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Daily devotional

December 20 - The angel and the scroll

“Then I saw another mighty angel … he had a little scroll.” - Revelation 10:1,2  Scripture reading: Revelation 10 That we are in an interlude between the sixth and seventh trumpet is clear because this angel is holding a scroll, not a trumpet. This interlude is intended to comfort us about the security of believers in the last days. It is given because the Spirit does not want us to become discouraged by the dark pictures of judgment. This angel comforts us as it is clothed with a rainbow, a picture of God’s faithfulness to His promises. The similarity between this angel and the Christ in Revelation 1 shows that this angel comes from Christ and represents Him. He plants one foot on the sea and the other on the land. He shows the authority of God over land and sea and declares the Word of God. His speaking sounds like seven thunders, but we are not told about the content of the seven thunders. John is not to write this down. Clearly everything is not revealed to us, so we must be humble to know that there are forces at work by God’s authority, about which we have no concept. The church must rest in God’s sovereign care as she fulfills her mission. The angel swears that there is no more delay. When the seventh trumpet will sound the mystery will be accomplished. What we have prayed for is coming soon! Yet, not yet. John is to devour the scroll and bring the word to many. Christ is coming without delay, but the church must be faithful to her mission! Suggestions for prayer We long for the day of Christ’s return and know He is coming, for we can see the evidence all around us. Yet, as we wait, pray that He will keep us faithful to our tasks of worship and witness in this dark world. Rev. Calvin J. Tuininga has served in four churches and he retired in September 2019. He and his wife now reside in Washington, North Carolina. He presently serves as a relationship Counsellor with Coastal Pregnancy Centre, as the chairman of the Synodical appeals committee of the URCNA, and also enjoys helping in various churches when possible. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

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December 19 - The second woe! (The sixth trumpet)

“...saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, “Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.”” - Revelation 9:14  Scripture reading: Revelation 9:12-21 The fifth trumpet unleashed a force of demons, likened to locusts, who tormented unbelievers. The sixth trumpet unleashes a vast army led by four angels that does not torment, but kills many, but not most people. Notice, however, that the army is unleashed only at the permission of heaven, by a voice coming from the altar before God. The four angels are released from beyond the Euphrates, that is, from Babylon, the city of man opposed to God. The forces of torment and destruction can only operate by God’s permission and under His sovereign control. We realize that this vision is not of natural creatures being released, but of a demonic visitation. These are destructive. You would think that those not killed would take warning from all those being killed and repent, but we read in v. 20 that they “still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshipping demons, and idols… nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality, or their thefts.” This woe is sounded to point out that unbelief can be so hard that despite their agony and torment, people will harden themselves and refuse to repent of their transgressions. That which is intended to bring repentance will harden them. We should anticipate a great hardening of hearts, resulting in anger against Christ and His followers. Those who refuse to repent, take warning! Remember, however, that all who do repent and believe in Jesus are saved! Suggestions for prayer Thank our gracious God for the saving mercy shown to us in Jesus. Pray that many sinners hear the gospel and flee to Jesus for mercy before the final day of judgment. Rev. Calvin J. Tuininga has served in four churches and he retired in September 2019. He and his wife now reside in Washington, North Carolina. He presently serves as a relationship Counsellor with Coastal Pregnancy Centre, as the chairman of the Synodical appeals committee of the URCNA, and also enjoys helping in various churches when possible. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

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December 18 - The first we woe! (The fifth trumpet) 

“Then I looked, and I heard an eagle crying with a loud voice as it flew directly overhead, “Woe, woe, woe to those who dwell on the earth, at the blasts of the other trumpets that the three angels are about to blow!”” - Revelation 8:13  Scripture reading: Revelation 9 The last three trumpets are more severe judgements, called woes by the eagle that John sees and hears (Remember to think visually, getting a picture without getting every detail, as when you watch a movie, such as Lord of the Rings!) John sees a fallen star given a key to the Abyss. We do not have enough information to identify this star. By God’s authority, he has a key to the abode of demonic spirits. The Abyss is opened and smoke billows forth, bringing locusts (symbolic of demons) that can only hurt unbelievers. The demon world has no power to deceive God’s people. The pain afflicted is so severe that people long for death, but it eludes them. The leader of this fearsome horde is Abaddon and Apollyon, meaning destroyer. All this is a picture of the forces of hell seeking to torment men. When people do not repent in response to disasters, but persist in opposing God, they become the prey of demonic forces. With great spiritual disillusionment, they even push sin to more unbelievable extremes. Believing lies, they distort the truth, which leads to increased anguish and spiritual bondage. And they must live and die with their refusal to repent and believe. God gives them over to their sin. This horrific vision of Revelation 9 must be seen and felt, for it comes from a loving God, Who even at this stage, is willing to forgive all who call on Him in repentance and faith. Suggestions for prayer Pray that as we see this world in unbelief rushing into greater depths of sin, the Lord God will use their pain and misery to draw them back to Him in repentance and faith. Rev. Calvin J. Tuininga has served in four churches and he retired in September 2019. He and his wife now reside in Washington, North Carolina. He presently serves as a relationship Counsellor with Coastal Pregnancy Centre, as the chairman of the Synodical appeals committee of the URCNA, and also enjoys helping in various churches when possible. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

