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Drama, Movie Reviews

The Miracle Worker

Drama / Biography 1962 / 106 min Rating: 9/10 The one-sentence synopsis is: seven-year-old Helen Keller, blind and deaf, learns to communicate through the discipline and unpitying love of her teacher Anne Sullivan. But this teacher has more to overcome than just her student's disabilities. Helen's parents have let their pity stop them from disciplining Helen – she does whatever she wants, even eating off everyone else's plates during meals. When Miss Sullivan won't have that, Helen has a fit... and her parents do too! But her new teacher won't give in to any of their tantrums because she knows to do so would leave Helen trapped in a dark, silent world. It certainly ain't easy – in once scene Sullivan ends up playing defensive linebacker, just to get the charging Helen to stay in her chair. The scuffle goes on for ten minutes at least, with Helen even managing to flip Sullivan! But this isn't an action comedy – these are the dramatic actions of a teacher eager to reach a spoilt child who is in desperate need of help. Cautions Like many a Hollywood version, there are liberties taken, mostly for reasons of length, but as far as I can tell, these are mostly minor. The biggest abridgment is probably Anne Sullivan's back story. I suspect audiences of the day probably knew something of it before buying a ticket, because if you don't (like we didn't) it is a bit hard to figure it all out just from the flashbacks shown. There is one scene where Anne shares her time in an asylum. After losing most of her sight as a child, then losing her mother, and being abandoned by her father, she was sent to a poorhouse/hospital with her younger brother, who died soon after. It gets worse – that hospital was investigated for atrocities. When she mentions the atrocities to Helen's parents, she lists among them that there were some who kept "after girls, especially the young ones," a reference, I think, to pedophiles. Horrific, but quickly stated, and it will go over the heads of any young teens watching. (Anne was eventually rescued, and sent to the Perkins Institute for the Blind where her rough manners garnered her a rough landing. But she did learn, and graduated as valedictorian... and soon after headed out to educate Helen.) The only other concern would be for something not in the film. Helen's accomplishments earned her countrywide name recognition, which she used to popularize causes, including socialism and, at least for a time, eugenics. So you might ask, why even watch her film? How about for what it says about even a disabled girl's inherent worth? And, more pointedly, for what it teaches about the destructive nature of the pitying, belittling "love" that her parents offered. Destructive "love" motivated the eugenics of the past, and everything from euthanasia to the confusion around gender today, so this remains powerfully instructive. And, again, it doesn't even cover Helen's adult life. Conclusion What it does cover is a remarkable student/teacher relationship, and importance of discipline in raising a child (Proverbs 13:24). That's what makes this such a powerful and important watch – can you believe it, but Hollywood is preaching here that love isn't simply a feeling, and it certainly isn't just giving in to whatever demands a child makes! The story has been retold many times, but this 1962 version won two Oscars and remains the very best (and far better than the forgettable 2000 Disney remake). It is very good. Tearjerker, madcap in parts, a fantastic discussion-starter, and a black and white film that our whole family, 11 and up, enjoyed. I'd suspect this might be a hard sell to boys, but if you preview some of the 10-minute defensive linebacker scene, it might get them hooked too. Check out the trailer below. ...

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Book Reviews, Graphic novels

Sir Ladybug

by Corey R. Tabor 2022 / 68 pages Pell is a roly-poly bug with a mission: he wants everyone to know just how important his friend is. Who is his friend? As Pell puts it, he is "duke of the dandelion patch," "the champion of truth and justice," "the one, the only, Sir Ladybug!" Sir Ladybug is different from most other bugs in that he has a sword. Pell is his self-appointed herald, and their snail friend Sterling serves as Sir Ladybug's very slow, but trusty, squire. More importantly, in a Dr. Who-ish quirk, Sterling's shell seems to be bigger inside than out, with bedrooms for all three, a kitchen, hot tub, and, of course, a video game room. In this, their first adventure, Sir Ladybug is recruited to stop a chickadee from eating a caterpillar. Now, birds gotta eat, and caterpillars aren't wild about getting eaten, so how is this dilemma going to be solved? Well, not wanting to give it all away, I will note that Sir Ladybug doesn't have to unleash his fierce swordsmanship skills... though he does have to get baking. And, of course, by comic's conclusion, everyone is friends. Caution The word "poop" makes an appearance, when a couple of worms pop up, and one notes that the chickadee shouldn't eat them either, because "Worms are very important to the ecosystem, you know. We aerate the soil. The whole world is built on our poop." There is also a "gosh" in the second book in the series, Sir Ladybug and the Queen Bee, and a mention of "bum" when Pell notes that the queen "has a very sharp stinger on her bum." In the third book, Sir Ladybug and the Bookworms, they briefly help a dung beetle, who is – as dung beetles do – rolling a dung ball around. So, a smidge of potty humor, but again, as with the instances above, the juvenility here is in keeping with reality, so I find it pretty inconsequential. Conclusion There are two others in this charming series of graphic novels for young readers. In Sir Ladybug and the Queen Bee they have to deal with a queen who is a bully, and in Sir Ladybug and the Bookworms our favorite bug knight sets out on a quest to return an almost overdue library book. Speaking of libraries, these come in hardcover, so they will stand up to some library usage. This trio of Sir Ladybug adventures are sweet, goofy, and have just a bit of quirk that'll appeal to parents too – these would make for a fun read together on the couch with your little ones. I sure hope the author keeps creating more....

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Book Reviews, Graphic novels

Wire Mothers: Harry Harlow and the Science of Love

by Jim Ottaviani and Dylan Meconis 2007 / 84 pages Many horrors have been done in the name of science. Wire Mothers is the story of how Harry Harlow combatted one of them. Now this "horror" might not seem all that horrible. In the first half of the 20th century, psychologists were warning parents not to show too much affection to their children. That might not seem so crazy; after all, we all know parents who spoil their kids. But what exactly is this "too much affection" they are talking about? Here is how one prominent psychologist put it: "Never hug and kiss them." What? Really? Yup. American Psychological Association President John B. Watson encouraged parents to shake hands with their children rather than hug. That really was being promoted! This is misinformation that Christians at that time should have been able to see through. since there is a lot of kissing and embracing going on in the Bible – just think of Jesus' story of the prodigal son being embraced by his father (Luke 15:11-31). Many in the world swallowed this pseudo-science whole, but scientist and psychologist Henry Harlow wasn't one of them. He doesn't seem to have been Christian (at least, not from what this book shares), but he did understand that parents hugging their children wasn't the problem it was being made out to be. In fact, he knew it was a good thing and set out to prove it, using monkeys. Harlow rigged up an experiment in which monkey babies were "raised" by two surrogate "mothers" – each surrogate was a simple wireframe monkey body, with no arms or legs, topped with a simple-looking head. On the first "mother," the researchers included a milk bottle inside the wireframe, with the bottle nipple situated so the baby monkey could cling to the wire and suckle at this "breast." The second mother had the same wireframe body and simple head, but didn't have a bottle. Instead, it had soft terry cloth wrapped around the wire body. So which "mother" did the baby have an emotional response to? The one that fed it, or the one with the terry cloth body? While the baby monkey would feed on the "bottle mother," it would spend less than an hour a day on it, quickly returning to the cloth mother afterwards, where it would spend as many as 17 hours per day cuddling. As pale an imitation as this was to a mother's cuddling – this cloth surrogate had no arms to hold the monkey baby – it was a great deal better than the bare wire body of the first surrogate mom. Harlow also discovered that when a frightening stimulus was brought into the setting – a noisy wooden creature – the monkey would go to the cloth mother. And, after seeking comfort, it would then feel secure enough to go investigate this clanking noisy creature. Harlow showed that if a monkey was to learn, it needed affection and comfort and cuddling, even if only from this surrogate mother. That Harlow presumed what was true for monkeys would be true for mankind shows an implicit evolutionary bias, but it is never made explicitly. And while Harry Harlow probably had evolutionary beliefs, his findings are just as useful to Christians. An evolutionist might assume that monkeys and men have this common need for touch because we are related, but as Christians we know that this is a matter of us both having a common Designer. God is love, so is it any wonder that love is also apparent in some forms and fashions in the animal kingdom? No, not at all. Rather than bolstering evolution, this story highlights what happens when we have science untethered from God. Why did these scientists convince so many not to hug their children? Because the world listened more to these supposed experts than to what God says in His Word. And that's never a good idea. Cautions I'll note a couple of language cautions: "crap" and "stupid ass." In the interest of thoroughness, I'll also note that while this isn't remotely titillating, there is a depiction of what might be the side of a naked woman, though with all the key bits covered up. There is also an episode in which Harlow gets rescued by a group of drunk navy sailors who sing (in the background) "I love to go swimming with bow-legged women, and swim between their legs." Any kid old enough to want to read this will not be impacted by either of these two concerns. Conclusion This is a great one for adults and older teens. It's important that both we and our children remember the many times and many ways that all-knowing "Science" has messed up in the past. As Wire Mothers shows, there are many scientists who are making pronouncements that go far beyond their findings. So, this small comic is actually quite an important book....

