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24 minutes / 2020
Rating: 7/10

Foundations is the story of Parker, or rather the story of 3 different Parkers. All three stories start the same way. The little boy Parker is watching a TV show about evolution with his parents. When the commentator starts talking about how humans evolved over millions of years, Parker turns to his dad and asks, “Is that true… did we use to be fish?”

This is the three-tined fork in the road. In the first story, Parker’s parents tell him that yes, we are former fish. And then we get to see how an evolutionary, agnostic worldview works itself out. We see an adult Parker, believing himself to be the product of nothing but chance, making questionable decisions. Finally, we get to see him on his deathbed, alone and full of regrets.

Then we rewind, and this time Parker’s parents give a different, but only slightly better, answer. In all, three different worldviews are featured, one after another.

1) Evolutionary agnostic
2) Theistic evolutionist
3) Bible-believing creationist

As you have probably guessed, Parker has a nicer life, and a far nicer death when he lives out the truths his parents teach him in Scenario #3. But, as the producers point out, they aren’t trying to say that following God always means you’ll have a better life – as the Bible warns, God’s people will face trials. But as God also teaches through Solomon, following God’s wisdom will save you from many troubles, like the adulterous woman.

This wouldn’t be one you’d want to spring on your kids for your family movie night. If they were expecting Toy Story 6, they aren’t going to be impressed by Foundations. But while it isn’t pure entertainment, it is compelling. Yes, you are going to watch this for its educational value, but it is worthy of a watch, and even more so, a discussion. At just 24 minutes, it doesn’t demand all that much from viewers, so you might be able to show this to even young teens. It could be great for a one-class session in a Science, Bible, or English class. Or it could be a great conversation-starter for a Young Peoples’ free topic.

Watch the entire short film for free below.

For something similar, but a bit more demanding, these are also the folks behind the 1-hour Genesis Impact. It’s another docudrama, but this time with a Christian college student debating an evolutionist lecturer. A must-see before your teen heads off to college.

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Movie Reviews, Science - Creation/Evolution, Watch for free

Free film: Genesis Impact

Docudrama 68 minutes / 2020 RATING: 7/10 This is a very good...something. The topic matter is plain enough – human origins – but what's less clear is whether this is a documentary or drama. The beginning is standard documentary: apologist Ray Comfort, just off camera, interviewing college students about their views on evolution. But when the camera pulls back we discover these interviews are actually a smartphone's 3-D holographic projections being viewed by a teen boy sitting on the edge of his couch (presumably a decade or two into the future seeing as there's no app for that quite yet). When mom wanders by to put away groceries, he shares his doubts about whether God really did create in just six days. "What if they're right, and we're wrong?" he asks. "I mean, the scientific evidence for evolution is pretty overwhelming. What if God...used evolution?" To answer his questions, mom takes us through another scene change, shifting back 20 years to modern day when she was still in school, listening to an origins lecture at a Natural History museum. When the speaker concludes and most of the other students leave the auditorium, the young mom-to-be stays behind to question, and eventually debate, the scientist/lecturer. That's where we stay, along with a few student stragglers, listening to a well-reasoned critique of the lecturer's evolutionary presentation. While Genesis Impact hardly has a plot, it still has plenty of drama as evolution and creationist go head-to-head over the next hour. Genesis Impact shouldn't be evaluated as a drama though. The acting is fine – solid enough not to get in the way, and better than many a Christian drama – but the young lady is far too knowledgeable, and the evolutionist lecturer far too reasonable (readily conceding her every good point) to be realistic. Fortunately, the filmmakers' goal isn't realism. They wanted to present a challenging, highly educational lecture on a pivotal topic, and they wanted to deliver it in a really unique and entertaining manner. Mission accomplished! Caution While the topic matter is the sort you might want to share with an atheist friend, that this is a staged debate – an acted out debate – provides the "out" any skeptic would take to dismiss it entirely, arguing that a real evolutionist would have had better responses, or wouldn't have conceded so many points. So one caution would be that this isn't one to win over an unsympathetic or hostile audience. Conclusion What makes it valuable is that the creationist critique is a really good one. Evolutionary proofs aren't so overwhelming as it seems, with guesses built on assumptions, stacked atop beliefs. Secular science presents their conclusions as being unassailable, though sometimes the hype is as much the fault of the media as the scientists. Even when researchers couch their guesswork with phrases like "could be" and "might" and "probably" the media is likely to trumpet "Evidence of life has been found on Mars!" in 36-point front-page headlines.  Still, the same sort of unwarranted certainty can be found in Natural History displays, and in university classrooms, so evolutionary arrogance isn't simply a mainstream media invention. Who should see Genesis Impact? It's best suited for Bible-believing Christians who are interested in, or troubled by, evolutionary accounts. It'll be an encouragement and could serve as a leap-off point for further study. The depth of the material discussed also means this is best suited for college-age and up. You can watch it for free below, and visit the film's website to dig deeper: ...