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June 21 – Arbiter

“There is no Arbiter between us, Who might lay His hand on us both.” – Job 9:33 

Scripture reading: Job 5:7

Perhaps this proverb from Job is familiar to you. Those who love the movie Anne of Green Gables might recognize it because it is quoted there. Think of roaring campfires, the deep night pierced by the flames which lick up the wood and as it is devoured, it breaks before the blazing tongues of fire, sending sparks jumping upwards, dancing in the night air.

Why is man born to trouble and suffering? It is Job’s question as he wrestles with God and strives against his friends whose words do not bring him comfort. Job longs for a mediator between himself and God. It is our suffering that drives us into the arms of Jesus Christ—the arbiter between God and man. It is suffering that shows us the ugliness of sins and the wrong-headedness of our old nature. It is suffering, the path which Jesus endured, which unites us with Christ—for He suffered more than we ever could or will—and His suffering, death and resurrection made us right with God.

When I see sparks fly upward, I am reminded of my desire to fly up to God. But I also recognize how easily my own passion dies out. When I see sparks fly upward, I am reminded that Christ was raised up and His fiery passion never burned out. He endured great agony on the cross so that He might lay a hand on us and present us to the Father as blameless and pure. Jesus’ sacrifice has done this for us. Hallelujah, what a Saviour!

Suggestions for prayer

Praise the Father that He has given you an Arbiter between Himself and you. As you think of sins which haunt you, ask the Father to pour out His Spirit so that you will know that you are forgiven, and He will strengthen you to turn from your sin and walk in His righteousness.

Rev. Richard Vander Vaart served as a minister in the Christian Reformed Church of North America for over twenty years, before joining the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. He is now serving as the Atlantic Region prison-visiting pastor working with Redemption Prison Ministry. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  

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