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Saturday Selections – Jan. 18, 2025

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Motorized machines in your cells? Yes there are!

Kinesin are "motorized transport machines" that transport materials around the cell to their proper locations – that's why they are known as the "the workhorses of the cell."

Oops, I locked my wife in the chicken coop!

This is Ray Comfort with the most original plug for a gospel tract that I've ever read.

Why true charity can only blossom under capitalism

This article starts with some $10 words, but makes the point that:

"If a pickpocket robs Peter to pay Paul, the pickpocket is not being charitable. And neither is Peter, because he had no choice in the matter."

It is not care if the government does it – it is compulsion. And if the government has to do it because no one else will, that only shows the extent of that uncaringness.

As a single man, I felt little pressure to get married. I wish I had. (10 minute read)

Not all are called to marriage. But in a culture that hates marriage, marriage needs its defenders... and nudgers.

Also important here is the idea that Christians can defend one thing without then becoming guilty of denigrating the other – ie. that marriage is being defended does not mean that those who are single are necessarily being attacked or shamed. Some singles are being called out, but only those who are being passive about it. Life passes us by – we bury our talents (Matthew 25:14-30) – when we don't make choices.

10 fantastic books to understand Genesis

The producer of the documentary Is Genesis History? has 10 books to recommend for doing a deep dive.

Buy dirt (4 min)

A celebration of family, marriage, hard work, and blowing up your TV.

And dirt. That too.

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How to look forward to the future

Hopefulness is a skill we can learn, because… God ***** Doomerism: despair and apathy caused by a disbelief that anything can get better; most often used with regard to global warming, lack of positive social change, and the risk of AI takeover. – as defined by Wiktionary I am shocked at how much optimism has died just in my own lifetime. I didn’t even realize the cultural atmosphere in my childhood was particularly optimistic – it was just “normal” to me. But compared to the current atmosphere, with the oppressive worries of natural disasters, new diseases, social tension, authoritarian governments, and renewed nuclear threats, the previous decades take on a rosy hue. Why do so many people, especially young people, feel an impending sense of doom? It’s less about our current circumstances, and more about the loss of hope for the future. We might be all right at the moment, the feeling seems to be, but we’re just hanging in there. Who knows how long we’ll be able to hang in there for? You might argue that this is worldly thinking. Climate change, authoritarianism, social issues are all things “the world” is concerned about. But I can relate to feeling like my actions and decisions are pointless, my life is going nowhere, and that the future looks bleak. I have had times in my life where I felt paralyzed, like anything I did would likely lead to doom. It turns out that being hopeful takes a lot of effort sometimes. And when the world around us persistently sends messages about how bleak everything is, about how young people are worse off than their parents’ generation, and how disaster looms on the horizon, it feels even harder to go against the flow. But as Christians, shouldn’t we know how to hope? Yet Christian discussions can also be full of how the world is getting worse. Christians are worried about what will happen to their families and their churches. And so, hopefulness becomes a hard skill for us to learn. How do you learn to have hope for the future? Here are a few perspectives that have helped me along the way. 1. Don’t miss the big story by obsessing on the details One helpful way I’ve found to think about the future is to remind myself that I already know the ending, and that ending is a happy one. The day-to-day right now might look like it inevitably leads to doom and gloom, but I know that’s not the big picture. I just need to zoom out enough to see the whole big story, and see that I’m just in a small part in the middle of it. I’m muddled down in the details, but a detail isn’t the whole story. And the best way to remind myself of the big story is to read the Word of God. That’s where we hear the end of the story and are reminded about who’s writing it. Ok, ok, you might be thinking, that's the big picture, but I still feel hopeless about my life. I might know in the end everything will turn out all right, but I still don’t feel capable of doing anything right now. I still feel like the current circumstances make whatever I do seem pointless. It’s true, it can be hard to connect what we believe to how we feel. Sometimes we know something, but we still feel anxious or paralyzed. But this means that it’s worthwhile examining what story our feelings are buying into, if we feel that way. We might not realize the degree that we’re accepting other people’s narratives about our lives. 2. No, the pessimists don’t know it all You might be sitting at home, doomscrolling on your phone, and some talking head on TikTok pops up bringing all these facts together: while wages in Canada have increased by 74.3% since 2003, housing prices have increased by 227%. Add to that the information that Canada’s population has also increased during this time, and that housing starts have struggled to keep up with the demand. Your heart sinks. You weren’t thinking about when you’d be able to afford a house before that moment, but now you’re convinced you never will. What’s the point of going to work tomorrow? And that’s just one example. It doesn’t take much time online to find theories about why Gen Z, or millennials, or whatever generation is doomed – why they will never get married, or afford a house, or be able to have children, or ever retire. These theories all seem so airtight, based on facts and statistics laid out in a logical fashion, with each piece of data leading to the next. But life is not so airtight. These theories are not prophecies about your life. Perhaps some of the stats and data might be useful for bureaucrats trying to understand social conditions, but when they become reasons for you to give up on life, they’ve left the realm of usefulness. We’re often skeptical of mainstream media narratives about politics and the environment, but somehow this kind of data can sneak into our brains. Sometimes it starts off being comforting, because it explains why we’re not quite where we want to be in life yet. It’s not us, it’s just our circumstances. But an inescapable path of doom unfolding beneath your feet doesn’t help you in the long run; it paralyzes you. What will help? Stop listening to these voices. No one theory can take into account all the information available – each tends to cherry-pick facts that fit. Online influencers and writers and videos tend to emphasize the negative narratives because that’s what gets clicks. And no theory can predict the unexpected event that changes everything and throws all accepted theories into chaos (sometimes known as a black swan event). The world is not predictable, and events that don’t fit the theories do happen (and disprove the theories). So why base your life on one of those theories? 3. Learn from history as it actually was When my grandma was a young woman in the Netherlands, World War II started and all the young men left town to join the army. She didn’t think it was likely she would get married. Then she met my grandpa, who was a resistance fighter. After the war, they wanted to get married, but so many houses had been bombed in the Netherlands that there was nowhere for them to live. We can look back on the past with nostalgia – “in the 1950s you could support a family on one income!” But we don’t remember all the times that a future didn’t look possible for them back then, all the times when, logistically, there was just no one around to get married to, or statistically there were zero homes for newly married couples to live in, or that the “better life” looked a lot harder than the old life. Maybe life doesn’t give us “optimal conditions.” Sometimes “doing something” really looks like doing the impossible. My grandma just kept taking the next step, even if circumstances didn’t look great. After all, nothing is impossible with God. So don’t base your life on disheartening statistics. Instead, why not base your life on the Word of God? 4. Trust God with the future God loves you, and He didn’t design your life as a kind of trap you can’t escape. But He also doesn’t reveal our life paths to us before they happen. He calls us to trust in Him as we walk in His ways: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Ps. 119:105). In other words, God hasn’t shone a spotlight on your destination, but He does light your feet as you take each step. You are part of a big story, but your part might not include our society’s preferred narrative of buying a home to fund your retirement, or finding the one career where you can make a meaningful impact. Or, who knows, maybe that will be part of your story one day. But the fundamental thing to hold onto is that you are a part of the story God is telling, and this means your life has meaning. What does knowing this do for us? It means we don’t have to be paralyzed. It also means we don’t have to see what will happen to us before it happen, even though we think predicting our future will make us feel better. We don’t need to add up all the facts together to predict our future and come to a negative conclusion (“there’s more women than men in the average church I attend, therefore the likelihood of me finding a husband is less than...”). God doesn’t work according to statistics. God doesn’t stop working out His plan because forecasters say most millennials won’t be able to afford a house. He will do whatever His will is for your life. The question is, are you open to that? 5. Trust Him one step at a time Can you keep taking the next step God lays in front of your feet, and the next step, and the next step, without always knowing where it will go? Can you find the courage to try things that are a little scary for you, if He calls you to them? Sometimes moving forward in life feels like plunging into the unknown, into something that could go terribly wrong (because any momentous choice in life could go terribly wrong) but with the willingness to try and see what God will do with your life. It’s easy to say, just do something, but doing something come with risk. We can take actions that make us suffer, we can make wrong decisions, we can do the wrong thing. That’s what scares us, and makes us paralyzed. The reality of risk feeds our paralysis. But to begin to exercise our faith and trust in our God Who is bigger than us, we do have to step out and learn to leave what’s out of our control up to Him. The Bible is full of examples of people stepping out in faith and leaving the future up to God. There is Abraham, who "went out, not knowing where he was going... to live in the land of promise, as in a foreign land” (Heb. 11:8-9). People did not live their lives by theories or statistics: “By faith Sarah herself received power to conceive, even when she was past the age, since she considered him faithful who had promised” (Heb. 11:11-12). And in the face of our fear of the future we can still act: “In the morning sow your seed, and at evening withhold not your hand, for you do not know which will prosper, this or that, or whether both alike will be good” (Eccl. 11:6). We’re urged in the Parable of the Ten Talents, and in Proverbs, to do the work in front of us. But we’re also urged to leave the results up to God. “Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain. It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for He gives to his beloved sleep” (Ps. 127:1-2). So let go of what you can’t control. God isn’t calling you to navigate what’s out of your hands. And then do your part. Take steps in what areas you can do something. This is the only place to start. Conclusion Hopefulness isn’t a journey we can travel on our own. We can’t always formulate or speak the positive story to ourselves, and others can come alongside us to tell us their own stories of God’s work in their lives. If you’re feeling hopeless, reach out and talk to someone you trust. But at the same time, lean into God and His Word. He can contradict and counteract the negative narratives from culture that surround us every day. He can give us hope when the world claims it is dark. And we know His promises to us never fail....