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December 17 - The first four trumpets

“Now the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared to blow them.” - Revelation 8:6  Scripture reading: Revelation 9 Many wonder how a loving God could allow great disasters to happen. The first four trumpets are natural disasters, only partial in effect, sent from heaven as warnings, like trumpet blasts, lovingly calling us to prepare for the coming final judgment before our Holy God. We must not understand the trumpets (disasters) in chronological order. That would be like listening to a symphony one instrument after the other. Rather we must see them happening simultaneously, as can happen any day anywhere in the world, even numerous times, but being limited in scope (only 1/3 of the creation may be touched), warnings of a more serious judgment coming. Think of the plagues in Egypt, which brought judgment on sin-hardened Egypt while bringing about deliverance for Israel. God was warning Egypt and His people, calling all to repentance. The trumpets are divided much like the seals were (first four, then the last three, with a parenthesis between the last two to explain the condition of the church during these disasters). The trumpets are intended to call sinners to repentant faith. In the first four, the church is not excluded from the effects of the trumpets. Zephaniah 1:14-16 describes the final day of the Lord “as a day of wrath, of distress and anguish … a day of trumpet blast.” It is important, as we see disasters in our time, to hear what the God of love is saying to us and to flee from the wrath to come, into the forgiving grace of Jesus Christ. Suggestions for prayer As we see disasters taking place both near and far, pray for the Lord to use them to call us and all sinners to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, so that we may not be caught by surprise when Jesus returns in final judgment. Rev. Calvin J. Tuininga has served in four churches and he retired in September 2019. He and his wife now reside in Washington, North Carolina. He presently serves as a relationship Counsellor with Coastal Pregnancy Centre, as the chairman of the Synodical appeals committee of the URCNA, and also enjoys helping in various churches when possible. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

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December 16 - The seventh seal

“When the Lamb opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.” - Revelation 8:1  Scripture reading: Revelation 8 We are filled with anticipation as the seventh seal is opened, for we long to see what the end of all things will be like. Yet, we read that there is nothing but silence for about one-half hour. Nothing, no singing by anyone! One-half hour is a long time of silence! Why the silence? In the Old Testament, when the Lord is going to act in judgment, it is often introduced by silence. For example, Zechariah 2:13 says, “be still before the Lord, all mankind, because he has roused himself from his holy dwelling.” See also Habakkuk 2:20. These are calls to submit to God as He advances His kingdom by bringing judgment that calls men to repentance. So this silence tells us that God is going to act, and it portrays the submission and awe of heaven before God and His judgments. So terrible and fearful is this judgment, those in heaven are spellbound before the Lord. His coming should leave us in humble, reverent silence before the Lord. Then, we see seven angels holding trumpets. Trumpets herald the coming of a king, or sound a warning cry, or call to action. Here they will do all three in preparation of Jesus’ return. But these angels do not act until another angel presents the prayers of believers with incense so that the imperfect prayers would be pleasing in God’s sight. Believers pray as Jesus taught them, “Thy Kingdom Come.” Be ready, for He is coming! All creation shakes in anticipation. Suggestions for prayer Pray for the Heavenly Father’s Kingdom to come! Ask Him to hurry the day when sin shall be no more and Christ will return to make all things new, ushering in the new heavens and earth. Rev. Calvin J. Tuininga has served in four churches and he retired in September 2019. He and his wife now reside in Washington, North Carolina. He presently serves as a relationship Counsellor with Coastal Pregnancy Centre, as the chairman of the Synodical appeals committee of the URCNA, and also enjoys helping in various churches when possible. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

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December 15 - The great multitude

