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April 1 – Introduction to Christ’s death and resurrection 

I am grateful that the Canadian civic calendar still aligns with the church calendar in many places. Good Friday, for example, and Christmas remain public holidays. Commemorating these days for me is of course less about a civic or cultural heritage, however, and more about celebrating historic events that have transformed the world in which we live.

For our devotional readings and reflections this month, we’re going to study the world-transforming events of Christ’s death and resurrection. Central in Scripture, these events ought to be central in our lives as well. Good Friday and Easter are not only calendrical days and historic events; they ought to be personal experiences!

We will begin the month by following Christ down the via dolorosa, the pathway of suffering, and we will stop at the foot of the cross on Good Friday to see our Saviour. Easter Sunday we will accompany the women to the empty tomb to revisit the momentous event of Christ’s resurrection. The following two weeks will be spent walking through chapters on the resurrection, first 1 Corinthians 15 about the importance of Christ’s resurrection and then Colossians 3, the implications of His resurrection. We will conclude the month by contemplating the powerful messages the risen Christ has for the seven churches in Revelation 2-3.

What King Jesus needs

“The Lord has need of it” – Luke 19:31, 34 

Scripture reading: Luke 19:28-40

On this Saturday, as we anticipate Palm Sunday, we attend to Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Before Jesus is hailed as a king, He acts like a king by ordering His disciples to find a colt, untie it and bring it back.

The colt must be one “on which no one has ever yet sat” (v.30). Alfred Plummer, the late 19th century Bible scholar, compared this colt to the virgin womb in which the Lord was conceived and the virgin tomb in which the Lord was consigned—a tomb Luke would later describe as “one in which no one had yet been laid” (25:53). The colt King Jesus conscripts is uniquely suited for His sacred service—an unbacked and unyoked colt.

King Jesus adds an instruction: “If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it’ you shall say this: ‘the Lord has need of it’ (v.31). If a king needs something from you, he will say so, and you should comply. When the disciples find a colt and explain to the owners, “the Lord has need of it,” the owners readily volunteer it. They too are disciples of King Jesus—ready to offer their things for Him.

What do you have that King Jesus needs? What are you prepared to volunteer for Him? Some of your disposable income? Some of your free time? Suppose the message came to you: “the Lord needs your Wednesday evening.” Would you consent?

Suggestions for prayer

Seek the Lord’s guidance and wisdom regarding when and what you may volunteer for Him.

Dr. Bill DeJong is the lead pastor of Blessings Christian church in Hamilton, ON and adjunct professor of Religion and Theology at Redeemer University in Ancaster, ON. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  

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