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Book Reviews, Graphic novels

Survival Scout: lost in the mountains

by Maxwell Eaton III 2023 / 144 pages Scout and her big brother have gone on a four-day backpacking trip in the mountains, but while he thinks of himself as a "nearly professional local guide," her brother hasn't known where they are for the last three days. So he can't get them home. Then, when he drops both his GPS tracker and phone in the river (what horrible luck!), they have to turn to the compass that Scout brought along. But, wouldn't you know it, a bear shows up, and her brother takes off with compass in hand, not to be seen again until story's end. So, that's the setup: Scout is now all alone, lost in the middle of the woods, with some of the basic supplies you should always have when hiking, minus a compass, tent, stove, and water treatment supplies, which are all with her brother. So how is she going to survive and help her rescuers find her? This might sound a little tense, but with the goofy brother starting things off, and a skunk providing Scout companionship, this is low-key throughout. It's meant to be instructional. We see Scout devising a shelter, and learn about others she could have made. Similarly, Scout shows us all sorts of ways to get a fire started, and the proper way to ensure it burns safely. There's all sorts of other lessons to be learned, but it's done in such an engaging style that even kids who'd never want to be out amongst the worms and bugs will want to read Scout's adventure. Cautions No warnings of note in this book but a sequel, Survival Scout: Tsunami, has a handful of evolutionary assumptions popping out about the age of the earth, so, you can give that one a miss. Conclusion This graphic novel is a lot of fun and would make a great gift for any kid who loves the outdoors. And for everyone else it will be a great borrow from the library. A third book in the series has been announced, Survival Scout: Lost at Sea, and I look forward to checking it out....

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6 on Anxiety

“I have anxiety.” How often do we hear this phrase nowadays? And most of us can relate to it. There’s so much to be anxious about in our modern world, with so many things changing all around us. But one thing that doesn’t change, and the one thing Reformed Perspective aims to focus on above all else, is the God Who is our Rock in the midst of the storms. It can be so hard to let Paul’s words “do not be anxious about anything” sink into our souls. But article after article, published through RP’s many years, repeats this simple biblical message. And they pair that biblical foundation with our authors’ personal experiences of how challenging and how peaceful the act of putting these words into practice can be. Be encouraged through these reads below! You can click on each heading to go to the linked article. Learning to be anxious for nothing Mark Penninga shares his own journey through anxiety and burnout. He shares the highlights of his years of learning, counseling, and slow change in the hopes of helping other Christians along the way. He explores how care and concern for others is a good thing, but can cross a line into bearing cares and concerns we were not meant to carry. Anxiety and the triumph of hope: 3 biblical counselors explain anxiety In this interview, three biblical counselors bring their wisdom to explain anxiety and how we can approach it. They give insight into whether anxiety is more common in the Church, and how Christians can sometimes experience it differently. They also give some practical tips. Do not worry… Sharon Bratcher suggests that one root of worry can be our pride, and gives some suggestions for addressing that particular root of anxiety. Technology and our anxious hearts One of the biggest causes of anxiety is our use of technology. Even pastors see this come up in their congregations. Reuben Bredenhof explains why technology can cause such anxiety in us, and how we can recalibrate our relationship to technology in the light of God’s word. Just how bad is the teen anxiety epidemic? While adults are anxious, teen anxiety has been described as an “epidemic.” How bad is it? According to the stats, it is far more common, and there are many reasons for this. This list of factors may help teens and parents sort out what might be contributing to anxiety. Gezellig: cozy, restful What’s the opposite of anxiety? In Dutch, there is an untranslatable word, gezellig, which captures the idea of coziness and restfulness. This concept can be a helpful guide to slowing down in our fast-paced and restless world. Anxiety is a challenge, but we hope these articles give you encouragement and a place to start your journey to the peace God promises us in His Word!...

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Articles, Movie Reviews

Adults, why not try a cinematic time travel experiment?

Travel back through 8 decades of film ***** Here's an idea for your movie nights going forward – why not watch a standout movie or two from each decade? It’s not that easy to find quality movies, and even less so when you have Christian standards for what you watch. But if you expand your choices beyond what’s come out in the past year, it gets a little easier. And by watching movies through the decades, you can really see how times (and movies!) have changed. Now, some older movies can be challenging and may demand a little charity from us while watching. The story pacing can be a bit slower, which our dopamine-addicted brains might find hard to handle. The filming style can feel odd or unnatural, especially when it comes to black-and-white movies filmed in a more formal, theatrical style. But the payoff is worth it! A good story is a good story in any decade, and the stories of the past can connect us to values and virtues of those who have gone before us, which are not so common in our modern day. To make it easy for you, we’ve created a list, traveling back in time through almost a hundred years of cinema history! We’ve got suggestions for nearly every decade from the 2020s to the 1930s. All the movies are linked to their reviews, so if there are any cautions, you can see what they are by clicking the links. 2020s C.S. Lewis: the most reluctant convert Few of us haven’t heard of C.S. Lewis, and this film takes us on a journey through his conversion, showing us his wrestling with God. Since so much of the dialogue is taken from Lewis’ writings, it adds that extra layer of authenticity – and it’s shot on location! You might think you know his life well already, but this film tells the story so superbly you are left wanting more. Unsung Hero While this is about the Smallbone family that gave us Christian artists Rebecca St. James and For King & Country, you don't have to know them or their music to enjoy this story of a family triumphing over hard times because of the determination and love of their unsung hero, mom. 2010s The Song This is a Christian film, but not what you usually expect from a Christian film. Loosely based on the story of David and Solomon, it tells the story of a country singer trying to live up to his father. Woodlawn Time for a sports film? This is a based-on-a-true-story movie about the profound effect sports chaplain Hank Erwin had on the football team at Woodlawn High School. It’s set during a time of tension over racial integration in Alabama. 2000s The Ultimate Gift A spoiled, rich young man is challenged when he has to navigate a series of tests his grandfather laid out for him before he can inherit. It turns out his grandfather intentionally created these tasks to shape his grandson’s character. Some of the scenarios in the film are a little far-fetched, but the overall impression this film leaves is sweet and heartwarming. Pride and Prejudice A modern take on a true classic when it comes to romance. And this tale is told without any of the explicit content common to many a romance, and which Christians are rightly uncomfortable with. When Elizabeth and Darcy meet, they instantly dislike each other, but their first impressions of each other turn out not to be the most accurate. Through the film, they grow to know each other better, and themselves. 1990s A Vow to Cherish This film dives into a more difficult part of marriage – when a wife is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Her husband, John, has to face the question of whether God is still answering his prayers, especially as other areas of his life start to fall apart as well. Sarah, Plain and Tall Sarah arrives to help out a widower with his children, and over the course of the movie helps the family navigate their grief as well. Will this story end in a romance? 1970s-1980s We don’t have a lot on offer for these two decades. Do you have suggestions? What makes RP movie reviews unique is that they not only need to be good, they need to not take God’s name in vain. So if you have any nominees, please send them on in! 1960s The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance This movie has a slower pace, but it’s a classic exploration of the meaning of manhood. By contrasting an independent rancher, a principled lawyer who wants to bring law and order, and a violent outlaw, the story challenges the characters’ ideas of what a man should be. The Miracle Worker This is the Oscar-winning true story of Helen Keller, who was blind and deaf, nearly from birth. She was shut in a world of darkness and silence, until a determined teacher managed to reach her. 1950s Roman Holiday This is the movie that made Audrey Hepburn famous. In it, a princess escapes her royal duties and has adventures around Rome, helped out by a friendly journalist. Will he turn their fun into a story, or kill the story to protect her reputation? The ending might not be as predictable as you’d expect. 12 Angry Men When one juror believes there is a reasonable doubt that the man on trial is guilty, he forces the rest of the jury to stay and reexamine the evidence more closely. A unique movie that takes place all in one room and yet manages to keep the suspense high. 1940s The Great Dictator A lot of people know Charlie Chaplin made a film where he made fun of Hitler, but most of us haven’t seen it! Why not dip your toe into the world of black-and-white films by watching one of the classics? While this format might be more challenging, the story matters even today, demonstrating the effect of persecution and mistreatment. Even in this satirical film, the message gets through. Casablanca Casablanca is one of those classics you hear about all the time, but that you suspect might be overhyped – until you watch it. Familiar tropes (Nazis, spies, lost loves, cynical antiheroes) come together so perfectly it feels like a kind of magic. 1930s The Adventures of Robin Hood This film is consistently mentioned as the classic version of Robin Hood on screen, which went on to influence all the others. No dark and gritty retellings of Robin here! Our review lists four reasons you’ll never find a better version than this one. Conclusion You’ve safely traveled back in time! How did you enjoy the variety of genres and styles of filmmaking? Were you surprised by any plots or characters? We hope you enjoyed your journey! To find even more film recommendations, including many films for children, check out our list of 200+ movies King David might watch....