“I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands.” - Revelation 7:9   Scripture reading: Revelation 7:9-17 Jesus said (John 12:32), “When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men to myself.” Here we see them, standing before the throne. What a thrill to see it. From all over the world they have come. Their unity in Christ transcends all earthly distinctions. God had promised Abraham that in him all the nations of the earth would be blessed. Here we see that fulfilled. The Gospel was preached and disciples from all nations, each with their own characteristics, have gathered before the throne, clothed in white, symbolizing righteousness. They are all those who had been sealed in the first 6 verses. Here they are waving palm branches, joyful in victory, in presence of the throne and the lamb. They are singing, “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.” All heaven celebrates this salvation. “AMEN! Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honour and power and strength be to our God forever and ever! AMEN!” These have come out of the great tribulation, who have washed their clothes in the blood of the Lamb. To them belong eternal blessings of eternal service without burden, for Christ Himself at the centre of the throne will be their shepherd and will wipe every tear from their eyes. To believers belong a future of intense living, intense service without pain or sorrow. Because like springs of living water, life is ever new in the presence of our Lord. What a blessing! Suggestions for prayer Pray the Lord will hasten the day of His return to take us to Himself in glory, where we may live in His presence, serving Him without sin and its effects. Praise and glorify Him for our great salvation! Rev. Calvin J. Tuininga has served in four churches and he retired in September 2019. He and his wife now reside in Washington, North Carolina. He presently serves as a relationship Counsellor with Coastal Pregnancy Centre, as the chairman of the Synodical appeals committee of the URCNA, and also enjoys helping in various churches when possible. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

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December 14 - Sealed for salvation

“Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees, until we have sealed the servants of our God upon their foreheads.” - Revelation 7:3  Scripture reading: Revelation 7:1-8 Chapter 6 ended with the question of who can stand on the day of God’s wrath. If we think that what is happening in our world today is bad, just wait until the final day! Who then shall stand? The answer given here is those whom God protects with a seal of His ownership. Many products are sold with a mark of ownership on them. Here God is shown to put His mark on those who belong to Him. The four winds of creation that can be destructive are restrained until the full number of the elect are marked by God. Then, no judgment can do them any harm. Think of the mark on the doorposts at the time of the Exodus, the blood of the Passover lamb. Who are the ones being sealed? 12,000 X 12 = 144,000, a symbolic number here referring to the children of Abraham (true believers) from all ages. They are bought with the precious blood of the lamb. Ephesians 1 says, “Having believed you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession” (See II Corinthians 1:21-22; Ephesians 4:30). While the troubles in this world affect us, we will be protected from ultimate destruction, and on the final day be able to stand since we are covered in Christ’s blood. Jesus has promised to lose none of those whom the father has given Him (John 6:39). Suggestions for prayer Thank the Father for the assurance that all who believe in Him are saved forever! Thank Him for the comforting assurance of His Spirit and the promise that no child of God will be lost. Rev. Calvin J. Tuininga has served in four churches and he retired in September 2019. He and his wife now reside in Washington, North Carolina. He presently serves as a relationship Counsellor with Coastal Pregnancy Centre, as the chairman of the Synodical appeals committee of the URCNA, and also enjoys helping in various churches when possible. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

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December 13 - The angry lamb

“Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who is seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb.” - Revelation 6:16  Scripture reading:  Revelation 6:12-17 The sixth seal opens and we are given a glimpse of an outpouring of cosmic upheaval. We have come almost to the end of all things! We are approaching the final judgment and it is a horrifying scene. We are being given a glimpse of the truth that there is a limit to God’s patience and that while the Lord came the first time to bring salvation for all who believe, He comes again to bring judgment on those who rebel and refuse to submit to Him. The day is coming when people who deny Him will see the Lamb angry and will see that He is in fact a Lion Whose roar terrifies and from which all people wish to flee and be hidden. Yes, the day is coming when the earth will be shaken and all firm foundations will be gone. People will wish, yet not be able, to hide from the wrath of God. So many emphasize the love of Jesus, and it is good to know that the love of God is for all who believe that His wrath was poured out on Jesus on the cross. But those who refuse to believe, who deny Him and resist His reign, will never know His love, but only His fierce anger. If you are reading this, the day of wrath is yet to come. We yet live in a time of grace, where God is being patient, wanting no one to perish. All who call on Jesus will be saved! Suggestions for prayer Pray that we long for the day of our Lord’s appearing, yet knowing how fearful it is for anyone to face Him apart from confessing their sin and believing in Him. Pray for God’s word to go forth calling sinners to repentance and faith. Rev. Calvin J. Tuininga has served in four churches and he retired in September 2019. He and his wife now reside in Washington, North Carolina. He presently serves as a relationship Counsellor with Coastal Pregnancy Centre, as the chairman of the Synodical appeals committee of the URCNA, and also enjoys helping in various churches when possible. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

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December 12 - How long?

