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Daily devotional

January 8 - The stability of your times

“And He will be the stability of your times, abundance of salvation, wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is Zion's treasure.” - Isaiah 33:6 

Scripture reading: Ephesians 1:3-14

Through changing and challenging times, how do you remain certain and stable? If you try to find it in yourself or another person, you will still be on shifting sand. This gets at one thematic question: is your trust in the Lord?

Certainty and stability are in God alone. Isaiah gives three aspects of this certainty and stability. The first is “abundance of salvation”: this is the fullness of God's salvation for us—body and soul. In love, we are predestined for salvation and eternal life (Ephesians 1); we are called to faith by the gospel and the Holy Spirit (Romans 10:14-17); we are justified by Jesus Christ, through His righteousness (Romans 3:21-26); we are sanctified by the Holy Spirit (John 16:4b-15; Ephesians 4:17-24); and we will be glorified (1 Peter 1:3-9; Revelation 7:9-17).

The second is “wisdom.” Knowledge is factual and objective, while wisdom is practical and applicable. Christ has revealed wisdom in showing you the Father and revealing the Kingdom of God's truth. Wisdom is what is best for us, andChrist always does what is best.

The third is “knowledge.” God's Word is filled with true knowledge. His revelation in the Word gives us a basis for faith and also lets us see the world and ourselves for what we are.

Such gifts from Christ keep us certain and stable in changing times. Believe on Jesus Christ and seek assurance of His salvation, His wisdom and His knowledge in His Word.

Suggestions for prayer

Pray for the Holy Spirit to help you understand God's Word for assurance of salvation and growth in God's wisdom and knowledge.

Rev. Todd De Rooy currently serves in Redeemer URC, in Orange City, Iowa. He has served there since being ordained in 2008. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

January 3 - Our arm of salvation

“O Lord, be gracious to us; we wait for you. Be our arm every morning, our salvation in the time of trouble.” - Isaiah 33:2  Scripture reading: Hebrews 4:14-16 God's faithful promises result in the prayer of faith. We must pray earnestly at the “throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16). Our enemies are cruel, be gracious to us, O Lord! We deserve God's wrath for our sins, but we pray, “Remember David's Son!” And we remember Christ's propitiation for our sins; God's wrath is turned away from us and we are blessed in His gracious favour. God is always with us with His arm of strength and power. Is your trust in the Lord each morning and each day? If you are depending on your strength, your abilities, your past accomplishments, your intelligence, or your reputation, you are not glorifying God. Are we not also in “the time of trouble”? We need salvation! Jesus Christ is the Saviour, who laid down His life for us as the perfect and once-for-all sacrifice for our sins. Yet, the troubling warfare in our hearts continues as we put to death our sins in the power of the Holy Spirit. Praise God, we have such a Great High Priest; He knows all our weaknesses and sympathizes with them. Salvation comes through Jesus Christ who has “passed through the heavens”! (Hebrews 4:14). This is why we confess our faith on the basis of God's promises. We believe what God has done through Jesus Christ and continues to do through Him. Jesus Christ is our arm and salvation! Suggestions for prayer Confess your dependence on God's strong arm of salvation, your need for help in your troubles and ask for God's grace in Jesus Christ. Rev. Todd De Rooy currently serves in Redeemer URC, in Orange City, Iowa. He has served there since being ordained in 2008. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

January 2 - Prayer against God’s enemies

“When you have ceased to destroy, you will be destroyed; and when you have finished betraying, they will betray you.” - Isaiah 33:1b  Scripture reading: Psalm 58 What are we to do with Old Testament verses and passages like this one, as Christians today? How are we to sing Psalm 58, when Jesus said, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”? (Matthew 5:44). Isaiah is speaking the Word of God and that Word is a prophetic Word of punishment against God's enemy. We should be comforted by hope and we may take it up in prayer. We may only pray for God's punishment on the enemies He has denounced. We may pray for God's punishment on all those powers and authorities that oppose Him and on all that unrighteously oppose Christ's church. We may not pray for God's punishment on our private enemies for private revenge. You cannot call down God's judgment on someone who has sinned against you, or someone with whom you have a personal conflict. We may pray for God's punishment on His enemies so long as they remain His enemies. We should also pray for their regeneration and that, by Christ's Word and Spirit, they might have faith and repentance. To pray for the salvation of our enemies is an act of love toward them. We may pray for God's punishment on His enemies, not to rejoice in their destruction, but to desire that God's glory isvindicated and the church delivered. Jesus Christ defeated God's enemies and redeemed His people in His death on the cross, His resurrection from the grave, and He will triumph over them finally at His return. Suggestions for prayer Humbly pray through the words of Psalm 58 using the criteria above. Rev. Todd De Rooy currently serves in Redeemer URC, in Orange City, Iowa. He has served there since being ordained in 2008. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

January 1 - Introduction to the fear of the Lord 

Isaiah 33 holds rich promises for God's covenant people. The Lord is with them and will defend them. Isaiah 33 appears to refer to the events of 2 Kings 18-19, though the promises God makes are for His people through the ages. Judah was under the threat of Sennacherib, king of Assyria. He even sent the Rabshakeh to taunt Judah and fill them with more fear: “On what do you rest this trust of yours?” We never have a reason to be afraid, even when our enemies are vicious and frightening. Jesus Christ is with us, He will fill the church with His justice and righteousness, and by faith in Jesus Christ we are acceptable before the Lord and spared His judgment. The threat of enemies often reveals our fear. The threat of enemies also often reveals our depth of trust in the salvation and safety of the Lord. Judah would see the defeat of Sennacherib, who was killed by his own two sons while worshiping his false god. He had returned to Nineveh, the capital city, after the angel of the Lord had struck down 185,000 Assyrian soldiers, crippling their army and leaving them powerless. We have great hope in Christ for final victory over all our enemies, even the last enemy, death. Such hope in Christ's salvation is not merely a future reality. Because of Jesus Christ, the grave has no victory, sin no long has dominion over us, and the head of the serpent has been crushed! In His death and resurrection, Christ has already won the victory! He is now at God's right hand as the King of kings and Judge and Lawgiver, righteous and just. We should never be afraid, but live in the fear of the Lord!  The destroyer destroyed “Ah, you destroyer, who yourself have not been destroyed, you traitor, whom none has betrayed! When you have ceased to destroy, you will be destroyed; and when you have finished betraying, they will betray you.” - Isaiah 33:1  Scripture reading: John 19:1-11 Enemies are frightening—often pictured as growling, baring wicked teeth, with evil slits for eyes. Even the devil is depicted in Scripture as a slithering serpent, a devouring lion and a powerful dragon. Our enemies are not “flesh and blood,” but “rulers...authorities...cosmic powers over this present darkness...the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places” (Philippians 6:12). When your enemies—the devil, the world, and your own sinful self—threaten you, to what do you look for help? In what or whom do you trust? We must trust the Lord! As frightening and evil as our enemies may be, they are merely tools in the hands of the Lord. They are limited by His will and His power. When the Lord is finished using them for His ends, He crushes them. Christ Himself faced this before Pilate. “You would have no authority over Me at all unless it had been given you from above.” Pilate was Christ's enemy in God's hands to exact saving justice; in Pilate's unjust condemnation of Jesus, the Lord was punishing Jesus to save us, using an enemy to do it. Some in Judah thought they could find help from Egypt. Others thought they could appeal to Assyria. Neither nation could help. Assyria would eventually be destroyed. Even Babylon would be overtaken. Jesus Christ has defeated the devil, He has overcome the world and paid for sin, so that sin no longer has dominion over His people. The destroyer has been destroyed! Suggestions for prayer Pray for deliverance from our enemies, the punishment of the wicked, and to learn patience, trust, and hope in Christ alone. Rev. Todd De Rooy currently serves in Redeemer URC, in Orange City, Iowa. He has served there since being ordained in 2008. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

December 31 - Behold, the lamb of God!

“The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”” - John 1:29 Scripture reading: John 1:29-34 The height of John the Baptist’s ministry was his presentation of Jesus as the Saviour to the covenant nation. He had prepared the way for the Messiah by his preaching and baptisms. He had announced that the kingdom of God was at hand. Now John sees Jesus walking towards him. He announces to his disciples and to the crowds: “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! John calls Jesus a sacrificial lamb. Each day, lambs were sacrificed in the Temple. When John made this statement, how could the Jews also not think of the Passover lambs? One of the critical events in the history of Israel was the Passover in Egypt. Just as the blood of the Passover lambs had delivered the firstborn sons of the Israelites from the avenging angel, so Christ’s blood would cover and protect His people. The Apostle Paul later explicitly identified Jesus as the Passover Lamb: “Cleanse out the old leaven that you may be a new lump, as you really are unleavened. For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed” (1 Corinthians 5:7). Isn’t it something that we can use such possessive language like this? Christ belongs to us. His sacrifice was on our behalf. This identification of the Messiah with a lamb was bound to be confusing to the Jews who had come to think of the Messiah only in terms of a triumphant victor. But from the beginning of Jesus’ ministry the covenant people are clearly told that the Messiah has come to die. Suggestions for prayer Pray that you would deeply sense the truth that because of your sins you deserve death and Hell. Pray that you would be thankful that the Messiah is your Passover Lamb. Rev. Nathan Brummel is Professor of Systematic Theology and New Testament at Divine Hope Reformed Bible Seminary, and an associate pastor at Immanuel United Reformed Church in DeMotte, Indiana. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

December 26 - The newborn King fulfills prophecy

“And he went and lived in a city called Nazareth, that what was spoken by the prophets might be fulfilled: “He shall be called a Nazarene.”” - Matthew 2:23  Scripture reading: Matthew 2:13-23 Matthew presents numerous events connected to Jesus’ birth and early childhood as fulfillment of ancient prophecies. In Matthew 2:13-23, Matthew tells us that Jesus fulfilled three different prophecies. First, Matthew writes that the flight of the holy family to Egypt and their return to Israel involved a fulfillment of a prophecy in Hosea 11:1 that spoke of God calling His Son out of Egypt. The prophecy in Hosea 11:1 reveals that the people of God and their deliverance from Egypt was typical of how the Messiah would also be called out of Egypt. Second, Matthew identifies King Herod’s brutal murder of the Bethlehem infants as a fulfillment of a prophecy in Jeremiah 31:15. Rachel, the beloved wife of the patriarch Jacob, is pictured as mourning for her massacred descendants. This mourning was a type of how Bethlehem’s mothers mourned the death of their infant boys at the hands of Herod’s troops. Third, an ancient prophecy predicted that Jesus would be called a “Nazarene.” Since Joseph was too scared to live in Bethlehem, he moved the family to Nazareth. Matthew states that this was a fulfillment of prophecy. The apparent difficulty with understanding this prophecy is that we cannot find it in the Old Testament. It is possible that this was a verbal prophecy that had never been written down. Others think that the fact that Jesus lived in a despised town like Nazareth involved Him fulfilling the prophecy in Isaiah 53:3 that said that the Messiah would be “despised and rejected of men.” Suggestions for prayer Pray that the Lord would help you to see Jesus Christ in types and shadows in the Old Testament. Pray that you would be willing to suffer shame for the name of Christ. Rev. Nathan Brummel is Professor of Systematic Theology and New Testament at Divine Hope Reformed Bible Seminary, and an associate pastor at Immanuel United Reformed Church in DeMotte, Indiana. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

December 25 - Wise gentiles worship the King of the Jews

“Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem.” - Matthew 2:1  Scripture reading: Matthew 2:1-12 When Jesus was born in Bethlehem, God caused a bright star to shine in the east. Balaam, the false prophet, had predicted that a star would rise out of Jacob (Numbers 24:17). God sent a miracle star. Somehow the magi, who were students of the stars, realized that the star was unique and significant. Later, this miracle star would appear right over the home in Bethlehem where the infant Saviour was living. Jesus is like a star. Stars shine in the darkness. Christ is the “bright and morning star.” Stars provided the ancients with direction for travel. Christ’s teaching reveals the way in which wretched sinners can be reconciled to a holy and just God. Soon, Gentile magi travel hundreds of miles in search of the King of the Jews. What an embarrassing reception the wisemen receive in Jerusalem. The Jews do not even know that the promised Messiah has been born. King Herod becomes suspicious of a potential rival. The king does pretend to celebrate Christmas. Learning that the Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem, the magi continue their journey. The star reappears. The wisemen gave the first Christmas presents: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Gentile scholars bow before the infant Jesus. Jesus is king and should be honoured as such. The coming of these Gentiles to worship Jesus prefigures the future ingathering of a catholic church. God sent uncircumcised Gentile magi to worship Christ to show that the Saviour is Lord of all and that both Jews and Gentiles owe Him adoration. Suggestions for prayer Pray that you would want to bring honour and worship to the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray that you would be generous with the gifts that you give to the Lord as you donate to Christian causes. Rev. Nathan Brummel is Professor of Systematic Theology and New Testament at Divine Hope Reformed Bible Seminary, and an associate pastor at Immanuel United Reformed Church in DeMotte, Indiana. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

December 24 - Elderly Anna’s urban witness

“And coming up at that very hour she began to give thanks to God and to speak of him to all who were waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem.” - Luke 2:38  Scripture reading: Luke 2:36-38 They would have called her “Hannah.” Her Hebrew name meant “grace.” By God’s grace, elderly Hannah was a pious believer. She was among a remnant saved from the tribe of Asher. The so-called “lost tribes” were not completely lost, even though most Jews from the ten tribes probably never returned from captivity in Assyria. Hannah was an elderly widow. Some commentators have thought that she was a widow for 84 years. It is more probable that she was 84 years old. She had outlived most of her contemporaries. She never remarried. As a widow she was dependent and needy. This aged widow devoted herself to God and the worship of Him. Day and night she worshipped in the Temple. When the gates were open, she was there. She fasted and prayed for the covenant people and for the coming of the kingdom of God. In the providence of God, Hannah encountered the newborn Saviour. Joseph and Mary came to carry out the sacrifices connected with redeeming a firstborn child. The aged Simeon had just publicly celebrated the arrival of the promised Saviour. Hannah’s response to meeting the baby Jesus was twofold. First, she gave thanks to God. Second, she was an urban witness. She witnessed about the birth of the king “to all who were waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem.” Electrified by the discovery of the promised Messiah, Hannah went around the city, sharing the good news. Elderly saints don’t retire from celebrating the birth of the king. Suggestions for prayer Pray that you would continue to be a witness to the Saviour even in old age. Pray that God would give you the joy and courage to witness about the birth of the king to your neighbours who live in darkness. Rev. Nathan Brummel is Professor of Systematic Theology and New Testament at Divine Hope Reformed Bible Seminary, and an associate pastor at Immanuel United Reformed Church in DeMotte, Indiana. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

December 23 - God’s Christmas gift

“Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift!” - 2 Corinthians 9:15 Scripture reading: 2 Corinthians 9:1-15 Jesus was a gift from God. If this gift had Christmas wrapping, it was only swaddling clothes. This gift did not come with impressive or fancy wrappings, yet Jesus is more precious than any gift that has ever been unwrapped. Only one gift can satisfy our deepest desires and needs. Any Christmas present that we receive this year can only bring a moment of elation or a little ongoing fun. The gift of Jesus results in everlasting joy and unending happiness. In this life we have only a small beginning of the joy and rest that we will experience in the new world. Christ is the unspeakable gift. You cannot fully explain or describe the greatness of this gift with limited, human language. We can’t put into words what Jesus means to us. Christ is an inexpressible gift. You can’t express how precious and great a gift the Saviour is. Jesus was the perfect gift. Earthly presents and earthly joys do not last. The gift of Jesus brings joy amidst all the trials of life. The Apostle Paul teaches us that the appropriate response to the gift of Christ is to express thanksgiving: “Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift!” You might receive Christmas presents for which you do not feel thankful. Maybe you didn’t need the gift. Some gifts disappoint; it is even hard to smile and say a meaningful ‘thank-you’. But we sinful sons and daughters of Adam and Eve know that we do need the gift of Christ. We better be thankful. Suggestions for prayer Thank God for the gift of Jesus. In your prayer try to express why you appreciate the gift of Jesus. Rev. Nathan Brummel is Professor of Systematic Theology and New Testament at Divine Hope Reformed Bible Seminary, and an associate pastor at Immanuel United Reformed Church in DeMotte, Indiana. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

December 18 - His name is ‘Jesus’

“She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” - Matthew 1:21 Scripture reading: Matthew 1:18-25 The names and titles of Jesus Christ are significant: they are revelatory of His person, natures, and work. God the Father told Joseph what to name Mary’s child. What a beautiful name the Saviour was given: the name of ‘Jesus’. Charles Spurgeon said: “So inexpressibly fragrant is the name of Jesus that it imparts a delicious perfume to everything which comes in connection with it.” Why is it such a beautiful and fragrant name? The name of Jesus is a beautiful name because it reveals that the Messiah is Jehovah God incarnate. The first part of this name is a shortened form of Jehovah or Yahweh. It is revelatory of the fact that God is the I AM WHO I AM. He shows an unchanging covenant faithfulness to His people. Jesus, in controversy with His Jewish opponents, would say: “Before Abraham was, I AM.” The unbelieving Jews must have thought that the ground shook under their feet, when a young, bearded, Jewish man of around 30 years of age said: “Before Abraham was, I AM.” The name “Jesus” is beautiful because it reveals that the Saviour is divine. And only God can save. The second part of Jesus’ name is beautiful because it reveals that He is Saviour. In the Old Testament, Joshua had the same name. The name meant “Jehovah salvation” or “Jehovah saves.” Therefore, Jesus’ name reveals that He is the One Who will save His people from the guilt of their sin and the power of the Devil. Suggestions for prayer Pray that you would have a deep sense of the truth that you can do nothing to save yourself and that Jesus is the only and complete Saviour of sinners. Pray that your children and grandchildren would trust in Jesus alone for deliverance from sin and Satan. Rev. Nathan Brummel is Professor of Systematic Theology and New Testament at Divine Hope Reformed Bible Seminary, and an associate pastor at Immanuel United Reformed Church in DeMotte, Indiana. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

