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April 2 – What King Jesus provides

“Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” – Luke 19:38

Scripture reading: Luke 19:35-40

On Palm Sunday the crowds, by spreading their cloaks on the road before Him, give King Jesus the red-carpet treatment fitting for a dignitary. They likely see Jesus as a political deliverer who has come to rescue them from their enemies. Not wanting His kingship misrepresented, Jesus enters Jerusalem riding not a camel or a horse, but a colt. He is a humble king and His kingdom will be advanced in the way of peace and humility.

This is not the first time crowds wanted to acclaim Jesus as king (see, e.g., John 6:15). When He faced this scenario before, however, He withdrew. By accepting the acclamation here, Jesus triggers a sequence of events that will conclude with His death. The enthusiasm of the crowds enrages the Jewish leaders, apparent in the Pharisees’ response (v.39): “Teacher, rebuke your disciples.” The time has come for Jesus to be arrested, condemned and crucified.

Jesus’ response is striking (v.40): “If these were silent, the very stones would cry out.” If people don’t acclaim His kingship, in other words, the stones, with which this city is built, will. No one who encounters King Jesus remains neutral. He is repulsive to some and alluring to others. What are you going to do with King Jesus?

Sadly, the loud praise, for many in the crowd at Jesus’ triumphal entry, proved to be empty. The Palm Sunday songs of “Hosanna” were replaced within a week by Good Friday shouts of “Crucify him!” Worship King Jesus sincerely today!

Suggestions for prayer

Ask the Lord to give you a contrite heart so you can worship Him sincerely today.

Dr. Bill DeJong is the lead pastor of Blessings Christian church in Hamilton, ON and adjunct professor of Religion and Theology at Redeemer University in Ancaster, ON. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  

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