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Animated, Movie Reviews

The Fox and the Hound

Family 1981 / 83 minutes Rating: 8/10 This one begins with an emotional punch to the gut – we watch a fox mother, holding her cub in her mouth, running frantically through the woods, the sound of shotgun blasts and baying hounds driving her even faster. In a moment of desperation, she hides her cub beside a fence post, then takes off, leading the hunters and the hounds away. And that is the last we see of her. But the fence post belongs to a farm. And the farm belongs to the kindly Widow Tweed. When she discovers the cub, she adopts the orphan and names him Tod. Next door lives a crusty old hunter, Amos, and his faithful and fierce and huge hunting dog Chief. They've got a new addition, too, a hound pup named Copper. Soon enough, Copper and Tod meet and become the best of friends. But as they grow older, they are told by nearly everyone that they shouldn’t be friends – that foxes and hounds should be enemies! Peer pressure and circumstances convince the hound to turn his back on Tod. That drives Tod into the forest, where he makes a new friend, a female fox Vixey. Tod’s steadfastness eventually wins back Copper, and even the crusty old Amos. Cautions Language concerns are limited to a "golly," a "gee," and a couple "gosh"s. The other cautions here are all for the under-10 set. Kids older than that should be able to deal with the emotional rollercoaster. As mentioned – and like many a Disney film in which parents don't fare well – the mother fox meets her demise right at the start. Thankfully it happens offscreen. There are other frantic scenes. About a half-hour in, Tod is running from Amos and his giant old hunting dog Chief, but the tension gets relieved when Tod gets away. Then, twenty minutes later, there's a scene in which the tension isn't really relieved, with Chief getting seriously injured after chasing Todd, and Copper vowing revenge. Then, in the finale, a giant bear makes a frightful appearance. Worth a mention is how kids will get hit right in the heartstrings when the Widow Tweed decides she has to let Tod go on his lonesome. Finally, like Bambi did before it, hunting is shown to be the domain of trigger-happy lunatics, so parents will have to explain that Christians can hunt, though they'll do it a lot differently than Amos. Conclusion While some reviewers seem to miss it, this is a morality tale about racism – Copper and Tod are told their kind aren't supposed to be friends, but thankfully, in the end, they don't listen – and that's what makes it worth watching and discussing as a family. But using a fox and hound as a metaphor for racial differences does lead to a problematic portrayal of hunters who, if we were to extend the metaphor, would be the racists of the film and basically the equivalent of the "Ku Klux Klan." So that'd be worth a discussion too. Because it involves a lot of frantic action, with Amos and Chief trying to kill Tod, this would only be appropriate for 10 and up. ...

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Family, Movie Reviews

Lassie come home

Drama 1943 / 89 minuytes RATING: 8/10 No boy has ever had a more loyal and loving dog than young Joe Carraclough – each day when school is done, he can be sure his beloved collie Lassie will be there waiting for him in the schoolyard. Lassie is brilliant, too, able to tell time, bow on command, and carry Joe's school books. The two are inseparable. That comes to an end when the Depression hits England hard, and his family is forced to sell Lassie to the local Duke who has been trying to buy her for the last three years. Joe is crushed. But Lassie isn't away for long – the first chance she gets, Lassie escapes her kennel and heads back home. That'd make for a short movie, except that the Duke's dog handler knows just where to look for the missing dog, and takes her back from the Carracloughs. Twice. When the Duke takes Lassie to Scotland, it finally seems she is gone for good. But everyone is underestimating the loyalty of Joe's best friend. Lassie escapes again, and this time has to trek through wild forest, flee angry sheep farmers, swim through swamps, and fight off angry bandits. Thankfully, Lassie also meets some companions along the way, who help her when she most needs it. Cautions Lassie is attacked and bloodied, but the biggest concern here is what happens to one of her dog friends, a little mutt named Toots. When bandits ambush Toots' master, Lassie and Toots join the fight. They say it isn't the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog, but that doesn't prove true this time. The football-sized Toots gets kicked aside, never to get back up. That'll be a most unexpected tragedy to any children raised on modern fare. But Lassie Comes Home was made during WW II, and maybe everyone was tougher back then, including the kids. Those different sensibilities come out right at the start with the film's opening dedication to the author of Lassie Comes Home. We are told he, "survived the First World War as a British soldier, only to die in the Second World War, killed in the line of duty in the uniform of the country he had adopted... America. With reverence and pride, we dedicate this picturization of his best-loved story to the late Major Eric Knight." Yes, sometimes good men die for a good cause. So, would we expect less of a good dog? Conclusion This is the first and very best of the Lassie movies (and the only one to be nominated for an Oscar). And it is sure to make a dog-lover out of any boy watching. ...

