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February 12 – The grace of continuing

“And Moses spoke to Aaron, and to Eleazar and Ithamar, his sons who were left: “Take the grain offering that remains of the offerings made by fire to the LORD, and eat it without leaven beside the altar; for it is most holy.”” – Leviticus 10:12

Scripture reading: Leviticus 10:1-13

How would you react if two of your brothers had just been burned alive? Nadab and Abihu had failed to regard the LORD as holy when they went in before Him. Their brothers, Eleazar and Ithamar surely saw what happened and smelled the results. Fear must have gripped their hearts. And then, after words of admonishment and caution (10:6-11), come again words of grace and kindness. The LORD tells Aaron and his remaining sons to eat the blessing He has provided for them. God tells them to continue.

God’s people sometimes find it hard to continue. Life in the fallen world can be exhaustive and distressing. Often, we are one catastrophe away from complete collapse. But God grants us the grace to continue. Sometimes things are not at ‘near collapse’, but we are weary, worn, frazzled and tired of the forward march. But God can give us grace to continue. Have you known His grace to you when you didn’t really want to continue?

Our process in these devotionals is to go from a specific act of God’s grace in the lives of His covenant people, extract biblical principles, and apply these today. But that requires we each “take note.” We can learn these lessons and discover the application, but we need to be ready to see these truths for ourselves in how God is at work in our lives. Take note.

Suggestions for prayer

Ask the Lord to give you grace to continue after hard providences have befallen you.

Rev. Harold Miller graduated from Mid-America Reformed Seminary in 2001 and has served churches in Wellsburg, Iowa and Kansas City, Missouri before arriving at Oak Lawn, Illinois in 2020. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

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