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December 22 – His name is Jesus

“She will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins.” – Matthew 1:21 

Scripture reading: Matthew 1:18-24

Joseph had a unique role in the history of salvation. It was his calling to be stepfather to the Son of God! He would have a difficult life, being forced to move multiple times. The angel’s visit must have been precious to him, as he may have done things far differently had he not received it. One of his most important assignments was the naming of Jesus.

In ancient times, names were not chosen for their appealing sound. Most new parents did not discuss whether first names “fit” well with middle names or last names. They chose names that were significant to families and that a child was expected to live up to. In this case, the name was ultimately chosen by God for His Son. Jesus is a short form for “Jehovah-saves.”

Jehovah, or Yahweh, is the covenant name of the Lord. It means that He is the truly existing God Who also visits His people. Jesus is also the Greek version of the Old Testament name Joshua. Joshua was called to lead the army of Israel into battle, with impossible odds against them. Time and time again, they learned that the battle belonged to the Lord. Jesus would become a far greater saviour than Joshua, however. He would not merely save from enemies, but from sin itself. He was not simply a symbol of Jehovah’s help. He was and is Jehovah Who saves. Joseph was given one of the most important tasks in all of history: declaring the name of Jesus!

Suggestion for prayer

Pray for a greater understanding of the true significance of the name Jesus in a world that uses His name so lightly!

Pastor Robert VanDoodewaard currently serves the Free Reformed Church in Powassan, Ontario, Canada as a minister of the gospel.

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