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Don’t overlook the blessings of today

Our children are actually wealthier than the very richest of 100 years ago ***** You stir in your bed as the strains of an orchestra tickle at the edge of your still sleeping consciousness. The volume increases little by little, and you wake up in your warm cozy bed. You stick your toes out of bed onto the floor: even though it’s January, it’s warm and pleasant inside your bedroom, as the furnace has been programmed by your smart thermostat to warm the house fifteen minutes before you need to get up. You share the bathroom upstairs with your sister, but she won’t be up for another half hour, so you turn on the tap to your preferred setting, and warm water instantly gushes out: you luxuriate in the shower an extra few minutes as you think about the day ahead. Your mom has put out a delicious breakfast: bacon and eggs on toast, with sliced oranges and a cup of hot tea, just the way you like it. Dad reads the morning devotions, and leads your family in prayer; then you’re off to take on the challenges of a day at work. You drive yourself in the car your parents sold you for much less than it was worth: it’s been sitting in the garage, not outside in the cold, so you don’t even need to scrape frost off the windshield. You’re new at your job, but the work is interesting and challenging, and your co-workers are mostly kind. The office is always kept at the perfect temperature for working, and the company provides snacks and gourmet coffee for your morning and afternoon breaks: they hope to make the work environment as comfortable as possible, because paying well is not enough to keep associates engaged in their work; people also need to feel appreciated and well cared for! When lunch hour arrives, you make your way to the company gym for a work out – after a few hours of mental toil, it feels so good to put your body through some physical tests! After a quick shower, you’re back at your desk at 1 pm to continue your tasks through the end of the work day at 5:00. It was a productive day, and you feel good about what you’ve accomplished. You make your way home, stopping at the sports store to pick up a hockey stick for tonight’s game. At $250, it’s a bit more than you usually spend, but you’ve been saving up for quite a while and it’s time to treat yourself a little bit – and maybe it will help solve your goal scoring drought! After the game, you relax with your friends in the dressing room, limiting yourself to one beer so you can feel sharp in the morning, but enjoying the camaraderie and fun with your teammates. Home at a decent hour, you chat with your parents before bed time, check the football scores on your iPhone, and head upstairs for a good night’s sleep. Then before you know it, the music starts again… Life in the modern world Most of our readers could relate to some of what’s written above: a hardly unusual day for a modern citizen of the western world (although this fictional teenager will be adding many responsibilities in the coming years if he or she is blessed with a spouse and family in due time!) But what you have just read, and, very likely, what you experienced today in your own daily routine, would be unimaginable luxury for 99% of the world’s population over the past 6,000 years. Waking up in your own private bedroom and having access to running hot water? That would be a luxury reserved for only the wealthiest in centuries past. Your usage might be limited to checking the weather and texting your friends, but that phone in your pocket has access to more information than the largest libraries of the ancient world. What we consider a typical work week of 40 or 45 hours would be laughably brief for our grandparents and their parents. And the way our bosses pamper us? Our ancestors would be stunned… 100 years ago Many of our readers have family trees with roots in the Netherlands: my own grandparents were born early in the 1900s, and so would have been in their twenties a century ago. Perhaps you only know your family members from this time frame as gloomy faces in faded black and white pictures: but they were of course real people with real struggles, joys and sorrows. If we transport ourselves back in time one hundred years, to the Netherlands of the 1920s, we might be shocked at living conditions. As in most of the world, the infant mortality rate in Holland was very high: it was not uncommon for a couple to bury two or three children before they had reached their teenage years. If you look at the genealogies of your family, you might see multiple children with the same name: if baby Geert died, the next male son might also be named Geert, so that the name of one’s relatives would live on in the family line. Between 1900 and 1930, the population of Holland increased from 5 million to 8 million, a 60 percent increase in just 30 years. The Netherlands had stayed out of “The Great War” of 1914 to 1918, which we now know as the First World War, and so the country was spared the devastation that swept over other European countries. During that same time frame, average life expectancy in the nation increased from around fifty to around sixty. It was not at all uncommon for adults to die much earlier than today: with less modern medicine and antibiotics, some diseases that would be relatively minor today would be fatal a hundred years ago. Despite the Netherlands status as the sixth wealthiest country in the world in the 1920’s, the average working family lived without most of the comforts that we consider commonplace today. In the cities, electricity was starting to become more common as a source of light and power in homes, but indoor plumbing was still hit and miss. In the country and small towns, laborers lived in very humble conditions; sometimes even in sod huts (shelters built of turf, or dug into a hillside), with a fireplace burning dried peat – compressed moss – for heating and cooking. Of course, not everyone in the 1920s lived in such humble circumstances, but even the middle class made do with far less than we would consider a minimum standard. For clothing, most children would have one set of clothes and shoes for the weekdays, and a special “Sunday” dress or suit, often worn with the same shoes. Absent the assistance of a washing machine and dryer, moms would wash all the households clothing by hand (or using a manually powered washing machine), and laundry would be hung out to dry on the clothesline. And in inclement weather, it would be strung up across the attic. The 1950s Perhaps 100 years ago seems far removed – how about we move forward a generation and make a comparison with the world of your parents and grandparents in the 1950s? Everything in the world had changed in 1939 when Nazi Germany invaded Poland, igniting the Second World War. Unlike the first “Great War,” this time the Netherlands could not stay neutral, as German forces swept through the low countries in the spring of 1940, conquering their neighbor in just a few days. The Nazis treated the Dutch reasonably well at first, but soon began a campaign to eradicate the Jewish population, and to bring food, manpower, and raw material back to Germany for the war machine to continue its fight. The last months of the war, known as the “Hunger Winter,” was the pinnacle of suffering for the Dutch population, as the last gasps of the German forces left little food available, and left behind much trauma and despair. After the war, many Europeans wanted to get out of the Old World, away from the new dangers of Communism, and towards the freedom, opportunity, and prosperity of western countries. The USA, Canada, Australia, and South Africa opened their doors to immigrants, especially those with a background in agriculture who were willing to work in the farms and fields. Perhaps you’ve heard stories from your parents or grandparents about the difficult early years in their new homeland, learning a new language, and often living in very difficult circumstances. While every family’s story is different, you can imagine your family’s own history. You wake up and it’s so cold! As usual, your brother has grabbed most of the blankets, and the brick you took out of the fireplace and wrapped in rags to warm your bed last night has now lost its warmth. It’s your chore to start the fire this morning, so you flick on the single light switch and get dressed in the cold, teeth chattering. The house only has one bathroom, and it’s occupied – you wonder who could be awake before you? Off you head to the kitchen to stoke up the fire, and when you peek inside the wood stove, there are a few embers still glowing. You’re able to get the fire going again and soon the room begins to warm up. Next, you head outside for your morning chores: Dad has been hired as a farm hand for the Canadian farmer who sponsored your family, and this means the whole clan has to pitch in! The first milking is at 4:30 a.m., and Dad is already out there getting the milking pails ready for you and your brother. After a few hours of hard work in the cold, you head back inside for the breakfast that Mom has prepared. Dad reads the Bible, and then you and your siblings head off to the road to wait for a ride from the neighbors who will take you to school. You’re all crammed in the old four-door Ford; with no seatbelts required, it doesn’t really matter how many are in the back seat! Dad has already told you that ninth grade will be your last year of schooling: you’re going to need to work full time to help the family out! If you want more education than that, you might be able to go to night school, but your parents don’t really think that is necessary. Your older sister is already working at the shoe factory down the road; she gives all her wages to Dad and Mom, and they give her an allowance in return. This will be the way it is until you leave the parental home! When you get home from school, there is more work around the farm needing to be done. Dad is often working late nights, especially during the harvest, and you are expected to pitch in every afternoon, and often after supper as well. Sunday is the day of rest, but the cows still need to be milked, and chores have to be done! Your church is a 45-minute drive away, but there’s no way your parents are not taking the whole family to both morning and evening services. Sundays are a wonderful time to connect with fellow immigrants, to socialize, to compare notes about work opportunities, to marvel at the blessings the Lord has given to your community. While life is not easy, there is so much more opportunity in Canada than there was for you in Holland, and you are grateful to God for His provision and goodness. Despite the hard conditions, you know the Lord is looking after His people, and that in all circumstances, you may lean on Him for all you need for body and soul. Reflection While your grandparents may look back with fondness on their early years in North America, and might even miss some of the struggles they had to go through, there is no doubt that life was more difficult than it is today. In 2025, we enjoy and appreciate Christian schools in most of our communities; we have many post-secondary opportunities for our youth; we have incredible economic and employment options in our free market nations, and we are free to worship our God without persecution. We are collectively the beneficiaries of the sacrifices made by the previous generations in working hard for their families and for their communities. The Lord has been so good to us! We do not need to feel guilty about these blessings, but we should use them wisely for the good of our neighbors, and to the glory of our great God....