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Family, Movie Reviews

The Prince and the Pauper

Adventure 1937 / 118 minutes RATING: 8/10 The swashbuckling Errol Flynn stars in one of the earliest, and still one of the best, film adaptations of Mark Twain's classic tale of switched identity. Our story begins on a murky evening in the London of 1537, with citizens raising a toast to the birth of Edward Tudor, the royal heir. His father, Henry VIII, warns the little babe that heavy weighs the crown. This same night, in the poorest corner of the London slums, another boy is born, by the name of Tom Canty. His father also has words for him, cursing the boy for being born healthy and strong, because "it's only the sickly ones that can beg a farthing." Ten years later, the pair meet when Tom, fleeing a beating from his father, hides on the palace grounds. The pair are struck by their uncanny resemblance – the two could have been identical twins (and, in fact, identical twins Bobby and Billy Mauch play the roles). As part of their play, they swap clothes. Then, in a shock to both, they are mistaken for each other, and the guards throw the rag-wearing prince right out of the palace, leaving the bewildered Tom trying to get someone, anyone, to believe that he is not the prince. Where does Errol Flynn come in? He plays Miles Hendon, a poor soldier, who mistakes Edward for addled when the boy insists he is royalty. The boy certainly seems addled. When news of the king's death spreads among the peasants, he demands that they respect his royal highness – he is after all, their new king! That doesn't go down well with any of them, and when one gent starts trying to beat the lad, others are more than willing to lend a hand. That's when Miles comes to the rescue, whisking the boy away. Miles doesn't believe the boy any more than the mob, but he is willing to humor him... for a time. With the king's death, a coronation is quickly scheduled. That means that in just days, unless the two switch back, Tom Canty will be crowned the new king! Cautions The cautions here concern violence, but it is all at a level that would bother only the very young. Errol Flynn dispatches one of the bad guys in a swordfight, but the fatal blow is hardly shown. More notable is the beatings that John Canty gives his son Tom. While the blows aren't severe – more shoving than any punching – it's the notion of a father actually beating his son that will disturb some children. Midway through the film, when a priest tries to stop John from beating Tom (though this time it is actually Edward), we see John strike the man in the head with a stick, and the priest falls dead with a spot of blood on his temple. It's not gory, especially in black and white, So, this is no “Disneyfied” retelling, but the darker aspects are still greatly muted. (Speaking of, there is an animated 1990 Disney version with Mickey Mouse playing the two title roles. There are a few language concerns – a couple uses of "gosh," at least one use of "heck," and "what the devil? – but what turned me off was Donald "comically" praying at a tense moment.) Conclusion This will be a good leap off point for discussions about the backstabbing, corrupting nature of politics and why there is a need for good people to enter into the political realm. Adults may enjoy references to this history of the time; the story is fictional, but the background is straight history. Adults will understand that the reason King Henry VIII "hates priests," as Edward shares with Tom, is because Henry booted the Roman Catholic Church out of England when the pope wouldn't grant him an annulment from his first wife. Edward was his only surviving male heir and the son of his third wife who died in childbirth. And as the film also notes, there were still more queens afterward – Henry went on to have six wives in all. But the real appeal is the pairing of Flynn and Twain – a great story with a great star. At two hours long, this may test the patience of the younger Tik-Tok generation. But if your kids are able to sit still at all, and if you have an intermission ice cream break halfway through, and equip everyone with their own popcorn bowl, many a kid, 9 and up, should really enjoy it. ...

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Drama, Movie Reviews


Drama / Mystery 1942 / 109 minutes RATING: 7/10 This is World War II as seen from the other side of the ocean. Barry Kane is one of the hundreds of employees at an airplane factory in Glendale, California, and when the plant suspiciously burns down, he becomes one of the chief suspects. Barry knows he's innocent, and thinks the real saboteur might be a man named Fry, who he bumped into just before the fire started, But Fry doesn't seem to exist – the factory never employed anyone by that name – which makes Barry look even more suspicious. With the authorities looking in the wrong direction, Barry decides he has to track Fry down himself and takes off. He has only one key clue, and to make it even more difficult, police departments across the country are now on the lookout for him! Love-interest Patricia Martin is a girl he meets along the way, and whose blind uncle somehow knows that Barry is trustworthy, no matter what the police might think. Patricia isn't quite so sure, and seems as likely to turn Barry in as to help him. Together they follow the clues and cross the country, uncovering a network of fifth columnists – Nazi sympathizers and agents amongst the highest echelons of American society. But now that they know who's responsible, will anyone believe them? This cast does a solid job, and while there's no one you'll recognize, the director is a name you'll know: Alfred Hitchcock. He always brings the stark, dramatic shots, of course, but also a bit of oddness. His quirkiness shows up in this picture when Barry and Patricia hitchhike a ride on a circus caravan and hide out among the circus sideshow performers – a midget, bearded lady, set of Siamese Twins, and more – who end up arguing it out about whether they'll help the pair. And this being an Alfred Hitchcock film, we can expect the director to make a brief appearance on screen – look for his cameo just after the one-hour mark. Cautions The caution here is also a feature: this is a film for discussion, not just consumption, and the conversation will be of a Romans 13 sort (or more specifically, Rom. 13:1-7) – when should we, and when shouldn't we listen to the appointed authorities? Barry is fleeing the police because if he doesn't, the true saboteur will get away, and because the police, however unwittingly, are aiding the fifth columnists. But while his motivation is clear, some of the people who choose to help him are defying those same authorities for tenuous reasons. Patricia's uncle, for example, trusts Barry based on little more than gut instinct. Conclusion This was already well into development before Japan's 1941, Dec. 7 bombing of Pearl Harbor pushed the United States into World War II. That might be why the focus was on the homefront – American soldiers weren't fighting in the trenches yet when the script was being written.Regardless, Hitchcock wanted his audience to know the fight was already going on, behind the scenes, right on American soil. This is an enjoyable film, but not the sort you'd pitch folks who aren't already up for black-and-white films. Start them on other World War II fare like Casablanca, The SeaHawk, and  Desperate Journey instead, and if they love those, then they'll be more inclined to enjoy Saboteur for the great war film it is. ...

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Articles, Movie Reviews

Ten great movies for a girls’ night in

Drama, faith, romance, comedy? It’s all here. ***** Sometimes there’s nothing like gathering a few girlfriends, breaking out the ice cream (we won’t tell), and settling in for a good flick. Here are ten (all highly rated by RP editor Jon Dykstra) for you to consider. Click on the titles for longer reviews and movie trailers. Little Women Drama 1994 / 118 min. Rating: 9/10 This particular version of Little Women pulls off the somewhat quaint and sentimental original story – an American Civil War-era tale of four sisters and their “Marmee” – with just the right mixture of humor and pathos. A great choice for a cozy evening with the girls. The Song Drama / Christian 2014 / 116 min. Rating: 9/10 Loosely based on the life of King Solomon, this is the all-too-human story of likable young country singer Jed King, who wins the heart of the lovely Rose. Then he makes it big (catapulted to fame by a song he wrote for her) and falls prey to all the temptations – including infidelity – of his new superstar status. Light and fluffy it is not, but the script is thoughtfully done (including multiple references to Solomon’s own writings), and the acting and soundtrack are a good cut above most Christian films. And thankfully Jed and Rose’s story ends, satisfyingly, by reminding us of the power of grace. Pollyanna Drama 2003 / 99 min. Rating: 8/10 You’ll be charmed by this somewhat more sophisticated take on the 1913 story of cheerful young orphan Pollyanna, who has her hands full trying to win over the heart of the prickly aunt with whom she’s gone to live. Thankfully, Pollyanna is up for the challenge, and has plenty of kindred spirits rooting for her. If you’re a fan of the book, you’ll find this a faithful adaptation, except that it’s been transplanted to England – but that only adds to the pleasant quaintness. Pride and Prejudice Romance / Comedy 2004 / 104 min. Rating: 8/10 Of course, if you have the 5+ hours, the serialized BBC Pride and Prejudice is a classic choice. If you only have one evening, though, and possibly aren’t all Jane Austen die-hards, try this very fun (if slightly goofy) adaptation. There are a couple of other Pride and Prejudice spin-offs that may catch your fancy as well. Beyond the Mask Christian / Drama 2015 / 103 min. Rating: 8/10 Sometimes you just want a good old 18th-century drama involving a Reformed assassin leading a double life, a young Christian woman who has her doubts about this supposed “vicar” she’s falling for, some American Revolutionary history (hey, even Ben Franklin shows up), and good resulting doses of intrigue, action, and romance. If so, this pretty decent Christian film may be just the one for you. The Shop Around the Corner Drama / Romance 1949 / 99 min. Rating: 9/10 If you’re up for a bit of a trip back in time, try this classic romantic comedy (the original for You’ve Got Mail). Head salesman Alfred and new employee Klara have two things in common: a mutual annoyance with each other, and secret pen pals they’re both falling in love with. How they eventually find each other, and love, is an entertaining journey with plenty of ups and downs. Tangled Animated 2010 / 100 min. Rating: 9/10 Sometimes you just need to indulge that inner Disney princess. This refreshing update on “Rapunzel” is one of Disney’s stand-outs, with a heroine and hero to get behind, and a villainous mother-figure to make things complicated for both of them. Casablanca Drama 1943 / 103 min. Rating: 10/10 If all of your girlfriends haven’t yet seen Casablanca, it’s time for an intervention. Eighty years after its release, this WWII drama remains in a league of its own, with a great storyline, characters that intrigue us and have us rooting for them despite their flaws and foibles, and, of course, a love story for the ages. The Giver Drama 2014 / 97 min. Rating: 8/10 This dystopian drama, adapted (quite well) from Lois Lowry’s award-winning novel, is one to sink your teeth into. At times gritty and slightly disturbing, it’s a thought-provoking story, perhaps even more so for Christians – as we see, brilliantly, how human “solutions” to the problems of our flawed world can only lead to devastating tragedy. And we can cheer on the young protagonists who are determined to find a better way, even if they do fall short of recognizing the only One who can truly rescue us. Sarah, Plain, and Tall Drama / Romance 1990 / 98 min. Rating: 8/10 Put on the tea and settle in for this gentle, old-fashioned tale (based on the award-winning novel by Patricia MacLachlan). You might want to keep the Kleenex handy, too, but rest assured that all will turn out in the end for Sarah, young widower Jacob, and the kids....

