Wedenesday September 5 - The fruit of the Spirit: PATIENCE
The fruit of the Spirit is…patience…. – Galatians 5:22
Scripture reading: Matthew 18:21-35
Christian patience is an attribute of the peace-loving follower of Christ. The word for patience is actually a compound word, macro-thumia, long-suffering. This virtue reminds us of the kind of person God is and the kind of people Christians become.
One day we will not have to suffer at all anymore—when God calls us to Himself in glory. However, in these days, we have to bear with the sins of others and they have to bear with ours.
Fruit takes time to bear in the household of faith, as those called to love one another. When we realize that God is still working on His people, bearing with others’ specks is a sign of a fruitful heart. Patience is more than putting up; it seeks to pardon those who seek it. Matthew 18:21-35, the parable of the unforgiving servant calls us to patience (macrothumia) with others.
Our long-suffering not only suffers for wrongs, but also pardons them as God does us. Without God’s patience in Christ, we would know eternal wrath. Patience, then, carries graciousness, as it remembers, not the sin of others, but the graciousness of God.
Suggestions for prayer
Petition the Lord that He may enable you, by His Spirit, to dwell on the gracious Spirit of God to you in Christ, not just so that you might be thankful to God, but that you might reflect Him as well.
This daily devotional is available in a print edition you can buy at Nearer to God Devotional. John Vermeer is the pastor of Doon United Reformed Church in Doon, Iowa....