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Saturday Selections – May 2, 2020

An unborn baby kicking up a storm (30 seconds)

Our value doesn’t come from what we can do – it comes from in Whose Image we are made – but for those who say otherwise, this clip of a baby doing all sorts of things that newborn babies also do makes it hard for them to deny that this is, in fact, a baby. This active, energetic (mom is going to feel that!) unborn and unprotected child is busy showing off his or her many abilities!

A podcast about John Calvin dealing with disease (10-minutes)

While the two hosts of this podcast are likely not Reformed, their discussion on how “epidemics tore through John Calvin’s Geneva five times” is interesting. The interview is just 10 minutes long, followed by 5 minutes of dated news that you can give a miss.

Harvard prof wants a “presumptive ban” homeschooling

An interview critiquing homeschooling portrayed the poor homeschooling student imprisoned inside a house built out of, among other books, a Bible. As Forbes’ Mike McShane noted, it was as if the article’s author and editors had never met homeschoolers. After all, it is not home schools, but public schools, some complete with metal detectors, that most look like prisons. Then there was the irony that the presumably public-school-educated editors didn’t notice that another of the books imprisoning the child had a misspelled “arithmatic” on its spine. But these were only symptoms of the interview’s underlying flaw – as John Stonestreet shared, the arguments were “ideology dressed up as advocacy.”

What skeptical scholars admit about the Resurrection (10-minute read)

Even the skeptics acknowledge that something special must have happened.

Psalms 101: congregational psalm-singing for those in withdrawal

If the quarantine has you missing the sound of congregational singing, this site has 16 psalms as sung by various congregations around the world. The site also has a vast array of other psalms-related materials, including choral performances too. And if you want a strictly instrumental version of the 150 psalms, perhaps to sing along with, check out Dr. Ernst Stolz’s YouTube channel here. (H/T to Marlene VanRootselaar and Thea Dora.)

Is space travel our destiny?

In his book and documentary, Privileged Planet, Guillermo Gonzalez argued that the Earth was not only uniquely suited for life but unusually suited to explore the rest of our Universe. In this article, he reflects on two recent studies that make the point that Earth is quite unusual in how our Sun is the right size, and our planet the right size, to allow for rocket travel. Some might call this a long string of coincidences, but Christians would be right to wonder if these might simply be preparations, with God so positioning us that we could, one day, go into the great beyond and explore even more of His amazing Creation.

Why are fossil footprints curious evidence for the Flood? (3 minutes)

The folks who brought you Is Genesis History? share how fossil footprints are evidence for Noah’s Flood.

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