December 17 - Magnifying the Lord with your soul

“And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour.”” - Luke 1:46  Scripture reading: Luke 1:46-56 Mary’s prayer is often called the “Magnificat”. The title comes from the first word of this prayer in the Latin Vulgate. Our English versions translate the same word as “magnifies”. The Virgin Mary states that her “soul magnifies the Lord” (Luke 1:46). Mary sang this song when she arrived at the home of Elizabeth. By the Holy Spirit, Elizabeth recognizes Mary as the mother of her Lord. The teenaged Mary responds by magnifying God. She models how worship, as to its inner essence, is the magnification of God and His Christ. To magnify something is to enlarge it or to make it great. You look through a magnifying glass to make something look larger. When God is magnified, He appears larger. The events in Mary’s life are like a magnifying glass that enables her to see something of the greatness of God. The Virgin Mary has larger and grander thoughts of God than ever before. These grander thoughts also cause her to rejoice: “and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour” (Luke 1:47). The greater her perception of the greatness of God, the greater her joy. Firsthand, she realizes the omnipotence of God: He can cause a virgin to conceive. She also sees the greatness of God’s grace evident in Him choosing her, a youthful and poor girl, to be the mother of the Messiah. She also celebrates the greatness of God’s covenant faithfulness. God has kept His ancient promise to provide the Seed of the Woman as the Saviour. Suggestions for prayer Pray that you would engage in genuine worship by actively magnifying God’s name. Pray that you would help others to see the magnificence and greatness of the triune God. Rev. Nathan Brummel is Professor of Systematic Theology and New Testament at Divine Hope Reformed Bible Seminary, and an associate pastor at Immanuel United Reformed Church in DeMotte, Indiana. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

December 16 - The sign of Immanuel’s virgin mother

“Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” - Isaiah 7:14 Scripture reading: Isaiah 7:1-14 The unbelief of Ahaz, king of Judah, stands in sharp contrast to the faith of the Virgin Mary. King Ahaz’s lack of faith in God was evident in how he responded to a crisis when King Rezin of Syria and King Pekah of Israel joined in an alliance to attack the kingdom of Judah. Ahaz did not seek direction or help from the LORD. God sent Isaiah to meet with the king as Ahaz was inspecting the water reserves. The Lord commanded Ahaz to choose a sign, like a demonstration in the heavens. But Ahaz hypocritically refused to ask for a sign, claiming that he didn’t want to tempt God. In response, the Lord Himself gives a sign to Judah. A virgin would give birth to a child who would be named “Immanuel.” Many commentators have thought that this prophecy had a double fulfillment. They think that a virgin who was a contemporary of King Ahaz got married and then had a child. I think that the reference is solely to the Virgin Mary who, 700 years later, would become pregnant. Both the Hebrew and Greek words for “virgin” refer to a young lady of marriageable age who had never engaged in the act of marriage. In fulfillment of this prophecy, Mary gave birth to the Saviour, Who was the Son of the Highest. The name “Immanuel” reveals that God will dwell with His people. God dwelt with us becoming incarnate in the womb of the Virgin Mary. He continues to indwell us by His Spirit. Suggestions for prayer Pray that you would have a deep sense of how Jesus is with you by His Spirit. Pray that you would not grieve the Holy Spirit by how you use your bodily members. Rev. Nathan Brummel is Professor of Systematic Theology and New Testament at Divine Hope Reformed Bible Seminary, and an associate pastor at Immanuel United Reformed Church in DeMotte, Indiana. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

December 15 - Mary’s cheerful self-surrender

“And Mary said, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her.” - Luke 1:38 Scripture reading: Luke 1:26-38 The account of the Virgin Mary’s cheerful self-surrender to the will of God is so piercing and powerful because it is historical. It is not just a story. Even though Mary is a young, unmarried girl, she immediately believes God’s Word. It is true that her faith seeks understanding. How can she get pregnant without a man? But she believes Gabriel when he tells her: “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you” (Luke 1:35a). It dawns on the Virgin Mary that God’s angel is telling her that she will become pregnant, have a child who is the Son of God, and that her child will be the promised Messiah. Mary gladly surrenders to God’s will. She happily submits even though people will assume that she is pregnant out of wedlock. She surrenders to God’s will even though Joseph, her betrothed, will not initially understand. She places her wedding in jeopardy. Yet Mary submits to the Lord’s will. Her response is beautiful: “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word” (Luke 1:38). And God uses her so that she becomes, as the Creed of Chalcedon states, “the mother of God, according to the manhood.” Mary is a model for how we should respond to Christ and the claims that He makes on His disciples. When Christ calls us to follow Him, we must submit even though it means that we must take up our crosses. Suggestions for prayer Pray that you would surrender to God’s wise, fatherly will, when He makes His will known to you. Pray that you would be willing to follow Christ, even when He calls you to sacrificial suffering. Rev. Nathan Brummel is Professor of Systematic Theology and New Testament at Divine Hope Reformed Bible Seminary, and an associate pastor at Immanuel United Reformed Church in DeMotte, Indiana. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

December 10 - A man of sorrows

“He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not.” - Isaiah 53:3  Scripture reading: Isaiah 53:1-12 Jesus was despised by men. He would experience painful rejection in His hometown. The congregation in Nazareth became furious when Jesus told them that He was the promised Messiah and that God was sovereign in showing mercy to whomever He willed. Jesus mentioned God’s sovereignty in showing mercy to a Gentile widow in Sidon during the ministry of Elijah the prophet. He also mentioned how God only chose to show mercy to one leper during the ministry of Elisha the prophet, and the healed leper was a Syrian (Naaman). Dr. Luke records how the people in Nazareth rejected Jesus: “And they rose up and drove him out of the town and brought him to the brow of the hill on which their town was built, so that they could throw him down the cliff” (Luke 4:29). Jesus was a man of sorrows, as if sorrows were part of His nature. He was not just sorrowful, but the king of those who sorrow. He had a double portion of grief. The cup that He drank was bitter. His baptism was deeper than any baptism that His disciples would experience. The word “sorrows” is in the plural. Jesus had numerous sorrows. The crowning sorrow of Jesus’ life was His cross. In the Garden of Gethsemane, we are told that Jesus was “exceedingly sorrowful, even unto death.” He suffered all His life long, with increasing vehemence. His greatest grief came as He hung on the cross and was forsaken by God the Father. Suggestions for prayer Pray that you would appreciate Christ as a Man of sorrows. Thank God that you do not need to suffer the sorrows of Hell or have the grief of being forsaken by God the Father. Thank the Lord Jesus for suffering such grief on your behalf. Rev. Nathan Brummel is Professor of Systematic Theology and New Testament at Divine Hope Reformed Bible Seminary, and an associate pastor at Immanuel United Reformed Church in DeMotte, Indiana. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

December 9 - The servant offering himself to the smiters and spitters

“I gave my back to those who strike, and my cheeks to those who pull out the beard; I hid not my face from disgrace and spitting.” - Isaiah 50:6 Scripture reading: Isaiah 50:1-11 In the third servant song, which is found in Isaiah chapter 50, the Servant of Jehovah speaks of the fury of His enemies and the spite directed towards Him. In Isaiah 50:6 the Servant of the LORD predicts that He would offer His back to smiters and His face to spitters. In this prophecy, the Saviour predicts that He would willingly present His back to strikers. He would not be compelled. He would willingly offer His back. During His ministry, Jesus emphasized His willing sacrifice: “No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord” (John 10:18a). It is the voluntary nature of Jesus’ passive obedience that makes His redemptive work so meritorious and precious. He freely and willingly suffered pain and shame in our place. Jesus willingly gave His back to the Roman soldiers so that they could whip Him. The good news is that “with his stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5b). It is remarkable that wicked men dared to spit in the face of the Son of God. In the New World, it will take faith to believe that rebellious creatures ever dared to profane the face of such a glorious king with spittle. At His Jewish trials, “some began to spit on him” (Mark 14:65). Jesus offered His face to the Roman soldiers: “And they were striking his head with a reed and spitting on him” (Mark 15:19). They were able to spit at Him because Jesus gave His face to the spitters. Suggestions for prayer Pray that you would be willing to suffer shame for the name of Jesus. Pray that you would celebrate Christ as your substitute. Rev. Nathan Brummel is Professor of Systematic Theology and New Testament at Divine Hope Reformed Bible Seminary, and an associate pastor at Immanuel United Reformed Church in DeMotte, Indiana. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

December 8 - The gentle Redeemer of elect Jew and Gentile

“A bruised reed he will not break, and a faintly burning wick he will not quench; he will faithfully bring forth justice.” - Isaiah 42:3  Scripture reading: Isaiah 42:1-9 Matthew, the gospel writer, tells us that the prophecy found in Isaiah 42 was fulfilled in the ministry of Jesus. He describes how Jesus was healing the crowds and telling them not to publicize his miracles: “And many followed him, and he healed them all and ordered them not to make him known” (Matthew 12:15-16). Then Matthew states that Jesus was fulfilling what was prophesied by Isaiah in Isaiah 42 and quotes from it. Jesus is tender with His sheep and lambs. Isaiah predicted this: “He will tend his flock like a shepherd; he will gather the lambs in his arms; he will carry them in his bosom, and gently lead those that are with young” (Isaiah 40:11). Jesus will not break a bruised reed. A damaged reed can be in danger of getting knocked over. When a member of Christ’s flock feels weak and at a breaking point, the Good Shepherd will be patient and kind. He gently rebukes us. He redirects us without beating us senseless. When we are fragile, He is our strength. He graciously upholds and strengthens us because He knows our frame. Sometimes, our faith is like an ember, like the glowing orange on the wick of a candle after you have blown it out. We can despair of trusting in God. When our faith is weak because of trials and tribulations, Christ does not send greater troubles that snuff out our faith. He protects the ember. He restores our faith. He fans it into flame again. Such is our tender Saviour. Suggestions for prayer Pray that the Lord would strengthen the faith of each one of your family members and give them a rich assurance of their salvation. Ask God to strengthen your faith now so that when trials come, your faith can burn brightly. Rev. Nathan Brummel is Professor of Systematic Theology and New Testament at Divine Hope Reformed Bible Seminary, and an associate pastor at Immanuel United Reformed Church in DeMotte, Indiana. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

December 7 - Isaiah’s prophecy of the lame leaping

“Then shall the lame man leap like a deer, and the tongue of the mute sing for joy.” - Isaiah 35:6  Scripture reading: Isaiah 35:1-10 Joy pervades a prophecy about the coming of the Messiah in Isaiah 35. Isaiah has been called the gospel account of the Old Testament because it speaks so prophetically of the ministry of Jesus. When the Messiah comes there will be a radical change. This change is pictured in two ways. First, this radical change is pictured as the land of Israel being transformed from a desert into an oasis. Christ will bring about a complete, all-embracing change. He will produce shalom. The desert will flower. What was formerly desert will be as beautiful and green as Lebanon, Carmel, and Sharon. Isaiah speaks of a raised causeway, a highway, on which the redeemed can travel back to the City of God. Second, this radical change is pictured by the healing of disabled persons. The lame man who needed to shuffle along suddenly leaps like a deer for joy. The mute man does not merely begin to speak, he shouts aloud with joy. The prophecy about the covenant people traveling through the desert on this holy highway was fulfilled typically when the Jews returned from Babylon. It is fulfilled as elect Gentiles come to faith in the Messiah. It is fulfilled repeatedly as individual elect sinners turn to God and as pilgrims hike towards the Celestial City. Jesus fulfilled this prophecy in His ministry of healing. He understood it as referring to His miracles. When John the Baptist had doubts about Jesus’ identity, the Saviour pointed John’s disciples to this prophecy (Matthew 11:4-5). Suggestions for prayer Ask God, in the name of Jesus, to grant healing mercies for any of your loved ones who are sick. Rev. Nathan Brummel is Professor of Systematic Theology and New Testament at Divine Hope Reformed Bible Seminary, and an associate pastor at Immanuel United Reformed Church in DeMotte, Indiana. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

December 2 - The singular seed was Christ

“Now the promises were made to Abraham and to his offspring. It does not say, “And to offsprings,” referring to many, but referring to one, “And to your offspring,” who is Christ.” - Galatians 3:16  Scripture reading: Galatians 3:10-18 When God established His covenant of grace with Abraham, He stated that this covenant was made with Abraham’s seed. The Hebrew word “seed” is translated as “offspring” in the ESV. In Genesis 12:7, God tells Abraham, “To your offspring I will give this land.” In His statement of the covenant of grace in Genesis 17:7, God tells Abraham: “And I will establish my covenant between me and you and your offspring after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your offspring after you.” God tells Abraham that the covenant promises are given not only to Abraham, but to his seed. In Galatians 3:16, the Apostle Paul makes the exegetical point that the word “seed” is singular. Translations like the NKJV translate the singular word as the plural “descendants”: “to be God to you and your descendants after you.” Paul clarifies that the original word was singular, referring to Jesus. Fundamentally, the covenant of grace was established with Christ and all His elect. Paul teaches that all the covenantal promises of God find their fulfillment in Jesus Christ. The promises that God made to Christ, the singular Seed of Abraham, were kept. God also keeps the promises made to all who would be united to Christ by faith. Gentiles receive this promise by faith, not works. God promised Abraham that the covenant promises were for elect Gentiles as well. He told Abraham that “in you and your offspring shall all the families of the earth be blessed” (Genesis 28:14). Suggestions for prayer Pray that you would have a deep sense of your sinfulness so that you would celebrate that you have received the promises due to the grace of God alone and by faith in Christ alone. Pray that you would reject the idea of doing good works to be justified. Rev. Nathan Brummel is Professor of Systematic Theology and New Testament at Divine Hope Reformed Bible Seminary, and an associate pastor at Immanuel United Reformed Church in DeMotte, Indiana. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

December 1 - Introduction to the incarnation

In the month of December, we reflect on the miracle of miracles, the wonder of the incarnation of the Son of God. Isn’t it wonderful that the Holy Spirit inspired the Scriptures so that we could have wonderful stories about the conception, birth, and childhood of our Saviour! During this month we will begin by reflecting on how Old Testament prophecies pointed ahead to the coming of the promised Messiah. As Christmas Day approaches, we will ponder the stories that surround the birth of Jesus. We will conclude with John the Baptist introducing Jesus as the Lamb of God. As we reflect on the birth of our Saviour, we want to meditate on the astonishing events and astounding realities involved. We want to be like Mary who pondered everything she saw and heard. She mused on what the Angel Gabriel had told her. She reflected on the reports of the shepherds. She thought about who her baby boy could be. Mary is an example of faith seeking understanding. She took the time to think about what everything meant. And so it should be with us. We believe that God became a man. We have faith in Jesus of Nazareth. We worship Him, just as the Gentile magi worshiped the infant Jesus. We believe, but we do not fully grasp. We know that the person of the Son of God united Himself to a human nature. But we do not fully comprehend this reality. Both the doctrines of the incarnation and the trinity are profound mysteries. So, we ponder. We muse. We reflect. We meditate on the wonder of the ages, that the only begotten Son of God came into this world to destroy the power of the Devil and to redeem us, His people. The seed of the woman came to destroy the devil’s work “Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.” - 1 John 3:8  Scripture reading: 1 John 3:1-10 Why did Christmas occur? Why did Jesus come? Why did the Son of God condescend to assume a human nature? Why did God become man? Why did the Son of God personally unite Himself to a human nature? Part of the answer is that Christ came to fulfill the mother promise made in Genesis 3:15. This oldest of all promises predicted that the Saviour would destroy the Devil. In 1 John 3:8, the Apostle John writes about how Jesus fulfilled an ancient prophecy that God gave in the Garden of Eden. In the mother of all promises, God told Satan: “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel” (Genesis 3:15). God told Satan that the seed of the woman would bruise or crush his head. The Apostle John states that the Son of God came to destroy the plans and works of the Old Serpent. Christmas occurred because Christ came to destroy Satan’s attempt to rule over all humanity. It is true that Christ will punish the Devil by casting him into the lake of fire and sulphur on Judgment Day. But the Apostle John emphasizes that Christ came to destroy the works of the Devil. These works include all his plans to corrupt the church. They include Satan’s work in raising up the final, vicious Antichrist. Suggestions for prayer Pray that God would empower you to fight against the temptations of the Devil. Pray that angel armies would guard your children and grandchildren. Rev. Nathan Brummel is Professor of Systematic Theology and New Testament at Divine Hope Reformed Bible Seminary, and an associate pastor at Immanuel United Reformed Church in DeMotte, Indiana. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

November 30 - He who calls you is faithful

“He who calls you is faithful; He will surely do it.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:24 Scripture reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:23-28 Paul now draws the letter to a close and as we, along with the Thessalonians reflect on the contents, we must conclude that Paul has painted a glorious picture of the church. In referring to the pastorate, the fellowship and the worship of the Thessalonian congregation, he has touched on the three main relationships of church members – to their pastors, to each other and to God. They were to respect and love their pastors and elders. They were to exercise mutual care and support for fellow members and they were to listen and respond favourably to God. All of that had been taught them in this letter. What a tremendous obligation he had laid upon the members. That life of sanctification would have seemed impossible to them and it was, therefore, Paul offers one more word of encouragement. He writes, “He who calls you is faithful; He will surely do it.” Paul reminds them that God, having begun His good work among them by calling them out of darkness within them by giving His Holy Spirit, would never abandon the work of His hands. God is faithful; His people often are not. God’s children are weak and often stray from the straight and narrow path. Satan was determined to tear the new saints out of God’s hand. Satan sought to destroy their new found faith, but it would not be possible. When God calls, He also grants what is necessary to fulfill the calling. That was true for the Thessalonians and the promise is still for us today. Suggestions for prayer Thank God that He is sovereign, faithful and almighty. Thank Him that His saving power is greater than Satan’s determination to destroy. Rev. Mark Zylstra is an emeritus minister of the United Reformed Churches in North America. He and his wife Corrie, live in Smithville ON and their home church is Wellandport, ON URC. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

