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Thursday December 27 – Following Jesus and shining like stars

…shine as lights in the world, holding fast to the word of life… – Philippians 2:15b, 16a

 Scripture reading: Philippians 2:12-17

In the first part of Philippians 2, Paul gives a summary of Jesus’ ministry, from His taking on flesh as a child, to His humbling obedience unto death on the cross and to His exultation where all will bend the knee to His glorious name. However, notice that Paul tells us this summary of Jesus’ life not just to encourage us in our faith, but as an example of how to live, not for ourselves, but for others.

From this context, Paul tells us to work out our salvation; that is, because you are saved, work for your Saviour. How are we to do this? Paul says, “without complaining or arguing.” Paul tells us this so that who we are in Jesus Christ would shine out to the world as living testimonies of what God can do. We can only be this light that shines in the dark world once our minds and hearts are truly set on Christ and His Kingdom and glory and not on ourselves. When we shine, we can hold out the Word of life, which is Jesus Christ. That is why we can tell people that Jesus is why we are the way we are.

To bring Jesus in a proper way to your co-workers or your neighbors takes time and loving patience, time to spend with them so that they see that you are different and that you truly care for them. Do you use your free time for your own pleasure or your hobbies or are you working at telling those around you about the love of Christ that is in you?

Suggestions for prayer

That you shine in your community so that you can talk to others about Jesus Christ.

This daily devotional is available in a print edition you can buy at Nearer to God Devotional. Rev. Richard Bultjes is pastor at a church plant in Niagara Falls, Ontario, called River of Life.

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