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Saturday Selections – Nov 19, 2022

We kill because we care?

Abortion brings to mind Proverbs 12:10: “A righteous person has regard for the life of his animal, But even the compassion of the wicked is cruel.” The righteous notice the little guy, whereas the wicked’s best impulses – even their compassion – is still going to be cruel, like proposing murder as a solution to poverty and unwantedness.

The Left have been trying to groom children for a long time (10-min read)

Jonathon Van Maren writes a longer piece on the history of the Left’s push for pedophilia and sexual grooming. Why read about such an unpleasant topic? Because these grooming attempts continue, and Christians opposing these pushes for “progressive sex ed” are often dismissed as conspiracy theorists. But what Van Maren shares is only the readily accessible facts, all out in the open – there’s no secret conspiracy here.

On the origin of consciousness (15-min read)

Evolution has its theories about how our consciousness began but, as this creationist article points out, those explanations are little more than “word salads” – gobblygook that only highlights how little we actually understand about our brains.

“Consciousness poses the most baffling problem in the science of the mind…. The puzzle is how a 1.3-kilogram organ with the consistency of tofu can generate the feeling of being.”

I lost my mom to Facebook

“Over a period of three years, her elderly mom went from Facebook illiterate to Facebook junkie. From a great-grandma liking photos of her great-grandkids to a full-blown QAnon conspiracy theorist posting wild articles…”

Marriage is a calling, not a capstone

The world misunderstands marriage as a “capstone to success” – something to take on only after you’ve figured out everything else in your life. When it rains in the world, it often drips in the Church, so are our own young people having this “leak” into their thinking?

You are not a visual learner… or do learning styles exist?

Are you a visual, or more of an auditory, or tactile learner? There’s a widely accepted theory that people have their own ideal learning styles, but as this video, and the article linked above, highlight the evidence for learning styles is lacking. How can that be? Read or watch to find out.

A takeaway for Christians is how much of what we know may not actually be so. There is a tendency, even among Christians, to presume the experts really know their stuff and to just “trust the science.” But some “facts” might well be just faulty assumptions. So only God’s revelation should be trusted to be infallible.

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