The Joel Osteen sermon that changed Oprah’s life (13 minutes)
While we prefer to focus on what’s good and right and true (Philippians 4:8), Joel Osteen’s sermon here is of-a-kind with the “Christian” theology that’s everywhere available: on blogs, podcasts, and yes, YouTube sermons too. That makes Tim Challies’ takedown of Osteen’s sermon instructive for us in our everyday reading, listening, and viewing.
Canadian gov’t is subsidizing the mainstream media to the tune of $600 million over 5 years
Ted Byfield warns that he who pays the piper calls the tune.
Should Christians be capitalists? (10 min. read)
“In 2019, the absolute poor numbered 750 million, which is a lot but, proportionally, is less than 10 percent of the world’s population. 200 years ago, you couldn’t find close to 10 percent who weren’t living in absolute poverty.”
FREE E-BOOK: Titus for you
This is a recommendation sight unseen but the company it comes from has published some great books. Titus for You is available for free until the end of the month. You do have to give them your email address but if you don’t like getting emails from them it’s easy to unsubscribe.
Parents: pleasant words are healing words
Christian parents know better than to insult their children, but just because we aren’t saying really nasty things doesn’t mean we’re saying good things. “Do it because I said so” is adequate, from a justice perspective – children should listen to their parents simply because we are their parents – but is it a patient way of saying things?
Quit social media (14 min)
This would be a fantastic video for parents and teens to watch together and discuss. We might not make the same decision as this TED talk presenter, but he gives us lots to think about.