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October 16 – The blessed unity of the church

“Fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.” – Philippians 2:2 

Scripture reading: Philippians 2:1-4 and Ephesians 4:11-16

One of the key things Paul shows us is that our “like-mindedness” as Christians is seen in our oneness and our unity together. And that makes sense seeing that we are now one Body whose Head is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is fitting us together; we are growing together and becoming more alike as believers. For we have the “same love”; that is, God’s love which dwells in us and stimulates our love for each other. We also find a growing “accord” amongst ourselves and that we are of “one mind”. That is, we are a people who are united in spirit and purpose. For we know Who has redeemed us and therefore we desire to live for Him in all of life, especially, when it comes to life in the church!

Do we see this in our churches? Do we find this growing unity amongst ourselves in faith and practice, especially in how we live before the world? Our Sunday worship is a powerful witness to the world of our trust in God. It reveals our like-mindedness, our mutual love and our desire to serve the Lord. Let us go joyfully to God’s House today for worship, knowing that we are showing forth our faith and trust in the true and living God! Let us give thanks that God calls us to worship, that He is glorified by our worship and that He uses our worship as a witness to the world!

Suggestions for prayer

Ask the Lord to bless our worship today. Pray that our worship would serve as a powerful testimony to the world that our joy, hope, oneness and purpose are found in our Lord Jesus Christ, the only Saviour of sinners!

Rev. Merwin serves as minister of the Immanuel United Reformed Church of Listowel, Ontario, Canada. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

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