November 29 - Avoiding appearance of evil

“Do not despise prophecies, but test everything; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:20-22 Scripture reading: Psalm 84:1-12 The ESV translated the text as: “Abstain from every form of evil”, but other Bible versions translate it to read, “Avoid all appearance of evil”. Although both translations are valid, in the context of testing the teachings of false prophets, and the injunction to “hold fast to what is good”, it would appear that Paul is warning about prophecies that might “appear” to be false. Calvin, reflecting on this text, observes that any teaching, not having been proven false, but yet gives the appearance of perhaps being so, is to be avoided. Any teaching based on Scripture and the “Three Forms of Unity” (Heidelberg Catechism, Belgic Confession and Canons of Dort) are to be accepted, but if an interpretation raises doubts and questions, it is better to avoid it unless and until more clarity can be given from Scripture. In other words, Paul’s advice to the Thessalonian Christians is to not only reject any and all teaching clearly in conflict with what they had been taught previously by himself, but they were also to avoid any interpretation or teaching that was doubtful or questionable. Paul’s love for the Thessalonians compels him to warn them of the danger of being led astray while on their road to God and eternity. In another place, Paul speaks of the Deceiver and those who are deceived. Here he warns of the danger of falling victim to the Deceiver by allowing ourselves to be deceived by false prophets. We need to know the Scriptures so we can test and separate the false from the true. Suggestions for prayer Ask the Lord for the gift of discernment, enabling you to distinguish truth from error. Rev. Mark Zylstra is an emeritus minister of the United Reformed Churches in North America. He and his wife Corrie, live in Smithville ON and their home church is Wellandport, ON URC. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

November 24 - Spiritual watchfulness

“So then let us not sleep, as others do, but let us keep awake and be sober.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:6  Scripture reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:6-10 Paul has taught the Thessalonians that they and all other Christians are sons of light and not of darkness. They belong to the day, not to the night and therefore Paul exhorts them not to sleep, but to remain watchful and sober. To sleep, in this context means to live as if there will be no tomorrow or never be a day of judgment. Paul is warning against spiritual and moral lethargy. To be watchful is to live a sanctified life, conscious of the coming Judgment Day. The watchful individual has his lamp burning and his loins girded and in that spirit, he looks forward to the return of the Bridegroom. Christians need to be awake and sober. Paul contrasts the soberness of the Christian with the drunkenness of the worldling. The world stumbles around in drunkenness and darkness, but the Christian walks soberly and expectantly in the light. But for the Christian, watchfulness does not mean simply being passive while waiting. That was Paul’s point to the Thessalonians. They had become passive in their waiting and watching and now Paul stirs them up to intense activity. Paul tells them that their calling as children of the light is to carry the light into the world. They were to fight the good fight of faith and conquer the darkness with the light of the gospel. The question Paul presses upon us today is this: to which kingdom do you belong, light or darkness? Are you still asleep or awake? Has the light of Jesus Christ shone upon you? Suggestions for prayer Ask the Lord to strengthen your faith so that the light of Christ may shine ever more bright in you. Rev. Mark Zylstra is an emeritus minister of the United Reformed Churches in North America. He and his wife Corrie, live in Smithville ON and their home church is Wellandport, ON URC. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

November 23 - Children of the light

“For you are all children of light, children of the day. We are not of the night or of the darkness.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:5 Scripture reading: Matthew 27:45-50 In verse four of this chapter, Paul addresses the Thessalonians affectionately when he refers to them as “brothers”. Here Paul again uses the affectionate term. He addresses them as “you all”. Paul is not using “all” in the universal sense, but he identifies the “all” as: “all” those who by sovereign grace have been adopted into the family of God through Jesus Christ. All those, says Paul in verse five, are “lights”. By nature we are all children of darkness. There is darkness in our hearts and we walk in darkness; but that all changes when God works the miracle of regeneration. He had done so in Thessalonica. God had blessed the preaching of Paul and had worked faith into the hearts of His elect, who in turn had responded to the call of the gospel, had come out of darkness and entered into the kingdom of light. Their sin-darkened minds had been illumined, their stopped-up ears and closed eyes had been opened, enabling them to see their need for Christ and hear His call. In grace, the light of Jesus Christ has shone in their hearts and they are destined for the realm of everlasting light. Because Jesus is the light of the world, the Thessalonian Christians also were lights in the world. God’s Word now would be a light upon their feet and a lamp upon their path and they would take that light into the world. Suggestions for prayer Ask God for more opportunities to take your light of faith into the dark world in which you live. Rev. Mark Zylstra is an emeritus minister of the United Reformed Churches in North America. He and his wife Corrie, live in Smithville ON and their home church is Wellandport, ON URC. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

November 22 - Like a thief in the night

“While people are saying, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as labour pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:3  Scripture reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-5 Although Paul cannot tell the hour of Christ’s return, he does give us several clues; it will come “as a thief in the night.” When he uses that imagery, his point is not only the thief, but also the night. In fact, the emphasis falls on Christ’s return taking place in the night. His imagery is not literal, but figurative. Jesus will return in the dark night of moral degeneration and spiritual darkness. We are living in the “evening hours” of this world. The spiritual darkness is becoming ever darker and more oppressive. Then, when people are congratulating themselves on mankind’s incredible progress, claiming to see peace and security all around them, Jesus will return. The imagery of the thief in the night also contains the idea of surprise. A thief doesn’t announce his presence or send advance notice of his plan to rob you so that you could prepare yourself. Those who have prepared themselves, who are awake, have nothing to fear. It is only the careless ones, who are at ease in Zion, who slumber with their doors wide open, are the ones in danger. What about us? Are we worried about earthly things, but unconcerned about the heavenly? Are you postponing your conversion, continuing in sin, certain that there is plenty of time? Do you expect the Lord will let you know when He will take you out of this life? Tomorrow is always too late. Provide for the safety of your soul by turning to Christ while it is still the day of grace. Suggestions for prayer Ask God to daily remind you that His return will be sudden and unexpected. Ask to live joyfully each day, eagerly anticipating His coming because you know that even death will not separate you from the love of God in Christ. Rev. Mark Zylstra is an emeritus minister of the United Reformed Churches in North America. He and his wife Corrie, live in Smithville ON and their home church is Wellandport, ON URC. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

November 21 - Encouraging one another 

“Therefore encourage one another with these words.” - 1 Thessalonians 4:18  Scripture reading: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Paul was not telling the Thessalonians anything new when he said, “We shall be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.” That’s precisely what they expected and had been waiting for. They longed to “greet Him in the air”. They longed to prepare a “joyous entry” into the new earth under a new heaven. Every day they had been listening for the voice of the archangel signalling Christ’s return and the end of time as they knew it. Then something happened for which they were totally unprepared: death entered their midst and took some of their members away. Death is always painful for those who remain behind, but those deaths in the Thessalonian congregation were exceptionally painful and confusing for the church. They had believed that Christ would come soon, and would find them all alive, waiting for Him. Then death entered the picture. They had not expected that and were confused. What was most painful for them was the question: what would happen to those who died before Christ returned? They did not know where the dead would be when Jesus returned. Paul sets their mind at ease. Paul declared that “we who are alive, we who are left until the coming of the Lord, shall not precede those who have fallen asleep”. The dead will not be left behind. They will be awakened and then the living and the dead will be taken up in the clouds together. Comfort one another with those words. Suggestions for prayer Thank God for that glorious prospect of joining Him for all eternity. When death approaches a loved one or even yourself, give thanks to God that death is not death, but is your entrance into eternal glory. Rev. Mark Zylstra is an emeritus minister of the United Reformed Churches in North America. He and his wife Corrie, live in Smithville ON and their home church is Wellandport, ON URC. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

November 16 - Living moral lives

“For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality.” - 1 Thessalonians 4:3  Scripture reading: Matthew 5:27-32 Paul begins where we would like to stop. We think that once we have been regenerated, we have reached our goal, but the Bible teaches us that once having been reborn, we are only getting started. A long, fearsome road of struggling against the world, the devil and our own flesh begins after rebirth. God wants us to be sanctified! In 1 Thessalonians 4:3-6 Paul tells the Thessalonians what is involved in sanctification. He mentions that their sanctification must first be worked out in the area of marriage. Even in their marriages, they must make it obvious that they are a changed, converted people. It is easy to see why Paul would mention the need for sanctified marriages when we remember that these people had only recently been converted from paganism. They had only recently become Christians, but they had come from and were still living in a heathen environment. It would not have been easy for them to break from their heathen customs and practices. Paul teaches them that marriage was ordained by God for God’s glory and for man’s benefit and enjoyment. It was to be a lifelong commitment between one man and one woman. What God had joined together may not be broken by man. Paul still speaks to the church today. We too live amidst a pagan culture where marriage is no longer sacred or honoured. Tragically even among church members we see so much brokenness and sin in the area of marriage and human sexuality. Suggestions for prayer Pray that God would help us to live morally pure lives. Ask Him to help us to love, honour and cherish our marriage partners. Rev. Mark Zylstra is an emeritus minister of the United Reformed Churches in North America. He and his wife Corrie, live in Smithville ON and their home church is Wellandport, ON URC. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

November 15 - Pleasing God in our walk

“Finally, then, brothers, we ask and urge you in the Lord Jesus, that as you received from us how you ought to walk and to please God, just as you are doing, that you do so more and more.” - 1 Thessalonians 4:1 Scripture reading: 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8 Paul is still conducting himself towards the congregation as a mother nurturing her infant child. Patiently and lovingly, Paul urges the congregation to greater sanctification. He doesn’t come with any heavy handedness; he doesn’t exercise his authority and command the church to holiness. No, we read he “urges” them. Because of their union with Christ, Whom he represented and Whose Spirit inspired him, Paul’s desire is that they may excel or abound more and more in the business of leading holy, sanctified lives, doing the will of God and conducting themselves properly in their daily walk. It is evident that Paul’s desire for them is that they would keep God’s law for holy living out of gratitude for what God had done for them. In love and with great tactfulness, he assures them that he has noticed that they were indeed already conducting themselves in a manner that pleased the Lord, but their road to sanctification needed to continue. They should not stagnate. Paul’s desire was that the branches that were already bearing fruit would bear even more fruit (John 15:2). The members of the Thessalonian church had just recently been converted from paganism and although there was evidence of genuine zeal among the congregation, that zeal needed to be taught and directed. We know from Scripture that in this life even the holiest of men have yet but a small beginning towards sanctification and that was certainly the case here among these new believers. They needed to be taught in order to grow. Suggestions for prayer Thank God for all of the Biblical instruction available to us. We have preaching, catechism, Bible Study groups, Christian Schools and we have the Bible in our homes. Ask God to help you in your efforts to grow. Rev. Mark Zylstra is an emeritus minister of the United Reformed Churches in North America. He and his wife Corrie, live in Smithville ON and their home church is Wellandport, ON URC. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

November 14 - Abounding in love

“…And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, as we do for you.” - 1 Thessalonians 3:12  Scripture reading: 1 Thessalonians 3:11–13 Unconverted men and women by nature, hate God and their neighbour. That’s what comes naturally to men and women who know not the Christ. Yet, by the miracle of rebirth, all of that changes. When God opens the hearts to the preaching, hearts are changed and true conversion is seen. As a natural consequence of that change, love is seen emanating from the hearts and lives of the born-again Christian. We see love for God and love for one another. That change had taken place in Thessalonica. Paul had preached, the Holy Spirit had worked and men and women were called out of darkness into God’s marvellous light. A spirit of love took hold of the congregation. Where they had formerly been enemies and haters of God and neighbour, there was now love, love for God and love for one another. But that love was not yet perfect; it needed to grow. The Thessalonians needed to grow in grace, faith and sanctification. Their love for God and for each other needed to grow, day by day. Through Christ’s intercessory prayers, the congregation needed to develop a deeper, stronger, more intense love. There needed to be true empathy and compassion for one another. They needed to be in constant prayer for one another. They needed to learn what it meant to: “Love God above all else and their neighbour as themselves.” If the Apostle Paul was to examine your congregation, if he was to examine your heart and life, would he find that so necessary love? Suggestions for prayer Ask God to create in you a deeper, stronger, warmer love for Him and for your fellow man, beginning with those in the household of faith. Rev. Mark Zylstra is an emeritus minister of the United Reformed Churches in North America. He and his wife Corrie, live in Smithville ON and their home church is Wellandport, ON URC. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

November 13 - We have been comforted about you through your faith

“… for this reason, brothers, in all our distress and affliction we have been comforted about you through your faith.” - 1 Thessalonians 3:7  Scripture reading: 1 Thessalonians 3:6–10 Paul and his companions worked day and night among the Thessalonians, but they were soon forced to leave. It appeared to them that many of the Thessalonians had accepted the gospel enthusiastically, but after leaving, the apostles wondered if the conversion they had seen had been genuine and so Paul sent Timothy back to Thessalonica to gauge the faith of the congregation. He returns bearing great news. Paul’s missionary work had been blessed by the Lord. Despite his affliction and suffering, Paul was greatly comforted by what he heard. His fear, that perhaps his missionary efforts had been in vain in Thessalonica, was now quickly dispelled. Timothy was able to report that there was evidence of love and faith in the church. The congregation also had spoken well of Paul’s work among them. They remembered him with fondness and they longed to see him again. That longing was reciprocal. Paul was concerned about his sheep. He loved them, longed to see them and hoped to see them joyfully serving the Lord, despite their hardships. In turn, the sheep longed for their shepherd. He had brought them to Christ and they now loved him and longed to see him again. Does that reciprocal love between shepherd and sheep exist between you and your pastor? As he labours in his calling, can your minister rejoice as he sees evidence of your faith at work in you? Suggestions for prayer Ask God to help you to develop a deeper love for those who labour in the churches as ministers. Pray that your minister may be comforted and rejoice in the faith he sees at work in you. Rev. Mark Zylstra is an emeritus minister of the United Reformed Churches in North America. He and his wife Corrie, live in Smithville ON and their home church is Wellandport, ON URC. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

November 8 - But we were gentle among you

“But we were gentle among you, like a nursing mother taking care of her own children.”  – 1 Thessalonians 2:7  Scripture reading: 2 Timothy 2:19–26 In 2 Tim. 2:24, we read, “And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone.” Paul demonstrated that gentle spirit in his interaction with potential converts during his missionary journeys. He was kind and gentle towards them. He describes the necessary spirit of missionary workers by comparing himself to being a mother towards the Thessalonian church members. He says, “We conducted ourselves as a nursing mother, taking care of her own children”. As a missionary, Paul acted in the spirit of the Good Shepherd. He tells his audience he was ready to share not only the gospel with them, but he was willing to give himself wholly to them because they had become very dear to him (vs.8). Paul uses the metaphor of a nursing mother towards her child. A mother will sacrifice herself for her child because of her indescribable love for the nursing infant. No task is too great. A mother is kind and gentle towards her children because of her intense love for them. We see in the example of the apostles the great love of Christ toward His children. His love for them is so intense that not only is He kind and gentle, but He sacrificed His life on the cross of Golgotha in order that His children may have life. May we demonstrate that same spirit of the apostles in our interaction with those who do not yet know Him. Suggestions for prayer Ask God not only for more opportunity to witness, but also that He would make you into a humble servant of the Lord, demonstrating a kind, gentle and loving spirit towards the unconverted. Rev. Mark Zylstra is an emeritus minister of the United Reformed Churches in North America. He and his wife Corrie, live in Smithville ON and their home church is Wellandport, ON URC. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

November 7 - Not seeking the praise of men

“Nor did we seek glory from people, whether from you or from others, though we could have made demands as apostles of Christ.” - 1 Thessalonians 2:6  Scripture reading: 1 Thessalonians 2:1–6 Paul and his fellow servants never sought the praises of men in their missionary efforts. Despite the fact that they worked day and night and despite the suffering they endured, all that mattered to them was that God would be glorified and that He would get all the credit. As they preached, they were determined to preach only Christ and Him crucified for their transgression and raised for their justification. They spoke only the word God gave them. They did not stroke the audience or tickle their ears to tell them what they thought they wanted to hear. They refused to compromise the message. They preached the truth and could confidently say: “thus saith the Lord”. But they also spoke it in love. Speaking the truth in love is not as much about having a gentle demeanour as it is about the way that truth and love go hand-in-hand. Because we love one another, we must speak the truth, but because we know Christ, we must also be a people characterized by love in our efforts to win others for Christ. God has graciously revealed Himself to us in Jesus Christ and we are now called to be instruments in His hand to share the good news with those who do not yet know Him. We are called to love those who do not know Christ and the best way we can show love is to share with them the truth of the gospel. Suggestions for prayer When attempting to witness, ask God to give you the courage to present the gospel in truth, but ask also that He will give you the gentleness to speak it in love. Rev. Mark Zylstra is an emeritus minister of the United Reformed Churches in North America. He and his wife Corrie, live in Smithville ON and their home church is Wellandport, ON URC. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

November 6 - We had already suffered

“But though we had already suffered and been shamefully treated at Philippi, as you know, we had boldness in our God to declare to you the gospel of God in the midst of much conflict.” - 1 Thessalonians 2:2  Scripture reading: Acts 16:13-24 Paul and Silas had experienced suffering in Philippi. They had been tortured and imprisoned, but none of that could cause them to abandon their mission of evangelism. The oppression and persecution could not hinder them from preaching Christ and Him crucified. When Paul refers to the shameful treatment he and Silas endured, he is not only thinking of their being falsely accused in Philippi, for that was only part of what the apostles had suffered. The apostles of Jesus Christ had been dragged into the marketplace before the rulers; they had been slandered, arrested, robbed of their clothing, imprisoned and had their feet locked in stocks. Nevertheless, in spite of this shameful suffering, by virtue of their union with Christ and therefore by His grace, they had summoned the courage to continue their work. They had heard Christ say: “When they persecute you in one town, flee to the next.” (Matthew 10:23). That’s precisely what they had done. They fled Philippi and journeyed to Thessalonica and continued to preach the gospel. Sometimes we become discouraged when living in a world filled with devils and here the Holy Spirit encourages us by showing us these disciples, desiring so eagerly and earnestly to tell the good news of the Gospel. They exerted themselves in order to do the will of God and win the Thessalonian people for Christ. Their example is given to spur us on in our attempts to evangelize. Suggestions for prayer Ask that God would fill you with a desire to witness and that He would give you the courage to speak His name boldly despite the opposition. Rev. Mark Zylstra is an emeritus minister of the United Reformed Churches in North America. He and his wife Corrie, live in Smithville ON and their home church is Wellandport, ON URC. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