“They cried out with a loud voice, “O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before you will judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?”” - Revelation 6:10  Scripture reading:  Revelation 6:9-11 The opening of the fifth seal also reveals something that takes place throughout the final ages until Christ returns. But this is a vision of an altar and of souls who had died because of their witness for the faith. God knows their names. They are crying out, “How Long, O Lord, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” This is a cry for justice, for God to make all things right. As we see the horsemen of conquest, civil unrest, economic hardship, and death, we too cry out, “How Long?” The answer is not definite. The saints are given clothes of righteousness as a guarantee of justice to come, but are told to wait a little longer until all who would suffer for the faith would be gathered in. As we wait, the greatest suffering is not that of the pocketbook or disease, but it is because of the rebellion against Jesus and the persecution of His saints. Jesus reigns in glory and yet, sin and the devil seem so dominant. How long will the Lord let such wickedness go unpunished? How long will His glory remain hidden in heaven and His servants struggle? How long before the Lord comes to our rescue (do we have no defender?)? The answer is a little longer! Rest in knowing that Christ is in heaven and working in these things to accomplish His purposes. Isaiah 30:15 says, “In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength.” Suggestions for prayer Express that we long for the day of the appearing of our Lord to judge the wicked and usher in final rest and peace for His people. Ask for patience, trust and faith. Rev. Calvin J. Tuininga has served in four churches and he retired in September 2019. He and his wife now reside in Washington, North Carolina. He presently serves as a relationship Counsellor with Coastal Pregnancy Centre, as the chairman of the Synodical appeals committee of the URCNA, and also enjoys helping in various churches when possible. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

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December 11 - Jesus removing the seals - four horsemen

“And they were given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild beasts of the earth.” - Revelation 6:8  Scripture reading: Revelation 6:1-8 Jesus begins to break the seals of God’s book, that is, He begins to carry out God’s plan for the world. The first four seals are horses ridden by men who trample the world in fury, but they do so in response to a voice from heaven. These are the beginning of a series of preliminary judgments that operate throughout history by which all are called to repentance. The seals are broken, but the events are not necessarily occurring in chronological order, rather each horse and its rider represents something that happens throughout the period before Christ returns. The first rider on a white horse represents the spirit of conquest we see throughout the ages. His bow is a symbol of military conquest, not the sword Jesus is pictured as wielding. The second rider has a sword and this rider brings internal strife and conflict, and civil disorder. The third rider brings economic hardship caused by injustice (exorbitant prices for necessities, yet not luxuries). The fourth horse is the force of death, accompanied by Hades (the abode of the dead). These forces have occurred throughout history, bringing limited destruction (the fourth of the earth of the last rider includes the first three). They are under Christ’s control, limited by Him. They are warnings to call all to repentance, while believers are comforted knowing it is Christ Who opens the scroll and summons these events to take place. Believe in His authority to control these forces until the final judgment and renewal of all things. Suggestions for prayer Having seen these forces at work throughout history, partial judgments, warning us to flee from the final judgment, give thanks that Jesus is in control of all history and through even these things is bringing about renewal and liberation from the curse of sin. Rev. Calvin J. Tuininga has served in four churches and he retired in September 2019. He and his wife now reside in Washington, North Carolina. He presently serves as a relationship Counsellor with Coastal Pregnancy Centre, as the chairman of the Synodical appeals committee of the URCNA, and also enjoys helping in various churches when possible. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

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December 10 - The end goal is praise and worship

“And I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea, and all that is in them, saying, “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever... AMEN”” - Revelation 5:13  Scripture reading: Revelation 5:6-14 Tomorrow, God’s people gather for worship. We worship God because He is worthy of worship. God is worthy because He is our creator (4:11). The Son is worthy because He was sacrificed and by His blood He ransomed people for God from all the earth, uniting them as a kingdom of priests. This chapter emphasizes this in three different songs! In heaven, the Son is worshipped along with the Father. All the angels, the whole church, and all creation sing praise to God because all have been set free from the curse! Because we are free we can worship. The goal of all creation is the worship of the creator. We are free to worship in our homes, and on Sunday. We are free to worship with God’s people; free because of the guilt-removing work of Jesus Christ. Yet, we do so looking forward to when all people and creation will be united in praise, and sin will no longer mar our worship of God. Jesus is in heaven ruling, directing all things toward that day when all things shall be made new. Our worship here is hindered by our physical ailments and other effects of sin in our lives. As we focus on the work of Jesus, our hearts are lifted in prayer (presented in heaven as incense) and praise, but here it is just a foretaste of that eternal day when there will be nothing to mar our worship. What a glorious day of worship that will be. Suggestions for prayer Ask the Lord God to hasten the day when Jesus returns and all things will be made new, and all creation will burst forth in harmonious praise free from any bonds or effects of sin! Rev. Calvin J. Tuininga has served in four churches and he retired in September 2019. He and his wife now reside in Washington, North Carolina. He presently serves as a relationship Counsellor with Coastal Pregnancy Centre, as the chairman of the Synodical appeals committee of the URCNA, and also enjoys helping in various churches when possible. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

