Saturday Selections - April 20, 2019
Preferred pronouns or jail?
This is American but has ready application for most other Western nations.
Raising motivated kids (20 minutes)
In this first installment of a video parenting series, Brett Harris (father of the Do Hard Things authors) speaks to the problem of unmotivated kids. This is good stuff. And three follow-up videos will be available over the course of the next week.
Digital addiction got you down? The key is to replace, not simply restrict
In Ephesians 4, Paul tells the thief not just to stop stealing, but to start working so he'll have something to share with others (Eph. 4:27). It isn't enough to stop doing bad; he needs to start doing good. While this New York Times article is secular, its approach to beating digital addiction is along the same lines. Don't simply stop looking at your phone; don't try to beat something with nothing (Matt. 12:43-45); find something that makes God-honoring use of the time He has given you.
As Notre Dame burned, what exactly were we mourning?
It was a building, not a person. That's what our heads tell us. But our emotions might be saying something else. Why?
Mike Rowe on the college admissions scandal: "We're obsessed with credentialing," not education
God wants us to be life-long learners. And as Mike Rowe notes, university is one way of furthering our education.
1,000 Ph.D. scientists who doubt Darwin
"Evolution is supposed to be as certain gravity, yet nobody goes around saying, 'Gravity is a fact, fact, FACT!' and nobody says 'Gravity is as certain as Evolution.' Against this backdrop, Discovery Institute’s Center for Science & Culture noted last week that the Scientific Dissent from Darwinism has topped 1,000+ names...."