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January 6 – This will be a year of battle

“…wage the good warfare.” – 1 Timothy 1:18                       

Scripture reading: 1 Timothy 1:1-20

Our calling in this year remains the same as in the days gone by. To be a people of faith and faithfulness involves battle.  Being a Christian is not smooth sailing.

Already in this young year you have faced numerous temptations, whether you recognized them or not. We need to fight against sin – our sinful nature, the sinfulness of this world and even the devil himself. Are you fighting? What do you know about your sinful nature?  Do you recognize the snares of this world for what they are?  The world offers empty frivolity and hollow enticements which would have us become idol worshippers. Do you realize the enemy would always seek to accuse, to break down, to lead us astray? He is busy luring, ensnaring, goading into sin. Do you recognize the powers and principalities spoken of in Ephesians 6

Paul, by the Holy Spirit, instructed Timothy and by extension every Christian to fight the battle against the enemies of Christ and the gospel and to do so with a good conscience. A good conscience serves as a rudder that steers the believer through the rocks and reefs of sin and error. Be careful not to make shipwreck of your faith. Plan your strategy.  Know your position in the battle.

Suggestions for prayer

Ask the Lord to help you wage the good warfare. Pray for wisdom and courage.

Rev. Peter Vellenga is presently serving as itinerant preacher waiting upon Lord for continued assignment. 

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