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December 9 - Worthy is the Lamb

“I saw a Lamb standing, as though it had been slain.” - Revelation 5:6  Scripture reading: Revelation 5 John was told by an elder not to weep, but to look upon the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David. He conquered and was therefore able to open the scroll.  When John looks, he sees not a Lion, but a lamb (pictures in Revelation are very fluid!) looking like it had been killed. Here is the surprise of the gospel. Many are offended by the way of the gospel, finding it offensive that God would send His Son to be an atoning sacrifice, a sacrificial lamb. They think He could just by His power make all things new. Yet, they understand not the seriousness of their sin or the holiness of God, and therefore His wrath. Justice required punishment, and so salvation required a sacrifice by One Who could bear the punishment and live. Thus, Jesus came in the flesh, which we celebrate this Christmas season. And because Jesus came and died in our place, conquered sin and was raised up as Lord of life, He can stand in heaven, with all authority and power, and save all who call upon Him in truth. He can usher in the new heavens and earth when the last of His children are saved. As we see Jesus standing in heaven, His sacrifice sufficient, we are assured that He has been given all authority as Paul tells us in Philippians 2, and thus can and will bring about the redemption God has planned for His people and world. Suggestions for prayer Praise the Lord Jesus, for He is worthy to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honour and glory and blessing. To Him be blessing and honour and glory and might forever and ever! Rev. Calvin J. Tuininga has served in four churches and he retired in September 2019. He and his wife now reside in Washington, North Carolina. He presently serves as a relationship Counsellor with Coastal Pregnancy Centre, as the chairman of the Synodical appeals committee of the URCNA, and also enjoys helping in various churches when possible. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

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December 8 - A closed book

“Then I saw in the right hand of him who was seated on the throne a scroll written within and on the back, sealed … and no one … was able to open the scroll.” - Revelation 5:1,3  Scripture reading: Revelation 5 What is history all about? People talk of progress from primitive societies to future worlds, but who will accomplish that perfect new world? Man has often sought utopia, but always failed. John weeps because no one was found able to open the scroll, that is to fulfill the purpose of ushering in the renewed heavens and earth. We see the scroll as the book of history because of what we read in Daniel 12. The book was the story of God’s plan of redemption, how in time the Christ would come and make all things new, liberating all things from the curse of sin. How distressing that no one can open it. Incredibly, although John saw Jesus ascend, he has not yet seen Jesus in heaven! In the first verses, the scroll is closed and the renewal of all things left incomplete. Does this mean that the Christ did not conquer, that redemption did not take place? To John, this is a terrible picture. Without Jesus, who can really understand this world and its end? Is history just cause and effect? Is there a plan with someone in control? Will we overcome our sin and its effects? John cries and cries because he sees no one able to bring history to this bright conclusion. As long as the book is closed, there is no comfort, only continued decay and death. But then an elder directs him to a Lion and hope is restored, as we shall talk about tomorrow. Suggestions for prayer Ask God to help us understand that apart from Christ there is no hope for this world and to understand this vision as we conclude our study of it tomorrow. Rev. Calvin J. Tuininga has served in four churches and he retired in September 2019. He and his wife now reside in Washington, North Carolina. He presently serves as a relationship Counsellor with Coastal Pregnancy Centre, as the chairman of the Synodical appeals committee of the URCNA, and also enjoys helping in various churches when possible. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

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December 7 - Worthy of praise

“Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things …” - Revelation 4:11 Scripture reading: Revelation 4: 1-11 We do not exactly see Him Who sits upon the throne. We are only given a vision of perfect beauty and glory, a rainbow, reminding us that His wrath against sin is held back by His promise of mercy to never destroy the world again with a flood. Around the throne are 24 thrones, representing believers in the old and new covenants. And there are four living creatures, angelic beings serving God. Angels in heaven praise God unceasingly, singing “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come.” Along with them the church sings of the worthiness of God to receive praise, for He is the creator and sustainer of all things. All is perfect in the throne room because all is in submission to God Who reigns. On earth, we often hear moans of suffering and tears of grief. Even creation is groaning according to scripture, longing for relief from the curse of sin. Yet, believers sing in the midst of tears and sorrow, praising God, for with the eyes of faith we see the throne and everything in perfect submission to it. We sing with tears in our eyes, but have assurance in our hearts for God reigns and is bringing everything into submission. God, the creator, sent Jesus His Son as redeemer, Who is now Lord and is making all things new. We can indeed sing of His great work of redemption in anticipation of the new heavens and earth. Suggestions for prayer Pray for the eyes of faith to see the Lord enthroned in glory and everything in submission to Him. He works in everything for the good of those who love Him, making everything new. Pray that the Lord hastens that day! Rev. Calvin J. Tuininga has served in four churches and he retired in September 2019. He and his wife now reside in Washington, North Carolina. He presently serves as a relationship Counsellor with Coastal Pregnancy Centre, as the chairman of the Synodical appeals committee of the URCNA, and also enjoys helping in various churches when possible. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

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December 6 - Behold, a throne in heaven

“Behold, a throne stood in heaven, with one seated on the throne.” - Revelation 4:2  Scripture reading: Revelation 4 Amazingly, in 19 out of 22 chapters of Revelation, God is described as “the one who sits upon the throne.” This echoes what the Psalms speak about, that God is enthroned and rules over all. Psalm 97 says, “The Lord Reigns, Let the earth rejoice!” Psalm 99 says, “The Lord Reigns; let the peoples tremble!” In chapter 4 we get a glimpse into heaven where we see a throne. A throne is a place from which judgment and decrees go forth. Above all the trials and turmoil of life, there is a throne. Above all our tears and fears is a throne. And there is One Who is upon that throne. Much of today’s news seems tragic and distressing, or absurd, or infuriating, interrupted by ads about drugs and diets. Much of life may not seem to make sense, causing many to become cynical and others to shut it all out. But a door has been opened into heaven and there is One seated upon the throne! Behind everything, over everything, the everlasting God reigns. We are given a view of the spiritual centre of the universe, the foundation of true wisdom and knowledge. Here is God the creator and sustainer of all things. This is a reason for us who believe to rejoice, even amid trials. And it is a reason for the nations to tremble, for a throne also implies judgment to come. “God is in His Holy Temple. Let all the earth keep silence before him” (Habakkuk 2:20). Suggestions for prayer Thank the Lord, for revealing Himself and governing all things, for this gives us assurance, peace and strength to go on. What joy we have knowing that He, our Lord, reigns! Rev. Calvin J. Tuininga has served in four churches and he retired in September 2019. He and his wife now reside in Washington, North Carolina. He presently serves as a relationship Counsellor with Coastal Pregnancy Centre, as the chairman of the Synodical appeals committee of the URCNA, and also enjoys helping in various churches when possible. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

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Daily devotional

December 5 - Behold your King!

“… one like a son of man … the hairs of his head were white like wool...his eyes were like a flame of fire...from his mouth came a sharp two-edged sword, and his face was like the sun shining in full strength.” - Revelation 1:13ff Scripture reading: Revelation 1:9-20 Jesus first reveals Himself to John, and to us, so that we may know Him Who works in all things for the good of those who love Him. John turns to see Jesus. He sees a sight that sends him to his knees! Jesus, the son of man, is robed in royal apparel. He is God Almighty! His face is an explosion of blinding light and glory. His eyes are like blazing fire, penetrating everywhere, all seeing, and filled with wrath against all that is unholy. From His mouth comes a double-edged sword, one that pierces heart and soul and leaves no sinner standing. His feet, before which we kneel, are burnished bronze, used to cleanse the world of sin and wickedness. His voice demands attention, like the ever-rolling sea demands our respect. Here He stands, victorious and supreme in glory. In His hands are seven stars, which are the messengers to the churches. He is standing among candlesticks, representing the churches of Jesus Christ. What a glorious comfort this is. This King, once humbled before Pilate, His face smeared with blood, strength failing, of Whom the governor said, “Behold the Man!” and Who was then crucified, we here see risen, governing His churches, caring for them and His messengers. While we may be afraid of His appearance, hear His words of comfort, “Fear not, I am the first and the last, and the living one; I died, and behold I am alive forevermore!” Behold your King! Suggestions for prayer Pray that the Lord God, would reveal Himself to us that we might know Him in all His glory, and be comforted by His sovereign power and merciful presence in the church. Rev. Calvin J. Tuininga has served in four churches and he retired in September 2019. He and his wife now reside in Washington, North Carolina. He presently serves as a relationship Counsellor with Coastal Pregnancy Centre, as the chairman of the Synodical appeals committee of the URCNA, and also enjoys helping in various churches when possible. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

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Daily devotional

December 4 - Jesus is coming!

“Behold he is coming with the clouds and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of him. Even So AMEN.” - Revelation 1:7  Scripture reading: Revelation 1:1-20 Once more we look at the introductory verses, this time to notice what John draws our attention to. Look, he says! And he concludes this verse with the word AMEN: so shall it be. We must take note of what is so certain, that Jesus is coming, not now as the Saviour in the manger, but now as the sovereign Lord, coming on the clouds of heaven to judge the heavens and earth. Clouds in scripture are symbols of majesty, glory and judgment. In Psalm 97:2 we read, “…clouds and thick darkness surround Him; righteousness and justice are the foundations of his throne.” Jesus will return on the clouds, that is with majesty, glory and judgment, and every eye will see Him. His enemies will see Him and tremble in fear. They will mourn because of Him. Mentioned are those who pierced Him, those who put Him to death at the crucifixion. All who are unrepentant and unforgiven will mourn because when Jesus returns, they suddenly will see their folly and the dawning of the day of their destruction (see Revelation 18). In verse 1, we believers were promised grace and peace. This warning is given here to encourage all who hear, to flee to Christ and put their faith in Him. 1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Believers need not fear our Saviour’s return. Suggestions for prayer Thank the Lord for the redeeming work of Jesus and for the promise of His return as judge to make all things new. Ask for forgiveness of our sins, in Jesus’ name. Rev. Calvin J. Tuininga has served in four churches and he retired in September 2019. He and his wife now reside in Washington, North Carolina. He presently serves as a relationship Counsellor with Coastal Pregnancy Centre, as the chairman of the Synodical appeals committee of the URCNA, and also enjoys helping in various churches when possible. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

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Daily devotional

December 3 - Jesus gives grace and peace

“Grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven spirits who are before his throne, and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead and the ruler of the kings on earth.” - Revelation 1:4  Scripture reading: Revelation 1:4-8 Grace is God’s pardoning favour to those who do not deserve it. Peace is a fruit of this grace. Many do not have peace and are living in fear of judgment, death and destruction. Paul says in Romans 5:1, “Since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Peace with God calms our hearts and minds, for we are free from guilt, no longer in danger of eternal judgment. “All things now work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). The object of this greeting is the church, the body of believers in Christ, found scattered throughout the world. It is a world in darkness, opposed to God and one which persecutes and opposes Christ and His followers. To them, God gives a peace that passes all understanding, for they know His eternal grace. The Triune God gives this grace and peace, for He is the One Who is, Who was and Who is coming (eternal). This is, by the Spirit, through the work of Jesus, who is described as the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead and the ruler. Jesus said in John 18 that He came to bear witness to the truth. He is the firstborn from the dead since in His resurrection from the dead all who believe in Him, from all ages, are raised to new life. He is King of kings and Lord of lords. Suggestions for Prayer Thank God for His grace and peace given in Christ, for to Him belongs all glory and power forever and ever. Rev. Calvin J. Tuininga has served in four churches and he retired in September 2019. He and his wife now reside in Washington, North Carolina. He presently serves as a relationship Counsellor with Coastal Pregnancy Centre, as the chairman of the Synodical appeals committee of the URCNA, and also enjoys helping in various churches when possible. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

