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Saturday Selections – April 25, 2020

Earth Day? Nah. (2 min)

It was Earth Day this past Wednesday and once again the world celebrated creation even as it denied the Creator. Dr. Gordon Wilson encourages Christians not to hitch our wagon to the environmental movement and to, instead celebrate the Creator, not the creature.

When a vaccine arrives, will it be ethical?

…or will it be developed using the cells of aborted fetuses?

A defense of infant baptism (10-minute read)

There’s a lot of confusion in the debate over adult-only versus adults-and-babies baptism. In this 10-minute primer, Dr. Guy M. Richard clears a number of them away.

Coronavirus and Christ: a poem by John Piper

The Bible gives buckets of answers about COVID-19. You may not like them.

Time magazine recently published an article by N.T. Wright with the title: “Christianity offers no answers about the coronavirus. It’s not supposed to.” Dan Phillips offers this corrective.

Why Christian parents need to be extra careful about what shows their kids watch in quarantine

Jonathon Van Maren highlights how Disney and others really are trying to corrupt our children.

Is corporate worship “essential”?

ARPA Canada weighs in with some biblical considerations for churches, as well as points to raise with our elected leaders.

What’s inside a caterpillar “cocoon”? (3.5 min)

Did you know butterflies might be able to remember things they learned when they were caterpillars?

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