…He was a mighty man of valor, but he was a leper. – 2 Kings 5:1
Scripture reading: 2 Kings 5:1-10
Naaman would be one of those people who would be hard to buy a present for. I’m sure you have encountered that. Maybe you have a friend or family member who seems to have everything. At Christmas or their birthday, what can you possibly buy for them?
Naaman was like that. He had everything that those in the world value; he had a great job as the commander of the Syrian army and he had prestige, success and wealth. Yet, even though Naaman had all these blessings, there was not a single person in Syria who would trade places with him, for, as verse 1 points out, He was a mighty man of valor, but he was a leper.
His leprosy was no minor rash. It was a serious skin disease. There was no human cure. He needed the cleansing that only God can provide. And in that way, Naaman was just like you and just like me. His leprosy was like our sin. The wages of sin is death, the Bible warns, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:23). We need the cleansing that only Jesus can provide.
Naaman sought out Elisha, the man of God. Have you and I, by God’s grace and Holy Spirit’s power, sought out Jesus, the Man who is true God, yet truly human, sent to save His people from their sins through faith in His cleansing blood? If so, what gratitude we should have!
Suggestions for prayer
Thank the Lord for all His blessings, especially for the cleansing from sin that comes through saving faith in Jesus Christ.
This daily devotional is available in a print edition you can buy at Nearer to God Devotional. Rev. Ted Gray has served as pastor of First United Reformed Church in Oak Lawn, Illinois for the last 15 years.