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Saturday Selections – Dec. 21, 2024

The perfection of beauty Even if rap isn't a favorite musical genre, you may well be impressed by this, from Blair Linne, wife of Reformed rapper Shai Linne, with her introduction to his Attributes of God album.... It's amazing what happens when you repeat pro-aborts' arguments back to them In this exchange between a pro-lifer and a passerby, we see that we don't all have to be brilliant debaters to stand up for the unborn. The pro-choice side is horrible, so sometimes the best argument can simply be to get them to plainly state their position. And they may well be shocked at what they hear themselves say. Pastoral Q&A: How often should I confess my sins? "You could also simply take the two great commandments and ask: how did I fare in loving God with all my being and my neighbour as myself? Or you could think in terms of sins of omission and commission. Where did I fail to do what God commands today (sinning by omission)? Where did I directly contravene what God positively commands (sinning by commission)?" Does biblical submission of a wife position her to be abused by her husband? The biblical doctrine of male headship in marriage is being denounced as simply a means for abusive men to dominate and abuse women. But that's not true. You are your body "It’s odd that after years of being accused by atheists and materialists of being trapped in our spiritual fantasies and ignoring the real world, Christians now find themselves as the ones saying that the physical world – especially the human body – matters, is real, and is of utmost significance. But here we are. If Christ came in the likeness of men, if He promised to redeem humanity, and if our humanity includes the body, then our bodies really do matter." Russ Tamblyn’s unforgettable “Shovel Dance” (3 min) This is an absolute must-see (even if the movie it is from is not). ...

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The pot experiment has been a disaster

If marijuana definitively destroys lives, should we be free to smoke?  ***** A few weeks ago, Dave Portnoy of Barstool Sports publicly supported a measure that would legalize marijuana in Florida. “As an adult,” Portnoy said, “I should be allowed to smoke weed, watch football, and eat pizza on Sunday regardless if I’m at home in Mass or Florida.” To which, Matt Walsh replied: "Can you point to any state or city in the country where life has been, in any way, measurably improved after legalizing marijuana? Where are the legalization success stories? Give me just one please." After the rushed social experiment by many states to legalize marijuana, we know the answer to this important question. Study after study has demonstrated that legal pot has been even more disastrous than predicted. The most obvious consequences have been in basic safety concerns. Legalizing pot correlates with a rise in auto crashes, as well as property and violent crimes. Also, despite the fact that this is now a multibillion-dollar industry, legalizing pot has grown rather than reduced the black market. Promises of health benefits have also proven to be more smoke than substance. Pot’s most devastating impact has been in the arena of mental health, which has declined to epidemic levels in the U.S. This is largely due to the increased potency of pot that is sold today, which is significantly stronger than what was passed around at Woodstock. Analyzing medical data from 6 million people, researchers in Denmark found that up to 30% of schizophrenia cases among young men could be linked to marijuana use. Though advocates and lawmakers have worked to “decrease the public’s perception of its harm,” as the study’s lead author said, they have misrepresented the reality. Other studies also have shown a clear link between marijuana use and psychosis. For example, according to a report at CBS News, "eople who smoked marijuana on a daily basis were three times more likely to be diagnosed with psychosis compared with people who never used the drug. For those who used high-potency marijuana daily, the risk jumped to nearly five times." In other words, pot isn’t a victimless crime and, given its social impact, cannot simply be reduced to a matter of personal freedom. Not only are cannabis users more likely to start using opioids, but the National Academy of Medicine reports that using pot “is likely to increase the risk of schizophrenia and other psychoses; the higher the use, the greater the risk.” Between 2006 and 2014, emergency room visits for marijuana-induced psychosis tripled to 90,000. Most troubling of all is the link between pot and teen suicide. According  to Colorado state statistics, the drug was found in the system of some 42% of teens who had taken their own lives, a rate nearly twice that of alcohol and four times that of any other substances. Colorado consistently ranks among the worst states in terms of suicide rates. Critics will quickly argue that correlation does not imply causation, but connections like this must be investigated. If nearly half of stroke victims took the same medicine, would we wonder if there was a link worth our consideration? Why the reluctance to connect the dots when it comes to marijuana? Since suicide rates have risen every year that pot has been legal, we’re far past giving the benefit of the doubt. Of course, if lawmakers took up Matt Walsh’s challenge, they’d have to reconsider and recant their promises of personal liberty, not to mention millions of dollars for education and better roads. The science here is all but settled. Pot is bad for individuals, and it’s bad for society. The kind of freedom Portnoy is claiming ends in slavery, a slavery to one’s own passion. It is a freedom from rules and restraint, not a freedom for the good life. True freedom is a necessary means for human flourishing, but as Chuck Colson often noted, there is no true freedom without virtue. A freedom that wrecks the mind, puts families, children, and neighbors at greater risk, and contributes to general social degradation is not freedom. It’s license built on selfishness. For more resources to live like a Christian in this cultural moment, go to This is reprinted with permission from the Colson Center....