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Drama, Movie Reviews

Roman Holiday

Comedy 1953 / 118 minutes RATING: 8/10 Princess Ann is on a tour of Europe, and the masses can't get enough of her. It's no better inside the palace, where minor nobles, maharajas, and even the papal nuncio, all need to shake her hand. Can't a poor girl rest her aching feet? When the prospects of yet another day of innocuous speeches and forced polite conversation drive her into a tizzy, the royal doctor gives Ann a little something to help her sleep. But the moment the doctor is gone, so is the princess, out the window and down into the streets of Rome, hoping for some kind of adventure. But it's hard to have an adventure when you've been valium-ed up. Instead, the princess falls asleep by the side of the road, where journalist Joe Bradley mistakes her for a drunk, completely unaware she is the princess. He almost passes by, but stops himself – he can't just leave a girl out there on the street. Too sleepy or too stubborn to tell him where she lives, Joe eventually has to take Ann to his apartment, offering up his couch. The next day, Joe reports in to his newspaper. The front page story? The embassy is reporting that the royal princess Ann has taken suddenly sick. Spotting Ann's picture on the front page, Joe realizes he has the story of year still sleeping right there in his apartment. So he heads back and pretends ignorance about who Ann is. And under these false pretenses Joe, and his photographer friend Irving, give Ann the footloose and fancy-free day she has been dreaming of. But is Joe really going to cash in on his royal exclusive, if it means embarrassing the young princess? Cautions Nothing untoward happens, but there are enough "misunderstandings" that this isn't one for the kiddos. Examples include a valium-ed up Ann acting as if Joe is one of her servants, and telling him he can help her undress for bed (he does not), and a cleaning lady finding Ann in a towel (covered up) and angrily chasing her around the apartment because she thinks Ann has slept with Joe (she has not). Conclusion I hadn't watched this in twenty years and what struck me upon my most recent viewing is that it might be the film that inspired a million Hallmarks. The two key ingredients are here: a royal, and a case of mistaken identity. But this is the original, and the best, starting with the Oscar-winning cast, Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck. Hallmark films have been set in Rome (including the Roman Holiday-homage Rome in Love) but it's not the same as seeing the almost car-free, play-in-the-Trevi-Fountain, climb-on-the-Coliseum, 1950s Rome (as one critic noted, the city is the film's third star). And then there is the ending, which is completely un-Hallmark-like, and some won't like it for that reason. But this is a conclusion that will stick with you. Charm, Rome, and some laughs make this a great one for a mom-and-dad date night. ...

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Articles, Book Reviews, Graphic novels