November 5 - Turning away from idols

“For they themselves report concerning us the kind of reception we had among you, and how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God.” - 1 Thessalonians 1:9 Scripture reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:6-12 By nature, every person is an idol worshipper. That’s how the Thessalonians and we too, are born as a consequence of the “fall” in the Garden. But the Lord performed the miracles of rebirth in Thessalonica. Paul preached, the Spirit was active and hearts were made new. Idol worshippers were transformed into God worshippers. False Gods were abandoned and the true God was embraced. Those two activities always accompany true conversion. Turning from idols to God is evidence of authentic rebirth. When a man continues to serve idols he is not familiar with true conversion. The same is true for one who turns only temporarily from false gods. Think of Orpah (Ruth 1:14). She had been told of the true God of Israel by Naomi. When Naomi informed her daughters-in-law that she was returning to the land of the true God, initially Orpah followed her, turning away from her false gods and going with Naomi to the true God. However, she turned and returned to her country, her people and her false gods. Authentic rebirth had not found root in Orpah’s heart. However, in Thessalonica God had performed the miracle of regeneration. Think about that today as you go to worship, for it is still through preaching that men and women are regenerated. God will never abandon the work of His hands. What a blessed comfort for us to know that: He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion on the day of Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:6). Suggestions for prayer As you worship on this Lord’s Day, ask God to show you the idols in your life and then ask Him to turn your heart away from them. Ask Him for the necessary grace and desire to serve only Him. Thank Him for the miracle of rebirth. Rev. Mark Zylstra is an emeritus minister of the United Reformed Churches in North America. He and his wife Corrie, live in Smithville ON and their home church is Wellandport, ON URC. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

October 31 - Heavenly citizenship

“Since God had provided something better for us, that apart from us they should not be made perfect.” - Hebrews 11:40 Scripture reading: Philippians 3:12-21 Blessed Reformation Day to you! Over 500 years ago, Martin Luther nailed ninety-five theses on a church door in Wittenberg, Germany. This sparked the Protestant Reformation. The Reformation spread through Germany and into France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, etc. Now, some 500 years later, we are citizens of the US or Canada or wherever as sons and daughters of the Reformation. However, from our Scripture reading, in Philippians 3:20, we see that our citizenship is in heaven. We live here on earth and might have a nice life. Maybe you thoroughly enjoy life and you are experiencing good health, a strong faith, etc. Maybe not. In either situation, the words of Hebrews 11:40 must be taken to heart, “God had planned something better for us…” We also have a spiritual life, faith, devotion to the Lord, watchfulness unto Christ’s return, and sanctification in the Spirit. On this Reformation Day, thank God for the recovery of the Word, so that we do not have to live in the shadow of the Latin Vulgate (Medieval Bible), but that we may read the Word of life and place this central in our homes and lives. We have a great advantage over all the saints found in Hebrews 11; none of them had the complete Word of God. We see more promises fulfilled in Jesus Christ than the Old Testament saints could see, but even now, we look ahead to the culmination of all things in the Lord Jesus Christ. On this Reformation Day let us pray “Maranatha, Lord Jesus, come quickly.” Suggestions for prayer Thank God for the Protestant Reformation. Ask the Lord to sanctify His Word in our hearts that we might walk in its light. Rev. Steve Swets was born and raised in NW Indiana. He graduated from Mid America Reformed Seminary in 2007, and he is currently the minister at Redeemer United Reformed Church in St. John, Indiana. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

October 30 - Commended for their faith

“And all these, though commended through their faith, did not receive what was promised,” - Hebrews 11:39  Scripture reading: I Corinthians 10:1-13 As Christians, we are not too quick to praise men for their faith. After all, Ephesians 2:8-10 says it is a gift from God. However, I Corinthians 10 mentions that some things are recorded in Scripture to be examples to us. These examples might be to warn us of a complacent faith. For instance, are you living your Christian faith merely out of habit or out of a heartfelt desire to serve and glorify God? There are examples in Scripture to encourage us in our walk with God and we have been seeing these things from Hebrews 11. The Christian is called to contend for the faith by being faithful and fruitful. By grace, God will reward our good works, both in this life and in the life to come. The danger is to look for God’s commendation in this world alone. Some were commended for their faith, like the martyrs and it resulted in their death. True blessing and commendation from God cannot be measured by the material things and events around us. Our battle is not against flesh and blood and our reward for faithfulness, by the grace of God, is not made up of gold or silver. Our reward is the true blessing of God, as those who will definitely receive what our gracious God has promised. God is holy and sovereign and yet we are responsible to believe. When you deny yourself and follow Christ, you will be commended for your faith, not from man, but from your heavenly Father. Suggestions for prayer Ask for a heartfelt desire to serve and glorify God and that looks ahead to a heavenly reality. Ask for a persevering faith. Rev. Steve Swets was born and raised in NW Indiana. He graduated from Mid America Reformed Seminary in 2007, and he is currently the minister at Redeemer United Reformed Church in St. John, Indiana. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

October 29 - The faith of the martyrs

“…of whom the world was not worthy (NKJV).” - Hebrews 11:38a  Scripture reading: II Kings 2:1-18 All men are conceived and born in sin and worthy of condemnation. Without grace, there is no hope for the sinner. However, every once in a while, the Lord raises up a servant of such godliness that those who see him, see a unique servant of God. Elijah was one in the Old Testament of whom it could be said that this world was not worthy of him. Over four hundred and fifty years ago, there was another man whom this world was not worthy of. He was in prison, ready to be hung after the Spanish Inquisition condemned him for his Calvinistic beliefs. Shortly before his death, he sat in prison and wrote one of the greatest love letters ever written to his dear and distraught wife. It is long, but let me quote in part, “…my dearly beloved….Consider the honour that God has done you, in giving you a husband who was not only a minister of the Son of God, but so esteemed of God that he allowed him to have the crown of martyrs. It is an honour the like of which God has never even given to the angels.” Shortly after writing this letter, at the age of 45 years, Guido de Bres, the author of the Belgic Confession of Faith, was pushed off the platform mid-speech by the hangman and received the crown of the martyrs. This world was not worthy of him. He has received his reward in Jesus Christ. Suggestions for prayer Ask God to bless those who face death for the gospel. Many will be worshipping in secret tomorrow because of persecution. Thank God for faith. Rev. Steve Swets was born and raised in NW Indiana. He graduated from Mid America Reformed Seminary in 2007, and he is currently the minister at Redeemer United Reformed Church in St. John, Indiana. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

October 28 - The faith of the martyrs

“They were stoned, they were sawn in two, they were killed with the sword.” - Hebrews 11:37a  Scripture Reading: Acts 7:1-60 (shorter reading Acts 7:54-60) Hebrews 11:36-37 As we approach Reformation Day, we are mindful of those who have gone before us and have paid the ultimate price for their faith. The martyrs have given their lives. In Acts 7, we read the account of the first Christian martyr named Stephen. In Acts 7, we have one of the longest sermons found in the Scriptures and as sometimes happens when the truth is told, those who are not walking with the Lord become angry. He called his hearers stiff-necked and they did not like that. What was the result for Stephen, whose name means “crowned one”? They picked up stones and they stoned him to death. It is a very graphic death and if you are reading this to children, you will have to explain that for some, the cost of walking with Jesus will be their very lives. Stephen was privileged to testify of the work of Jesus Christ with his life. If, as the enemies of the resurrection claimed, that the disciples stole Jesus’ body, why would the apostles give their lives for a lie? They wouldn’t. Their lives testified to the fact that Jesus is risen and reigning. Stephen denied himself the riches of this world in order to inherit a crown of many jewels in the life to come. The faithful have always been persecuted and this will continue until that time when every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Suggestions for prayer Thank God for those who have gone before and given their lives as martyrs. Ask for strength to live with such fortitude/courage for the gospel. Rev. Steve Swets was born and raised in NW Indiana. He graduated from Mid America Reformed Seminary in 2007, and he is currently the minister at Redeemer United Reformed Church in St. John, Indiana. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

October 23 - Walk by faith

“By faith the people crossed the Red Sea as on dry land…” - Hebrews 11:29a  Scripture reading: Exodus 13:17-14:31 Pharaoh changed his mind. After letting the people go, he realized his labor force was headed East. He decided to force them back. However, the Lord protected the people. The pillar of cloud and fire that led the people moved. Now, it separated the Israelites from the Egyptians, making it dark on one side of the cloud and light for Israel. They crossed the Red Sea which the Lord had miraculously parted. When the Egyptians tried to cross, the Lord let the waters return and the Egyptians were drowned. By faith, God’s people crossed the Red Sea. This becomes a picture of salvation, as mentioned in our baptism form. The same path which gave life to some, was the occasion of death for the others. Through water, Israel received life; by water, Egypt received death. The same waters of baptism which picture Christ’s blood washing away all of our sins, will be the same waters that picture death, if the salvation pictured is rejected. By faith, God’s people crossed the Red Sea because they trusted the promises of God. We also are called to walk by faith and not by sight. What do you think an Israelite child thought as he looked at the wall of water around him? His parents surely would have told him that the Lord is our protector. Grab hold of your baptism and say, “Yes, I believe those promises are mine.” Then walk the route the Lord has opened to you in His Word. Suggestions for Prayer Ask God for mercy to walk the path He calls us to walk. Praise God for His grace amidst judgment. Rev. Steve Swets was born and raised in NW Indiana. He graduated from Mid America Reformed Seminary in 2007, and he is currently the minister at Redeemer United Reformed Church in St. John, Indiana. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

October 22 - The faith of Moses

“By faith he kept the Passover and sprinkled the blood, so that the Destroyer of the firstborn might not touch them.” - Hebrews 11:28 Scripture reading: Exodus 12:1-30 After nine plagues were unleashed upon the Egyptians, the tenth plague would be the worst. The angel of death would pass through each house and snuff out the life of the firstborn son. There would be a very real and serious consequence to oppressing those whom the Lord called His firstborn in Exodus 4:22. There was only one way to escape the great punishment. The faithful were to slaughter the Passover lamb and paint the door frame of their homes with the blood of the lamb. When the angel saw the blood, it would pass by that house. Here we have a picture of what Jesus Christ, that last and ultimate Lamb of God, would perform. God’s judgment against sin is also very real and serious. The consequence is to spend eternity in hell. There is only one way of escape, there is only one way for the angel of death to pass by and that is to have the blood of the Lamb of God sprinkled upon your hearts. Jesus' blood was shed upon the cross in order to forgive our sins. The paintbrush of the Holy Spirit applies that to our hearts by faith. We are called to receive with the hand of a beggar, not merely a passing by of death, but of a glorious inheritance as we reign forever with the Lord Jesus Christ. This is our Passover. Suggestions for Prayer Thank God for a glorious salvation. Ask for grace to find in Jesus all that you need to be made right before God. Rev. Steve Swets was born and raised in NW Indiana. He graduated from Mid America Reformed Seminary in 2007, and he is currently the minister at Redeemer United Reformed Church in St. John, Indiana. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

October 21 - The faith of Moses

“By faith…he endured as seeing him who is invisible.” - Hebrews 11:27  Scripture reading: Exodus 4:1-17 In Exodus 4, Moses makes three more protests to God. He is concerned the people won’t believe him (v.1); he next says he is not eloquent in speech (v.10); thirdly, he simply says “please send someone else” (v.13). Why would the Lord call Moses to such a task? From a human perspective he seems so unfit for the work. He is already 80 years old, he might have a speech impediment, he lacks confidence, he doesn’t take rejection very well (Exodus 6) and he doesn’t want to do it. In a way, this makes Moses the perfect candidate. There will certainly be no room for pride in Moses when he realizes that God can shoot straight with a crooked arrow. God has chosen the foolish things of this world to accomplish His purposes. It is not by might or power, but by the Word of the Lord that the kingdom expands and permeates the world around us. The “foolishness” of preaching is able to soften the heart of the hard-hearted. It is by the Word that the sorrowful are comforted, the wayward are called back, the searcher is shown the path. How many men have been elected to church office and thought, “Certainly Lord, there are far more qualified men.” But, the Lord calls us, sometimes to great and sometimes to difficult positions and places in this life. Will He also give us the grace for that? Yes, because He has promised to do so (II Corinthians 12:9). Suggestions for prayer Ask the Lord for strength to fulfill your calling(s) in life. Thank Him for His patience with you. Rev. Steve Swets was born and raised in NW Indiana. He graduated from Mid America Reformed Seminary in 2007, and he is currently the minister at Redeemer United Reformed Church in St. John, Indiana. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

October 20 - The faith of Moses

“By faith he left Egypt, not being afraid of the anger of the king, for he endured as seeing him who is invisible.” - Hebrews 11:27  Scripture Reading: Exodus 3:1-22 After Moses killed the Egyptian, he fled to Midian and there he settled down. He found a wife, had two sons and became a shepherd for his father-in-law. How would Moses lead the people out of Egypt if he was a shepherd, far away? Just like God did with Abraham, He miraculously came to Moses. In Exodus 3, we see the theophany of the burning bush. Here Moses saw Him Who is invisible. The Lord had a great plan for Moses and for the people. He was going to bring them out of slavery in Egypt. However, it would be a difficult process. More than once, the Lord prepares Moses for Pharaoh to say, “No.” (Exodus 3:19; 4:21). Pharaoh’s heart will be hardened to the requests of Moses and Aaron to let the people go. Moses’ faith will be tested. He will cry out to God in Exodus 5:22-23 after Pharaoh makes things even more difficult for the Israelites. It would be a redemption that took time, just as it would be 1500 years later. Our Lord Jesus Christ had to endure many hardships to save His people. He had to be tested and tempted by the Evil One. He had to endure the shame, the cross and the grave, in order to be raised victorious on Easter morning. Moses is going to deliver the people from slavery to Pharaoh. Jesus is the ultimate Deliverer from sin, death, and hell. “Hallelujah, what a Saviour.” Suggestions for prayer Pray with thanksgiving through the steps of Christ’s humiliation and exaltation as found in the Apostle’s Creed. Rev. Steve Swets was born and raised in NW Indiana. He graduated from Mid America Reformed Seminary in 2007, and he is currently the minister at Redeemer United Reformed Church in St. John, Indiana. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

October 15 - Isaac’s blessing

“By faith Isaac invoked future blessings on Jacob and Esau.” - Hebrews 11:20 Scripture reading: Genesis 27:1-40 This is an interesting verse, because it deals with a situation where Isaac was deceived. Jacob pretended and lied saying that he was the older son, Esau. Yet, when Isaac found out, he did not take the blessing back, but kept it, for he knew it was the will of the Lord. The promise of the covenant would flow through Isaac to Jacob. The fact that Jacob, who was younger, is mentioned first, is likely either in that order because he was blessed first, or probably because of the covenant prominence as being elect. Jacob and Esau are used later in Scripture in Romans 9 as an example of God’s electing grace. It is not by the will of man, but by the power of God. Isaac believed the Lord, but it was the Lord who used Isaac in his old age, unable to see, to give the promise first given to Abraham; and the church on earth, through God’s redemption, continues to grow. The battle belongs to the Lord. Moses had to learn this, Gideon had to learn this and we have to continue to remember this. We are called to work and pray, but it is God who ultimately accomplishes His good purposes. Hebrews 11:20 mentions Jacob and Esau’s future. This is what it comes down to…what will the future hold? Flee to Christ and receive the assurance of an everlasting inheritance from the Lord. Suggestions for prayer Thank the Lord for His mighty hand in saving sinners. Ask the Lord to give you a future-oriented heart as you live in the present. Rev. Steve Swets was born and raised in NW Indiana. He graduated from Mid America Reformed Seminary in 2007, and he is currently the minister at Redeemer United Reformed Church in St. John, Indiana. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

October 14 - Isaac resurrected

“He considered that God was able even to raise him from the dead, from which, figuratively speaking, he did receive him back.” - Hebrews 11:19 Scripture reading: Genesis 22:1-19 (notice anything new the second time?) When Abraham loaded up his donkey and headed to sacrifice, Isaac was as good as dead. Isaac was going to be sacrificed to God, because God told Abraham to do exactly that. Once they got to the mountain, Isaac asked Abraham a very telling question in Genesis 22:7, “’The fire and wood are here,’ Isaac said, ‘but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?’” We know the answer to the question; the offering was going to be Isaac. Abraham responded honestly, but in a unique way, “God will provide the lamb,” he said. They get to the spot of sacrifice and right when Abraham is going to kill Isaac, the angel stops him. Just then (vs. 13), Abraham looked up and saw a ram caught by its horns. Abraham took it instead and sacrificed it. In a precursor to Jesus Christ, God provides the sacrifice. It wasn’t a coincidence that the ram happened to be there, caught in the thicket. God directed this. By faith, Abraham followed directions just as God had told him to do. By grace, God provided a ram in the bushes as the sacrifice, just as he would eventually provide the Lord Jesus Christ, of Whom it was said by John the Baptist, “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” (John 1:29). Suggestions for prayer Thank God that He provides a Saviour from sin. Ask God to give us the Spirit, that we might live by faith and take God at His Word. Rev. Steve Swets was born and raised in NW Indiana. He graduated from Mid America Reformed Seminary in 2007, and he is currently the minister at Redeemer United Reformed Church in St. John, Indiana. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

October 13 - Abraham and Isaac

“By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac,” - Hebrews 11:17  Scripture reading: Genesis 22:1-19 Year after year, Abraham and Sarah waited for a child to be born. After all, didn’t God tell Abraham that his descendants would be as numerous as the sand on the seashore and the stars in the sky? Sarah had given up. But one day, that all changed. Finally they had a son of their own, named Isaac. It was with that son that God was going to test Abraham. What would Abraham have thought as he headed toward the mountain? If Isaac dies, how is the promise going to be fulfilled? The rest of Hebrews 11:17 shows the spiritual struggle. God had said one thing, but now it seems that God is saying something very different. There is no such thing as an untested faith. Now, when it seemed that to carry through with what God said would undermine God’s own plan, will Abraham listen to God, or to his own logic? Abraham was tested and he was shown to be obedient. The Lord Jesus Christ was brought up on the temple and he was tempted by the Devil. He was obedient to the Lord. He obeyed God’s Word, even though Satan was twisting it. There are times in our lives when we will have to recognize that God is wise and we are not. We must continue to deny self and follow Christ. Let us pray, not my will, but Your will be done. Suggestions for Prayer: Thank the Lord that trials strengthen our faith. Ask God to protect you from temptation and to fight against sin, for His glory. Rev. Steve Swets was born and raised in NW Indiana. He graduated from Mid America Reformed Seminary in 2007, and he is currently the minister at Redeemer United Reformed Church in St. John, Indiana. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