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In a Nutshell

Tidbits – December 2024

Red flags apply to politics too John Piper thinks that deciding who you are going to vote for is a lot like picking out a potential spouse. In both cases, you have to decide what will and will not disqualify a candidate. Or as he puts it: “not liking cats would not have disqualified a woman as my wife, but not liking people would. Drinking coffee would not, but drinking whiskey would. Kissing dogs wouldn’t, but kissing the mailman would. And so on.” The same holds true in politics. Before we vote we have to ask ourselves what issues matter enough to us to disqualify any candidate who holds a differing stand. To quote Piper again: "....there are numerous single issues that disqualify a person from public office. For example, any candidate who endorsed bribery as a form of government efficiency would be disqualified, no matter what his party or platform was. Or a person who endorsed corporate fraud (say under $50 million) would be disqualified no matter what else he endorsed. Or a person who said that no black people could hold office—on that single issue alone he would be unfit for office. Or a person who said that rape is only a misdemeanor – that single issue would end his political career. These examples could go on and on. Everybody knows a single issue that for them would disqualify a candidate for office." There are, of course, no perfect candidates. But there is imperfect and then there is wicked, and we all know there is a line we need to draw. So a candidate who wants to waste tax dollars on an Olympic bid might still get my support, but if he's racist, wants to indoctrinate children into the LGBT lifestyle, or wants mothers to continue to be able to kill their unborn children, then he isn’t getting my vote. Some Christians refuse to vote for pro-life candidates because they say that it is silly to vote based on just one issue. True enough: just because someone is pro-life doesn’t mean they will know what to do about foreign affairs, Indigenous treaties, or problems with unemployment and homelessness. A candidate’s stand on one issue, even if it is a stand against abortion, is never enough to qualify him for office. However, a candidate’s stand on just one issue can certainly be enough to disqualify him. Being able to make the trains run on time means nothing if the candidate also supports mass murder. Source: “Single-issue politics” World, Nov. 4, 2000 Annie Wilson's Red Flag Top 10 pro-life slogans As seen here, there, and everywhere across the Internet: Life – the choice of the next generation Pro-woman, Pro-child, Pro-life She’s a child…not a choice. Abortion is legal. So was slavery. Thanks Mom! I got born! It’s a wrong, not a right – stop abortion now Abortion doesn’t make you “un”pregnant; it makes you the mother of a dead baby. Life begins at conception…and ends at Planned Parenthood Abortion stops a beating heart Choice before the act, not after the fact. What Jordan Peterson gets right As the headline of Brad East's Christianity Today article put it, "Jordan Peterson loves God's Word. But what about God?" The Canadian psychologist is as famous for the stand he took against compelled speech – he refused to be forced into calling male students by "preferred pronouns" – as he is for his passion for God's Word. There's reason to hope he might someday become Christian, but he isn't there yet. But why, then, does much of what he says and write have an appeal to Christians? Brad East has thoughts on that too. "About a decade ago, a friend of mine mentioned a series of videos about the Bible he’d discovered online. It was by an obscure Canadian academic whom neither of us knew. My friend had been raised evangelical and remained a Christian, but after watching, he asked me a question he’s repeated many times since: 'Why didn’t anyone ever tell me the Bible is interesting?' "....An odd ally for Christians, in other words, at least at first glance. Yet my Christian friend found Peterson a breath of fresh air. The reason, I’ve come to see, is simple. Peterson was speaking about the Bible as if it were the most important thing in the world, as if the stakes were a matter of life and death, as if the stories and themes of Scripture demanded an immediate existential decision on the part of everyone who encountered them. My friend was familiar with old-time religion. He wasn’t familiar with this." There is a question apologist Del Tackett asks, along the lines of "Do you really believe that what you believe is really real?" Any time our actions don't match our profession, then the answer is plain, no, we don't really believe what we say we believe... or we'd act differently. I'm not suggesting everyone (or anyone) go out and buy Peterson's books, but in one big way there is something we can learn from this yet-to-be-Christian – his kind of enthusiasm is what it looks like to love God's Word! Quote of the month “Sports don’t teach character; sports reveal character.” – John Wooden Two cults and a Christian In the predominantly Mormon town of Cardston, Alberta, a certain Dave De Haan used to go door-to-door asking people if they would like to learn about Jesus Christ. This well-dressed man was hardly the only person going door-to-door in Cardston, but while most of the others were Jehovah’s Witnesses (yup, JW’s love to try and recruit Mormons!) Dave was different – he’s Christian. One of Dave’s favorite door-to-door stories is of the time one of the town’s higher-ranking Mormons pulled him into his house. After hustling Dave into the kitchen, the Mormon elder confessed that he had been seriously examining the Bible lately and was starting to doubt his Mormon faith. And now he wanted to ask Dave some questions about Christianity. “That’s great!” Dave exclaimed, “Go grab your Bible, and we’ll talk.” The elder disappeared and then reappeared a moment later with his New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. It turns out this Mormon took his first steps from Mormonism to Christianity using a Jehovah’s Witnesses translation of the Bible! God can even use two cults to make a Christian. Source: a speech by Dave De Haan on February 2, 2002 at Missions Fest 2002 If you don’t have grace… Sometimes, we may take Jesus’ saving grace for granted. An excerpt from the Talmud of Jerusalem describes what life is like for those who do not rely on Jesus as Mediator and Savior. "When Rabbi Jochanan was close to death his students came and visited him. When he saw them all he burst into tears. “'Rabbi!' they exclaimed, 'Light of Israel! Our chief pillar! Why are you weeping?' "The Rabbi answered, 'Were I to be brought before a king of flesh and blood, who is here today and tomorrow in the grave; who may be angry with me, but not forever; who may imprison me, but not forever; who may kill me, but only for this world; whom I may sometimes bribe; even then I would be afraid. But now, I am to appear before the King of kings, the Most Holy One, blessed be He who lives through all eternity. If He is angry, it is forever; if He imprisons me, it is forever; if He slays me, it is for the future world; and I can bribe Him with neither words nor money. So now, on my deathbed, two paths are before me, one leading to punishment, the other to reward, and I don’t know which path He will have me travel. Should I not weep?'” Good questions Folks on the Internet want to know: Why don’t they just use the fattest man in the world for a hockey goalie? How do you get off a non-stop flight? Why don’t you ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"? How do you throw away a garbage can? Why do ballet dancers dance on their toes? Why doesn’t the company just hire taller dancers? How does the guy who drives the snowplow get to work in the mornings? Why isn't there a mouse-flavored cat food? How do you know when you've run out of invisible ink? Why is it called lipstick if you can still move your lips? The lazy man’s guide to getting fit If you’re considering a New Year's resolution to rid yourself of some excess baggage but think exercise is just too painful, then the latest, greatest fitness craze might be just the thing for you and me. We’ll still have to exercise – there’s no avoiding it – but with this program, it’s unlikely we’ll feel pain. The key is starting off slowly, very slowly – the first day you exercise only 1 minute. The next day you increase that by 30 seconds, and then continue adding 30 seconds each day. In a month, you’ll be up to 15 minutes! Missed a day? No worries. Just resume the next day using the same length of time you used in your last day. If you miss 3 or more days in a row, you may have to lower your time by 30 seconds or a minute when you resume, because your fitness level will have dropped a bit. Most people start exercising with the best of intentions, and with a very vigorous first workout. Then the next day they are so stiff they have to take a day off. The slow start in this “lazy man’s exercise program” will help you avoid all those aches and pains, and will allow you to get into the habit of exercising regularly. It’s a pretty simple program, but that’s the beauty of it. English is a weird language People on the Internet also want to know this: Why does the word monosyllabic have five syllables? If poli means many, and tics are blood-sucking creatures, then what does politics really mean? Why do the words loosen and unloosen mean the same thing? Whose cruel idea was it to put an “s” in the word lisp? Why is bra singular and panties plural? How come the word one has a “w” sound in it, but the word two doesn't? Why is abbreviation such a long word? Why is it that when you send something by ship, it's called a cargo, and if you send something by car, it's called a shipment? Turnabout is fair play Can someone be pro-life and still be in favor of the death penalty? Certainly. While abortion and the death penalty both involve killing a person, abortion involves the killing of someone who has committed no crime, while the death penalty involves the killing of a murderer. So, a pro-lifer who wants to stop the killing of the innocent unborn does not necessarily have to be against the killing of the guilty. In fact, this question can be turned around and addressed to opponents of the death penalty. How can they be against the death penalty and not be against abortion – how can they be against the killing of the guilty and not be against the killing of the innocent? Seeing hope in Hitler’s children The late Nancy L. Harvey suffered from Crohn’s disease, or as she put it, she was a “gut cripple.” Totally dependent on a wheelchair and a portable machine, she still traveled extensively, and in 2001 went to Germany to do research on the pianist Werner Haas. It was there she met Hitler’s children – born in 1929, her German hosts were part of the generation that had grown up under the Nazi leader’s tutelage. “But,” she writes, “my three hosts, Hitler’s children, taught to despise cripples like me, were not spiritually blind. They cared for me as if I were Christ himself – often touching my hand to see if I was cold, bringing me spring water for my dry mouth, continually replenishing the supply of toilet paper, carrying my IV bag and pump into churches and restaurants, setting up and taking down the wheelchair, parking the car on the sidewalk, kissing me every morning and evening, reaching out to caress my cheek. How could I be a life unworthy of Life when I could receive and return such love? Our hosts lifted up my spirits. If Hitler’s children could turn away from the evil teaching of the Third Reich and become such Christ-like people, surely there is hope, even in abortion-bloodied America, for the rest of us.” Source: “Hitler’s children” The Human Life Review, Fall 2001...

