“… you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.” – James 1:3
Scripture reading: I Peter 1:3-9
God the Father promises in our baptism that He will provide us with all good and avert all evil, or turn it to our profit. God doesn’t promise to avert all evil, period. He promises to avert all evil, or turn it to our profit. That’s what He’s doing when we suffer. He’s turning the evil to our profit.
When we face our trials in faith, God strengthens our faith. What does that mean practically speaking? It means that our focus on Christ, and what God gives us in Him becomes sharper. It means that our hope and our joy in Jesus Christ grow deeper and stronger. Our desire to have everything that Christ has for us becomes more intense.
Knowing that God the Father is involved in our daily lives, and working for our salvation in all things becomes more real to us. It becomes more and more part of how we look at our lives, and think about what happens to us. We discover that in hard times, His Word comes more alive for us, and that our worship is more genuine, more sincere and more encouraging.
What else do we want from God? There is no better thing that He could do for us, or give us. There is no more that we could possibly want from Him. In our trials, God gives us what we pray for more than anything else: our faith grows, our trust and our joy in the Lord become deep and strong.
Suggestions for prayer
Ask the Lord to help you to want what He wants: that your faith will grow and that you will find all your comfort in belonging to Jesus Christ.
Rev. Dick Wynia graduated from the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary in 1986, and was ordained to the ministry in 1987. He has served four congregations, in Aylmer ON, Calgary AB, Wyoming ON and in Beamsville ON. After almost 37 years in active ministry, he recently became a minister emeritus. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. This devotional is made available by the Nearer To God Devotional team, who also make available in print, for purchase, at NTGDevotional.com.