October 12 - God’s city

“Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared for them a city.” - Hebrews 11:16b  Scripture reading: Genesis 19:1-29 (graphic) alternate reading: Gen. 19:12-29 Most of this week so far, we have been developing the theme of a non-earthly city of God. We have seen that this city is heaven, or technically, the new heavens and earth. But, it is not here yet; therefore we must wait. In John 14, Jesus tells the disciples and us that He is going to heaven to prepare a place for us. It is His city. In our Scripture reading, we see a very different city, the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot and his family are the only ones rescued before fire and brimstone came down from heaven and destroyed that city. Though Lot’s family made it out, one member didn’t make it very far. Lot’s wife looked back, contrary to what the angel had instructed, and she became a pillar of salt. Every child can picture this in his mind, a tall salt pile. For us today, we are not in danger of turning into a pillar of salt. However, there is a danger of looking at the wrong thing. Paul, in Philippians 3, speaks of straining ahead, running a race, seeking a prize of the heavenward call. When we take our eyes off Jesus Christ and put them on ourselves, the things of this world, etc. we become easily lost. As pilgrims on a journey, let us stay the course. God has promised to bring us safely there. Suggestions for prayer Thank the Lord that God is not ashamed of us: He calls us His children. Ask the Lord to strengthen us so that we may keep our eyes on Jesus. Rev. Steve Swets was born and raised in NW Indiana. He graduated from Mid America Reformed Seminary in 2007, and he is currently the minister at Redeemer United Reformed Church in St. John, Indiana. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

October 7 - Noah the righteous (part 2)

“By faith Noah, being warned by God concerning events as yet unseen, in reverent fear constructed an ark for the saving of his household. By this he condemned the world and became an heir of the righteousness that comes by faith.” - Hebrews 11:7  Scripture reading: Genesis 7-9 or Genesis 8:18-9:17 As with many Old Testament narratives, we see grace amidst judgment. Noah found favour in the eyes of the Lord. As a righteous man, when Noah got out of the ark, he sacrificed to the Lord and like Abel before Him, Noah’s sacrifice was pleasing to the Lord. The flood narrative can be compared to the covenant established with believers and their seed. The rainbow becomes a visible proclamation of an invisible reality, just like the waters of baptism. However, the object of the sign must be trusted. We must not put our trust in our baptism or in a rainbow, but in the God who supplies both. The rainbow, like witnessing a baptism, is a continual call to conversion (faith and repentance). In Hebrews 11:7, both condemnation and an inheritance of righteousness are mentioned. If you have been baptized, then you are still outside the ark and in great peril. If you have been baptized, then you must grab hold of that baptism and say in your heart, “Yes, I believe Jesus has washed away all of my sins and He gives me His righteousness.” When you do that, then you may offer a pleasing sacrifice to the Lord. We do not do this with the killing of an animal, but with a living sacrifice of thanks (Romans 12:1-2). Suggestions for prayer Thank God for baptism as a visible reminder of what He has done. Ask God to strengthen you so that your life is a pleasing sacrifice to Him. Rev. Steve Swets was born and raised in NW Indiana. He graduated from Mid America Reformed Seminary in 2007, and he is currently the minister at Redeemer United Reformed Church in St. John, Indiana. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

October 6 - Noah the righteous (part 1)

“By faith Noah, being warned by God concerning events as yet unseen, in reverent fear constructed an ark for the saving of his household. By this he condemned the world and became an heir of the righteousness that comes by faith.” - Hebrews 11:7 Scripture reading: Genesis 6:9-22 We don’t get very far in the Bible until we see that the world has become increasingly corrupt. It seems that sin and corruption spread as quickly as the human race filled the earth. In the midst of the wicked, there was one found to be righteous, named Noah. Though Noah, like all of the other heroes of faith was a sinner (cf. Genesis 9:21), yet, he believed the Lord. As a righteous man, Genesis 6:9 tells us, Noah listened to the Lord. He built an ark in order to preserve life on the earth. He was to take his wife, his three sons and their wives on the ark, along with two of each of the animals. The Lord gave Noah the exact specifications for this ark. It was a huge undertaking, especially in Noah’s days. But he did it. Noah heeded the warning of the Lord. We are all descendants of Noah because Noah believed the Lord. The world in which we live mocks the idea of any real danger in the future, in a similar way that Noah’s neighbours must have mocked him. The urgency of the gospel is that the storm clouds of the flood are on the horizon; the time is near. Will you be in the ark when the rain begins to fall? Suggestions for prayer Ask the Lord to give you faith in what is not seen and to take God at His Word. Pray also for your unbelieving neighbours, that they might heed the call of the gospel. Rev. Steve Swets was born and raised in NW Indiana. He graduated from Mid America Reformed Seminary in 2007, and he is currently the minister at Redeemer United Reformed Church in St. John, Indiana. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

October 5 - A God-pleasing faith

“And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.” - Hebrews 11:6  Scripture reading: Luke 6:43-49 The Heidelberg Catechism teaches, in Lord’s Day 24, the nature and reward of our good works. It begins with the fact that we are sinners. However, it continues by explaining that we do good which is rewarded. How can we do good? We can and must do good because we are renewed. In Luke 6, Jesus teaches that a good tree bears good fruit. In Galatians 5, Paul talks about the rotten fruits of flesh and then he continues on and explains the fruit of the Spirit. Those who are grafted into Christ live through Him. I knew a man who had an apple tree in his yard. Over the years, he had grafted four different kinds of apples onto that tree. Green, yellow and red apples testified to a very clear reality. That tree was not naturally that way. So too, it is with us. At the end of the day, we must conclude, but for the grace of God, what would we be? We are brought, supernaturally, to a position we are not in by nature. Praise be to God! When we read a verse like Hebrews 11:6, we are both comforted and encouraged in the Christian walk. As you live in grace, seek to bear the fruits of righteousness. Suggestions for prayer Pray that the Lord would make you fruitful and diligent in your walk with Him. Ask the Lord to make His grace shine through you so that others may be won over to Christ. Rev. Steve Swets was born and raised in NW Indiana. He graduated from Mid America Reformed Seminary in 2007, and he is currently the minister at Redeemer United Reformed Church in St. John, Indiana. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

October 4 - Enoch walked with God

“By faith Enoch was taken up so that he should not see death, and he was not found, because God had taken him. Now before he was taken he was commended as having pleased God.” - Hebrews 11:5  Scripture reading: Genesis 5:21-24 Enoch goes down in history as one who never experienced an earthly death; 365 years of living and then he was taken. Why? Because he pleased God. Genesis 5 says that he walked with God. There is much written about Enoch in extra-biblical sources. But, if we stick just with the Bible, there is not much information. He walked with God. The Lord took him. The point is not that if we walk with God we will be translated out of this life. A takeaway, however, must be that the Lord rewards those who are obedient to him. In Enoch’s case, that reward came in life. The reward of righteous living is given by grace. It comes to one in a different way than another, in this life and the next. What does it mean to “walk with God?” It means to trust Him, in Jesus Christ (Romans 6:4), to live in and through Him; it means to love Him and serve Him. The goal of one’s life as he walks with the Lord, goes from self glory to God’s glory. May it be our prayer that at the end of our lives, though we were sinners, it may be said that we “walked with God.” Suggestions for Prayer Ask the Lord to strengthen your walk with Him. Repent of ways which have kept you from walking with God and resolve to keep Jesus as your central focus. Rev. Steve Swets was born and raised in NW Indiana. He graduated from Mid America Reformed Seminary in 2007, and he is currently the minister at Redeemer United Reformed Church in St. John, Indiana. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

September 29 - Jesus, the only way

“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”” - John 14:6 Scripture reading: John 14:1-6 In Proverbs 9, we met Lady Wisdom and Lady Folly. Both women competed for the attention and affection of the young man about to step out into the big world. Lady Wisdom woos us to walk with her in the way of life in fellowship with God. Lady Folly woos us to walk with her in the way of death, apart from God. Jesus is Lady Wisdom. He tells us, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Lady Folly confronts us through a variety of voices that claim otherwise. They lecture that this exclusive claim is dangerous. It leads to a sense of superiority, oppression and violence. Other voices insist that worshipers from a variety of religions worship the same God. There are many ways to Him, not just one. Maybe you work or connect with people who find the exclusive claims of Christ hateful. Maybe you find that intimidating. First, know in your heart that reconciliation with God through Christ is your deepest need and theirs. Second, drink deeply of the gospel so that humility and love for lost people in your life will drive out all smugness, self-righteousness and superiority. Third, seek to order your life according to God’s wise blueprint in humble reliance on the Holy Spirit. This will make your life attractive. It will give you opportunities to point others to Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life. Suggestions for prayer Thank God for reconciling you to Him in Christ. Ask Him to draw others to faith in Christ through you. Pastor Richard Zekveld, his wife Nancy (nee Vandermeer), and their five children live in South Holland, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. Richard has pastored Covenant Fellowship Church of South Holland (PCA) since 2015, he also works part-time in jail ministry as a chaplain for Chicagoland Prison Outreach. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

Daily devotional

September 28 - Heart smart

“Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the heart.” - Proverbs 21:2 Scripture reading: Proverbs 21:2; Proverbs 3:5-6 Are you heart smart? Are you self-aware? Are you ever blind to the deeper motives of your heart, to how others experience you, to things about you and your ways that everyone sees but you? “Every way of a man is right in his own eyes” (Proverbs 21:2). Wise people assume this is naturally true of them. They recognize their need to be aware of this gut-level dynamic and work against it. In our fallenness, we tend to trust our own judgment over the judgment of God and others. We are convinced that we are right. We are convinced that our course of action is right. We are convinced that our motives are right. We will not allow others to throw us off course with their inconvenient questions, observations and arguments. This is pride. In fact, this is the pride of Adam and Eve in the garden who ate the fruit when the serpent promised, “you will be like God, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:8b). Remember that “the LORD weighs the heart” (Proverbs 21:2b). We must rely on Him, in His word and through prayer, to evaluate our ways. We must also value the way God uses others to challenge our delusions of rightness in line with His Word. May God Himself give us the humility and security in Christ to invite Him to weigh our hearts. May we treasure the ways He uses godly people we trust to show us our self-deception and blind spots. Suggestions for prayer Ask God for the humility and security in Christ that you need to be open to correction. Pastor Richard Zekveld, his wife Nancy (nee Vandermeer), and their five children live in South Holland, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. Richard has pastored Covenant Fellowship Church of South Holland (PCA) since 2015, he also works part-time in jail ministry as a chaplain for Chicagoland Prison Outreach. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

Daily devotional

September 27 - Deep sea fishing

“The purpose in a man’s heart is like deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out.” - Proverbs 20:5 Scripture readings: Proverbs 20:5; Psalm 139:1-24 Space has been called ‘the final frontier.’ Space, however, is not the only unexplored realm in God’s vast creation. The ocean depths are also largely unknown to us. They contain many mysterious creatures, waiting to be discovered! Proverbs 20:5 tells us that the human heart is like the ocean deep. The purposes of our hearts, the deepest loves, desires, fears and gut-level emotions that drive us, operate at a subconscious level. They remain unexamined, yet they drive us. Think of a time the intensity of what you felt or how you reacted to something, surprised you. Had someone asked about it, you could not have explained it. At that moment, you need “a man of understanding” who “will draw it out” (Proverbs 20:5b). You need someone in your life who will go deep-sea fishing in your soul. This person asks the right questions that help you clarify what is driving you on the heart level. This is one quality of a wise, effective counsellor. God can use you to do the same for others. Above all, the God of Psalm 139, who knows you inside and out and who knit you together in your mother’s womb, will show you the deep, driving purposes of your heart. That is why Psalm 139 ends with the prayer, “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!” (Psalm 139:23-24). Suggestions for Prayer Thank God that He knows and can show you what is deep in your heart. Pray the prayer of Psalm 139:23-24. Pastor Richard Zekveld, his wife Nancy (nee Vandermeer), and their five children live in South Holland, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. Richard has pastored Covenant Fellowship Church of South Holland (PCA) since 2015, he also works part-time in jail ministry as a chaplain for Chicagoland Prison Outreach. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

Daily devotional

September 26 - Gossip

“The words of a whisperer are like delicious morsels; they go down into the inner parts of the body.” - Proverbs 18:8 Scripture readings: Proverbs 18:8; Ephesians 4:15-16 Today’s proverb makes a sobering observation about sinful human beings. We have a taste for gossip. “The words of a whisperer are like delicious morsels; they go down into the inner parts of the body” (Proverbs 18:8). When a whisperer offers us a scrumptious gossip-morsel on a platter, we eagerly receive and savour it. It hits the spot. It goes down into the inner parts of the body. This proverb prompts us to ask, “Why?” Why is it so hard to let the gossip-platter go by without partaking? Why are such morsels so delicious? The answer is found in the sinful heart. That is where this proverb aims to take us. Let the truth of this proverb drive us to prayer: “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!” (Psalm 139:23–24). Something in us enjoys hearing about the sins, scandals, skeletons, struggles and secrets of others. It makes us feel better about ourselves. It makes us feel superior to them. It feeds our self-righteousness. It makes us feel powerful to possess a sensitive bit of information that we could use to shame or hurt them. Maybe a juicy bit of gossip gratifies some perverse lust. Maybe, you feel important, like the star of a drama, when you can tell someone else. Then you become a whisperer yourself. Father, forgive us. Holy Spirit, sanctify us. Suggestions for prayer Ask God to forgive you for and purify you from your appetite for gossip. Pastor Richard Zekveld, his wife Nancy (nee Vandermeer), and their five children live in South Holland, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. Richard has pastored Covenant Fellowship Church of South Holland (PCA) since 2015, he also works part-time in jail ministry as a chaplain for Chicagoland Prison Outreach. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

Daily devotional

September 21 - Talk and toil

“In all toil there is profit, but mere talk tends only to poverty.” - Proverbs 14:23 Scripture readings: Proverbs 14:23; Isaiah 55:10-11 “You’re a big talker.” That describes the person who always tells you what he is going to do, but never gets around to doing it. He says, “I’m going to start my own landscaping company” but turns down a summer landscaping job to sit around. She says, “I’m going to run a marathon for charity,” but never gets up early to run. They pledge to meet weekly for prayer, but two-thirds of the group peels off after two weeks. “Mere talk tends only to poverty” (Proverbs 14:23b). If you only talk about the great job you’re going to get, but never actually go out and get one, you will remain penniless. In addition, if you never put feet to your ideas, they will remain fruitless. However, “in all toil there is profit” (Proverbs 14:23a). A teenager lands a summer landscaping job. Eventually, he starts his own business. A young woman starts running three miles three times a week. Eventually she runs a marathon, raising $10,000 for missions. A small group meets consistently to pray for conversions in the church and community. The Holy Spirit begins to change hearts. The proverb does not say “talk tends only to poverty”, but “mere talk tends only to poverty. Deeds begin with dreams. Initiatives begin with ideas. Above all, God is not a “big talker.” Isaiah 55:10-11 alerts us that His words give birth to life-giving works. We see this especially in the redemptive words and works of our Lord Jesus. Suggestions for Prayer Thank God that His life-giving words produce life-giving results. Ask Him to help you walk your talk. Pastor Richard Zekveld, his wife Nancy (nee Vandermeer), and their five children live in South Holland, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. Richard has pastored Covenant Fellowship Church of South Holland (PCA) since 2015, he also works part-time in jail ministry as a chaplain for Chicagoland Prison Outreach. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

Daily devotional

September 20 - Watch your mouth (part 2)

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” - Proverbs 15:1 Scripture readings: Proverbs 15:1; 1 Kings 12:1-15 I was in a public space, chatting with several people I did not know. Initially, they were friendly with me and each other. Then one of them made a comment about covid vaccines. The other responded with a snide remark. The first escalated with an insult. Suddenly, they were yelling insults and obscenities at one another. I tried to intervene, without success. “A harsh word stirs up anger” (Proverbs 15:1b). We have all fallen into this, even if not as dramatically as the two people above. Someone tells you to stop chewing with your mouth open. Annoyed, you tell her to leave the room if she doesn’t like it. She calls you a slob. You call her a control-freak. Soon, the words ‘always’ and ‘never’ get used and a host of past grievances surface. However, “A soft answer turns away wrath” (Proverbs 15:1a). This truth is so wise and so simple, yet so easily goes out the window when we get angry. When someone’s words leave you irritated or defensive, pause and count to ten. Use that time to pray briefly and silently for wisdom, grace and self-control. That prayerful pause increases the likelihood that your response will defuse anger. Consider King Rehoboam in 1 Kings 12. His subjects approached him, exasperated by high taxes. His father’s advisors recommended a soft answer that would have turned away their wrath. His peers, however, advised him to respond harshly. This escalated into a full-blown rebellion that split the nation. Suggestions for prayer Pray for the love and wisdom necessary to turn away wrath rather than to stir up anger. Pastor Richard Zekveld, his wife Nancy (nee Vandermeer), and their five children live in South Holland, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. Richard has pastored Covenant Fellowship Church of South Holland (PCA) since 2015, he also works part-time in jail ministry as a chaplain for Chicagoland Prison Outreach. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

Daily devotional

September 19 - Watch your mouth (part 1)

“There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” - Proverbs 12:18 Scripture readings: Proverbs 12:18; Ephesians 4:29 There’s an old saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” That’s not what Scripture tells us. “There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts” (Proverbs 12:18a). We have all done it when we are angry. We use our tongues like a weapon, hacking and slashing. Or we direct our words, like a scalpel, with cold, calculated precision, to cut where it hurts most. This is true of our cyber-tongues on social media as well. Once the words are out, you can’t take them back. James reminds us, “No human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God” (James 3:8-9). However, we can humble ourselves before God and others and confess our reckless words. The blood of Jesus washes away our guilt and God forgives us. His Spirit within can tame our tongues. “The tongue of the wise brings healing” (Proverbs 12:18b). Maybe you have experienced the joy of saying something that encouraged or comforted another person. Maybe someone else’s words have restored you. Above all, Jesus speaks to us in the gospel with life-giving, healing power. “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear” (Ephesians 4:29). Suggestions for prayer Thank God for His life-giving speech. Ask Him to sanctify your mouth. Pastor Richard Zekveld, his wife Nancy (nee Vandermeer), and their five children live in South Holland, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. Richard has pastored Covenant Fellowship Church of South Holland (PCA) since 2015, he also works part-time in jail ministry as a chaplain for Chicagoland Prison Outreach. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