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On encouraging courage

Part of God’s equipping us to courage also involves rightly understanding what real courage is ***** Fear. We all feel it at times. We might be facing a job interview or something even more serious like a disease, or the loss of a loved one. We wonder, What’s going to happen? Even though we trust in God’s sovereignty, our weak selves cannot help but flail about at times. So what’s the answer to such fear? Courage, of course. But not simply the sort that depends on the steadiness of our own resolve. God calls us to a different sort of courage, and He equips us to it too. Part of that equipping is the communion of saints He gives us. I find it intriguing that the word “encouragement” is, well, full of courage. To encourage is, as the dictionary puts it, “to inspire with courage, spirit, or confidence: to stimulate by assistance, approval, etc.” Our words and deeds can aid others to feel courageous and tackle or re-tackle whatever situation was frightening them. We’ve all experienced it – a person comes along at the right time, and offers the right words to turn discouragement into hope. Or your support may have come from a sermon, a book, a family member, or a brother or sister in Christ. From feeling downcast (the word that Psalms uses), you began to see your way forward. We all need courage, which means we all need the encouragement of others. Specific attributes of courage Part of God’s equipping us to courage also involves rightly understanding what real courage is. We all admire the person who’ll run into a burning building or jump into a river to save someone’s life. This takes courage, for certain. As the actor John Wayne once said, “Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway.” That is so true. But as we look at our daily lives, we can find many less dramatic but important ways that this virtue should also be applied. Before we look at a few specific ways we may need to “saddle up,” let’s delve into a few more specific attributes of courage. In a recent presentation at my church entitled “You’re Gonna Need That Spine,” Dr. Joe Rigney gave the following in-depth definition of courage: “Courage is a habitual, sober-minded self-possession that overcomes fear through the power of a deeper desire for a greater good.” Along those lines, Rigney exhorted us to consider the following summarization of its attributes: Courage involves double vision. You not only see the danger out there that’s frightening you, at the same time you can also foresee the good that would come in overcoming your fear. For example, a child is drowning and though you are afraid of the cold water and waves, you know that your swimming ability may save the child’s life. Or perhaps you are afraid of presenting yourself poorly at a job interview, but you go because you foresee the good that will come if you are hired. Courage is a habit. You don’t just wake up one morning and have courage – to have it, you need to cultivate and grow into it. This will involve facing difficult situations repeatedly, and successfully overcoming them. For example, public speaking is a common fear. But if you go ahead with your speech even as your knees and hands are shaking, then repeating the experience will build courage. Living through a difficult situation teaches you that God has given you these abilities, and assures you that you’ll be able to manage future such situations, through God’s strength. Courage manifests in risk-taking and fortitude. There is a daring or risk-taking that is about seeing the good we don’t yet have – the girl you’d like to ask out, or the job you’d love to have – and being willing to risk danger, despite the fear we feel. This the courage that’s needed to take a hill in battle. Then there is the kind of courage involved in keeping that same hill when the counterattack comes. This fortitude or endurance is about holding onto the good that we already have. It resists the impulse to flee or retreat in the face of hardship and difficulty and pain. This is the courage that has us fight for our marriages, even if the going gets tough. Instead of giving up, we courageously address the problems. Recklessness is the opposite of courage. We understand that cowardice is the flipside of courage – cowardice shrinks back from danger, gives in to fear, and retreats in the face of pain, difficulty, or death. But courage is also the opposite of recklessness, which it is sometimes confused with. Reckless is more akin to crazy – thoughtlessly punching the gas pedal on an icy curve. Courage is always guided by reason, wisdom, and what is true. Courage recognizes the difference between necessary and unnecessary risks – some risks are not worth taking, so the reason you’d take a risk matters. Everyone needs a spine Just as Esther in the Old Testament was told, we have been placed in this world now, “for such a time as this.” We live in an unrighteous culture, where Christians are attacked as narrow-minded or haters when we dare to speak God’s truth. We need to hear again the words of Joshua 1:9, where God encouraged Joshua: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” As Rigney said, “ is the source of our strength. There’s a reason. He is both the good that you cling to and the power that enables you to cling to it. He enables us to hold on when we want to let go.” In an article from the C.S. Lewis Institute on courage, Arthur W. Lindsley says: “How can we be free from this fear and have the courage to live for the truth in our times? Jesus says, ‘If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free’ (John 8:32). Jesus exhorts us to continue obeying His word as the path to knowing the truth (in an experiential way) and to freedom. This is especially true with fear, anxiety, and worry.” Lindsley goes on to say, “Courage is not the absence of fear but acting despite it.” It is also important to note, as Rigney stated, that “Courage is a human trait, not a masculine one. It is required of everyone.” How many ways do we often give in to fear, anxiety, or worry instead of courageously trusting God to take care of us? If there is an illness that must be remedied by a difficult and frightening procedure, we must step forward in courage. If we are in need of a new job or home, we need courage to take the necessary steps to find one. If we are supposed to provide for a family, it may take courage to go day by day to a job that we really don’t love. If we have a rift between us and a brother or sister in the Lord (or anyone, really), we may feel fear about addressing the situation. But Christ says that we must (Matt. 5:24; 18:15), and so we need courage to do so, even within our own households. If a woman finds it a scary thought, to follow a fallible man in her marriage, she needs courage. 1 Peter 3 describes a submissive attitude and action and a gentle and quiet spirit, and he ends that section by saying that we can take inspiration from “holy women of the past who put their hope in God” – we can be like Sarah “if you do good and do not fear anything that is frightening.” Rigney states that “Courage is about what happens when things get hard.” He encourages us to face hard situations by Christ’s strength without grumbling and self-pity. “It’s such hope that firmly believes that hardships, trials, and dangers are instruments in the hands of a good God for our good. This subdues the passion of fear and the anxiety that rides up – What’s going to happen? I can’t control the future, what about the kids? One of the key traits of the Proverbs 31 woman is that she laughs at the time to come. She looks at the future with all the possibilities, including the horrific ones, and she says ‘bring it on.’ Sarah is a model of the sober-minded hopeful obedience and submission to her husband. Because of her hope in God, she conquered her fears, maintained that gentle spirit in submission first to God and then to Abram.” Imagine the absolute trust in God that made David step forward and challenge Goliath. Imagine the courage that enabled Jael to invite her enemy into her tent and conquer him. We may never be in that sort of danger. But we need courage to face the fears that we encounter in our daily lives. As this quotation from Mary Anne Radmacher suggests, “Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says, ‘I’ll try again tomorrow.’” We all have fears that need tackling, and we all need to do what we can to inspire courage in others. Conclusion How wonderful that God has established a community life for us in our churches where we are told to stir up one another to good works (Heb. 10:24), to have the older ones teach the younger ones from their experience (Titus 2), and to show compassion and love one another in every way (John 13:34-35). After we have stepped forward courageously, we are in a position to help someone else to do the same. Whom might you encourage today? Sharon L. Bratcher has just published her new book "Life and Breath and Everything" containing over 50 articles that were published in the past 15 years. You can find her book on or

