and around 290,000 members, so these numbers represent a very small percentage that may increase in the coming months.

Interestingly, one congregation, Mountain View CRC in Lynden, WA is leaving despite The Human Sexuality Report, and not because of it. According to The Banner, they said that the same “hermeneutic that allowed for women in office has helped pave the way to other wrongful interpretations, namely the roughly 30% of Synod that promote full inclusion of practicing LGBT people.”

Readers of Reformed Perspective are likely familiar with decisions by the CRC that tended towards a more liberal view of Scripture, especially in allowing women to become elders and pastors. It is refreshing and encouraging to see the denomination take a firm stand against our culture’s celebration of sexual sin with this clear, Biblical stance.

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Stop swiping, start serving

Romans 13:13 in the age of online escapism ***** I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest that in the past few weeks, you have probably not gotten rip-roaring drunk nor participated in a debauched drinking party. You have probably not given yourself over to rampant sexual immorality or a life obsessed with sensuality. At least, I hope not. I raise these particular issues because Paul raises them in his letter to the Romans. As he helps the Christians in Rome understand how the gospel is meant to work itself out in life, he lists three pairs of sins that are unfitting for Christians. “Let us walk properly as in the daytime,” he says, “not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and sensuality, not in quarreling and jealousy” (Rom. 13:13). It seems to me that if he went to the trouble of listing such sins, we should go to the trouble of considering them – and not only as vague representative sins that other people may be tempted to commit, but as actual sins that may be present in your life and mine, whether subtly or explicitly. Using rather than loving It is my understanding that what binds these sins together is that they are a failure to love. After all, Paul makes clear that the great implication of the gospel he has outlined in the opening chapters of Romans is love! Your duty, your calling, your responsibility, your privilege is to love others as a display of God’s love for you. And each of these sins represents a failure to do so. And so you can’t love others when your life is marked by drunkenness or partying. And what stands behind these sins is a desire for escapism. It could be bingeing on alcohol or on Netflix, on video games, or on social media – whatever causes you to lose control of your time and devote too much of it to pursuits that are ultimately vain and distracting. If you are utterly devoted to addictive substances or addictive entertainment, that will necessarily diminish your willingness and ability to love others. You also can’t love others when you’re given over to sexual immorality and sensuality. By definition, when you commit sexual immorality you are using other people instead of loving them. You become captivated by that sin so that your focus in life becomes satisfying yourself instead of blessing others. Quarrelsome much? And then you can’t love others when you are quarrelsome or jealous. That’s because you are failing to love others with your words and attitude. I think I’ve met more quarrelsome people in Reformed churches than anywhere else in the world. Quarrelsome people usually think they are wise or discerning or otherwise gifted by God, but more often they are prideful and rebellious. They get pleasure from an argument, they gain satisfaction from playing devil’s advocate. And often at the root of it is jealousy – they are jealous of what other people are or what other people have. If that’s you, you need to consider that being quarrelsome is not some minor peccadillo, but a major transgression that is listed alongside drunkenness and adultery. You need to put such sins to death and direct your passion, your time, and your intensity to loving other people and devoting yourself to their good. Wasted potential I recently found myself pondering this: How many men could be serving as elders in any given church, except that they have sold themselves out to sexual immorality? Or how many men and women could be serving as deacons in any given church (if that church opens the office of deacon to women), except that they’ve devoted vast amounts of time to hobbies or games that just don’t matter that much? Or how many church members could be leading important ministries, except that they spend hours on social media thinking that some daft controversy on Twitter in any way impacts the real world? And all the while there are people right before them who need to be loved and cared for and shepherded. The local church desperately needs qualified elders, committed deacons, and faithful ministry leaders, but so many have disqualified themselves. What does it say about you if you know more about the controversies in the wider church than the needs in your local church? Hear it from me: the real troubles of the real people in your real church have nothing to do with what happens on Twitter or YouTube. The more time you spend clicking and scrolling and swiping, the less you’ve got to give to the people you have covenanted with, the people you can actually impact, the people who need to be loved. Your church needs people who are experts in love, not experts in controversy and celebrity. Put away whatever is captivating you when you should be captivated by Christ. Stop swiping and start serving! Indulgent sins, sexual sins, social sins – all these are a failure to love. If you’re in bondage to any of these sins, plead with God for his help in putting it to death. But don’t stop there. Consider how as you labor to diminish the power of that sin in your life, you will at the same time increase love in your life. Consider how you can replace self-indulgence with expressing love to others, self-centeredness with a life of blessing and serving others. For this is why God made you, why he called you, and why he saved you – so you could live a life of doing good to others for the glory of his name. This first appeared on and is reprinted here with the author’s permission....

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Stats Canada: birth rate now at just 1.26 children per woman

