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Saturday Selections – May 4, 2024

Did ancient cultures believe in a third gender?

This is an interesting question, in as far as, what point would it prove if they did? Does our culture now believe that because something is traditional, is is right? If so, I have some other traditions to tell you about!

Why you should go to sleep early tonight

There are physical, emotional, and spiritual reasons too, for why you should be early to bed.

Can a Christian be a lawyer? (15 min read / 25 min listen)

The short answer is, yes, of course. The longer answer is, yes, but the job does come with some real challenges.

Two celebrities talking about how disobeying God hurts

Recently Joe Rogan and Oliver Anthony were chatting about how disobeying God’s will for sex really messes people up. Anthony is a self-professed baby Christian, and Rogan is no Christian at all, so they aren’t talking about this from a biblical perspective. They’ve just come to the realization that porn usage doesn’t work. Theirs was a practical, pragmatic case, but an observant one. Sin really is stupid, and some people learn that the hard way. Others don’t have to suffer through the pain that running into the brickwall of reality will cause you, and instead trust God’s Wisdom as He’s revealed it to us in His Word.

What’s the difference between venting and lamenting?

One is sinful, the other godly, yet they share a lot of similarities.

A moral case for capitalism

If you have an economic system that respects property rights (i.e. the 8th Commandment), and doesn’t covet what the wealthy have (10th Commandment), and doesn’t look to the government as savior (Commandment #1), then what sort of economic system would you have? Well, it wouldn’t be socialism, communism, or crony capitalism.

What you’d be left with is the free market, aka, capitalism. And you’d be left with it, not because it has raised more people out of poverty than any other economic system, but because it is the system God proscribes. The prosperity that results is simply a blessing that comes with obeying our Heavenly Father.

This gentleman below makes a different moral case for capitalism (and gets a few things wrong, going back 12,000 years, on a planet that’s only been around for about half that) but brings in one more wrinkle that I did not… but which has a biblical parallel. He speaks of capitalism being the result of a society that has moved from “status to contract.” In kingdoms and empires it is about who you know – if you are a friend of the emperor, you will prosper, but if he doesn’t like you, you’re in trouble. But when rules were elevated above the ruler, when even the king could be held accountable to the law, then we had a society built on agreements – contracts – rather than status. Though this gent doesn’t describe it as such, that development has Christian roots. Christians understand that the most powerful king has always been accountable to God and His law.

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Saturday Selections – April 27, 2024

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