The best of TOON Books for young readers

TOON Books don't have much in common with each other besides their younger target audience. As the story is told, the founding publisher, Françoise Mouly, was looking for good readers for her own son and found that what was available was boring. She was already a comic publisher, so she decided to start publishing an imprint of comic books aimed at children ages 4 through 9 to help them learn to read. Based on some of the titles she's published for adults, there'd be no reason to think Mouly is Christian or her selection of children's titles would be "safe" for our kids. But a lot of them are, simply because the target demographic is so young. I think even the world recognizes that children this young should be protected, or maybe Mouly is simply bowing to market forces. Still, these are not all worth reading – the single biggest problem would probably be bratiness – the "hero" of too many of these stories isn't all that admirable. But when they are good, they are quite good. What follows are the bulk of TOON Book comics organized into three categories: Recommended Take It or Leave It Don’t Bother Recommended (18) These could all be solid additions to a school library. I've ordered them roughly from best to more middling. Little Mouse gets ready by Jeff Smith 2009 / 32 pages When mom calls on Little Mouse to get ready to go, he struggles to quickly put on socks, underwar, shirt, pants, and shoes, only to have his surprised mother declare, “Why Little Mouse! What are you doing? Mice don’t wear clothes!” A silly bit of fun for Grade 1. 3x4 (2) by Ivan Brunetti 2018 / 38 pages The class is assigned a task of drawing 12 things, but in sets. That could be 2 sets of 6, or 4 sets of 3, or even, as the book title puts it, 3 sets of 4 – it is up to the students. As the students go home, they all talk about what they will draw and in how many sets. This is quite the creative way to introduce this early math concept. He also has an equally clever one about compound words called Wordplay, where a girl pictures a housefly as a flying house, and a mailman as a man made out of mail, and so on. A goofy guide to penguins by Jean-Luc Coudray & Philippe Coudray 2016 / 36 pages This is page after page of fascinating facts – and a few of them might even be true! – all about penguins. Children can turn here to find out why penguins don't grow flowers, and why they need diving boards. For kids who want just the facts, pages in the back note nuggets like this: the deepest recorded dive for a penguin is 1,853 feet, and a male Emperor Penguin egg-sit for an average of 64 days, all the while without eating. This is quite the quietly charming title. Wildflowers (3) by Liniers 2021 / 40 pages We’re taken into the imaginative world of three girls exploring the island their plane has crash landed on, which is inhabited by a dragon, talking flowers, and a miniature gorilla. Only at the end do we see things as they really are – this being the forest behind their house. This is just one of the three comics the author has based on his three daughters. The Big Wet Balloon is about a big sister showing her toddler little sister the delights of the rain. The third, Good Night, Planet might sound like something with a climate change agenda but is instead about a girl’s stuffed bunny, named Planet, and what she gets up to when the little girl is asleep. Benjamin Bear in Fuzzy Thinking (3) by Philippe Coudray 2011 / 30 pages A bear and his friends have a series of one-page adventures. It feels a lot like what you get in the daily newspaper comics, but with a few more panels to explore and set up the gag. These are just fluff, but gentle fluff. Two sequels, Benjamin Bear in Bright Ideas (2013) and Benjamin Bear in Brain Storms! (2015) continue the fun. If you look up the author you’ll discover he also has a series of “Bigby Bear” comics that look remarkably similar. That’s because they are similar, two different companies translating his French comics and giving the bear two different names. The notable difference is that the larger Bigby collections have occasional references to evolution while the Benjanim collections do not. We dig worms! (4) by Kevin McCloskey 2015 / 30 pages This is as boy a book as you'll find – a book about all sorts of worms, from small to one that is ten feet long (and there's even a bit on the gummy sort). We learn that worms have no eyes or nose, and that they have cold blood. We learn they do important work, eating, leaves and bugs and bringing air to plant roots. We even get a peak inside worms and see they have 5 hearts! And there are oodles of other facts about worms. It's a book any little boy would find fascinating all the way up through Grade 2. This is a part of author Kevin McCloskey's "Giggle and Learn" series, and three others worth getting include Something's Fishy, Caterpillars: What Will I Be When I Get to Be Me? and Ants Don't Wear Pants. But not everything in this series is worth getting - see the "Don't Bother" category down below. Tippy and the Night Parade by Lilli Carré 2014 / 32 pages This is a nice one for girls. The story begins with Tippy's room in a big mess. Her mom wants to know how it happened, but there's a problem: even Tippy doesn't know. There's a snake under the bed, a pig in the sheets, a turtle on the carpet, and bats flying overhead. How'd they all get there? Tippy and mom get to tidying up, and Tippy heads to bed, still wondering how her room got so messy. That's when we see how it happened - Tippy, it seems, is a sleepwalker, and so off she goes, on a trip through the woods, picking up friends here and there, before they all head back and she tucks herself back into bed with a zoo's worth of animals to keep her company. It is a quiet little story, that might be perfect as a bed time story to girls from 3 to 8. Written and Drawn by Henrietta by Liniers 2015 / 60 pages This one is a bit scary, but quite imaginative too – Henrietta is a little girl with a new box of colored pencils, and she has decided to create her own comic adventure... about "The Monster with Three Heads and Two Hats." The funnest part is that she doesn't know how the story is going to end, and so has to draw quickly to find out! A trip to the bottom of the world by Frank Viva 2012 / 36 pages A mouse and his human friend make a trip to the Antarctic and the little mouse would rather go home. But his boy first wants to see some sights like waves, and penguins, and whales. This is only middling as far as story and artwork, but it is safe and an accessible read for Grade 1. A companion title, A Trip to the Top of the Volcano, is also gentle and approachable. Take it or leave it (9) These aren't the sort you'd ever buy, but if your local library has them, you might want to borrow them once. I've also ordered these by preference, with the ones higher up better than the ones lower down. Adele in Sand Land by Claude Ponti 2017 / 44 pages Little Adele's mother takes her to the playground sandbox where Adele has an imaginative, and quite bizarre, adventure. This might have made the recommended list if some of the creatures Adele meets weren't so ugly – they aren't so much scary as weird, and I suspect off-putting for some kids. Otto's Backwards Day (2) by Frank Cammuso 2013 / 28 pages This is a clever story about palindromes - words that are the same backwards as forwards, like the name "Otto." It's also about a little self-absorbed boy named Otto, who thinks birthdays are all about the presents (and who cares about the people!?). In other words, this bratty little boy has it all backwards! When Otto is told by his Dad that he has it all backwards, he ends up in a backwards world, where everything is "topsy turvy." It's fun to visit a world where you get in trouble for picking up trash, and where Otto has to ask the Ogopogo's three questions and if he gets them right Otto will face his wrath. It's all mixed up, with backward spelling, and a robot friend who can turn into just about anything, so long as it is a a "kayak" or a "race car." By the end, Otto learns his lesson and realizes that the best part of any birthday is the people you get to spend it with. There is an instance of "pottyesque" humor - in the backward world everyone wears their underpants on the outside, so Otto has to as well. There is nothing immodest about it - only silly in a way that might not be the sort of thing we want to encourage among some more rambunctious boys. Otto has another adventure, in Otto's Orange Day. It's fun too, but features a genie, and I don't quite know what I think of genies – an all powerful, supernatural being – for this preschool to Grade One level. Hmmm...what do you figure? Otto uses his wish to turn everything his favorite color, orange. He likes the orange world at first, but it turns out orange lamb chops are not that good, and when he wants to change things back he realizes there is a problem: the genie only gave him one wish! Cast Away on the Letter A by Frédéric Othon Aristidès 2013 / 48 pages When you look at a world map, and then focus in on the waters between Europe and the Americas you'll find the words "Atlantic Ocean" there somewhere in big and bold letters. What if those weren't just letters? What if, in some crazy mixed up alternate but parallel Earth, those were actually letter-shaped islands in the middle of the ocean? That there is the premise of this little story. Philemon, a French farm boy, falls into a well, and the currents in the well sweep him past fish and sharks and , and eventually deposit him on the sandy shores of the first letter A in the "Atlantic." That is a crazy beginning, and as you might imagine, this is a crazy island, with two suns, and exploding clocks that grow out of the ground, and a centaur butler. Philemon eventually finds another human on the island, Bartholomew the well digger, who fell through a well he was digging and end up stranded on the island, looking for a way back for the last 40 years. This is surreal, crazy, Alice-in-Wonderland, type of fun. And as you might expect from a story that takes place on the A in Atlantic, there are lots of surreal jokes throughout, like full-size ship in a bottle sailing through these waters. The only caution is a minor one - a few characters express anger using made up curse symbols like these: "#@?!!" Philemon's father, who is only a minor character is this first story, is an ill-tempered sort, and makes use of these symbols a few times. Two more of Philemon's tales, The Wild Piano, and The Suspended Castle, have also been translated from the original French. They are even stranger, and the stories take seemingly random turns – they border on being nonsense. I like a little absurdity every now and again, and so quite enjoyed the first, but the next two were simply too weird for me. Jack and the Box by Art Spigelmen 2008 / 32 pages A little boy bunny named Jack, gets a Jack-in-the-box – or rather a Zack-in-the-box – toy from his parents, and the two become zany friends. Kind of fun, but very short. Luke on the Loose by Harry Bliss 2009 / 32 pages A frenetic little kid runs after a flock of pigeons all over the city as his dad, and the police, try to find him again. Might not be the greatest example for kids (see many more of those below) but that Luke is on a leash in the last frame is dramatic enough every kid will understand this is behavior to laugh at, not imitate. Barry's Best Buddy by Renée French 2012 / 36 pages A bird's pushy friend gets him out of the house on his birthday only to take him on a circular route right back to his house. But while they were away, ants have painted his house as a wonderful surprise! An ugly style of art, and the pushiness of the friend, are why this is here and not among the recommended. Don't bother There are quite a lot of TOON Books – too many for me to highlight all of the ones that weren't recommended. But I figured I'd share the titles of a the dozen or so I thought might be good, but which ended up not cutting it. Brattiness is the main concern with most of the books below. Kids' stories can have bratty characters, so long as the young reader is shown that this is the wrong behavior – the brat either has to reform his ways by story's end, or his behavior has to be denounced in some form or fashion. In what follows the brat is generally somewhat repentant by the final page, but the proportion of name-calling to niceness is tipped way too much in the wrong direction, leaving young readers with all sorts of examples of how to be creatively nasty, and just a brief illustration of how to do better. So, not the sort of story our kids need to chow down on. Some of Kevin McCloskey's "Giggle and Learn" series is recommended above and Snails Are Just My Speed! would've been included if it didn't touch on how "snails shoot arrows at each other before they make babies." Kids will be left mystified as to what that means, and equally mystified adults are not going to want to answer questions about baby-making to the Grade 1 age group this is intended for. Another title in this series, The Real Poop on Pigeons, is just too poopy. Geoffrey Hayes has a series of books and I don't like any of them. In Benny and Penny in Just Pretend, Benny and Penny in the Big No-No, Benny and Penning in Lights Out, and Benny and Penny and the Toy Breaker, Benny is a jerk to his sister for much of the book. Benny and Penny in How to Say Goodbye is supposed to teach children how to deal with death, but does so with brattiness once again, and without God. Hayes also has a second series that hits the right notes more often but brattiness pops up in Partick Eats His Peas, and little Patrick gets naked outdoors in Patrick and a Teddy Bear's Picnic. In Silly Lilly in What Shall I Be Today, one of the things Lilly decides to be is a vampire, and the sequel, Silly Lilly and the Four Seasons, is simply boring. Zik and Wikki in Something Ate My Homework uses the word "bugger" in reference to a pesky fly, but as the term is more commonly used for "sodomite" this isn't a term our kids need to learn right now. A sequel, Zikki and Wikki in the The Cow, is fixated on poop, and doesn't entirely make sense if you haven't read the original. Nina in That Makes Me Mad is about a bratty girl justifying her brattiness. Meanswhile Mo and Jo: Fighting Together Forever puts a super spin on sibling brattiness, and in  Maya Makes a Mess, a rude girl presumes to teach her parents manners. Finally, Ape and Armadillo Take Over the World is about two friends plotting to do as the title suggests - more dumb than bad. And Chick & Chickie Play All Day! is simply boring....