Statistics Canada is reporting that the country’s birth rate has dropped to among the lowest in the world, at just 1.26 children per woman, and British Columbia leads the downward trend with a birth rate of just 1 child per woman. To put these numbers in context, for a country’s population to remain stable – neither growing nor shrinking – each woman needs to have, on average, 2 children – one to replace her, and one to replace her spouse. The real number is even a smidge higher at 2.1, to account for children that don’t make it to adulthood. But outside of Nunavut, at 2.48 children, no province or territory is even at replacement level. Saskatchewan is next best, at 1.63 children. So how might this impact Canada’s population over the coming decades? For simplicity’s sake, we’ll drill into this using a sample population of just 100, with 50 men and 50 women. If each of these women averages 1.26 children, then in one generation we’re down to a population of 63. Let’s round that up to 64, or 32 men and 32 women. If those 32 women then average 1.26 children each, we’re down to a population of just 40. In just two generations we’ve seen the population drop by 60%. Applied to Canada’s current population of 40 million, that would see us drop all the way down to 16 million in two generations. So why is Canada’s population still growing, and growing fast? We’re up by more than a million over just the last few years! This is due to an influx of immigrants – more than a million over the last few years. The growth isn’t coming internally. Massive immigration is one short-term means of forestalling population collapse, but it isn’t a long-term answer, because birth rates are falling all over the world. And if the population decreases everywhere, there won’t be immigrants knocking on our door. What’s the solution? Everyone seems to be looking to the government, but to this point, no program in any country has done much to slow the decline. The case could be made that the government isn’t the answer, but it is part of the problem – every childcare program meant to make having children easier needs to be paid for with higher taxes, and higher taxes make it that much harder to get by for one-income families where a mom wants to stay at home. So what is the answer? Our culture needs to turn to God, not government. Do we sometimes find that a hard message to share? Well, thankfully, God is making it easier for us, by “platforming” us via the size of our families. It used to be you'd need to have 6 children or more to stand out, but now just 4 will give you an opportunity to let your light shine as people ask why so many? We can glorify our God, and help our country, just by speaking to the blessings He has given us in our children. This chart is adapted from Stats Canada’s “Fertility indicators, provinces and territories: Interactive dashboard” posted to on Sept. 25, 2024. Used with permission. This does not constitute an endorsement by Statistics Canada of this product....

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Saturday Selection – Oct 12, 2024

Click on the titles for the linked articles... Public school vs. home school The Babylon Bee, helping us tell the difference... Noise cancellation: a remarkable design solution in biology Here are some biological features that require precise design (and which therefore evidence a precise Designer) that you've probably never thought of before: "Snakes should be immune to their own poison. Electric eels should not shock themselves. And protection from self-generated noise requires a preplanned noise cancellation system." Kevin DeYoung on making better arguments The key here is to argue the facts of the matter – the what rather than the why. You might think you know why your opponent is taking their stand, but if they haven't stated it, then don't pretend you are a mind-reader. Address the argument they have made, rather than the secret motivations they may or may not have. The four gifts children need from their fathers It's not complicated. It does take effort. Here's an article every father would benefit from reading. The four gifts are: Presence Other mentors Wisdom Blessing 3 painfully obvious suggestions to reduce your child's screen time "A major concern of paediatricians today is excessive screen time in children. Here are three (painfully obvious) suggestions for avoiding and reducing screen time. Unfortunately, these are increasingly becoming viewed as unnecessary or unreasonable by some parents: Read a lot of books Talk to your kids about normal life every day Don’t use digital devices as the default activity..." Anne Wilson - Sunday Sermons Catchy song, with a curious video about a helpful man who stops to help a stranded woman... but first takes time to teach a kid how to hit a baseball. Guess he knew she wasn't done singing yet. ...

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Pro-life - Abortion

An amazing, horrible, inspiring, heart-breaking, simply massive display!