Daily devotional

September 18 - Thoughts on wealth and poverty

“A rich man’s wealth is his strong city; the poverty of the poor is their ruin.” - Proverbs 10:15 Scripture readings: Proverbs 10:15; 1 Timothy 6:17-19 Proverbs 10:15 is descriptive, not prescriptive. It is an observation about what it is like to be rich and poor in our world. Wisdom begins with awareness, leading to reflection, leading to wise action. “A rich man’s wealth is his strong city” (Proverbs 10:15a). When you are a middle or upper-class person, your money buys a lot. It buys you the best education. It buys you better healthcare. It buys you a home in a more secure neighbourhood. It buys you a better lawyer when you need one. It buys church buildings, programs and theological training. It buys provision for old age. When we have money, we don’t think about how much it does for us. When we inhabit middle or upper-class communities, we also don’t think about how “the poverty of the poor is their ruin” (Proverbs 10:15b). This proverb invites us to do so. It invites us to step into the lives and world of the poor, invite God to shatter our simplistic assumptions about them and consider what it looks like to embody the gospel among them. This proverb also alerts us that we probably trust in our money over God more than we realize. “As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy” (1 Timothy 3:17). Let us acknowledge God as the Source of our wealth. Suggestions for prayer Thank God for His material blessings. Ask Him to open your eyes and heart to the plight of the poor. Pastor Richard Zekveld, his wife Nancy (nee Vandermeer), and their five children live in South Holland, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. Richard has pastored Covenant Fellowship Church of South Holland (PCA) since 2015, he also works part-time in jail ministry as a chaplain for Chicagoland Prison Outreach. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

Daily devotional

September 13 - Laziness and diligence (part 2)

“A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich.” - Proverbs 10:4 Scripture readings: Proverbs 10:4; Colossians 3:23-24 Proverbs 10:4 contrasts laziness and diligence. Laziness is the avoidance of the effort necessary to accomplish a goal. Diligence, however, is the application of the effort necessary to accomplish a goal. “The hand of the diligent makes rich” (Proverbs 10:4b). A diligent person applies himself at work. He embraces work as part of God’s wise design for human thriving. He knows that hard work will help him grow, earn the trust of those he works for, and help him advance in the workplace or expand his business. A diligent person knows that if she focuses on her studies, her study habits and learning will develop her character and competence for her next chapter in life. The diligent person is willing to work hard to repair a relationship. She knows that active listening and Christlike communication will not be easy, but they are worth it. The diligent person understands that spiritual growth in communion with God requires gospel-driven effort. Diligent people sometimes lose their focus or slide into discouragement. Isaiah 49:4 prophesies of Jesus, “But I said, ‘I have laboured in vain. I have spent my strength for nothing and vanity; yet surely my right is with the LORD, and my recompense is with my God’.” Christ’s diligence produced the salvation of all who repent and believe in Him! “Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain” (1 Corinthians 15:58). Suggestions for prayer Thank Jesus for His diligence in our place. Ask God for the faith and discipline to be diligent. Pastor Richard Zekveld, his wife Nancy (nee Vandermeer), and their five children live in South Holland, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. Richard has pastored Covenant Fellowship Church of South Holland (PCA) since 2015, he also works part-time in jail ministry as a chaplain for Chicagoland Prison Outreach. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

Daily devotional

September 12 - Laziness and diligence (part 1)

“A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich.” - Proverbs 10:4 Scripture readings: Proverbs 10:4; Galatians 6:6-9 Proverbs 10:4 presents a sharp, two-line contrast between the way of laziness and the way of diligence. Laziness is the avoidance of the effort necessary to accomplish a goal. A lazy person loves a paycheque but works as little as possible to get it. He goofs off when the boss isn’t watching. Then he gets upset when his hard-working co-worker gets a promotion and a raise, but he doesn’t. A lazy student does the bare minimum to get by. Her teacher says, “If Beth would apply herself, she could really go places.” Laziness takes other forms. Maybe we lack the drive to practice disciplines that will help us grow spiritually. Maybe we avoid the effort required to restore a damaged relationship through Christlike communication. “A slack hand causes poverty” (Proverbs 10:4a). This refers primarily to material poverty. However, it also applies to spiritual, relational and developmental poverty. We become lazy when we lack vision, hope or focus. If I have no vision for how hard work will help me glorify God, grow as a person, provide for others, add value to others’ lives, or get ahead, why bother? If I believe there is no hope of restoring a relationship, why try? If I have no focus on how I can grow in fellowship with God, why pursue spiritual habits that will help me? “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9). Suggestions for prayer Ask God to forgive you for any laziness in your life. Ask Him for the grace of diligence. Pastor Richard Zekveld, his wife Nancy (nee Vandermeer), and their five children live in South Holland, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. Richard has pastored Covenant Fellowship Church of South Holland (PCA) since 2015, he also works part-time in jail ministry as a chaplain for Chicagoland Prison Outreach. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

Daily devotional

September 11 - What is a proverb?

“Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance, to understand a proverb and a saying, the words of the wise and their riddles.” - Proverbs 1:5-6 Scripture reading: Proverbs 1:1-7 A proverb is a catchy saying that captures some truth about life. All cultures use proverbs to hand down wisdom from generation to generation. Consider some pithy sayings in our own culture. “Make hay while the sun shines.” “Haste makes waste.” “Fail to plan, plan to fail.” “Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?” “A stitch in time saves nine.” “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.” “Play with fire, and you’ll get burned.” “Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it.” Discuss these and others you know. Proverbs is a collection of inspired proverbs, given to us by God. Handle individual proverbs with care. Misapplied, they are useless at best, harmful at worst. “Like a lame man’s legs, which hang useless, is a proverb in the mouth of fools... Like a thorn that goes up into the hand of a drunkard is a proverb in the mouth of fools” (Proverbs 26:7,9). Take Proverbs 22:6: “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Treated as an absolute promise rather than a generalization, it can torment the souls of faithful parents when a child goes astray. Also, many proverbs are descriptive rather than prescriptive. For example: “‘Bad, bad,’ says the buyer, but when he goes away, then he boasts” (Proverbs 20:14). This is not a recommendation for how to do business with others! Suggestions for prayer Thank God for giving us a treasury of proverbs. Ask Him to help you understand and apply them. Pastor Richard Zekveld, his wife Nancy (nee Vandermeer), and their five children live in South Holland, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. Richard has pastored Covenant Fellowship Church of South Holland (PCA) since 2015, he also works part-time in jail ministry as a chaplain for Chicagoland Prison Outreach. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

Daily devotional

September 10 - With all your heart, in all your ways

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” - Proverbs 3:5-6 Scripture reading: Proverbs 3:5-6 People listen to and follow someone they trust. Ninety years ago, many trusted Hitler to lead them down the path to prosperity. They listened to his lies and followed him. Hitler led Germany to ruin. Wisdom begins with trusting Someone trustworthy. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart” (Proverbs 3:5a). You can trust Him to guide you down life-giving paths because He is wise and He loves His children. We must not trust ourselves. “Do not lean on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5b). Too often, we trust our own instincts and perspectives without consulting God and others. We assume that we know best. This is arrogant and foolish. “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice” (Proverbs 12:15). Our thinking is finite and fallen. Sin within deceives us and blinds us to our true motives. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9). “All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, but the LORD weighs the spirit” (Proverbs 16:2). We must consult the LORD as we navigate our paths. We must trust and listen to His voice in His Word. When we do, “He will make straight your paths” (Proverbs 3:6b). Today we gather with God’s people in His presence. May the Spirit enable you to trust in the LORD and listen to His voice. He will make your paths straight. Suggestions for prayer Ask God to help you trust Him as you meet Him in worship today. Ask Him to make straight your paths. Pastor Richard Zekveld, his wife Nancy (nee Vandermeer), and their five children live in South Holland, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. Richard has pastored Covenant Fellowship Church of South Holland (PCA) since 2015, he also works part-time in jail ministry as a chaplain for Chicagoland Prison Outreach. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

Daily devotional

September 5 - The Spirit of Wisdom (part 1)

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep.” - Genesis 1:1-2 Scripture reading: Genesis 1:1-2 “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). He created it in line with His wise design. Christ turned the blueprint into breath-taking reality. But someone else was also involved: the Spirit of Wisdom (Isaiah 11:2a). Imagine a construction site with piles of material that needs to be ordered into a building, then filled with people and pets. God created the building materials. Then, in Genesis 1:3-31, He formed them into a creation-temple and filled it with life. “Now the earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep” (Genesis 1:2a). Here we see the jumble of building materials. Creation was still ‘tohu’ and ‘vohu’. That means ‘without form’ and ‘void’ in Hebrew. Now the Spirit enters the text. “And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters” (Genesis 1:2b). He turned ‘tohu’ into order. He created water, sky and land rooms for creatures to live in. Then He turned ‘vohu’ into life, by breathing life into the creatures that would live in those rooms. Try this with Lego. Dump a jumbled pile of Lego on the floor. That pile is ‘tohu’, without form. Build that Lego into a structure with rooms. The structure is still ‘vohu’, void of life. Put Lego people and toy animals in the structure. Now it is filled with life. God the Spirit breathes order and life into God’s world. Thank Him for His wise and wonderful work! Suggestions for prayer Thank God for the way His Spirit breathes order and life in creation and redemption. Pastor Richard Zekveld, his wife Nancy (nee Vandermeer), and their five children live in South Holland, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. Richard has pastored Covenant Fellowship Church of South Holland (PCA) since 2015, he also works part-time in jail ministry as a chaplain for Chicagoland Prison Outreach. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

Daily devotional

September 4 - Christ, the wisdom of God

“And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” - Colossians 1:17:  Scripture reading: Colossians 1:15-20 Yesterday we saw how Lady Wisdom points to Christ, Who turns God’s creative and redemptive blueprints into reality. Christ is “the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation” (Colossians 1:15). “Firstborn” can describe a relationship, without describing origin. In Paul’s day, a Roman Caesar could adopt a successor as his legal heir, making the adopted son Caesar’s “firstborn”. God the Son has forever been His Father’s “firstborn” Son and Heir over all creation. By Him, God created all things. Paul then makes the astonishing claim, “He is before all things and in him all things hold together” (Colossians 1:16). The atom is the basic building block of the universe. Hydrogen excepted, every atom has a nucleus of multiple protons that cling to one another. Like positively charged magnets, they should repel one another. Yet, a powerful, awe-inspiring force holds them together. If it didn’t, everything would fly apart. Christ is that force. He holds all things together! In a world where everything falls apart, He is the One who puts it back together. “For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of the cross” (Colossians 1:19-20). At the heart of His plan to hold creation together and to put it back together is His plan to put us back together in fellowship with Him. Call on Jesus. Be reconciled to God. Suggestions for prayer Thank Jesus Christ for reconciling you to God. Pray for those in your life who still need to be reconciled to God. Pastor Richard, his wife Nancy (nee Vandermeer), and their five children live in South Holland, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. Richard has pastored Covenant Fellowship Church of South Holland (PCA) since 2015, he also works part-time in jail ministry as a chaplain for Chicagoland Prison Outreach. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

Daily devotional

September 3 - Introducing Lady Wisdom

“The Lord possessed me at the beginning of his work, the first of his acts of old.” - Proverbs 8:22 Scripture readings: Proverbs 8:22-31; John 1:1-3 In the beginning, God enlisted a construction partner. She was Lady Wisdom. God had already drawn up the blueprints for the cosmos. Lady Wisdom eagerly took her place at His side, turning His blueprints into breath-taking reality, with great wisdom and skill. She executed His grand plan for a world with ocean depths, flowing springs, rugged mountains, majestic skies and human beings. God delighted in her marvellous skill and she rejoiced in Him. Together, they rejoiced in their finished masterpiece. Lady Wisdom is a personification of wisdom. John, however, alerts us that Wisdom is a Person – the Second Person of the Trinity who entered the world as Jesus Christ. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him and without him was not anything made that was made” (John 1:1-3). Jesus is also turning God’s blueprint for our redemption into reality. He is the Lamb of Revelation 5 who was worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals to move God’s plan of salvation forward. In the beginning, Father and Son rested and rejoiced in their finished masterpiece on the seventh day. One day, Father and Son will rejoice together over their completed masterpiece – God’s redeemed children and creation. This Lord’s Day, our Triune God calls us to gather to rest and rejoice in Him and in Christ’s finished work for us on the cross. Suggestions for prayer Thank King Jesus for moving God’s wise plan for redemption forward in our fallen world. Pastor Richard Zekveld, his wife Nancy (nee Vandermeer), and their five children live in South Holland, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. Richard has pastored Covenant Fellowship Church of South Holland (PCA) since 2015, he also works part-time in jail ministry as a chaplain for Chicagoland Prison Outreach. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

Daily devotional

September 2 - “What in the world…?” (part 2)

“O Lord, how manifold are your works! In wisdom have you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.” - Psalm 104:24:  Scripture reading: Psalm 104:24-35 God, in His wisdom, ordered the universe, down to its intricate details, so that life can thrive on earth. This God, “who out of nothing created heaven and earth and everything in them... still upholds and rules them by his eternal counsel and providence” (Heidelberg Catechism, Q&A 26). Science confirms what the Word proclaims. As of 2001, scientific studies had identified 150 precise conditions that must be in place and work together perfectly for life to exist on earth. Let’s consider several of those conditions. If earth were slightly larger, increased gravity would make life impossible. If earth were slightly smaller, decreased gravity would make life impossible. Extreme temperature swings would result if earth took longer than twenty-four hours to rotate. Extreme winds would result if earth took fewer than twenty-four hours to rotate. God commissioned Jupiter to be earth’s gigantic, magnetic bodyguard, sucking all kinds of space debris into itself that might otherwise hit planet earth. Our moon is just the right size to stabilize earth’s axis and ensure that the tides are just right to sustain life*. To declare this a mindless, cosmic accident makes as much sense as saying a tornado created a Boeing 747 when it whipped through a junkyard. Let us marvel at God’s wise design and rejoice that in Christ “all things hold together” (Colossians 1:16). *Eric Metaxas. Miracles: What They Are, Why They Happen, And How They Can Change Your Life. “Chapter 4: Is Life A Miracle?”. New York: Dutton, © 2014, pgs.40-41. Suggestions for prayer Thank God for specific ways that He upholds creation and provides for you day by day. Pastor Richard Zekveld, his wife Nancy, and their five children live in South Holland, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. Richard has pastored Covenant Fellowship Church of South Holland (PCA) since 2015, he also works part-time in jail ministry as a chaplain for Chicagoland Prison Outreach. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

Daily devotional

August 28 - Redeemed purity

“These are the ones who were not defiled with women, for they are virgins.” - Revelation 14:4  Scripture reading: Revelation 14:1-5; 1 John 1:5-2;2; Colossians 3:1-4 Do the celibate have a higher standing in the eyes of God? If I am married, or have fallen into sexual sin, can I join the 144,000? The character described in Rev. 14 is the character in Christ of the redeemed. They are redeemed, not perfect. The description of purity is best understood as a picture of the church as she faces the temptation of Babylon to participate in its worldliness (14:8). This means that though believers once fought on the wrong side, they fight on that side no longer and this now impacts the way they live. They are kept pure by actively fighting sin, living for Christ, and resisting the temptation of Babylon. Through daily grace they follow Jesus wherever He goes. God’s word reminds us that, in the end times, holiness matters. Fighting sin matters. While we will still commit sin until glory, God’s call on our lives is that we may not sin. But the emphasis here is not only on holiness, it is also on joy. Following Christ wherever He goes means the redeemed are worshipping Him in Zion even while battling on earth. We sing songs of redemption while still in the fight, while still experiencing daily victories and defeats. We thus see that the Christian life is neither casual with sin, austere in holiness, or having self-righteousness. It is a joy-filled, redemption-secured, Christ-pursuing life that, by grace, lays hold of victory. Suggestions for prayer Lord, help me to have the joy of Christ as I fight daily sin. Pastor Greg Bylsma is a graduate of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, and he is currently serving at the Living Water Reformed Church in Brantford, Ontario. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

August 27 - The 144,000 take two

“The hundred and forty-four thousand who were redeemed from the earth.” - Revelation 14:3  Scripture reading: Revelation 14:1-5; Ephesians 2:1-10; 2 Timothy 2:23-26 What does it take to defeat a dragon? In stories the mightiest dragons often have a fatal flaw, a vulnerability which a single arrow might expose! In Revelation 14 we are shown how to beat a dragon. It is in a certain identity with specific characteristics that mark the victors. The first characteristic of v. 3 is this: they are redeemed from the earth. Take a moment to consider this. The 144,000 had to be redeemed. This means they once fought for the ‘other’ side. They fought against the Lamb, instead of for Him. Media and human nature encourage us to look at those standing across the aisle from us with tremendous animosity. We can mock them, ridicule them, expose them and shame them. We can come to church and pray, “Lord, I thank You that I am not like other men!” But the 144,000 weren’t flawless. They weren’t so wise that they never fell for the lie of the enemy. To the contrary, each and every one once stood ‘across the aisle.’ What made the difference was not their brains or brawn, but a God who redeemed. God still saves sinners. This is the fatal flaw in the devil’s strategy; Christ saves condemned sinners from right under the devil’s nose! In an age of increasing animosity, let us be a church marked by truth and grace, rejoicing that through the Gospel, God still saves sinners even from the ranks of the enemy. Suggestions for prayer Lord, help us to see Your saving power saving sinners. Pastor Greg Bylsma is a graduate of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, and he is currently serving at the Living Water Reformed Church in Brantford, Ontario. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