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Saturday Selections – Dec. 14, 2024

Why you shouldn't lie to your kids about Santa... ...or else this will happen! For more lies check out this follow up. And for a more serious take on why not to lie to your kids about Santa, check out "Yes Virginia, there was a Santa Claus." Responding wisely to pop psychology Much that trades on the name of "Science" is trying to claim for itself that same credibility that we all found in our basic physics and chemistry classes back in high school. Drop that ball and it will fall at a steady 9.8 m/s² every time. But the "science" of evolution is not reproducible like that. And in the field of medicine, the human body is so complex that the same treatment on two different people could result in two very different outcomes. So there's certain science, and then there is a whole realm that shares this same name but which involves guesswork, assumptions, and even philosophy. Christians need to be aware that psychology isn't as measurable as physics –  it isn't that sort of firmer science – and it has, over the decades, had trends that at times were clearly unbiblical, like the 1980s self-esteem trend. Christian counselors that leaned too hard on popular psychology then baptized this trend with the biblical text "love your neighbor as yourself" and put a twist to it, saying self-esteem was important because you can't love your neighbor if you don't love yourself. Which isn't at all what Jesus was saying. This isn't a long article, and it is worth a slow read. Did Pangaea really exist? "Today, we have seven continents scattered across the globe. North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Australia, and Antarctica. But once upon a time, did all of these continents link together to form one single supercontinent?" More scrolling = more marital problems Smartphones are causing problems for our children, but did you know more smartphone usage is also associated with lower marital happiness, a higher inclination toward divorce, and infrequent sex? 5 ways the world would be worse without Christianity ...and number 5 is the big one. The one thing that'll free you from FOMO When you look upward, with a heavenly mindset, you won't be obsessed with FOMO – the Fear Of Missing Out. God is better than anything here, so don't make your life about experiences – make it about Him. ...

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Economics - Home Finances

How do you buy a house when you are 19?

Our son pulled it off with hard work, and more than a little help from his parents ***** Our son Seth read this story and gave his permission to share it. How do you buy a house when you are 19? The answer in our case is hard work, lots of saving and a whole lot of parental help. My husband and I have four children of whom Seth is the oldest at 19. I’ve always enjoyed keeping an eye on the housing market, and after I learned Seth was interested in buying a house, my eyes were glued to the daily real estate listings. It wasn’t long before one came to my attention due to its low, low price. It was a 920-square-foot, 72-year-old small house on a large lot, right in town, listed for $315,000. To put the price of this house into perspective, in our town right now there are 16 houses listed between $385,000 and $777,000. We set up an appointment to see the house the very day it was listed and it had already had five views and one offer on it. We looked at it at 5pm and put in an offer a couple hours later that same evening. As my son says, he went to work without any idea that he would even be looking at a house that day, never mind putting an offer on one that very evening. This was the first house he had looked at. He started at 13 Seth started working at McDonald’s at 13. We live in a town where if your family is trying to limit screen time and your kids aren’t really interested in sports, there isn’t a lot to do. So, that meant there was lots of time to work Saturdays and a couple hours for a couple days a week after school. The rule we made for our kids when they started working was that 10% of what they made went to church, 10% to spend on what they wanted, and the rest went to savings. These savings could only go towards something big, like a car or a house. As this was something we also did with their allowance when they were younger (although different percentages) it was a natural progression, and did not come as a shock to the kids. As we provide everything our children need, we didn’t want them to have access to huge amounts of spending money – we did not think this was wise, or a fair representation of what life as an adult is like. Baggie budget Also, wanting our children to learn more on making wise financial decisions, at age 13 we instituted “baggies.” We take plastic Ziplock baggies and mark them with an amount and a description, and every month we fill them with the amount listed on the baggie. Money in the baggie can only be used for what it says it is for on the baggie. For example, we have a baggie for clothes that is $45/month. Every month we fill that baggie with $45 which the child uses for all his/her clothes needs. The child can decide to shop the sales, save the money for a couple months for a larger purchase, buy second-hand or even possibly have to wait for a couple weeks if money is not spent wisely. Some other baggie examples we have used are for gifts and school supplies. We started out with a lot more categories, but eventually found these to be most useful. Invest low During the spring of 2020 when the stock market crashed, I talked to Seth about investing his savings under my name as he was too young to open an account himself. I used this time to teach him how to look for solid companies, read financial documents, search for past dividend payment history, and explain the difference between owning a part of a good company versus gambling your money away by putting it into meme stocks hoping to get rich quick. By 2024 Seth had saved up $30,000 for a down payment, and having graduated in 2023 he was working full time at a small company. Actually, more than full time: he was picking up an extra half hour each day of overtime, as well as working any Saturdays that he was offered. A day or two after we put in our offer, we got word back that the seller was willing to work with us. I think the seller picked us over the other offer partly due to the fact that we did not make the offer subject to financing, and because we were willing to consider taking on the renter (a relative of the owner) with the property. Help from mom and dad Probably the biggest factor in being able to buy this property was that we, the parents, were willing to use the equity that we had in our own house to take out a loan to cover the other house. We bought our own house 7 years ago and since then it has almost doubled in value according to our BC assessment. So we actually hold the mortgage that Seth pays for – all three of our names are on the title to our son’s house. As soon as Seth is able to take on the mortgage amount himself (as he pays the mortgage down and gains equity in his own house) he will do so, and we will take our names off his title. Another way we have helped out is that Seth lives at home rent free (he is renting his house out at $1900/month), with the understanding that the extra money he makes will go towards making extra payments on his house. This arrangement won’t be long term, as we will be reassessing in a year and a half. After that he can either move into his house or try to find a smaller, cheaper rental for himself so that he is still making extra by renting out his house. We could allow him to stay, either with or without rent, but we think it is also good for young people to struggle a bit, not always relying on their parents, because, as the Apostle Paul says (in a different context), suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, which does not put us to shame (Rom. 5:3-5). The pros to the situation include the obvious: that not only was Seth actually able to purchase a house without a huge down payment, but also that, with our names on the title, it brought his house insurance down as we haven’t ever had a claim. Probably the most concerning con is that lending and borrowing between family members can lead to strain and resentment and family discord (according to Dave Ramsey). Another concern for us is that if Seth ever needed to make an insurance claim it would probably affect our own insurance rates in the future. From 25 to 10 years Right now, Seth pays $683 bi-weekly with only $212 of that going towards his principal. His mortgage is 25 years, but he makes as many extra payments on his principal as possible, which will hopefully see him paying off the house within 10 years. It is pretty crazy to see how much interest there is on a 25-year loan and how little your regular payment actually goes towards paying off your debt. On the other hand, it is amazing how putting extra payments on your mortgage can take months and even years off the mortgage payment schedule. I feel like as parents we have tried to teach our children to be good stewards of their money, tried to open their eyes to different opportunities and tried to show them how to use the gifts that God has given them in ways that glorify His name....

