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Love on a limb

Drama / Romance
2016, 84 minutes
RATING: 7/10

Amy Roarke knows just about everyone in Ample Hills because she’s gotten them all to sign her petitions or volunteer for her latest charity drives. And when the mayor decides to cut down the town’s 130-year-old “Old Tree” Amy has her latest cause.

Is she going to fall for her opponent, Mayor Tom? Or might it be Kyle, the fellow hired to cut the tree down? More importantly, why do they want to cut down the tree in the first place? And is there a way they can all get what they want?

Well, this is a Hallmark film, so we know the answer to that last question at least.


Amy is over the top in her enthusiasm – she really does let her emotions run away with her – and she engages in some civil disobedience in her quest to save the tree. Kids will need to be told that civil disobedience isn’t the sort of thing you’d engage in for something as small as a tree.

The other caution is for Hallmark movies, generally – sugary sweets are good, but should be indulged in with moderation.


The quirky style of this script might be best demonstrated in the “mike drop” moments Amy has with Kyle. When she thinks she’s delivered a crushing verbal takedown, she gives Kyle an audible “boom!” And when she thinks she has him again, she mimes dropping a mike a second time, and says, “Double boom!”

This is a fun, dumb, sweet bit of fluff, innuendo-free, and thus suitable for the whole family.

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Family, Movie Reviews

Good Sam

Drama / Family / Romance 2019 / 89 minutes RATING: 8/10 Kate Bradley is a TV news reporter following the "bummer beat" in New York City, covering fires and other tragedies. That's left her a little cynical, and her boss is worried that it's also left her more than a little jaded about the dangers she risks to get her stories. So when a story breaks about an anonymous good samaritan leaving a bag of $100,000 outside a financial-strapped older lady's door, Kate's boss decides to give her this safer assignment. Kate isn't happy about her new beat, and presumes there has to be some sort of angle behind the good deed. As she tells her cameraman, "It's hard to believe that there's somebody out there doing good deeds and expecting nothing in return." But when the money keeps coming the mystery only deepens; "Good Sam" leaves a second bag of cash with a doctor who isn't in any sort of need. The third recipient, a carpenter who'd been laid up with an injury, has no connection to the first two. And the news just keeps getting better when folks who've heard about Good Sam start acting like him, and starting their own Good Samaritan clubs, to do anonymous good deeds in their neighborhoods. Good Sam would have been too sugary-sweet if it'd keep on this track, but we find out that Kate's cynicism isn't baseless: a tech programmer claims to be Good Sam, but Kate quickly exposes him as a fake. And that's not the only dirt that Kate uncovers. I appreciated a romance angle that was less predictable than most. Kate gets two love interests, both pretty stalwart sorts... or so it seems. Kate's father is a US senator, and when she meets charming hedge fund manager Jack Hansen she initially turns him down, as she has a rule against dating anyone in her father's political circles. Eric Hayes is a firefighter Kate keeps bumping into in her day job. He is as brave as he is private... or might the right word be secretive? Which of these two will she end up with? That's another mystery, and viewers are left in suspense for most of the movie. Cautions No language or violence concerns to share. There is some kissing, right at the end, but exchanged in a public park. The more notable caution is for what the movie doesn't have – this is a part of Netflix's "Faith and Spirituality" category, but it isn't either. While the original Good Samaritan story (Luke 10:25-37) teaches us what it means to live out the Second Greatest Commandment, this one avoids any mention of God. Conclusion The moral of the story trends in a humanist direction – people aren't as bad as we think as they will sometimes do things for completely unselfish reasons. However, the Calvinist in me can recast this in a more orthodox direction, seeing it as an illustrated of how the world is broken but not utterly depraved, and the cyclical Kate has no right to be so in the face of the many undeserved blessings she (and we) receive daily. While this is just a Hallmark-ish kind of romance, I'd give it two thumbs up for being way better than the average sort. The acting is solid throughout, the mystery and romance will keep most viewers guessing for the first three quarters of the film, and the lack of problematic content make this one you can watch with almost the whole family (though I don't know if it'll grab the under 8s). That makes Good Sam a pretty rare treat. ...