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January 11 – In whom do you now trust? 

“Behold, their heroes cry in the streets; the envoys of peace weep bitterly.” – Isaiah 33:7 

Scripture reading: 2 Kings 18:13-18

True peace with an enemy is not made by appeasing that enemy. Hezekiah sent envoys with “three hundred talents of silver and thirty talents of gold” (2 Kings 18:14) that he took from the house of the Lord to make the plea bargain. It was not enough.

The hope was that this tribute to Sennacherib would pacify him. If there was a ray of hope, that moment passed when Rabshakeh, retorted, “Do you think that mere words are strategy and power for war? In whom do you now trust, that you have rebelled against me?” (2 Kings 18:20).

Peace with such enemies is only achieved through true power. Such power is not the power of Egypt, or of any chariots, horses, or soldiers. It is not the power of money. Such are the powers of the world. The Kingdom of God is of another power: divine, sovereign, wise power.

It is hopeless for us to believe that peace can be made with our enemies: our sin, the devil, or the world. They must be defeated by the power of Jesus Christ. His is not the power of earthly might, but of life through death; victory through suffering; strength through weakness.

Our trust must not be in princes or wealth. Our trust must be in the Lord. Peace has been made between us and God through the blood of Jesus Christ and He will also achieve peace for His church by destroying His enemies by the Word of His power.

Suggestions for prayer

Praise the Lord for His powerful Word and Spirit, and Christ’s power to defeat our enemies. Confess to the Lord the things in which you have trusted more than Him.

Rev. Todd De Rooy currently serves in Redeemer URC, in Orange City, Iowa. He has served there since being ordained in 2008. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

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