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The case against MMA, boxing, gladiatorial combat, cockfighting, bullbaiting and other blood sports

Violence might sometimes be necessary, but it should never be amusing ***** Under what circumstances are Christians permitted, in good conscience, to view adults deliberately inflicting violence on one another for the purposes of entertainment? This may seem like a strange question, but it isn’t. On social media, Christians regularly post commentary on the latest UFC match – most recently, several prominent accounts posted minute-by-minute updates on the fight between veteran boxer Mike Tyson and Jake Paul. The sight of two adult men inflicting violence on one another for the entertainment of others was enormously popular, which is why Tyson was paid a staggering $20 million, and Paul was paid $40 million. I’ve been thinking quite a bit about this issue recently. Last year, I was invited to participate in a long-form discussion on a range of cultural issues with Catholic podcaster Matt Fradd on his podcast Pints with Aquinas. One of the topics that came up was the acceptability for Christians of viewing violence – and combat sports – as entertainment. We both agreed that we found combat sports fascinating, and that we were attracted to them as feats of strength and skill. Yet, we both concluded that watching violence as entertainment should be avoided. Now, I am aware – after years writing on cultural issues – that nothing attracts a backlash like criticizing someone’s preferred entertainment. Tim Challies has observed the same trend, and I think the fierceness with which people defend their entertainment is evidence of how central it has become in so many of our lives. But when considered objectively, it is not difficult to conclude that inherently violent combat sports such as Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) are inappropriate entertainment for Christians. Entertained by what we shouldn’t do? Biblically, we are forbidden to do violence to others and to harm our own bodies outside of specifically justified circumstances, which would include a just war or law enforcement. I want to make clear that I am not making the case against learning or practicing skills such as boxing, mixed martial arts, or other forms of fighting and self-defence. My argument is that violence should not be entertainment, which is defined as “the action of providing or being provided with amusement or enjoyment.” I would apply a similar standard to films that glorify violence, which is distinct from depicting violence. A film about war or genocide that portrays reality would not, I hope we can agree, be “entertaining” as such. There is a distinction between learning to inflict violence in the context of a legitimate vocation (like soldier or police officer) or learning how to do so in self-defence, and watching violence to amuse ourselves. The early Christians were universal in their condemnation of gladiatorial combat, and the difference between gladiatorial battles and UFC fights is one of degree, not kind. We know what the physical effects of combat sports such as UFC and boxing are, and we cannot pretend that the fighters are not doing permanent damage to themselves and others. Violence is inherent to these sports, as the intent is to win by inflicting physical violence on the opponent until he or she is knocked out or submits. The research into the physical damage that fighters inflict on one another is extensive and conclusive. From that perspective, I suspect that we may one day come to see violence in sport the way we now view bullbaiting or cockfighting. Young men should not be sacrificing their bodies and their cognitive abilities for the entertainment of the masses. While it is true that other sports can also result in physical harm – hockey, basketball – violence is an aberration rather than an intrinsic part of these sports. Those who make this point are making a category error. For those who think violence as entertainment is acceptable, I would be interested in hearing their answer to this question: How is sport and entertainment a justifiable exception to the general Christian prohibition on violence? Two defences In order to claim that combat sports such as UFC are justifiable entertainment for Christians, you must defend this thesis: Human beings are morally permitted to inflict violence on one another for money and the entertainment of others. I have yet to see this thesis convincingly defended. In most discussions I have had on this subject, people are remarkably unwilling to apply Christian standards to entertainment combat fighting. Instead, one of two responses is usually offered: “You’re being legalistic” or “I really enjoy watching fights.” The first response is the lazy Christian’s preferred defence of many indefensible things (and misunderstands the term “legalistic” to boot); the second is irrelevant. Many violent combat sports – especially UFC – bring out profoundly unhealthy and unchristian attitudes in the spectators. The bursts of particularly savage violence are not incidental – they are a key reason many enjoy these sports so much. The sight of two men attacking one another and physically damaging one another sends crowds into a frenzy that in many instances can accurately be described as bloodlust. Skilled yes, but brutal still Many fans rightly note that professional fighters display enormous skill, and that fights resemble a game of enormous chess. But surely we can agree that the atmosphere at the fights as well as the attitude towards physical violence being cultivated by the spectator are profoundly unedifying. In short, I believe UFC is to human relations what pornography is to sex. Some lusts should not be stoked. Some things should not be entertaining. ...

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Saturday Selections – Nov. 30, 2024

What actually is fire? (8 min) In a "don't try this at home" spectacular, a BBC hosts tries to figure out what actually makes up fire. And the wonder of it is, there's kind of nothing to it. It's another marvel that God created for us to investigate – slack-jawed, we discover that the closer we gaze, the more wonder there is to find. How could 10,000 dinosaurs end up in just 1 meter of mud? "There is a layer of mudstone that is 1 meter (3 feet) thick and it stretches for 80-acres. That’s really shallow and really wide. But it’s filled with over a million bones. The big bones are at the bottom and the little bones are at the top, having been 'graded' through a gravity-sorting process." How to get things done: deal with interruptions Appreciated this – I'd never really thought through how the way I deal with interruptions had theological implications. Can Satan perform miracles? What Pharaoh's magicians pulled off in Exodus 7–8 has always had me wondering about the limits on what Satan can do. Clearly, his magicians couldn't do everything Moses and Aaron were enabled by God to do... but they did seem to be able to "create," at least in a sense. So can Satan do miracles? This gent makes a good case to think not. The case for and against visual depictions of Jesus Are images of Jesus violations of the Second Commandment? On top of the cases for and against detailed in the articles above, I'm going to add an additional thought: if you don't know one way or the other, you shouldn't do it. If something might be sinful, and not doing it is fine, then why would you risk doing what's sinful? Jay Adams explains that thought further in his article "What To Do When You Don't Know What To Do." Keith Green rebuts the other world religions in 1 minute He cuts right to the core. ...

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10 lessons learned at 8 post-secondary institutions