This blast from the past appeared in the magazine 10 years ago in the October 2014 issue. ***** Some injustices are on such a sheer scale as to be beyond comprehending. That's how it is with abortion in Canada - the number of dead are so large as to seem unreal. What does it mean that the equivalent of a city the size of Chilliwack, or Red Deer, or Brantford are killed each year? When we hear that more than 300 children a day are killed, does that number mean something tangible and understandable to us? It probably does not – the sheer scale of this evil is just too enormous. Our mission, then, was to make the incomprehensible understandable. So on the morning of October 2 the staff of ARPA Canada and more than 80 volunteers headed to Parliament hill to plant 50,000 pink and 50,000 blue irrigation flags on the front boulevard. Each flag represented a child who had been killed by abortion in the last year: 100,000 preborn children are killed each year in our country. Background This idea of a massive flag display came from my sister, who showed me pictures of some flag displays like it in the United States. The visual impact was impressive. I brought the idea forward to my colleagues. The largest display that we could find in the USA involved about 65,000 flags. Would we be able to pull off 100,000? How would we get permission, who would pay for it, and what impact could it have? When we first approached Parliament with the idea, we were denied permission. It took multiple tries and a lot of communication from our Legal Counsel Andre Schutten before permission was granted. However, we were not allowed to put the flags into the main lawn that is right in front of Centre Block and the Peace Tower. We had to use the front boulevard. After looking at this closer, we realized that the boulevard had benefits which the front lawn didn’t. It extends much longer, is angled towards the busy Wellington Street, and can’t be missed by most of the MPs and public in the area. Finding close to 100 volunteers who could commit to a full day wasn't easy, especially given that we decided to keep this project as quiet as possible because we did not want a counter-protest to get all the attention and distract from the powerful message. Thankfully, about 40-50 brave youth and adults travelled from southern Ontario and as far as Alberta. Another 30-40 from Ottawa came as well, representing both Jubilee church and other ARPA friends from Ottawa’s broader pro-life and Christian community. A strong majority of the volunteers were youth. We are thankful that their parents allowed them to skip school for a day and we are confident that this was an educational experience they won’t forget. The Day-of ARPA staff met at 5:30 am, driving in Bruce Deboer’s now famous 15-passenger van, decked out in pro-life graphics and weighed down with 100,000 flags. We dropped the flags off in bundles of 1,000 pink and 1,000 blue, based on our previous calculations for lawn coverage. At 6:45 the volunteers all met at the Centennial flame, in front of the Peace Tower. Campaign director Mike Schouten explained the procedure for the day, Grassroots director Bruce Deboer detailed the logistics of filling the lawn evenly with the flags, and I led the team in devotions, reading from Psalm 72 which prophetically speaks about our King Jesus Christ and his regard for the vulnerable. Verses from this Psalm are appropriately carved in the Peace Tower that was towering above us. The volunteers spent the next 1.5 hours inserting flags into the grass, and when the flags were all up we all donned pink and blue t-shirts and brought out the large banners explaining what the display was about. Thankfully, no counter-protest was present and none formed all day. We spent the day handing out colorful cards which explained the cause and pointed to the website. At 11:00 we held a press conference, accompanied by Members of Parliament Stella Ambler and Harold Albrect. It was an intentional decision to not expand the group of MPs – the goal was that the focus stayed on the grassroots Canadian public calling for justice, not the MPs. But having a respected male and female MP still made it clear to the media that there was a lot of support for what we are doing from within the walls of Parliament. We continued to distribute the information tracts and talk with the MPs and public until 4:00 pm. The consensus was unanimous – this was an amazing day. But what impact did it have? Impact #1: Visual Before the flags were all up I looked down the boulevard and was caught off guard by the sea of flags. It was literally awe-inspiring and heart moving – far beyond what I expected. By the time they were all up, anyone who came to Parliament Hill not only noticed it, they were blown away. From construction workers who were making renovations to one of the Parliament buildings, to the MPs and staff, to the media, all were visibly moved. The sheer beauty and size of the display led many to ask, “what is this all about?” As soon as we explained it represented 100,000 abortions, it was clear that the message hit home. “Wow” was a constant sentiment we heard. For example, early in the morning a TV cameraman from one of Canada’s leading national stations came by. He started filming what he saw, turned back towards his office but then stopped, pulled out his camera again and did more filming. When we approached him to ask if he would like to arrange an interview he exclaimed that the visuals of this were so staggering that it did not even need words. He quipped that his editor would not appreciate the fact that he took far more footage than usual – he couldn’t help himself. Impact #2: Parliament We were able to interact with dozens of MPs and Senators. Many of them intentionally came out to us to talk, often expressing their immense appreciation and awe. They had never seen anything like this before. As a result, some pro-abortion MPs, like NDP leader Thomas Mulcair, came by to ask what was going on and how we got permission to do this. And pro-life MPs were emboldened. They started tweeting pictures of it, leading their colleagues to do the same. One MP had told me the day before that he was not comfortable promoting the display and wasn’t sure if he would publicize it. But when he saw it, saw his colleagues promoting it, and saw how peaceful and positive it was, he did at least three tweets about it. MP Harold Albrecht did an extensive in-studio TV interview with Sun New, about our display. He sounded like an ambassador for WeNeedaLAW and noted that he was so proud to see how civil and positive we were, engaging on such a sensitive issue. Towards the end of the day I stood outside of Centre block as the MPs were leaving after Question Period. Dozens streamed out and, judging from their responses to our information card, every single one knew what the display was about. One MP commented to us that early in the morning the MPs in the Parliamentary restaurant were going to the windows, checking out what we were doing as we were setting it up. Another MP said that he was in the elevator with four other MPs and they were asking what it was all about, giving him an opportunity to share exactly what it was about. Another MP, who we didn’t know prior, was caught off guard by the display as she stepped out of her office. I had a chance to walk with her from her office to Centre Block. By the end of the walk, she asked for pictures of her among the flags and volunteers so that she could share it with her constituency. One MP was so encouraged by the flags he asked if he could give a video message to our supporters, thanking them (you). You can find that on the website. Watch it and be encouraged. Impact #3: Media, conventional and social Early in morning the story had already been picked up a large local radio station so commuters were hearing about it every half-hour on the news. It was featured in two different shows on Sun News (the interview with Harold Albrecht as well as a separate in-studio interview with Mike Schouten). Both of these featured extensive video of the display and our press conference. They were very positive – almost to the point of being a lengthy endorsement. Other TV cameras filmed the display throughout the day, though it is hard to know where this went. We are beginning to see glimpses of it spread throughout the Internet. For example, it was Yahoo News’ featured “photo of the day,” as well as being one of the pictures of the day for BBC News website. Outside of the mainstream, the story was picked up by the largest pro-life sites in North America as a lead story. But one of the biggest impacts was via social media. Our supporters, including many of you, shared the pictures far and wide – reaching tens of thousands of people from every corner of Canada within hours. One of our volunteers who lived in Ottawa commented to me that she helped with the flag set-up but then had to go to her university class. She told one of the other students what she was dong early that morning on Parliament Hill. That student happened to be on Facebook at the time and showed her a picture of the display on her feed. Although she was not aware the display was even happening, she was made aware thanks to people who shared the pictures to all their friends. It was so exciting to get emails and text messages from our friends and supporters from around the country. They were seeing the pictures and cheering us on. Impact #4: For the volunteers Perhaps the most rewarding aspect of the entire display was the impact it had and will continue to have on the volunteers. Many of the people who helped us had never done anything like this before. Yes, they were aware of the issue and have talked about abortion with family and friends. But it is something completely different to stand on a busy street in downtown Ottawa, wearing a bright t-shirt and engaging passersby about the delicate issue. One lesson that stands out above most others from my career is that talking and writing about an issue is nothing like having to directly bring that issue to a secular audience. Many of the women walking by have had abortions. Others were experts and professionals. We were 12-year-old students and 67-year-old seniors, and many of us had never done anything like this. When we take our convictions to the next level – action – it results in changed hearts and minds and gives us the courage and experience to keep doing this the rest of our lives. This makes it easier to apply our faith to other issues and people, including outside of the political realm. As our society becomes increasingly secular, this is so important. I was moved by the stories from the volunteers who shared the conversations and their responses to people going by. Their parents, pastors, and teachers must have done a good job educating them because they demonstrated grace-filled and truth-filled responses to the difficult questions and challenges. For example, one pro-abortion man challenged a couple of young teen volunteers to stop “imposing their religion” on women and society. By the end of the conversation he said, “you sure know your stuff!” Never once during the day did I see any of the volunteers acting disrespectfully or responding inappropriately – keep in mind that many were young teens who were skipping school. This was noticed! One MP who we had never interacted with us before was so impressed with the conduct that he joined us after the day was over and made a speech, standing on the edge of the centennial flame fountain, expressing how impressed he was with the witness of the volunteers. Moving forward ARPA has made 5 separate display packages, each with 10,000 flags, with the purpose of having them move through Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta, and BC, reaching towns and cities throughout Canada in the years to come. We are looking to you to make use of these! They include banners, information tracts, and t-shirts. And it comes at no cost! We are encouraging that they be used beyond the Reformed community. They can be shared with all pro-life groups. Contact for more information. We thank God for the freedom, the means, and the level paths that he provided to turn one idea into a strong voice for justice for our preborn neighbors. ...

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Saturday Selections – Sept 28, 2024

Click on the titles for the linked articles... Glen Campbell: I'm not going to miss you Before his death in 2017, Glen Campbell had become about as big a musical star as can be. But then dementia hit, and even as performing was one of the last things he forgot, most everything was taken away from him bit by bit. In this song, he shares how the worst wasn't his to bear – that was going to be on his wife and family – because "I'm not going to miss you." A kick in the pants reminder that to dust we will all return (Gen. 3:19). But God's people can endure even this, knowing that something better waits (John 14:2-3). Defying the trend: mothers of large families Catherine Pakaluk is a Catholic who wrote a book about the 5 percent of US women who chose to have five or more kids. She interviewed 55 women from different religions and races and here's some of what she found. Is it biblical to want to influence our culture? Christians sometimes act as if we think God's Word is only relevant to believers. But if God is sovereign over the whole world, and if His ways are the best ways, and if His love is evident in His commandments, then of course we're going to want to point others in a Godward direction. Loving our neighbors as ourselves means sharing how we've been blessed so they can be too. Rules of success for motivated 13-year-olds There's a pretty clear biblical backing to many of the 50+ tips this 73-year-old Christian economist offers up. I might pick nits with a few (like his pre-nuptial suggestion - I'm not marrying anyone if I thought I'd need a pre-nup with them) but overall these could make for some great conversation starters with your kids just before they hit their teens. 5 things Science can't explain, but Theism can Christian philosopher J.P. Moreland once described himself as a creationist 3 days of the week, and a theistic evolutionist the other 4. In this article he's leaning more into the latter than the former, but shares points that creationists can largely agree with too. You're woke, why aren't your jeans? Was it only 5 years ago that woke was a joke? (If you haven't seen Real Talk's episode on woke-ism, check it out here.) ...

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News, Politics

Alberta planning to enshrine right to refuse vaccinations

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith announced in late September that her government is planning to amend and strengthen the Alberta Bill of Rights when the Alberta legislature sits again later this fall. As she explained via a video message: “As our society evolves, so too must our laws, to ensure our rights and freedoms are properly protected in an ever-changing world.” Smith’s first proposed change is to ensure that: “…every individual in our province who has the mental capacity to do so, will have the right to decide whether or not to receive a vaccination or other medical procedure.” But the revisions aren’t limited to vaccinations. The changes will also strengthen property rights to ensure that Albertans can’t be deprived of their property without due process and just compensation. And they also include a plan to further affirm the rights of legal and responsible firearm owners. As the premier declared: “In my view, these amendments to the Bill of Rights are not just legal changes. They are a reaffirmation of the values that make Alberta one of the freest jurisdictions on earth.” However, some are questioning the motives and the real impact of such changes. Mount Royal University professor Lori Williams argued that “she’s clearly playing to in the hopes that they will not call her leadership into question in the leadership review at the beginning of November.” The Alberta Bill of Rights was passed in 1972 and updated in 1980 and 2000. Unlike the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, it isn’t a constitutional document, so it is easily alterable. That means that even while other bills and policies in the province are supposed to align with the Alberta Bill of Rights, the legislature can as easily override the Bill of Rights as they can amend it. This highlights the differences between the rights God gives vs. rights from the State. As well motivated as the premier’s efforts might be, if the New Democrats win the next election, they could quickly take these new “rights” away. In contrast, God grants irrevocable rights via the prohibitions in His 10 Commandments – for example, by banning murder and theft He gives a right to life and property. These rights may still be violated by sinful man, but they can never be erased. Both the Alberta Bill of Rights and the Canadian Charter pay lip service to this truth by recognizing in their preambles that the rights they seek to recognize are founded on the supremacy of God. Picture credit: Screenshot from a Sept. 24 post to

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Will you die well?