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Articles, Movie Reviews

Classic movies for a “date night in”

Five favorite features for a five-star fall night ***** Fall is here, and it could be just the night to cozy up with that special someone and a great movie. Here are five of editor Jon Dykstra’s very favorites to consider. Click on the titles for longer reviews that also include the movie's trailer. Casablanca Drama 1943 / 103 min. Rating: 10/10 Eighty years after its release, Casablanca remains in a league of its own. Is it the human drama playing against the backdrop of a world at war, the characters that intrigue us and have us rooting for them despite their flaws and foibles? Is it the tension, the themes, the romance? Is it Humphrey Bogart in a fedora? Whatever the magic, Casablanca really is one for the ages. The Shop Around the Corner Drama/Romance 1949 / 99 min. Rating: 9/10 Before You’ve Got Mail came The Shop Around the Corner. Head salesman Alfred and new employee Klara have two things in common: a mutual annoyance with each other, and secret pen pals they’re both falling in love with. How they eventually find each other, and love, is a journey with plenty of ups and downs. The clever script, humor, and interesting cast of characters has kept this classic romantic comedy on must-see lists. 12 Angry Men Drama 1957 / 96 min. Rating: 9/10 In the mood for a good old-fashioned drama? This highly satisfying jury-room classic has the tension, clever dialogue, and interpersonal drama to keep you glued to your seats and make you forget all about the popcorn (maybe). High Noon Western/Drama 1952 / 85 min. Rating: 9/10 So you watched a rom-com last time, and now it’s time for something a little more... rugged? Gary Cooper, as a sheriff with integrity in a tight spot, and Grace Kelly, as his conflicted fiancée, pull off a multi-layered story that will satisfy you both. The Song Drama/Musical 2014 / 116 min. Rating: 9/10 Well, this one’s not quite a classic (yet)... but it is a stand-out in its genre. However, is this Christian film really a good choice for a “date night in”? It’s loosely based on the story of King Solomon and, well, we all know how that ended! But if you can get through the gritty and pretty devastating part where Jed, the not-so-heroic hero, self-destructs, you’ll find yourself moved and encouraged by the profound experience of grace that ends the movie....

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Book Reviews, Graphic novels

Marley's Ghost

by Charles Dickens adapted by Harvey Kurtzman, Josh O'Neill, and Shannon Wheeler illustrated by Gideon Kendall 2017 / 129 pages This is a fantastic and faithful graphic novel adaptation of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol using much of the story's original dialogue, with only the lightest (and very helpful) bit of modernization. The revisions are limited, with the biggest probably being a change of the Ghost of Christmas Past from an old, child-like, man, to now being a waif-like girl. Not sure why the change was made, but it doesn't impact the story. Then there is also the general abridgment, with the comic coming in at probably half the text of the original story. The original has some problematic spiritual content – ghosts of various sorts, including those of Christmas Past, Present, and Future – and this adaptation shares the same. So if you disliked the original for that reason, you won't like this one either. But I'd argue that is a mistake, as this story isn't meant to teach anything about ghosts or the afterlife. Dickens lesson is entirely about the here and now – he wants us to understand that money brings cold comfort – Scrooge treats gold as his god, and this deity only brings him misery. What's actually problematic is the alternative "god" Dickens proposes. While the God of the Bible is made mention of (less in the comic than in the original) He is not the source of happiness in this story. The god here – in both original and adaptation – is generosity. If you are generous, then you will be happy and your life will have meaning. Oh, Dickens, so near and yet so far! Still, with that shortcoming understood, this classic can be appreciated – Christmas is made much of, and if we remember what this day commemorates, then we can see Scrooge's transformation as a small reflection of the generosity and humility Christ showed in coming down to earth. Cautions This book has a loose connection to Harvey Kurtzman, a cartoonist most famous for his work with Playboy and Mad magazines. However, the comic is not written or drawn by him but is only based in part on a treatment he produced, so this connection is really rather irrelevant. I only mention it to note that as good as this book is, his other work isn't. Other cautions would be limited to the unnecessary additions of two words – "bugger" and "bloody" – to Dickens' original text. Would that this bit of "modernization" had been forgone! Conclusion This is a loyal and inventive rendition that will be more enjoyable to read than the original for most of today’s readership. And they may get more out of it than they would, struggling through the original....

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Animated, Movie Reviews


Animated / Family 2010 / 100 min RATING: 9/10 In the original Rapunzel tale, her hair is very long, but still just hair. In Tangled, these long tresses are used as a whip, swing, and even as rope to tie a bad guy up. But the biggest upgrade is that her hair now has the power to restore youth. It's this last addition that caught the attention of a very old witch. Our story starts with Witch Gothel whisking the baby Rapunzel away to a hidden tower deep in the woods. The magical restoration only works if it's adminstered regularly, so the witch wants to keep Rapunzel forever, so the witch can be young forever. Years later, a teenage Rapunzel is still in the tower, but not a captive exactly. As far as she knows Gothel is her mother, and if Mother says Rapunzel needs to stay in to stay safe, then that's what Rapunzel is going to do. Even if she doesn't like it. Then the roguish, handsome, thieving Flynn Ryder shows up, fleeing from this story's version of the police. He's the first man Rapunzel has ever seen, so, quite naturally, she hits him with a frying pan. Was it love at first "clunk"? Maybe not quite the first, but there were clunks to follow, so it might have been one of those. Rapunzel convinces Flynn to help her explore the outside world. Soon this becomes a chase film, with Mother Gothel, and all the King's men, trying to capture one or the other of the pair. As I reread the original Rapunzel fairytale I was struck by how it's more problematic than the Disneyfied retelling. The original has Rapunzel's mom and dad stealing a plant, rapunzel, from their neighbor. Their neighbor is a witch, but still, when did stealing become something the good guys did? In the fairytale, Rapunzel gets impregnated by the prince before they are married, though children might not even realize (parents will clue in when Rapunzel talks about how, for some reason, her clothes are getting tight). So, Disney improved on the original by cutting these elements. Cautions The weirdest parts of this movie are a couple of brief appearances of a small, old, bearded outlaw who wears nothing but a diaper and wings. He seems to be imitating a baby Cupid. Really, really odd but, thankfully, very brief. There's lots of comic violence, with people getting hit repeatedly in the head with a frying pan. No big thing, except if you have kids young enough to think this is something they can imitate. There is an element of magic, but played mostly in a negative light – the witch Mother Gothel is the villain of the piece. Conclusion A niece loves this film and introduced it to our daughters, and in the half-dozen times we've seen it since, we've all enjoyed it every time. It might be a bit too frantic and at times scary for the under-10 group, but for everyone else, this will be a very fun pick for family movie night. Check out the trailer below. ...