August 26 - The enemies of Christ: the enemies of the church

“Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God…” - Revelation 13:6 Scripture reading: Revelation 13:1-18; Matthew 24:1-14, Romans 12:1-2 Revelation 13 describes the dragon’s attack on the church. Earthly empires will attack God and His people using worldly power (pictured in the first beast). A powerful second ‘beast’ of propaganda (later in Revelation called ‘the false prophet’) will use deceit and ‘wonders’ to deceive the world into worshipping the first beast. Through persecution, power, pressure, and propaganda the world will be led further from God, and the power of these beasts will be such that only those with the seal of God will resist the lie. Revelation 13 is a terrifying chapter. God is showing us that in the end times there will be many reasons to compromise our faith. Apart from compromise, we won’t be able to buy or sell. Apart from compromise, we could face prison or even death. With the persuasion of the false prophet, compromise will seem reasonable. Who can make war with him? But there is One who can make war with him, and who has already crushed his head. All those who stand in Him will also find victory over the beasts. The 144,000 redeemed of Revelation 7 will appear again in Revelation 14, and despite the battle, not one will be lost. Today, we face manifestations of these foes. We may face pressure that makes us feel like compromise is the only way, the only reasonable option. But the enemy is defeated. The Lion of Judah is victorious. Glory awaits. Suggestions for prayer Lord help me to bow only to You and stand against sin. Pastor Greg Bylsma is a graduate of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, and he is currently serving at the Living Water Reformed Church in Brantford, Ontario. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

August 25 - The place of victory

“They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony…” - Revelation 12:11 Scripture reading: Revelation 12:7-17; Romans 6 1-14 In the “Great” war we are called to fight, the outcome is never in question. The devil is defeated, and he is defeated through three key elements. First, believers overcome by the blood of the Lamb. It is the life, death, and resurrection of Christ that crushes the head of the serpent. Under His blood the accusations of the devil lose their power; we bear our sin no more. This grace empowers us to live for God’s glory and resist temptation. Second, they overcome by the word of their testimony. The gospel, as testified through the church, turns men “from the power of Satan to God” (Acts 26:18). When the church boldly and without apology proclaims the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ, (Romans 1:16) Satan himself is overcome by God’s Word and Spirit. Third, they overcome because they do not love their lives to the death. To gain Christ, they are willing to lose all. The devil is defeated as the church rejects his kingdom of darkness and embraces the kingdom of God’s glorious light. Today, we fight the same enemy, and use the same tactics: we must find forgiveness in the blood of Jesus, see Satan’s power broken through the Gospel of Christ, and follow Christ even to the death. The battle is won, we need not fear the outcome. Armed with this assurance we can bravely press on to victory! Suggestions for prayer Lord help me to fight with Christ as my strength, and may we know the battle is won. Pastor Greg Bylsma is a graduate of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, and he is currently serving at the Living Water Reformed Church in Brantford, Ontario. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

August 20 - The importance of repentance

“But they did not repent…” - Rev. 9:21 Scripture reading: Revelation 9; Psalm 51 Albert Einstein is attributed with the quote: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” Revelation 9:20-21 is one of the saddest passages in the book of Revelation. At the sound of the seven trumpets the Lord poured out His wrath on the human race. The price of sin is death. Earthly devastation, demonic torment, and widespread death all fall upon the earth. But the human race does not change. They see the fruit of their actions yet, in the terrifying words of Revelation 9:20-21, they do not repent. This hardness of heart is by nature present in each and every one of us. Have you ever seen a little child, caught in a lie, refusing to acknowledge the truth? The heirloom is broken on the floor, the rogue ball lies at their feet, no one else is home but they adamantly maintain it was the neighbour’s cat? The tragedy is not merely that we sin; the tragedy is that we sin and do not repent. We think things will improve without the need to humble ourselves and turn to God. This is insanity, and yet it lives in each of us apart from the redemptive work of Jesus. Where are we refusing to repent? Right now, God in His grace may be seeking you out. Don’t follow the pattern of this world. Return to the God who does not despise a broken and contrite heart! Suggestions for prayer See if there is any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting. Pastor Greg Bylsma is a graduate of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, and he is currently serving at the Living Water Reformed Church in Brantford, Ontario. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

August 19 - Let all the earth keep silent

“There was silence in heaven for about half an hour.” - Revelation 8:1  Scripture reading: Revelation 8:1-12 Revelation repeatedly shows us the same world history – the period from the first coming of Christ to His second. The periods of judgment and redemption in those cycles culminate in the return of our Lord. Generally, the conclusion of one cycle (here the seals) marks the beginning of the next (the trumpets). Before the seven trumpets comes silence. To this point, every time our eyes have been directed to heaven it has been to witness the worship of the redeemed in the presence of God. In 8:1, the heavens are quiet for a full 30 minutes. There is a sobriety and weight in the plan of God which, at times, calls us to silence. What we are about to see is humbling. God will pour out His wrath upon the wicked. The judgment of the wicked gives the Lord no pleasure (Ez. 33:11), and the silence of heaven reflects the heart of God as He prepares to release another cycle of condemnation upon the world. As God’s people we must learn the discipline of silence. We must remember we deal with ultimate matters of heaven and hell, the King of kings, and the eternal damnation of men’s souls outside of Christ. Silence reminds us we are dust and He is the Lord. Such things should lead us to silence even as they lead us to praise. Suggestions for prayer Lord as I consider You today, help me to take time in quiet reverence before the greatness of Your name. Pastor Greg Bylsma is a graduate of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, and he is currently serving at the Living Water Reformed Church in Brantford, Ontario. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

August 18 - The good shepherd

“The Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will shepherd them…” - Revelation 7:17  Scripture reading: Revelation 7:13-17; Psalm 23:1-6 Every year loved ones, either in our church, family, or friend circle, finish their earthly race. In Revelation 7 God gives us a special picture of heaven. He lets us know what we can expect when we are called home and the comfort we can have when this happens to Christians we love. Those who go to Christ in glory are forever in the presence of God. From the day of death to eternity, the Lamb, who is in the midst of the throne, will shepherd them (v17). When Jesus is surrounded by angelic hosts and vast multitudes praise Him in glory, He continues to shepherd and personally care for each of His children. He leads them to fountains of living water. God wipes away every tear from their eyes. Will we weep from godly sorrow over our past sins, or grief in being parted from loved ones? The Bible doesn’t tell us, but the Bible does tell us one thing. The tears won’t last long. God Himself will brush them away. We will be close enough to our Saviour that He will be able to reach out and wipe tears from our cheeks. God is good, and those who go to Him in glory experience a depth of His love and care we can never experience on earth. Don’t fear the final foe of death; just over the hill stands a glory that God guarantees for all who stand by faith in Him. Suggestions for prayer Lord, thank you for the comfort of Yourself in glory. Pastor Greg Bylsma is a graduate of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, and he is currently serving at the Living Water Reformed Church in Brantford, Ontario. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

August 17 - The centrality of worship

“Be to our God, forever and ever, Amen.” - Revelation 7:12  Scripture reading: Revelation 7:9-17 I had a Christian friend who often reminded us to be ‘re-centered.’ They were referring to the tendency that we forget what life is all about; the tendency to get a little too caught up in the things of this world, a little too distracted by the toys or the cares that present themselves on a daily basis. Amid distraction we need re-centering, and that comes through one practice - fixing our eyes on glory, fixing our eyes on Christ. In today’s vision of glory, several things come to the fore. First, all nations in great multitudes, will one day come before the throne of God in Spirit-filled devotion and praise. The greatest worship service you have ever experienced is waiting just around the corner, and it will not be stopped. It will have the most joyful songs, the most devoted focus, and the most glorious message. It will be a service with people from all nations who have one simple thing in common. All have washed their robes white in the blood of Christ, and now they come to praise Him. The book of Revelation repeatedly ‘re-centers’ us on worship. Is it still central in your life? In your day? Is Sunday worship the highlight of your week? In a life with many distractions, we all need re-centering. May our times of praise with the people of God anchor us on the beauty of Christ, and the blessings of serving Him! Suggestions for prayer Father, please help me not to lose a focus on Your glory in my daily living. Pastor Greg Bylsma is a graduate of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, and he is currently serving at the Living Water Reformed Church in Brantford, Ontario. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

August 12 - Worthy is the lamb

“For you were slain and have redeemed us to God…” - Revelation 5:9 Scripture reading: Revelation 5 What is necessary to carry out God’s work in the world? Surely qualities like zeal, holiness, or perseverance may come to mind. We may think of the need for better political leaders who can stem the tide of sin through righteous laws and just enforcement. We may yearn for a greater Christian influence in the media. But while all these answers can be God glorifying, the key in enacting God’s will is redemption, accomplished through Jesus, the One who is worthy to open the scrolls. God’s will cannot be accomplished through military power, or even righteous laws. It cannot be done in this way because God’s will is not merely to create an outward show of holiness. God’s will is to create a new people in Christ who will love Him and serve Him not from compulsion, but from the heart. And for this to happen the Lion of Judah must become the Lamb who was slain. For this to happen, we must be redeemed. Sometimes we can forget this all-important quality as we live in a world increasingly polarized between those on the supposed ‘right’ or ‘left’. Sin can anger us, causing us to forget both what God saved us from and the redemptive plan of God for those from every tribe, tongue, people and nation. To paraphrase the old song, “For not with swords loud clashing, or roll of stirring drums, with deeds of God’s salvation, the heavenly kingdom comes.” Suggestions for prayer Lord help us to see Your glory through the power of the Gospel. Pastor Greg Bylsma is a graduate of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, and he is currently serving at the Living Water Reformed Church in Brantford, Ontario. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

Daily devotional

August 11 - The lion of Judah

 “The Lion of the tribe of Judah…has prevailed…” - Rev. 5:5  Scripture reading: Revelation 5:1-8; Daniel 12; Matthew 6:9-10 While interpreting visions takes care, understanding the scroll in the hand of God is essential. It contains God’s purpose and plans for the future of His creation. This can be known with confidence because of what we read as the seals are opened (see Rev. 6:1-8:1), as well as the comparison to a similar vision in Daniel 12. When the angel asks who is worthy to open the scroll, he is asking if anyone is worthy to bring about God’s purpose on the earth. When no one is found, it teaches us that no mere human can bring God’s purposes to pass. We need to learn the sorrow of John in recognizing that in the billions of people on earth, not one could carry out or accomplish God’s will. We need to recognize that if God’s purposes depended on us, all would be lost! But here, we also need to learn the joy of Christ. Because of Jesus, John is commanded not to weep. Because of Jesus, God’s purposes won’t fail. Because of Jesus, it doesn’t matter how much opposition Christians face. God will secure His sheep. Because of Jesus, we should not lose hope even in the face of our own sin. God’s purposes depend not on us, but on His Son. Revelation 5 teaches us to lift up our heads. The Lion of Judah has overcome, and God’s purposes will triumph in Him both for this world and for you and me. Suggestions for prayer Lord, teach me the unfailing hope of knowing the victory found in Christ. Pastor Greg Bylsma is a graduate of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, and he is currently serving at the Living Water Reformed Church in Brantford, Ontario. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

August 10 - O worship the King

Revelation 4:8 Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty... Scripture reading: Revelation 4; Isaiah 6:1-8 How important is worship? On a scale of 1-10, how important, how life giving, is the worship of God to you? It is a humbling thing to realize how frequently the book of Revelation shows us the glory of God. Revelation will reveal to us the future. There will be visions of dragons and beasts, wars and martyrdom. But above it all, undergirding it all, is the glory of God and His worthiness to be praised. This is the emphasis of Revelation 4. Before we see the tempest of the following chapters, God shows us Himself. God is holy. He is separate from sin, most assuredly, but He is also separate from creation. He is above all things and even the sinless angels cannot stop praising Him in holy fear. The elders, who symbolize the victorious people of God, cast their crowns before Him and proclaim God alone as worthy. The reward of their perseverance, they cast before His feet: to God alone be glory! Worship is foundational to what life is about. It is something God calls us to participate in and consider repeatedly. It is never an option; we cannot do without it. It redirects our hearts away from the shaking sands of this world to the One who is immovable. It reminds us of who we are saved for. We have been made and redeemed for God’s glory; whatever this life may bring may we give Him the praise! Suggestions for prayer Lord, help me to know Your glory, and give You praise. Pastor Greg Bylsma is a graduate of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, and he is currently serving at the Living Water Reformed Church in Brantford, Ontario. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

Daily devotional

August 9 - Knowing need and fulfilling need

“But you do not know that you are wretched…buy from Me gold…” - Rev. 3:17-18  Scripture reading: Revelation 3:14-22; Judges 16:16-22; Isaiah 55:1-3 There is a particular verse in the Bible that always stops me dead in my tracks. The Philistines come upon Samson after his fall, and he says, “I will go out as before…and shake myself free!” But the verse continues, “But he did not know that the Lord had departed from him.” Laodicea was a church that did not realize how far they had fallen. They thought they had it all. Like Samson, Laodicea was self-deceived, believing their strength came from themselves. Perhaps they thought that wealth and good standing was proof of God’s favour. But they did not know that the Lord had departed. Jesus warns them of their danger: He tells them He would vomit them from His mouth! Such words would be gut-wrenching to hear, but it is followed up immediately by encouragement. The encouragement is simple: Come to Jesus. You are more impoverished than you realized, but come buy gold, come buy clothes and buy because these things, from the hand of Christ, are free. Jesus shows that His harsh words to Laodicea are a proof, not of condemnation, but of love. He is driving them to Himself. At the end of his life, John Newton wrote: “Although my memory’s fading, I remember two things very clearly: I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Saviour.” Whatever material blessings God may send, may we not forget the great poverty we have in ourselves, and the great supply that is found in Christ. Suggestions for prayer Lord, help me to know my need and its satisfaction in Christ. Pastor Greg Bylsma is a graduate of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, and he is currently serving at the Living Water Reformed Church in Brantford, Ontario. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

Daily devotional

August 4 - Poverty and riches

“…but you are rich.” - Revelation 2:9  Scripture reading: Revelation 2:8-22; 2 Corinthians 8:9 The church of Smyrna struggled to make its yearly budget. The pastor worked for peanuts and the people had little more. Church potlucks were well attended and joyful occasions, but not because of an abundance of food. The church lived for Christ, but because of this they learned what it was to suffer and go without. Of the seven churches Jesus writes to in Revelation only two are not rebuked. The first of those two is Smyrna. Living in physical poverty, spiritually they were millionaires. More hardship would come; Jesus reveals they would face prison and even death for His cause. This letter (like them all) is for us. There are times in these last days when to follow Christ will mean letting go of all this world has to offer, both financially and physically. Even today, following Christ can mean being willing to suffer for Him. It may be ridicule at school or work, losing a family business, or simply less earthly comfort as we support kingdom causes. It often means a life we did not anticipate. But Christ is worth it. There is greater glory ahead than what lays behind. Faithfulness unto death gains the crown of life. We are all called to count the cost of following Jesus. Let us join Smyrna, embrace the cross, and be truly rich. Suggestions for prayer Lord help me to follow You whatever the cost, and teach me the joy of gaining Christ. Pastor Greg Bylsma is a graduate of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, and he is currently serving at the Living Water Reformed Church in Brantford, Ontario. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

Daily devotional

August 3 - A loveless church?

“You have left your first love.” - Rev. 2:4  Scripture reading: Revelation 2:1-7; 1 Corinthians 13 The church of Ephesus was known for diligent service and doctrinal faithfulness. They worked hard in God’s kingdom; if we knew them today we might see them supporting Christian schools, the pro-life movement, or care for the homeless. They were both discerning and diligent, two necessary traits! But because they lacked one thing, this church was warned by Jesus that unless they repented, they would cease to be a church. It’s hard to imagine that discernment and hard work for God’s glory can have a fatal flaw, but it can. It can lead to pride and a failure to love grace, or the sinners we are called to serve, or even the very God in whose name we serve. If someone described you as a Christian, would they say first and foremost that you loved Jesus, and secondly that you loved others? Sometimes we think the greatest danger in our world today is compromising on what is right, but the first thing Jesus warns His church about is losing love. When we recognize that we have ceased to live by love we need not despair. Jesus provides a way of escape. We need to remember the love that filled our hearts when we first learned of Christ, to ask God for forgiveness for having lost it, and recommit to pressing nearer to God and others in Christian love. God can rekindle this love and keep the lampstand burning, and He promises this grace for all who turn to Him. Suggestions for prayer Lord, rekindle my love for Christ. Pastor Greg Bylsma is a graduate of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, and he is currently serving at the Living Water Reformed Church in Brantford, Ontario. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

Daily devotional

August 2 - Safe in the storm

“I am the Alpha and Omega…” - Rev. 1:8  Scripture reading: Revelation 1:4-8 Anchors may not be considered great treasures, but they can be invaluable tools. Not only do they steady a boat to enjoy fishing on a beautiful day, but in storms they keep boats from rocky shores. The future revealed in this book is at times stormy. There will be fearful visions of beasts and dragons, evil empires and earthly calamities. But before these things appear, God points us first to Himself: the Anchor who holds. Who is this God? He is the sovereign, all-powerful, resurrected Lord who loves us, washes us, and makes us glorious in Christ (even when we do not feel glorious). He is the victor, the One who is to come in glory, and who will be worshipped by all. He is the Almighty. Whatever the future may reveal, this God is the anchor for He is the One who holds the future in His sovereign hands. This God promises us grace and peace in Christ. The implication is that we will still struggle with sin and fear in these last days. But it also implies that when we do, all we need to overcome these things will also freely be supplied by Him. As we experience life in the end times, may God keep our eyes on the One who holds all in His hand and who provides from His loving abundance all we need to be safe in the storm. Suggestions for prayer Help us to keep our eyes on Christ, the Anchor of our souls. Pastor Greg Bylsma is a graduate of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, and he is currently serving at the Living Water Reformed Church in Brantford, Ontario. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

Daily devotional

August 1 - Introduction to the book of Revelation

This month Pastor Greg Bylsma leads us through a series of devotions on the book of Revelation. Two Scripture readings are given for each day. The first is foundational to the devotion, the second allows you to dig a little deeper into a similar teaching in God’s Word. We encourage you to take the time to read both! Unfortunately, due to space the entire book of Revelation is not covered. After finishing Revelation 14 the devotions skip to Revelation 21 and 22 for the closing days. We trust it may still be a help to you in understanding God’s message from the book of Revelation. Revelation “The revelation of Jesus Christ…” - Revelation 1:1a  Scripture reading: Revelation 1:1-3 Have you ever wished you could know the future? The idea seems to fit into the realm of science fiction, yet God tells us from the beginning of Revelation that His purpose is to reveal to His church what must “shortly” take place. As incredible as it seems, God is revealing the future. Sometimes when we look at the book of Revelation we consider it to be anything but a revelation. At best it is confusing, and at worst divisive. The name of the book, which means ‘unveiling’ hardly seems to fit. Yet if we believe Rev. 1:1-3, this book not only reveals what is to come, but gives us key truths to live by when it does. This book has a purpose, and it is to reveal to us the future so we can follow God’s plan as we step into that future. The call to us this month is to hear God’s words about what is coming and to keep them. His word is not always easy, but it is always good and always brings blessing to His bride as she seeks to obey and glorify His name as she does so. As we approach another month of drawing nearer to God, may we do so prepared to hear God’s revelation and live by it. May we see how God prepares us for the trials to come so that, through Christ, we may be more than conquerors. Suggestions for prayer Help us to understand and obey Your revelation to the church. Pastor Greg Bylsma is a graduate of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, and he is currently serving at the Living Water Reformed Church in Brantford, Ontario. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at ...