We spend a lot of time preparing for things. Every day we prepare for school, work, or whatever else may be on our plate. We ensure we brush our teeth, get dressed, are well nourished, and aware of what is on our calendar. We fill our vehicles with fuel and ensure they still have insurance. We like to be prepared, especially if something big is coming our way. But something really big is coming our way, any moment now, and many of us aren’t actually prepared for it. You are going to die. Are you ready to die? More than that, will you die well? When we face things we don’t like, our western culture tends to resort to one of two methods. The first is to minimize it, living as if it isn’t a big deal, and the second is to try and control the situation. Evasion #1: Minimizing In recent decades, death is purposely being hidden. The days of wearing clothing to show you are mourning the loss of a loved one has long passed. Instead of being buried, 77% of deaths in my home province of BC result in cremation. After all, cremation is simple – it doesn’t require a casket, a plot in a graveyard, a funeral, a headstone, or even much of a wait. The body is simply “gone” with just some ashes remaining. Funerals have also been replaced with “memorial gatherings” or “celebrations of life” where a few words are spoken, pictures shared, and some drinks are poured. During and post-Covid, even many of these empty practices have been abandoned. With fewer children and broken families, many Canadians are approaching death realizing that they won’t be leaving much of a hole in anyone’s lives. Sure enough, when they die their rooms are emptied, the walls are painted, and the next tenant moves in shortly after. Did anyone even notice? We can point to culture, but how are we preparing for the prospect of our own deaths? A former pastor of mine shared that he prefers to preach at a funeral over a wedding. At a funeral people are usually listening – thirsty souls needing spiritual water. At a wedding most people are distracted, waiting for the message to wrap up so we can carry on with the other plans. The problem is that much of our lives can be characterized by distractions from what really matters. When it is our funeral, we won’t have any time left to pay attention. We are either ready or we aren’t. Evasion #2: Pretending to be in control Since humanity is not able to escape death, it is becoming common to do what we can to control it by ending life on our own terms. Since “assisted death” or MAiD was legalized in 2016, the numbers have jumped as much as 30 percent each year since. Well over 50,000 Canadians have already been killed this way. The National Post recently shared the story of Dr. Ellen Wiebe, who grew up in a Christian home and has killed over 400 people in BC. She calls her work “incredibly rewarding” stating that “it’s the last thing I’ll give up.” Why is it so important? “It’s about honouring people’s wishes, empowering people to have control over their own lives.” Again, Christians can face the same temptation, in at least two ways. First, many religious leaders claim that “MAiD” is a blessing to be embraced, as it allows people to die without facing more pain. And, without “assisted death” even being considered, other Christians do everything they can to fight against God’s clear plan to let our earthly life come to an end. We seek to control our death through every medical option available, or by becoming bitter at God for interfering with our hopes and plans. Dying well God has made it clear to us that minimizing death, or trying to control it, are both foolish. Since our first parents ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, death has been unavoidable (Gen. 2:17). And even if a doctor and the government are willing to end our lives, every one of us will still stand before God to give an account (2 Cor. 5:10-11). So if we want to live and die well, we need to understand life and death from God’s perspective, not our own. The Apostle Paul gives us the answer so beautifully in Ephesians 1 and 2. I urge you to stop reading this article and go to your Bible to Ephesians 1:1-2:10 right now. It will likely be some of the most valuable time of your day. Did you notice how many times Paul wrote about being “in Christ” and “in Him”? What God makes very plain to us in these verses is that if we want to die well, we need to die in Christ. Left to ourselves, death will have the victory over us. It doesn’t matter if we attended a Reformed church all our lives, were well respected by others, and are surrounded by a large and loving family. As Paul shares in Ephesians 2:1: “And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked... following the prince of the power of the air...” We were dead, even if our hearts were still beating. Thankfully the message doesn’t stop there. In verses 4-8 we hear the Gospel. Let it sink in: “But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ – by grace you have been saved – and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God...” When we die in Christ we are saved from eternal death by Christ’s death, and can look forward to being raised to eternal life, just as Christ did. That is why, in his letter to the Philippians Paul was able to testify, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21). As Pastor Jonathan Parnell shared in his article "Die Well" on “Death is gain because when all is lost, we still have all we ever really wanted, and now we have him in a deeper, richer experience that, as the apostle Paul says, is ‘far better’ (Philippians 1:23).” To live in Christ means to surrender everything to Him. Not control, or fight or hide, but surrender. “I am not my own but belong, in body and soul, to my faithful Savior Jesus Christ” (Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 1). Paradoxically, living well means dying to ourselves – even dying everyday (1 Cor. 15:31), so that we can experience abundant life – eternal life in Christ. Victory in Christ When we are in Christ we don’t have to minimize death, or try control it. We can rest in God’s good plan for our life. This doesn’t take away from the fact that death is our enemy. It stings. I’m “only” 43 but have felt the pain of death acutely many times. I’m not looking forward to experiencing it even more in my remaining days. Yet it makes all the difference in the world to understand that in Christ, death doesn’t have the final word for my loved ones or myself. Because He died for us and conquered the grave with His resurrection from the dead, “death is swallowed up in victory” (1 Cor. 15:54). It is now a gateway to life. Real life. Eternal life. “Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Cor. 15:57)....

