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February 25 – Total inability in a nutshell

“How then can man be righteous before God? Or how can he be pure who is born of a woman?”  – Job 25:4 

Scripture reading: Job 25:1-6

Reformed doctrines have been with us from the very beginning of time and taught in the first book of Moses, Genesis, and they continue to be taught through the Book of Revelation. They were merely recovered in the 1500’s. Reformed doctrines are biblical doctrines and Job knew them. One of the most remarkable doctrines we see in the Book of Job is the doctrine of man’s total inability, often called total depravity.

In our text Bildad decried the sinfulness of man, every man who is born in the natural way. (Even a theologically inept man as Bildad knew some truth.) Then he reflected on what we have in Romans 3, that there is none righteous, no not one; there was none who sought after God. What precision!

Man is rooted in sin and in his life he displays much sin. There is nothing good in him. He doesn’t have the resources to pay God for his sin and restore his relationship with God. His only hope is to plead for the righteousness of Jesus as his own. If he does this, he receives the protection that only God can give. Sadly, Bildad didn’t seem to know this part. Job wished he knew it.

God’s grace is available to all who will call on Him. Don’t you want to tell someone today about the righteousness that man lacks, but which Christ earned and offers to him?

Suggestions for prayer

Say that you will learn the awesomeness of your salvation, knowing the wretchedness of the human heart.

Pastor Mitchell Persaud is a missionary at New Horizon URCNA, in Scarborough, ON, Canada, where he has ministered for over 20 years. Feel free to Google his name for more information about New Horizon. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

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