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Saturday Selections – July 29, 2023

The scaremongers are wrong (7 min)

While no one in this video is professedly Christian, the battle is over whether we’re going to understand Man as the Bible describes us, with children as a blessing from God, made in His Image, and tasked with stewarding the Earth (Ps. 127:3-5, Gen. 1:26-28), or whether we are going to understand children as mere mouths to feed – a drain on our planet which would be better off without them.

John A Macdonald saved more Indigenous lives than any other PM? (10 min read)

My evaluation of Canada’s first PM has dropped some since I was first introduced to a heroic version of him in school. I shouldn’t have been surprised – our leaders have always had feet of clay.

But as Solomon alerts us, there is always another side of the story to hear (Prov. 18:17), and in this article Greg Piasetzki makes the case that:

“Canada’s treatment of its indigenous people — and Macdonald’s role in it — is best understood in comparison with that of the native population in the United States. The results very much favour Macdonald’s Canada.”

Residential school narratives unravelled

In keeping with that “other side” REAL Women of Canada has issued a call for a new inquiry into Canada’s residential schools, one that would look into the many spots proposed to be burial grounds, but from which no bodies have yet been recovered.

A different sort of Sound of Freedom review

Sound of Freedom, in theaters now, is about human trafficking – it’s about the modern-day sex slave trade. Here’s what pro-life activist Miranda King shared after she saw it this week.

Why should Canadians care about two recent US Supreme Court decisions? 

God’s people in the West don’t always understand how much of our culture is still supported by Christian underpinnings. Yes, our countries are increasingly godless, but that things are still as good as they are is because even now many of the godless still hold to a generally Christian understanding of justice, gender, faithfulness, and more.

What two recent US Supreme Court decisions show is what happens when those underpinnings are abandoned entirely – then a country’s top justice can be left unsure as to what justice even is.

Psychology board levels ironic charge against Jordan Peterson

The College of Psychologists of Ontario (CPO) ordered Jordan Peterson to undergo some remedial media training – re-education” as he put it – after he expressed political opinions on Twitter. The CPO said Peterson’s comments risked “”undermining public trust in the profession of psychology, and trust in the college’s ability to regulate the profession in the public interest.” The irony here is that the CPO is doing just that in going after Peterson for political opinions that many share.

Evolution “facts”: You can’t trust everything you hear (14 min)

This is a charming exposé of how evolutionists will often tell stories that are:

1) technically true but misleading
2) only theories but presented as facts
3) flat-out gross exaggerations

This is an Intelligent Design critique of evolution, so that means they buy into millions of years. But for how it shows the evolutionary emperor is wearing no clothes, this is a must-see.

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Saturday Selections – July 22, 2023

What would you say to the claim porn improves relationships? Porn has become so pervasive that some will now, without shame, discuss their viewing of it, and even defend it as a good thing. For Christians, though, there is no debate: Jesus said watching pornography is adultery (Matt 5:28), and, going back further still to the 10th Commandment, God prohibits coveting your neighbor's wife. And there are also practical objections, as detailed in the video below. Homeschooling boys One reason boys might be falling behind girls at school: "How long can you sit still, be quiet, and pay attention? We find no difference on that parameter comparing a 40-year-old woman with a 40-year-old man. But when we compare a 6-year-old girl with a 6-year-old boy, we find that the average 6-year-old boy can sit still, be quiet, and pay attention for only about half as long as the average 6-year-old girl. He may be sitting still and being quiet, but he is not paying attention." Does the Church need to lead on smartphones? As more research shows that smartphones are a trigger for all sorts of serious problems for teens, parents face the problem of how to act. No smartphones until 16 might sound nice, but if one family implements this policy on their own, it only means that their kids will be frozen out of the conversations their classmates are having online. That's not that helpful. So, should the government step in? That has downsides too, as Bonnie Kristian shares. So who can help? Might the local congregation be able to rally families to work together? 10 roadtrip conversation starters Your kidlets are in the back dozing and you have miles to go before you arrive at your vacation destination - it's a chance for some meaningful conversation with your better half. Here's 10 questions to kick things off. Correcting the actual misinformation about gender ideology It seemed that in times past, when the media mislead us it was because they were giving only half the story. It was a lie of omission, certainly, but the facts they did share were actually facts. Today, they seem willing to just lie. No, humans aren't 99% chimp By one measure, humans share 60% of our DNA with bananas. But no one thinks that makes us 60% fruity. So why the fixation the stat that we share 99% of the DNA of chimps... especially since it isn't even true? A boomwhacker brawl Just some Dutch guys making music... and channeling the Three Stooges. ...