Like most high school students, I didn’t really know how to answer the “what are you going to do after school?” question. The world was so big and my experience was miniscule. How was I supposed to commit to something when I had no idea how it would go? Geology sounded interesting, but I knew it wasn’t a good idea to spend weeks in the mountains and away from church and family. And my teachers’ feedback suggested that I may be better suited for something that involved a classroom or office. I decided to aim for a teaching degree, in part because my wiser and older brother blazed that trail ahead of me. College or university had some appeal, but I was more interested in getting a job in the “real world.” Perhaps that was in part because I had to pay for my studies out-of-pocket and always had a hard time remembering what I learned. So, I would never have guessed the post-secondary path and resulting careers that the LORD had planned for me since then. It has straddled 25 years and eight different types of institutions so far: Northwest Community College University College of the Fraser Valley BC Institute of Technology Laurentian Leadership Centre Trinity Western University University of Lethbridge Crest Leadership Centre Colson Fellows Although I didn’t see it at the time, in hindsight I can see how God was directing each step and weaving it to accomplish His purpose in my life. The careers that resulted didn’t even exist when I graduated from school.    Lessons learned If I could sit down with the teen or young adult version of myself, or if my own teenaged children were willing to ask, I would offer the following lessons based on this journey. 1. “Seek first His kingdom” Our lives aren’t first and foremost about us. God put us here, and wants us to follow Him where He leads. So do your best to filter out motivations that are self-interested and people-pleasing. And listen carefully when you see a need in the world that aligns with how God made you. Many of these callings, like being a mom or a carpenter, don’t require post-secondary studies. 2. Trust God to guide… and provide Yes, jumping into a particular program or stream can be daunting and comes with a cost in both time and money. But, assuming that you made the decision wisely, you can trust in the LORD to provide. That also means not closing doors that God hasn’t closed for you. I would never have expected that I would have the financial means to get a degree from a private university, or do grad studies. But God provided through many means, from a generous Christian foundation, to a scholarship from the government. Whether we devote eight years to becoming a minister, or work for eight years pouring concrete or fixing vehicles, either way we are working hard. Life is hard. Don’t look for shortcuts. God will walk with us every step of the way. 3. Start walking Instead of being overwhelmed by all the options, just start taking steps. As Kevin DeYoung says so well in his book Just Do Something, we don’t have to wait for mysterious signs from above or crack the code to a secret plan for our life that God expects us to find. If we are seeking first His kingdom, we can pick from many wonderful options. Don’t expect to know what is a good fit without experience. There is nothing wrong with pivoting along the way. 4. You don’t have to plan too far ahead We may want to have a satisfying answer for those who ask What are you going to do with your life? But there are just so many more options than we can ever foresee from where we are standing at 18. If we are too fixated on “our plan” we may miss opportunities where we can be even more effective in God’s kingdom. Keep your eyes and options open. While completing a very good semester studying marketing management and entrepreneurship at a technical institute, I surprised everyone (including myself) by leaving the program to seize an opportunity to study at the Laurentian Leadership Centre in Ottawa, even though it hadn’t been anywhere on my horizon. That switch changed the trajectory of my whole career from marketing to political science. Yet I can now also see how God used those marketing studies to assist with building ARPA Canada years later. None of it was a waste. 5. Work experience can be the best education Although I’m generally grateful for all my studies, my jobs have taught me as much, or more, than I learned in school. And jobs can be much more rewarding, as you get to apply your work to the real world, rather than put a lot of time into something that never goes beyond your professor. Be as intentional with what jobs to pursue as which programs to apply for. Over the last fifteen years I have hired many people. Some of the best ones had no, or limited, post-secondary studies. They were able to learn on the job. What mattered far more was their character and work ethic. In other words, you may not even need the degree or diploma that were expected in the past. 6. Study within your means As much as possible, avoid student debt. When you are done your studies you likely will be prioritizing being married and having a family. “The borrower is a slave to the lender” (Prov. 22:7), especially at a time in your life when there will likely be a lot of pressure and expenses already. Unless you are very confident that you can pay off your student debt within a couple of years of graduating, it may be best to pick a different track. 7. Keep your eyes wide open Satan is the author of lies, and he seems to thrive at post-secondary institutions. I experienced this head-on in my first year, when my “Christian” professor at a community college attacked anyone who wasn’t fully committed to evolution. But I also experienced it in more subtle ways at Trinity Western University, where many of my philosophy classes simply weren’t taught from a biblical worldview. Instead, most involved confused professors teaching confused students about secular ideas, with little or no biblical basis. If you are going to study at a private institution, make sure that the professors are fully committed to God’s Word, including things like creation and God’s design for sexuality. Don’t trust the brochures or the smiling person giving you a tour of campus. Talk with people who study there and ask the hard questions. For example, ask them how God’s Word is used in the classroom. Is it opened and examined? Does the professor demonstrate humility under God’s Word? Is there a willingness to apply Scripture to sensitive topics, without compromise? Otherwise, why pay big bucks for an education that isn’t going to help you think and live faithfully? 8. Don’t just jump through the hoops I was so keen to finish my program as quickly as possible that I didn’t take the time to treasure what I was being taught nearly as much as I should have. Later in life, people often wish they could have the time to study at a college or university again (or for the first time). Don’t squander the gift you have been given by treating it as a means to an end. Take the time to really listen, think, and engage. The goal isn’t getting studying over with. Rather, the goal is to get an education. And if the content isn’t worth learning, that should make you question whether you ought to be there at all. There will always be some garbage being taught in secular institutions that require you to hold your nose and get through. But if that is a big part of your program, it is probably best to study something else or somewhere else. 9. Education really is life-long Although the years out of high school are often the only window most of us have to devote time to post-secondary studies, in more recent decades so many new opportunities have been made possible that allow people of all ages and all positions in life to get a great education, at very little or even no cost. Some of my favorite studies have been the online programs that I have done in the past four years, like the Colson Fellows program ( The wonderful thing about these opportunities is that they are accessible to most people, regardless of your experience, your financial situation, or whether you even finished high school. And if you aren’t able to go through a program, simply reading good books and listening to good podcasts/lectures may be just as valuable. 10. It isn’t necessarily about the degree, or the cost Most of my certificates, diplomas, and degrees are hidden. They really don’t matter. The more important take-aways from the studies are being able to focus, discern, analyze, and write, among other things. And these skills are all the more necessary in a world where concentration levels keep diminishing and people have trouble writing more than a few words in a text message. LOL LMK TTYL. Although studies may not result in a great return on investment for you personally, we need to think about God’s kingdom as a whole. If everyone pursues the trades, what impact will that have around the consistory table, or when it is time to send elders to synod? Now would my teenaged version of myself have listened? Well, sometimes we need to experience life to be open to learning. And I still have a long way to go....

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Interview with an artist

Jordan Feenstra is copying His work

“I’m talking to you. Yes, your faith. Believe it, test it, prove it, show it, share it. Start small, take one step in faith. Your faith is your sharpest tool – don’t forget to use it. All you need to start is faith like a grain of mustard seed.” - JF Jordan Feenstra is back in British Columbia for the second time in her life. Jordan, who was born and raised in “small town” Ontario, first moved to BC as a teen to pursue a graphic design diploma in Vancouver. This move was temporary, however, she returned to the province in her late twenties, along with her husband and young daughter. Jordan describes herself as “a lifelong follower of Jesus, a wife, stay-at-home mom, designer, small business owner and adventurer.” Her favorite place to be? Outside. Her love of the outdoors makes the mountains, forests, and rivers of British Columbia feel like home. Feenstra is also the mind behind “A Thousand Elsewhere,” a boutique design firm offering handcrafted inspirational goods and creative services. Whether it's pen on paper, or paint on the kitchen wall, chalk, paint, markers, or pixels, Jordan has used it. Jordan has been hand lettering and drawing for as long as she can remember. But it was after studying graphic design in college that Feenstra challenged herself with a unique project – to hand letter a Bible verse every day for 5 months straight, and to then share a photo of the work to social media no matter what, mistakes and all. The purpose of the project was for Feenstra to refine her lettering and illustration skills while letting go of her need for perfection (a tendency she was struggling with at the time). The project was also intended to encourage Jordan to spend more time with God. “That project,” she says, “changed my life.” “Jesus, looking at the disciples said, ‘you are the salt of the earth.’ He didn’t say that they should be salty or that they needed to do something in order to become salt. Instead, at the moment of conversion, a believer becomes the salt of the earth.” - JF Feenstra continues to share her experiences through writing and hand lettered artwork on social media and her blog. As a mental health advocate, this includes sharing her experiences with anxiety and postpartum depression. In 2015 Jordan, together with her husband, completed the Life Renewal program – Jordan then founded A Thousand Elsewhere with the vision of helping others fight the same battles she once fought. It is now many years and thousands of creative explorations later and Jordan continues to, in her words, “share imperfect gospel-centric musings and creative meditations while living ‘a thousand elsewhere’ until she can spend a day in His courtyard” (from Ps. 84:10). “I don't consider myself an artist, but a creative,” Jordan says. “I think God is the original Artist, and we're all just copying His work.” She continues: “In my experience, pursuing a life outside of Jesus is in vain so I am poised to live a life that brings glory to Him (the original Creator, my inspiration), and brings others to Him. I am restless for His return and can think of no better way to spend ‘a thousand elsewhere’ than caring for my family, exploring creation and sharing His word in the form of creative meditations, goods and resources with the world around me along the way.” You can view more of Jordan’s art at, and visit or her website,, to buy her artwork on shirts, hoodies, wall art, toques, greeting cards and more.   If you have a suggestion for an artist you’d like to see profiled, email Jason Bouwman at [email protected]...

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