December 23 - A view of the city #1
“ showed me the holy city Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God, having the glory of God, its radiance like a most rare jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal.” - Revelation 21:10b-11
Scripture reading: Revelation 21:9-21
We see the city, the bride of the lamb, as it is coming down out of heaven from God. This is the Church that was built by Christ, whose inheritance is kept in heaven with Christ, and He shall bring it to completion on the glorious day. It is filled with the glory of God, a radiant, clear crystal. The church has been made pure and perfectly radiates the glory of God!
This city is a perfect cube, 1380 miles in every direction. Traveling 55 miles per hour it would take 24 hours to cross the city, which stretches the approximate distance from Nags Head, NC, to Salina, Kansas, from Southern Maine to North Florida, and then as high. The church is immense, a number we cannot count.
John is not seeing a literal city, but a symbol of the victorious church, the Lamb’s wife. The church does not live in the city, but the city is the church who dwells in perfect harmony with God. The beauty of the church here is our perfect fellowship with the Triune God. As Revelation 21:3 says, “Now the dwelling of God is with men, and He will live with them. They will be His people, and God Himself shall be with them and be their God.” No more tears, death or pain. All will be new. On earth we are the bride, but we will be the lamb’s wife, perfectly reflecting the glory of our Transcendent God.
Suggestions for prayer
Praise God for His work in bringing His church to completion. Thank Jesus for coming in humility to take away our sins, so that we may look forward to the glory that shall be ours when He comes again.
Rev. Calvin J. Tuininga was born in Grand Rapids Michigan, but as a PK grew up in different places, mostly in Canada. He served in four churches: Burdett Alberta (CRC), Telkwa, B.C. (CRC), Trinity St. Catharines, Ontario (CRC/URC) and Covenant URC in Pantego, North Carolina. He retired in September 2019, and he and his wife presently reside in Washington, North Carolina. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. This devotional is made available by the Nearer To God Devotional team, who also make available in print, for purchase, at