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Saturday Selections – Sept 21, 2024

Actions speak louder than words During the COVID lockdowns political leaders were caught, with some regularity, violating their own rules, so this just-released clip might not even seem all that newsworthy. It is particularly scandalous – in this undercover video, Dr. Jay Varma, senior advisor to the New York City mayor, and, in his words, the architect of the city's COVID rules, admits to holding a sex party that violated those rules. What makes this notable is what Steven Crowder highlights: "This is a story about those in charge not fearing what it is that they demanded you fear..." The lesson here is that when something is outside our expertise and we have to trust someone else's evaluation, their actions – not their words – tell us what they really believe. What we have here is a COVID expert telling us that this virus was dangerous enough to shut down our church services but not his sex parties. And that's a bit of hindsight worth filing away. How women survive breastfeeding There is so much more going on in our bodies than anyone has ever imagined. Scientists just discovered a hormone produced when a mother is lactating that prevents her from going into a calcium dive – otherwise the baby getting calcium from mom would come at a cost to the calcium in mom's own skeletal system leading to osteoporosis. This is a longer article, and a bit technical, but the gist is amazing. Helping others trust God in the face of infertility and miscarriage (20 min) Jeremy Pray, the author of Infertility and Miscarriage: Helping Others Trust God in Every Season, discusses how to counsel couples facing infertility. How should they understand what God is doing? This podcast is intended for biblical counselors but would be a good listen for friends and family of anyone facing this struggle. Listen to this as a 20-minute podcast or, for those who prefer to read, there is also a transcript. When therapy harms instead of helps The Bible speaks to the value of wise counsel. But it shouldn't surprise us that some secular counseling makes things worse. How green energy endangers us in an emergency How far is your EV car going to get you when a storm knocks out the grid? But a truck with a full gas tank can get you out of the danger zone. And a tank of gas can get ambulances where they need to go. And power the semis bringing in emergency supplies. And etc. and etc. Gavin Newsom signed a deepfake ban so The Babylon Bee responded AI advances now allow the quick, cheap, and easy creation of "deepfake" videos that can depict people saying things they never did or would say. A fake but realistic depiction of Joe Biden could be made to say, "The nomination was stolen from me," or an indecipherable-from the-real "Donald Trump" could be shown talking about how the Russians backed him. These sorts of deepfakes could cause enormous problems. Some sort of regulation would seem a must then. However, when regulations come from unprincipled politicians we have to remember what Obama's former chief of staff Rahm Emanuel said about using trouble to push an agenda: "never let a serious crisis go to waste." When California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a law banning deep fake election ads, it would have been naieve to think it won't be weaponized against his enemies. After all, we're seeing more and more "lawfare" – lax enforcement of the rules for friends of the government, and the strictest application of the law against their enemies, So The Bablyon Bee stepped up to be the first target, creating the ad below. There is supposed to be an exception for satire, but Newsom agitated for this bill in response to a clearly sataric ad against Kamala Harris, so we will see. Got to love the very last line. ...

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President Trump runs from his pro-life past

Donald Trump once had the distinction of being the most pro-life president in living memory. In his first term in office, he put into place the Supreme Court judges that overturned the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision which had legalized abortion across the country 50 years before. Roe getting struck down was a ruling no one had expected, and almost no one could even have imagined. Yet, it happened, thanks largely to President Trump. But in a campaign stop in late August, the former president made quite the reversal. Instead of helping the unborn he pledged to put more babies in harm’s way. He told a crowd at Potterville, Michigan: “I’m announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration, your government will pay for, or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for, all costs associated with IVF treatment, fertilization for women.... because we want more babies, to put it very nicely.” He positioned the policy as pro-family, but because abortion is regularly part of IVF treatments, this is far from pro-family. As John Stonestreet explained in a recent column: “As commonly practiced, IVF almost always involves creating multiple embryos, since ‘excess’ embryos improves the chance of achieving pregnancy. In most cases, the embry- os that are created are then screened for ‘viability.’ Those deemed unviable are either destroyed or stored. Embryos are transferred into the woman’s uterus, either one at a time or multiples at a time. If pregnancy is achieved before all embryos are transferred, the rest are frozen, disposed of, donated to medical research, or stored for later use. If multiple pregnancies are achieved, a ‘fetal reduction’ is often recommended and performed.” By one estimate, more unborn children could be be murdered under Trump's announced policy than are currently being murdered via legalized abortion. Roughly one million American children are aborted annually, and the estimate is that another 1.2 million unborn children are also intentionally killed each year via the IVF process. Should IVF become free, as under Trump's plan, there's reasons to believe that IVF treatments could double, which would also double the death total. That's the result of what Trump is promising. Trump's personal life, his frequent crudity, and more so, his promotion of homosexuality and gambling, have all been marks against him as a candidate. So the case for Trump has always been that despite his lack in so many important areas, he was still (clearly) the lesser of two evils compared to his pro-abortion Democratic opponents Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. However, even while the 2024 Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris is every bit as bad on abortion as her predecessors, this time, with his IVF policy, Trump may have managed the impossible, outdoing Harris's body count by as many as a million dead children a year. That would make him the lesser of two evils no more. Does that mean Christians should vote for Harris? Or does it mean that sometimes candidates are just too evil to support, even if they are less evil than their rival? Picture credit: Lev Radin /

