Drama / Romance
2016, 84 minutes
RATING: 7/10
Amy Roarke knows just about everyone in Ample Hills because she’s gotten them all to sign her petitions or volunteer for her latest charity drives. And when the mayor decides to cut down the town’s 130-year-old “Old Tree” Amy has her latest cause.
Is she going to fall for her opponent, Mayor Tom? Or might it be Kyle, the fellow hired to cut the tree down? More importantly, why do they want to cut down the tree in the first place? And is there a way they can all get what they want?
Well, this is a Hallmark film, so we know the answer to that last question at least.
Amy is over the top in her enthusiasm – she really does let her emotions run away with her – and she engages in some civil disobedience in her quest to save the tree. Kids will need to be told that civil disobedience isn’t the sort of thing you’d engage in for something as small as a tree.
The other caution is for Hallmark movies, generally – sugary sweets are good, but should be indulged in with moderation.
The quirky style of this script might be best demonstrated in the “mike drop” moments Amy has with Kyle. When she thinks she’s delivered a crushing verbal takedown, she gives Kyle an audible “boom!” And when she thinks she has him again, she mimes dropping a mike a second time, and says, “Double boom!”
This is a fun, dumb, sweet bit of fluff, innuendo-free, and thus suitable for the whole family.