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January 10 – A living hope

...He has caused us to be born again to a living hope…” – 1 Peter 1:3                                   

Scripture reading: 1 Peter 1:1-25

The Christian testifies of the blessedness of living with a living hope. Not a “hope so” hope, but a “for sure” hope. We live in a world filled with despair. All around us, we see suffering — some self-inflicted. We ourselves experience struggle and disappointment. Our feeble faith often falters. But our focus must always be our living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. 

In 1524, the Reformer, Martin Luther wrote:

Whilst in midst of death we be,
Hell’s grim jaws o’er-take us;
Who from such distress will free,
Who secure will make us?
Thou only, Lord, canst do it!
It moves Thy tender heart to see
our great sin and misery.

Into hell’s fierce agony
sin doth head-long drive us:
Where shall we for succor flee?
Who, O, who will hide us?
Thou only, blessed Saviour,
Thy precious blood was shed to win
peace and pardon for our sin.

Today as God’s people we celebrate the victory of Christ over death and the tyranny of the devil. We live in anticipation of an “inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled and unfading, kept in heaven”. We rejoice that by “God’s power we are being guarded through faith for a salvation, through faith ready to be revealed in the last time”.

Suggestions for prayer

Praise God for a living hope in Jesus Christ!

Rev. Peter Vellenga is presently serving as itinerant preacher waiting upon Lord for continued assignment.

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