Saturday Selections - January 19
Defending the unborn can be as simple as asking the other side to explain themselves
Marie Kondo and her "life-changing magic"
Marie Kondo and her book, The life-changing magic of tidying up, has taken over the Internet and inspired many to throw out and simplify. But like every other secular "life-changing formula" it is so very incomplete.
“Unborn Child” – remembering a musical plea for life
John Stonestreet tells the story of the pro-life song below, that came out just one year after Roe vs. Wade.
UNBORN CHILDOh little baby, you'll never cry, nor will you hear a sweet lullabye. Oh unborn child, if you only knew just what your momma was plannin' to do. You're still a-clingin' to the tree of life, but soon you'll be cut off before you get ripe. Oh unborn child, beginning to grow inside your momma, but you'll never know. Oh tiny bud, that grows in the womb, only to be crushed before you can bloom. Mama stop! Turn around, go back, think it over. Now stop, turn around, go back, think it over. Stop, turn around, go back think it over. Oh no momma, just let it be. You'll never regret it, just wait and see. Think of all the great ones who gave everything That we might have life here, so please bear the pain. Mama stop! Turn around, go back, think it over. Now stop, turn around, go back, think it over. Stop, turn around, go back think it over.
The new taboo: More people regret sex change and want to "detransition"
The National Post carried a story that few other media outlets are willing to cover...
Going Dutch: Netherlands imports Nashville Statement controversy
The US evangelical document on LGBT issues has divided the Dutch Bible Belt.
"Seek Social Justice" - a free six-session course available
This course features Albert Mohler, Marvin Olasky, Chuck Colson, and you can access it at the link above (and you can watch the trailer below).