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July 6 – The blessing of our position in history

“…the prophets who prophesied about the grace that was to be yours searched and inquired carefully.” – 1 Peter 1: 10 

Scripture reading: 1 Peter 1:1-12

Yesterday we saw the great joy that is ours through faith in Jesus Christ. Peter goes on to tell us that the prophets in the Old Testament longed to see what we often do not appreciate as much as we should. The Old Testament prophets wrote about the coming of the One, God was going to send to redeem His people. But they did not fully know who this person would be and to what extent He would go to save His people. They did not know the One coming was God’s beloved Son and that He would go to the cross and experience the agony of hell to save His people. They did not fully know the glorious reality we would receive because of Jesus.

Jesus’ work allows us to be called sons and daughters of God, having the privileges of God’s family. Paul mentions this in Ephesians 1:3, “In Christ we are blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places.” Peter, in His second letter, tells us that through faith in Jesus Christ we become partakers in the divine nature. We get what Jesus has as a beloved child of God. Although the Old Testament writers did not know what we know about Jesus, they served us, for we can look back and see that they were speaking about the coming of Jesus. When we read scripture or hear it preached and soak in the good news of Jesus, we are called to rejoice and see that we live in a glorious time in history.

Suggestions for Prayer

That we would understand the great position we are in history, having the complete revelation of our God.

Pastor Richard Bultje is a missionary and pastor of the River of Life church plant in Niagara Falls Ontario. It is a church plant under the oversight of the Wellandport United Reformed Church. Pastor Richard and his wife, Yukyung moved to Niagara Falls in November 2012 with their three children, Calvin, Isaiah and Gloria. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  

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