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The seven deadly sins

Saturday June 2 – Pride defined

These six things the Lord hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look… – Proverbs 6:16-17

Scripture reading: Proverbs 6

It’s probably not surprising to you to find pride at the top of the list of the seven deadly sins. We know pride is a problem. But how much of a problem? Someone once said, “To say that we are a speck of dust, in the context of the enormity of space out there, is an insult to a speck of dust.” We are creatures made in the image of an infinite Creator. And yet we are consumed with ourselves. Worse, we are carelessly unaware of how deep an issue pride is.

Daniel chapter four is a personal favourite, partially because it shows the end of pride. Just picture great King Nebuchadnezzar revelling in all his perceived glory. Listen to the voice of Almighty God from heaven. Watch the king’s transformation into a lawn-munching beast. Such is the insanity of our pride in the world belonging to Almighty God.

The insanity has infested our hearts in so many different ways. Thank God He hates pride as an abomination and is determined to eradicate it.

Suggestions for prayer

“Heavenly Father, Every faculty of mind and body is Thy undeserved gift. Low as I am as a creature, I am lower as a sinner; how can I flaunt myself proudly?” – The Valley of Vision: Pride

This daily devotional is available in a print edition you can buy at Nearer to God Devotional. Rev. Mark Stewart serves the Burlington URC in Burlington, WA.

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