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Daily devotional

December 2 - Revealing what is taking place

“The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show to his servants the things that must soon take place.” - Revelation 1:1a Scripture reading: Revelation 1:1-8 God nowhere gives a timetable of events for us to follow. Jesus said in Acts 1:7, “It is not for you to know the times and dates the father has set by His own authority.” What God intends in this book is to reveal things that must soon take place, so that we may be assured that Jesus is coming, keeping His promises of complete salvation. Jesus is governing all things. He here sheds light on the dark and terrible times of our world so that we are able to keep the faith until He returns. This revelation is for His servants, for all who are saved from the guilt and dominion of sin to serve Christ with a new obedience. Only those who repent of their sin and believe in Christ will receive the blessings promised in this revelation. Only those who humbly submit to Christ and seek to serve Him in this dark world will find light and blessing. This book is about what must soon take place. In fact, it is about things already taking place. God has a plan and all things are happening in our world according to His sovereign will, not by chance or fate. This is a comforting thought! Events that are happening must take place as our Lord’s return draws near. These things are indicators that Jesus is returning to make all things new; all the signs are there! As Jesus says in Revelation 22, “Behold, I am coming soon, and my reward is with me.” Suggestions for prayer Thank the Lord for ruling all things and for revealing to us His governing in everything so that one day all things will be made new, and sin shall be no more. Ask for faith to believe and live in that hope. Rev. Calvin J. Tuininga has served in four churches and he retired in September 2019. He and his wife now reside in Washington, North Carolina. He presently serves as a relationship Counsellor with Coastal Pregnancy Centre, as the chairman of the Synodical appeals committee of the URCNA, and also enjoys helping in various churches when possible. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

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Daily devotional

Introduction to the book of Revelation

We often spend the month of December looking forward to Christmas Day. Christmas Day is a highlight of the year in many churches, for it is a day of reflection on the gift of God’s Son for the salvation of sinners. However, this month we will look at the book of Revelation, not so much in anticipation of Christmas Day, but considering the birth of Christ to be our atoning sacrifice. Because of Christ’s victory over death and Satan, we now live in a world where the devil wages war against the people of God, trying to rob Christ of His victory, if possible. The book of Revelation highlights this struggle for us, comforting us with the assurance that Christ is sovereign overall, is making all things new, and is coming again to usher in the new (renewed) heavens and earth! May He come quickly. Jesus promises blessings “Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written in it, for the time is near.” - Revelation 1:3  Scripture reading: Revelation 1:1-7  We should carefully reflect on v. 3. Reading and hearing the book of Revelation gives blessings. Revelation is God’s inspired word, intended to ground us in the truth of our redemption in Christ. Many consider it a difficult book, but it is sufficiently clear for us to be built up by it as we come to know and believe what is written in it. What is necessary for us, is to approach the book of Revelation humbly, believing, and taking to heart, the revelation as it was given and believing that God will keep His promise of blessing. A revelation uncovers something hidden. God reveals things here that cannot be understood by natural senses or reason, for they are things that belong to a kingdom not of this world (although influencing this world). We learn of things that belong to the spiritual or heavenly order of things “which eye has not seen, nor ear heard nor has entered into the hearts of men.” It is a revelation from God through Jesus and it is also a revelation about Jesus. It is a book about Who Jesus is, what He is doing, and how He is bringing all things to the redemptive end that God has in mind. In this sense, it is no different from the rest of Scripture. Yet, this book tells us about Jesus as the exalted Lord, about how He has been and is working in this present age until He returns. Suggestions for prayer Ask God to bless us as we read and reflect on this book this month and enable us to take it to heart, that we might know Christ and the joy of His salvation. Thank Him for His comforting promises. Rev. Calvin J. Tuininga has served in four churches and he retired in September 2019. He and his wife now reside in Washington, North Carolina. He presently serves as a relationship Counsellor with Coastal Pregnancy Centre, as the chairman of the Synodical appeals committee of the URCNA, and also enjoys helping in various churches when possible. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

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Daily devotional

November 30 - The servants song

“…be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.” - Jude 25 Scripture reading: Revelation 5; Jude 24-25 Jude began his letter by reminding us that he was the “bondservant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James.” He had once despised the gospel, but the Lord had converted his heart and redirected his life. He still knew the deceitful allure of his sin, which is why he warned the church to contend for the faith against false teachers that try to corrupt the gospel. But Jude did not merely look back on his unbelieving past and warn the church to stay away from the idols that would destroy it. He also looked ahead to the joy of serving the Lord wholeheartedly. He wanted others to join him, so he encouraged us to keep ourselves in the love of God, to show mercy and compassion to others and to sing to the Lord our Saviour. Will you join him in this doxology? Will you find greater joy in seeing the glory and majesty of our loving God than you will find in the sinful desires of your heart? Will you rejoice in the good news for those who repent and flee their sins, or will you regret missing out on the deceitful pleasures of this world? There is only one faith by which we can find genuine purpose and hope, and that is by loving the Lord Who gave us Jesus. Contend for that faith Suggestions for prayer Thank the Lord for His convicting Word in the letter of Jude. Praise Him that He has brought salvation to stumbling sinners. Ask that His joy would be imprinted on your heart so that you can be His singing bondservant. Pastor James Sinke has been the pastor of Bethel URC of Woodstock for ten years, having previously served the Rock Valley URC. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

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