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Write your own eulogy

Crystalize what’s most important in your life **** My neighbor wrote my eulogy last week, or what I hope will be at least a part of it. It was her daughter’s birthday, and I had popped over with a present. Neither mother nor daughter was surprised when it turned out to be a couple of books, and that’s what prompted the mom to say: “Jon, when you die, I think everyone at the funeral will have gotten a book from you.” I’d like that to be true. I do think birthdays and anniversaries are a wonderful excuse to pass along a good book, and while I haven’t reached near everyone yet, the Lord willing, I do still have time. So, yes, “book giver” is something I’d love to have included in my eulogy. What would you like included in yours? Eulogies are most often written for us by our family after we have passed on, but some years back Dr. Gary North challenged his readers to write their own eulogies. He first wanted them to write up a good resume to detail what they’d already done, and then they were supposed to write their eulogy to lay out what they intended to do. After both were complete, North challenged his readers to focus in on the differences. “How well does your résumé match what you would like said in your eulogy? If there is a big discrepancy, work on both…. There should be more to your life than your résumé. If there isn't, start working on improving your eulogy. Then work backward.” This talk of dying is all about bringing focus to how we can live out our purpose. God created us to glorify Him, and to best do that we need follow just two commands: to first love God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and second, to love our neighbor as ourself (Matt. 22:37-39). So writing a eulogy is really just casting our eyes to the future to see how we might go about loving God and Man. Write it when you’re young While North’s proposal was an exercise aimed at everyone, there’s distinct benefits for young and old. Young people writing eulogies? Yes, because there’s benefit in asking, “How would I like to be remembered?” sooner rather than later. The earlier we get to it, the more time we’ll have to live out whatever goals we set. Like to be remembered as a generous donor to missions and Christian schooling? That might be achievable if you start charting this course in your teens. Would you love to be known as a nurturing parent? Best to write that down long before your kids move out. Want to be called a doting grandmother to dozens? It’s more realistic if you’re busy having, and loving, your own large family now. It’s a different twist on goal-setting, because eulogies don’t focus on our typical aspirations. A big house is nice, but have you ever heard that mentioned at a funeral? We’d all love to be able to explore the globe, but who’d want to be known simply as a world traveler at the end of their life? What priority do you want to give to your job? There are all sorts of careers that’d be worth a mention as your son or daughter sums up your time on earth, but only so long as they were a means of serving God, and hadn’t become a god to you. That’s how writing a eulogy early can show you what sort of goals are worth setting. Typing it out when you’re young is also a reminder to not put off what you can do today, since none of us have a promise of tomorrow. In his book Seasons of Sorrow, Reformed pastor and author Tim Challies wrote about his son Nicholas’s sudden death. The young man was just 20 when he died, and at the time was attending seminary and engaged to be married. While those plans were cut short, his father could take comfort in being able to write in his obituary: “ eventually became convinced that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, and that he ought to be a follower of Jesus.… All who share his faith commend him for running his short race well and anticipate the day when they will see him again.” Worth doing when you’re old There’s a different value in writing your eulogy when you’re older. It may be less about setting major new goals – limits on time and strength don’t allow a man in his sixties to take on studying to be a doctor, or starting a pig farm. But new ventures are still possible since retirement may bring time to do activities that just weren’t possible before. I know a man who took up painting and got quite good at it, leaving works that adorn the walls of family and friends. When infirmity took that away he turned to crafting poetry, glorifying his Maker in an entirely new way. But in these later years one benefit to writing a eulogy comes in the clarity it brings to revisions that should and could be made. A young man can fool himself into thinking he has all the time in the world to make amends. But once there’s no denying death’s approach, we can’t miss the need to make the most of the short time we might still have. It’s only fiction, but in Where the Blue Sky Begins, a terminal cancer diagnosis is what gives the main character her clear mission – she’s put it off for years but she’s sure God wants her to ask forgiveness of seven people she’s wronged. The very reason we might not want to write our eulogy at this age – all the regrets we don’t want to think about – is a big reason to do it. Sin has stained all our stories and what we’ve done can’t be undone. But it can be forgiven. Ships may have sailed, but course corrections are always possible because our God is merciful. Just think of the thief on the cross. We don’t know how old he was, but we know he had no strength and no time to offer – stuck as he was, he couldn’t do anything other than profess Jesus as righteous. But that was quite the plot twist, and whatever his story’s beginnings, he had such a spectacularly God-glorifying final chapter it was included in the Bible (Luke 23:39-43). Not all revisions are going to be this dramatic, but we all have sins we can flee from. Think of common examples: a stern mother can’t get back those early years, but she may now have time to craft a different entry as a grandma. Maybe you spent too much time watching hockey, or obsessing about the royals, or reading trashy fiction? Whatever our sins, so long as breath remains, we can repent. And then possibilities will exist still to glorify our Maker. For many a faithful saint these final chapters can also be about etching deeper what’s already been put down. My parents have gotten to a stage where getting out of bed has become an accomplishment, but they continue doing what they’ve always done, showing what a great marriage and sacrificial love looks like. It comes out in small ways, maybe bringing another cup of coffee, or holding hands during Jessica Fletcher but it’s more of what’s been going on for half a century now. It was also quite something to see my wife’s grandmother holding forth on her deathbed, still loving on the people gathered around her, more concerned about how they were doing than the pain she was feeling. And knowing she had just hours and not weeks, she took the opportunity to share some pointed advice because it was clear she had no time but the present. When years and maybe decades may still remain, polishing can be done. A good young elder can continue on as an older elder. Retired businessmen can burnish their legacy by mentoring younger entrepreneurs. Paul tells us that older men and women are to teach the younger generation (Titus 2), and Asaph tells us to share with our children what God has done in our own lives (Ps. 78). So long as breath remains, opportunities to honor God continue. Writing a eulogy in our later years can be about adding on an exclamation mark to what we already have down. Conclusion When I first started writing this article, I intended to share my own eulogy as an example. But if this exercise is going to be as brutally honest as it is meant to be, the results aren’t really for public consumption. I will share a couple of broader lessons learned. Like every Christian parent, I want to make it easy for my kids to say about me – to know about me – “He loved his Lord.” And I want my neighbors to know it too. There’s that old joke that goes, “if the government ever brought up charges against you for being a Christian would there be enough evidence to convict you?” Would your neighbors be able to join in on the prosecution side? Maybe like you, I have some work to do here. I’ve also realized, at least at this point of my life, I can most glorify God by being a patient father. There’s all sorts of other things I can work on too, and goals I should follow through on (like a book I’ve yet to start). But right now, every day again – almost moment by moment – I have repeated opportunities to help or to hurt the mood of my household. I can do so either as a harried, slightly grumpy, justice- more than mercy-minded, busy dad, or as a happier, calmer, more patient parent who better reflects his Father in Heaven. This second option is easy enough to write down, but if it’s going to be a goal and not simply a wish, steps need to be taken, and what will that look like? This eulogy-writing is only useful if it leads to concrete actions. So if I’m grumpy because I’m too busy, then I need to either take less on, or take steps to be better at organization. I know I’m a better saint when I’m well rested, so bed time needs to become a priority. If I really want to be remembered as a patient dad, what am I going to do about it, and what am I willing to give up to achieve this goal? That’s what I’ve learned, but now how about you? What are your friends and family going to say about you when you’re gone? And what can you do about it still now?...

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Saturday Selections – September 7, 2024

The importance of "social trust" What can we do when people stop trusting? One common approach is to outsource trust to the government. Get the government to inspect, certify, and license folks to prove they are trustworthy. The problem here is that this makes trust an expensive commodity: licenses, inspections, and certifications all cost money and time. And it also presupposes that the one entity we can trust is our government, and their competence to be able to assess everyone else. The video supposes we can turn the tide by being trustworthy ourselves. That's a start, certainly, but while that would benefit your customers, it wouldn't benefit your interactions with the rest of your untrustworthy society. What this video is calling for then (though it doesn't know it) is revival. Only God can change hearts en masse! It's a young world after all On offer here, four evidences of a young solar system. 11 things to know when Jehovah’s Witnesses are at the door They might present themselves as Christian, but they believe in a very different God. How do we give hope and help to women who struggle with postpartum depression? Two biblical counselors offer hope in this 30-minute podcast that's also available as a 15-minute read. Are the "5 Love Languages" real? Gary Chapman's 1992 bestseller The Five Love Languages proposed that there are 5 very different ways that people express love, and that we could all get along better if we understood each other's primary love language. I had a friend who benefitted from the book when she realized that while she appreciated physical affection – she was a hugger – her mom just wasn't. But, she'd often buy her daughter presents. Chapman's book helped my friend realize how often her mom was thinking of her, how much her mom did indeed love her, even though her mom never gave her an encouraging hug. So, for some the book was quite impactful. But further study finds that while we might have different tendencies, our "love languages" aren't as distinct as the book made them seem. Even my friend's dear ol' mom, who wasn't a hugger, might have appreciated a hug. Why Christians need to stop using the term "same-sex attracted" English professor and former homosexual Rosario Butterfield explains that we should not identify with our sins. She is not speaking primarily to Christians who are simply using this term for the sin they are struggling with (though she has thoughts for them too). Rather, this is directed more at Christians who, though they might be remaining chaste, are claiming same-sex attraction as a part of their identity. ...

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Saturday Selections – August 31, 2024

Click on the titles to go to the linked articles... Jordan Peterson pressed on whether he is Christian or not (10 min) Jordan Peterson has seemingly been on the cusp of repenting and believing for a long time, speaking glowingly about both Jesus and His Word. But past examinations of Jordan's beliefs have shown him to be Jungian rather than Christian. So has anything changed? Well, in late July he talked with John Rich, best known for being half of the country/pop duo Big & Rich. I only recently learned that Rich professes to be Christian (during his Tucker Carlson appearance) as the duo's best known song, Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy), wouldn't have you thinking so. But in a July 26 interview on Peterson's podcast, Rich pressed Canada's most famous psychologist on whether he is or isn't a Christian. The video below hits the highlights, but if you want to listen to the whole 90-minute original, click here. Was Jesus just a good moral teacher? As John Stonestreet notes and as C.S. Lewis did before him (and as Jordan Peterson should consider – see above), you can't call Jesus a good teacher if you don't acknowledge Him as God. Limiting my phone expanded my view of God "I’ll always remember summer 2024 as the first 'real-world summer' of my adult life—the summer I fundamentally changed how I interact with my smartphone. I left social media behind in 2022, but according to my screen-time reports, I was still spending around two hours a day on my phone. Two hours. I have a full-time job and two kids. Surely I could have been doing something else with all that time..." 11 statistical tips for a healthy marriage Some great points here for couples to ponder, whether these are reminders or entirely new thoughts for you. The great myth of the Sexual Revolution: you will always be young Jonathon Van Maren reports on how egg-freezing for women employees is becoming a common thing, promising that they can first establish their career and then have children later. But it is a false promise. The myth of "Junk DNA" Evolutionists predicted that much of our DNA would be junk – it was just the remnants of our long-ago evolutionary ancestors. Creationists and Intelligent Design proponents made a very different prediction: we'd find functions for this "Junk DNA" since we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Guess which prediction came true? It's important to note, too, that the secular assumptions discouraged inquiry – atheism stymied science, and an acknowledgment of a Creator furthered science. ...

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