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The Top 10 articles of 2019

It’s said that the Internet is causing people to have shorter attention spans. If that’s true, you can’t look to our most popular articles of 2019 for proof, as many are among the longer articles we published.

You’ll quickly notice there are 11 articles on this “Top 10” list, and we want to assure you that’s not a matter of bad math, but interesting statistics. The difference between 10 and 11 is so close, that they are repeatedly swapping spots. So, rather than have to update the list as they swap spots yet again, we’re including both, as 10a and 10b.

Now, what got thousands of folks reading each of these articles? Maybe it was the diversity. One of the fun things about a magazine that writes about all that God is up to is that we get to tackle all that God is up to!

Without further ado, here is our Top 10 countdown for 2019.

10b. Original Sin: Luther’s other life-changing doctrine (15 minutes)

Harma-Mae Smit contributed an article that takes some effort but amply rewards it. We know Luther for his rediscovery of the Doctrine of Justification – that it is not by our works, but by faith in Jesus that we are justified.

But Luther’s understanding of our sinfulness was every bit as important.

10a. Countering Tim Keller’s case for evolution (15 min)

Keller is a much-respected writer because when he gets it right – when he treats God’s Word as authoritative – he gets it really right. But when he gets it wrong, as he does in his treatment of the opening chapters of the Genesis, he gets it really and horribly wrong.

9. A sad tale of a wealthy millennial’s moral confusion (8 min)

E. Calvin Beisner read about a young man who was wealthy and felt guilty about it. Should we feel guilty when we are blessed? Or should we feel gratitude? A series of accompanying questions make this a great one for discussions on socialism, the 10th Commandment, social justice and more.

8. Porn addiction isn’t just a guy thing (8 min)

This article got no attention when it was first posted a year or two ago. But when it was reposted this year, thousands checked it out. Why? Maybe it’s because we now recognize that even as pornography-use remains the sin that Christian men don’t own up to, it is that much the harder for Christian women to look for and get help in this battle.

7. Reformed Harmony: a new tool promotes friendship…and sometimes marriage (10 min)

Sharon Bratcher tells RP readers about this online forum created specifically for Reformed singles. What a great idea!

6. Public doubt: Josh Harris abandons God, and Hillsong’s Marty Sampson struggles (5 min)

It was big news when Josh Harris turned his back on God, and was almost as big when a prominent Christian musician went public with his doubts. So what’s a Christian to do when they have doubts?

5. Should introverts be expected to act like Extroverts? (5 min)

It takes all kinds to make up the Body of Christ. But we are the same Body, and that means that some type of togetherness is a must.

4. #chairchallenge highlights male/female divide (2 min)

The chair challenge is a fun craze circulating the Internet which most women can do, and most men can’t. It’s fun, but it’s also significant, living as we do in an age that denies there are two genders and that even if there are, denies they are different.

3. That morning I listened to Kanye West (8 min)

In December 2018 Kanye West was featured on a song with XXXTentacion singing vulgar lyrics. Less than a year later he released his album Jesus is King and Rev. Wes Bredenhof had a listen…and liked what he heard.

2. Charles Darwin’s grave mistake (12 min)

On the 137th anniversary of Darwin’s death, Christine Farenhorst shared how the Christian world honored him.

1. Cremation: why and why not? (8 min)

In the past cremation has been done as an act of rebellion. But is that what it has to symbolize? Or might this be an area of Christian liberty?

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Top 10 articles of 2018

The top ten posts of 2018 show that Reformed folk have had wide-ranging interests this past year... #10. Movie Review: “I survived ‘I Kissed Dating Goodbye’” I Kissed Dating Goodbye was huge in Christian circles, selling more than a million copies. This year a documentarian, along with the author himself, critiqued the impact the book has had over the last two decades. It's a very good documentary, if an overly critical one, and if you read to the bottom of the review there's a link there to where you can watch it for free. #9. Why do we suffer? Buddhism vs. Christianity The readership for this article keeps growing. It didn't make it to the Top 10 back in 2017 when it was first published, but every month hundreds more would track it down, giving it a place on the list in 2018. #8. Is recreational marijuana sinful? This is another 2017 article. It returned to the Top 10 when Canada legalized marijuana and this question became a pressing one for the Church. #7. War through the eyes of a child: Alice Kuik shares her memories of World War II Little Alice didn’t know her parents were hiding Jews in their home. But she did understand the Nazis were watching their whole family. #6. When we have to parent our parents Sharon Bratcher offers some help and encouragement for caregivers. #5. What’s next? The growth of Statism in Canada ARPA Canada’s André Schutten on the government requiring citizens to comply with its State ideology. #4. Should we baptize our infants? Resources that make the case On the evening of Sept. 27, 2018, two Reformed pastors debated "Should we baptize infants as well as adults?" Reformed Perspective holds to a paedobaptism position, and in preparation for the debate, we shared a list of some of the very best resources available in defense of infant baptism. #3. Ronald Reagan's challenge to his dying atheist father-in-law Thirty-six years after Reagan wrote this private letter to his father-in-law, God used it to challenge hundreds of thousands of others. #2. Chick-fil-A is always closed on Sunday...except when an ox falls in a pit This was an encouraging story about how a restaurant chain in the US recognizes that the Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath (Mark 2:27). **** And the number one post of 2018 was... #1. Is Jordan Peterson the champion we've been looking for? Jordan Peterson was all over the Internet in 2018, and in many of the interviews and appearances, he sounded quite like a Christian, talking with respect about Jesus, or speaking of "the Word become divine." He also emphasized personal responsibility, telling his 20-something-year-old followers that if they really want to change the world, it starts with self-discipline – you can't refashion society if you can't even manage to put your socks in the laundry. It was old-fashioned common sense that's becoming increasingly uncommon outside of the Church. To top it off, he'd continue talking, even when he was getting attacked for what he believed. His courage was admirable and unusual, and it made many in his audience hope all the more that he was Christian – here, finally, was someone displaying the courage of a David before Goliath, or a Daniel in the lions' den. But as Joel McDurmon explains in his article, Peterson isn't a Christian at all. The reason he sounds like one is because he is a Jungian and he believes that the world's myths tell us something important about Man. In his view, the tales of Thor, the 12 labors of Hercules, the voyage of Odysseus, and yes, also the life of Jesus, have stayed with us because they all capture something important about who we are. Peterson respects the Bible more than other myths, because of its greater impact on the world. But he doesn't believe it to be God's very words. Peterson doesn't believe that Jesus died for his sins; despite how he often sounds, he is not Christian. And instead of pointing people to Christ, he is telling them to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps....