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Saturday Selections – Jan. 15, 2022

Who is the minimum wage really protecting? (3 min)

Governments will tax some products to deliberately increase their cost to then discourage consumption of those products (i.e. cigarettes, soda pop, gasoline).

So what is the government doing when it increases the cost of labor via a minimum wage?

Find meaning and beauty as a fast-food worker

“God uses the work of our hands, no matter how simple, no matter how mundane, to connect with hearts and minds.

Erasing women

John Stonestreet notes that in rejecting the reality of sex – in rejecting that God made us male and female – the trans movement can only stereotype men and women.

A creationist confession?

Dr. Wes Bredenhof reports on efforts nearly three decades ago to write a common confession among Presbyterian and Reformed churches around the issue of creation. Some familiar names were in the mix including RP contributors Dr. Margaret Helder and Dr. John Byl. Dr. Greg Bahnsen wrote the creation confession, and another on hermeneutics.

Secular film shows the emptiness of secularism

Unbelievers rarely dare ask themselves deep questions. It’s curious then that a new film, Don’t Look Up, asks what the purpose of our lives would be if we all knew the world was going to be destroyed in two weeks. It’s no surprise, however, that the secular film can’t answer the issue it raises.

Spider-Man’s multiverse

The concept of a “multiverse” – that there are more universes than just this one – figures prominently in the latest Spider-Man movie, and viewers might conclude there must be some sort of scientific basis for believing in the multiverse’s existence. But did you know the only “evidence” for other universes is that this one is too finely-tuned to foster the existence of life for scientists to be able to explain it as just a chance happening. It’s just too unlikely… unless they presuppose that there might be millions (or an infinity!) of other universes. If that were so, then it would, they argue, be less remarkable that in one of those universes – our own – all the dice rolled just right for things to line up so perfectly. The only evidence for a multiverse is that godless science needs it to exist.

Everyone’s a criminal? (6 min)

This is an American presentation, but a much more widespread problem – countries have so many laws that everyone could be found guilty of something. This excess of laws gives the State the ability to punish whomever they don’t like, and sometimes they do. Too many laws actually take us from the Rule of Law to the Rule of Men – instead of all being equal before the law, it’s about who you know or which party is in power.

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