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Drama, Movie Reviews

Little Women (1994)

Drama 1994 / 118 min Rating: 9/10 Taking only minor liberties with Louisa May Alcott's book, Little Women tells the tale of Marmee March’s four daughters: Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy as they grow up in the shadow of the US Civil War. Each sister is quite the character, with Meg, the older sister, who dreams of marriage and starting her own family, Jo the tomboy who wants to write, the sickly but caring Beth who is always thinking of others, and the spoiled littlest sister Amy who does some growing up, becoming a lovely young lady. This is all about family, coming together in hardship when Beth gets sick, and coming together for family fun too, like when all the sisters take parts in a play written by Jo. Oh, and there's also falling in love too! Cautions Nowadays, if a film isn't made by Christians, it seems almost a given that it is going to have some sort of vulgarity, blood-splattering violence, or woke agenda. Little Women has none of it. Yay! The worst I can think of is a few strange references to Transcendentalism (an early New Age movement) but it is referred to only in passing. Conclusion This may be appreciated more by the ladies: a female friend has watched this 10 times while her husband thought once was more than enough. However, if you are a fan, you'll want to check out the 1949 version, which is both funnier and sadder, but also a bit harder to follow if you aren't already familiar with the book. A 1933 version is over the top, but the 1940 sequel of sorts, called Little Men, is another good one. Check out the trailer below. ...

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Drama, Movie Reviews

12 Angry Men

Drama 1957 / 96 min. Rating: 9/10 A movie that takes place in a single room? All dialogue, and no car chases or explosions? 12 Angry Men might not seem like it has the makings for an amazing film, but whoever I've watched it with over the years has always been impressed. This courtroom drama begins with eleven men eager to declare the defendant guilty – it's an open-and-shut case, so why waste time? But the twelfth (Henry Fonda) isn't so sure. And he isn't willing to convict a man without carefully working through the evidence... even if other jurors were looking forward to their weekend plans. So in the middle of a sweltering heat wave, stuck in close quarters with complete strangers, they start going through the evidence. 12 Angry Men is an absolutely fascinating look at how personal histories and prejudices can play a part in a jury decision. Cautions I can't think of any concerns for this one. There's some racism evident, but the worst language is a juror talking about "those kind of people." This is an adult film in the sense that your smalls aren't going to be interested. But it is a family-friendly film in the sense that kids of any age could be in the room with you and you wouldn't need to worry about what they might see or hear. The closest thing to a caution I can think of is that the 1997 remake has language problems (and isn't close to as good anyway). Conclusion I don't want to geek out on the film, but I will share one neat bit on its cinematography. If you're like me, you don't really note how a film is shot unless it's bad and gets in the way of the story. That said, there is one neat trick used here you might want to look for: watch for how the camera slowly descends as the tension rises. We start just above eye-level, and by the time the climax arrives, lots of shots are now coming from below, giving jurors an ominous shadowed look. It's cool what different camera angles can do. But the reason you should watch it is for what it wrestles with. This is looking at the whole idea of justice, and how apathy, prejudice, and even people's limited ability to logic things out, can shape the verdict. God has told us that it'd be better for a guilty person go free than an innocent man be punished (that, and innocent until proven guilty, are the implications of texts like Deut. 17:6 and Deut. 19:15), but is that how our justice system works? In 12 Angry Men we've got a behind-the-scenes look with a man willing to stand against the room to do what's right. Check out the trailer below. ...

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Drama, Movie Reviews

High Noon

Western / Drama 1952 / 85 min. Rating: 9/10 In a contender for best Western of all time, Gary Cooper plays the newly married Marshal Will Kane. His old job and his new pacifist Quaker wife Amy aren’t a good fit, so the lawman plans to retire, move away, and have a new start in a new town as a shopkeeper. But before the happy couple can get away, Kane learns that Frank Miller, a vicious criminal that Kane put in prison, has been released, and is set to arrive in town on the noon train. Miller is looking for revenge, and his gang of four outlaws is already in town waiting for his arrival. Kane’s friends urge him to get out of town quickly, and his wife pleads for him to listen. But the replacement marshal won’t arrive until the next day, and Kane’s sense of duty won’t allow him to run. He decides to stay, and even his wife’s ultimatum – that she’s leaving on the noon train with or without him – doesn’t change his mind. The noon train serves as a looming deadline, and the soundtrack to the film has a ticking clock cadence, counting down the seconds. This adds to the urgency as Kane tries to rally a posse from the townspeople, and gets only refusals. Even men who have helped him before turn their backs on their marshal, finding all sorts of excuses (it struck me as a bit Matt. 22:1-14-ish, though that passage’s banquet setting is quite different). Cautions The big caution would be the inevitable gunfight. It doesn't revel in gore, so yes, men get shot, but blood doesn’t get splattered. The other caution would concern Helen Ramirez, a secondary character who was, or still is, a prostitute. She had some sort of relationship with Kane (and before that with the outlaw Miller), which puts some taint on Kane’s otherwise honorable disposition. But the backstory isn’t filled in much. Conclusion There’s much to love here, from the pacing, which largely takes place in real-time, to the music, sparse and awesome. The theme song, Do Not Forsake Me, Oh My Darling, is such a perfect match and is so popular that folks born 50 years after the film came out may well feel like it is familiar. The best part is simply a hero we can cheer for – Kane’s courage and conviction, his willingness to risk his life for the town despite having every reason not to, is the very definition of a Christ figure. Of course, he also has a past, so he's not a saint. But he is ready to die for townsfolk who don’t deserve his loyalty. This is a classic with broad appeal, even for those who don’t like Westerns or black-and-white films. You should give it a chance. ...

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Drama, Movie Reviews

The Shop Around the Corner

Drama/Romance 99 min / 1940 Rating: 9/10 While Jimmy Stewart is best known for his other Christmas movie, It's a Wonderful Life, this is the one that mom and dad should watch for an in-home date night. Stewart plays the young Alred Kralik, top salesman at the Matuschek and Company giftshop in Budapest. As top salesman, he serves as confidant and all-around-right-hand man to his boss, Hugo Mastuschek. When a young lady, Klara Novak, comes in looking for a job, it is Alfred's sad duty to inform her that there just aren't any positions available. But strangely Alfred's boss, in a fit of independence, decides to override Alfred and hires Klara. From the start, it's clear that Alfred and Klara have a little chemistry, but he decides she isn’t the girl for him. Maybe it was how they first met, but whatever the reason, the two of them just can’t get along. And besides, Alfred already has a girlfriend of sorts. He has a heart-to-heart, mind-to-mind connection with his long-time pen pal, and how can mere physical attraction compare to something like that? It just can’t! Before he rushes off to marry his pen pal, Alfred decides he should probably meet her once first. And it's at this first date that he finds out his pen pal looks a lot like the new store clerk…an awful lot like her! Turns out, Shop Around the Corner is a great counter to the Hollywood notion of love at first sight – this is love done write! Cautions The one caution here regards a backstory and the reason why Mr. Mastuschek decided to override his top salesman. He suspects Alfred of having an affair with his wife. It turns out that while Mr. Mastuschek is wrong about which salesman it is, he is right about the affair, and that drives him to attempt suicide. Thankfully he is saved by the store's delivery boy. This mature topic matter means this isn't one for the whole family, even though it is delicately handled. Conclusion Shop Around the Corner has been in Time magazine's Top 100 Films list, has a 99% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and was popular enough to spawn two remakes. A musical adaptation, In the Good Old Summertime (1949), was done less than a decade later and stars Judy Garland and Van Johnson. This time the two letter-writers are working in a music store. Not as good as the original, but it is a solid 7. Van Johnson isn't as charming as Jimmy Stewart, and near the end even comes off as a bit creepy. That said, it is fun to see how this remake compares and contrasts with the film that inspired it. Another sequel is Tom Hank's You've Got Mail (1998), which was super popular, but which also takes God's name in vain. If you enjoy Shop Around the Corner, you may also like a couple more from the same director, Ernst Lubitsch. His To Be Or Not To Be (1942) is about a Shakespeare acting troop surviving World War II. And Ninotchka (1939) is a comedy about a loyal Russian communist who comes to Paris and falls in love with a man who represents everything about the West that she despises. There are some good and educational laughs in that one! Check out Shop Around the Corner's trailer below. ...

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