Daily devotional

July 27 - Clothing ourselves with humility

“Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” - 1 Peter 5:5  Scripture reading: 1 Peter 5:1-5 In today’s passage, Peter addresses both elders in the church and those shepherded by the elders. All are to clothe themselves with humility. Elders are to be examples of humility. Peter addresses them as a fellow elder who witnessed the suffering of Christ and saw the glory of Jesus on the mount of Transfiguration. In saying this, Peter is suggesting that if elders are truly acquainted with the suffering that Christ endured for their salvation and know of the glory that is waiting for them, they will serve not under compulsion, but willingly. They must not have a domineering spirit, but a humble heart, serving Christ’s church as under-shepherds of Christ, the Chief Shepherd. While they are saddened because they still sin, they serve as those saved by grace, looking forward to the coming glory. In the same way, those who are placed under the elders’ leadership are to be subject to the elders. They are to trust that Christ set these elders over them for their spiritual well-being and must listen to them, respecting them, even though they will make mistakes and not always be perfect examples. They can only do this with humble hearts. This is why Peter ends this section by stressing that we all need to continually clothe ourselves with humility. This is to be an ongoing action. It means fighting the temptation of pride and growing in our understanding of grace, keeping this in mind that God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Suggestion for prayer That we could continually work on being humble, whether we are in a leadership position or being led by others. Pastor Richard Bultje is a missionary and pastor of the River of Life church plant in Niagara Falls Ontario. It is a church plant under the oversight of the Wellandport United Reformed Church. Pastor Richard and his wife, Yukyung moved to Niagara Falls in November 2012 with their three children, Calvin, Isaiah and Gloria. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

Daily devotional

July 26 - Entrusting our souls

“Therefore let those who suffer according to God’s will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good.” - 1 Peter 4:19  Scripture reading: 1 Peter 4:19 Knowing that God has a purpose for struggles in our life, we are more likely to endure and be more optimistic about the future. Many today are pessimistic about the future. Threats of war, predictions of global warming and financial struggles can bring many down. Verse 19 begins with the word “therefore” directing us to reflect on the previous verses telling us that when we suffer trials, God wants us to trust that He is purifying us through these. If we look back in our life, we should see how God molded us through the struggles He allowed in our lives. It is often, through the struggles in our life, that our Christian faith matures and blossoms, for it is then that we call out to Him for comfort and help. From this perspective Peter tells us we should have an optimistic view of the future. For the Lord, Who matured us as we went through various trials in the past, will never forsake us. This is why Peter says, let those who suffer according to God’s will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator. Entrusting our lives to our faithful God should show itself in doing what is good and pleasing to our God. When we truly trust God, we will not be full of ourselves and the things of this world, but God’s love and care will overwhelm us in such a way that we will have a deep love for our Lord. This will show in how we respond to God and our neighbour. Suggestion for prayer That we would always entrust our lives to our faithful God. Pastor Richard Bultje is a missionary and pastor of the River of Life church plant in Niagara Falls Ontario. It is a church plant under the oversight of the Wellandport United Reformed Church. Pastor Richard and his wife, Yukyung moved to Niagara Falls in November 2012 with their three children, Calvin, Isaiah and Gloria. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

Daily devotional

July 25 - Purified by God

“For it is time for judgement to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us; what will be the outcome of those who do not obey the gospel of God.” - 1 Peter 4:17  Scripture reading: 1 Peter 4:15-18 When we suffer for being a follower of Jesus Christ we will be blessed. However, it is not good to suffer for doing wrong. Peter specifically tells us not to suffer for being a murderer, thief, evildoer or meddler. Jesus taught that saying “you fool” is considered murder and stealing starts with desiring what does not belong to you. An evildoer is anyone who does anything considered to be evil by God. A meddler wants to know everything and thinks he can fix everyone’s problems. If we are honest, we have to admit that we do these things at times and deserve to be punished. But as followers of Jesus Christ, when we suffer for doing sinful things, we should not turn from God. Instead, as His children, we are to turn to God, seeking His forgiveness. Then we can go on our way thankfully, glorifying God, seeing that God punished us to purify us, so that more and more we live for Him in the joy of our salvation. Peter goes on to ask that if God brings judgement on us to purify us, what will He do to those who do not follow the gospel call to repent and believe in Jesus Christ? When Peter quotes Proverbs 11:31, he does so to warn us: accept His discipline, repent and believe. Those who are ungodly and sin with no care in this life will receive their suffering, not as a purifying force, but as an eternal punishment in hell. Suggestion for prayer That we would accept the discipline of the Lord as a blessing that is purifying us as His beloved children. Pastor Richard Bultje is a missionary and pastor of the River of Life church plant in Niagara Falls Ontario. It is a church plant under the oversight of the Wellandport United Reformed Church. Pastor Richard and his wife, Yukyung moved to Niagara Falls in November 2012 with their three children, Calvin, Isaiah and Gloria. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

Daily devotional

July 24 - Sharing in Christ’s suffering

"Do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you." - 1 Peter 4:12 Scripture reading: 1 Peter 4:12-14 In high school I remember a coach saying, “I will bring you through these hard tests in practice to strengthen you so that in a game you will be able to serve the team.” Peter tells us that God brings us through fiery trials to test us in a similar way in order to better serve Him. It is about declining to go places or participating in ungodly activities because you are a follower of Jesus Christ and being criticized for it or about not taking a position at work, or joining a sports team because it would limit your ability to worship and serve the Lord. In allowing us to experience fiery trials in these ways, God wants us to trust Him. He tests us to strengthen us in our service for His glory and in our ability to do His will. The Bible has many stories demonstrating how God tested His children through various trials. Think of Daniel and his three friends. When we suffer for Christ through a fiery trial, Peter says we share in Christ’s suffering. Christ suffered for the glory that would come through His suffering. We are called to be patient when we suffer fiery trials in our service of Jesus Christ, trusting that when His glory is revealed we will see our Saviour not only in all His power and might, but in all His love expressed to us in the words, “My good and faithful servant”. Suggestion for prayer That we would be willing to suffer for Christ and be patient when we go through a fiery trial. Pastor Richard Bultje is a missionary and pastor of the River of Life church plant in Niagara Falls Ontario. It is a church plant under the oversight of the Wellandport United Reformed Church. Pastor Richard and his wife, Yukyung moved to Niagara Falls in November 2012 with their three children, Calvin, Isaiah and Gloria. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

Daily devotional

July 19 - Suffering as beloved children of God 

“Since therefore Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves with the same way of thinking,..” - 1 Peter 4:1 Scripture reading: 1 Peter 4:1-3 & Psalm 73:1-28 The fourth chapter of this letter tells us how we are to live as God’s beloved children in this rebellious world. As adopted brothers and sisters of Jesus, we should now think like Jesus did in respect to suffering. That is, we have to be willing to suffer in the flesh. Jesus is our great example in this. Peter was writing to Christians who lost their homes, their freedom, and even at times their physical lives because they no longer lived as they used to, but lived for the Lord. This caused those around them to become angry, saying and doing much evil to them. Although Christians today might not have the same struggles, we also need to be ready to suffer as children of God. We have to say no to things that the world says are good. We have to give up some comforts in our service to the Lord. We have to be willing to be seen as “strange” by people of the world for having Sunday as a special day to worship, for serving God above worldly success and pleasure, for saying no to drinking parties, for not doing whatever feels good and for putting God and His commandments first in our lives. This can mean being left out or ignored at times by others and not enjoying things they do. It can mean seeing others having it all while we fight against being jealous. We can only suffer in this way when we see how Jesus suffered for us. Suggestion for prayer That we would trust in the great blessings we have as believers in Jesus Christ and so be willing to suffer as beloved children of God. Pastor Richard Bultje is a missionary and pastor of the River of Life church plant in Niagara Falls Ontario. It is a church plant under the oversight of the Wellandport United Reformed Church. Pastor Richard and his wife, Yukyung moved to Niagara Falls in November 2012 with their three children, Calvin, Isaiah and Gloria. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

Daily devotional

July 18 - Christ, our risen Lord and Saviour

"Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that He might bring us to God being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit." - 1 Peter 3:18 Scripture reading: 1 Peter 3:18-22 Yesterday’s passage emphasized that if we suffer in the faith, we will endure. Today, we read why. Jesus suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that He might bring us to God. Just as Jesus died in the flesh but was made alive by the Spirit, we are called to trust that when we believe in Christ, our old self has died and we are made alive by the Spirit. Peter goes on to state that Jesus did not rise from the dead just to give us hope. He also proclaimed to the spirits in prison waiting for their eternal punishment how foolish they were in rebelling against God. Their efforts to stop the coming of God’s Son to bring salvation, failed. Jesus rose to show that He won victory for all who put their faith in God’s promises. Just as Noah and his family were saved through water, we are saved through faith in Jesus’ death and resurrection. Peter points out that our baptism by water points us to this fact. Baptism does not wash dirt from our bodies, but assures us that just as water washes dirt away, Christ washes our sins away through faith in Him. The result of trusting that Jesus rose from the dead and is able to wash our sins away gives us a clean conscience before God. Since Jesus has gone into heaven with angels, authorities and powers now subject to Him, we can have great assurance that our salvation is secure. Suggestion for prayer That we would have confidence that Jesus not only died for us, but rose again and ascended into heaven as our all-powerful Lord and Saviour. Pastor Richard Bultje is a missionary and pastor of the River of Life church plant in Niagara Falls Ontario. It is a church plant under the oversight of the Wellandport United Reformed Church. Pastor Richard and his wife, Yukyung moved to Niagara Falls in November 2012 with their three children, Calvin, Isaiah and Gloria. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

Daily devotional

July 17 - Setting apart Christ in our hearts

“In your hearts honour Christ the Lord as holy.” - 1 Peter 3:15  Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 3:13-17 In calling us to brotherly love, Peter encourages us to be witnesses in this dark and often confusing world. When we suffer any kind of opposition from a hostile world while seeking to follow God’s Word, Peter tells us that no real harm will come to us. As we seek to serve the Lord in the joy of salvation, we are called to trust that God will turn all things for our eternal good. Even death will be turned to our good, for then we will see our Saviour face to face. Peter tells us to have no fear of those who oppose us as children of God. Instead, we are all the more to set apart Christ in our hearts. That is, we are to get to know Christ. He truly is the joy and treasure that satisfies our hearts. As we grow in this, Peter tells us to be ready to give the reason for the hope we have in this broken world. We must live in such a way that our joy and hope are noticed by those around us, to such an extent that they would ask why we have hope in this broken and rebellious world. We are to talk of Jesus with humility and not as if we deserve this hope and joy because we are better than others. We are to talk of our hope and joy in such a way that they would think this can be theirs through faith in Jesus Christ. Suggestion for prayer That we set apart Christ in our hearts and that we would be able to speak of our hope to others with tact and love. Pastor Richard Bultje is a missionary and pastor of the River of Life church plant in Niagara Falls Ontario. It is a church plant under the oversight of the Wellandport United Reformed Church. Pastor Richard and his wife, Yukyung moved to Niagara Falls in November 2012 with their three children, Calvin, Isaiah and Gloria. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

Daily devotional

July 16 - Showing we are God’s children

“Do not repay evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary, bless, for to this you were called, that you may obtain a blessing.” - 1 Peter 3:9  Scripture reading: 1 Peter 3:8-12 Peter finishes this section on how to interact with others by calling us to live a certain way with everyone. If we are honest, we have to admit that these godly virtues are not easy to follow. They can only come from a heart that knows how deeply we are loved by God. Many times within church communities we allow pet peeves and little arguments to divide us. When we have differences with fellow Christians, may we see that, our Saviour and our desire to serve and worship Him is what must unite us. This should cause us to have sympathy for each other when we see brothers and sisters going through struggles, even when these are caused by their own foolishness. Brotherly love is all about loving our fellow Christians because we are one in the Lord, even though we have differing opinions on certain matters. We need to have a tender heart toward each other and be humble as we deal with each other, not seeking to repay evil for evil, reviling for reviling or gossiping with gossiping. We are called to bless each other; that is to approve of each other as beloved children of God. When we do this we will receive a blessing from God. We need to remember that God sees all. If we speak badly towards or about others, we need to remember that God is displeased with us when we do this. But when we speak lovingly and faithfully towards our brothers and sisters, God sees this with delight. Suggestion for prayer That we would refrain from speaking badly toward or about each other, but encourage and bless each other. Pastor Richard Bultje is a missionary and pastor of the River of Life church plant in Niagara Falls Ontario. It is a church plant under the oversight of the Wellandport United Reformed Church. Pastor Richard and his wife, Yukyung moved to Niagara Falls in November 2012 with their three children, Calvin, Isaiah and Gloria. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

Daily devotional

July 11 - Building our lives on the solid rock

“As you come to Him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house.” - 1 Peter 2: 4-5  Scripture reading: 1 Peter 2:4-8 & Psalm 118:14-29 Here we see that living the Christian life is an ongoing commitment to Jesus. This involves building our lives more and more on the firm foundation of Jesus and what He did for us. He was rejected by mankind and put on a cross to die. Yet, it was the Father’s will that Jesus would go through this so that He could be that chosen and precious stone in which we can find security as beloved children of God. In Jesus we have a new reality as we build our lives on the firm foundation of Jesus and what He did for us. As believers, we are to see ourselves as being built up together, a spiritual house bringing glory to Christ, Who is building us up. As a holy priesthood, we are to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. We are to offer our lives in service to Him, submitting to His commands and will, wanting His name to be adored and His Kingdom to come. We are to see God’s great love in laying Jesus as the cornerstone on which we can build our lives. We are to do this with devotion, not shying away from how Jesus wants us to live and from telling others about Him and what He has done for us. To shy away from this is like stumbling over a rock that you won’t acknowledge. You are not to stumble over Jesus, but acknowledge Him and build your whole life around Him. Suggestion for prayer That we would continue to show that Jesus is the solid rock in our lives, in following His ways and wanting others to follow us in following Jesus. Pastor Richard Bultje is a missionary and pastor of the River of Life church plant in Niagara Falls Ontario. It is a church plant under the oversight of the Wellandport United Reformed Church. Pastor Richard and his wife, Yukyung moved to Niagara Falls in November 2012 with their three children, Calvin, Isaiah and Gloria. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

Daily devotional

July 10 - Growing in contentment because of Jesus Christ

"Like new born infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that you may grow up into salvation - if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good." - 1 Peter 2:2-3 Scripture reading: 1 Peter 2:1-3 & Philippians 4:4-13 If we believe the good news of Jesus Christ, we must now live a new type of life. We are to get rid of every kind of malice, hypocrisy, deceit, envy and slander. Malice is living in any way contrary to loving God and our neighbour. Hypocrisy is pretending to be someone you are not to make yourself look better. Deceit is lying to take advantage of someone or to get something you don’t deserve. Envy is wanting what someone else has. Slander is trying to make someone else look bad so you look better to others. Peter calls us to love God and our neighbour, accepting all that God gives us while being happy with what God gives our neighbour. That only happens when we are content in our relationship with God because of Jesus. When we are content in our relationship with God, malice, hypocrisy, deceit, envy and slander will more and more be put out of our life. Since it is not easy to always be content, Peter tells us to long for a better understanding of the good news of Jesus Christ. Like a healthy newborn baby desires milk, we are to desire more knowledge and understanding of Jesus and our salvation from God’s Word. In this way, we will become mature, content followers of Jesus Christ. Peter points out that if we are not maturing in our salvation and growing in our contentment in our life, we need to examine ourselves, if indeed we have tasted that the Lord is good. Suggestion for prayer That you would mature in the faith, seeking a deeper understanding of the gospel, so you would be more content in Him. Pastor Richard Bultje is a missionary and pastor of the River of Life church plant in Niagara Falls Ontario. It is a church plant under the oversight of the Wellandport United Reformed Church. Pastor Richard and his wife, Yukyung moved to Niagara Falls in November 2012 with their three children, Calvin, Isaiah and Gloria. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

Daily devotional

July 9 - The living and abiding word of God

“Love one another earnestly from a pure heart, since you have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God.” - 1 Peter 1:22-23 Scripture reading: Romans 10:5-9 Peter encourages us to have a healthy fear of God, to be in such awe of Him that we always want to do what is pleasing in His sight. He goes on to say that our souls have been purified by our obedience to the truth to develop a sincere love for our brothers. Notice that Peter does not say by our obedience to the commands of God, but to the truth. The good news of Jesus Christ is the truth. Obedience to the truth is trusting Jesus truly saved us. Peter tells us that if we believe the gospel, we will have sincere brotherly love. We who have become new people through faith in Jesus Christ, are called to love one another earnestly because we have a new heart. We are to show that we are new persons in Jesus Christ by having a deep love for brothers and sisters in the Lord. We are to do this even if we do not always get along with them. Why is this both possible and necessary in our lives? It is because we have been born again, or made into a new person, by the living and abiding Word of God. This Word, the Good News of Jesus Christ, changed us and will keep on changing us so we will not only have a desire, but also an ability to love one another. If it is not changing us so that we are starting to love others, it has not yet saved us. Suggestions for prayer That the living and abiding Word that saves will continue to change you to love one another. Pastor Richard Bultje is a missionary and pastor of the River of Life church plant in Niagara Falls Ontario. It is a church plant under the oversight of the Wellandport United Reformed Church. Pastor Richard and his wife, Yukyung moved to Niagara Falls in November 2012 with their three children, Calvin, Isaiah and Gloria. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

Daily devotional

July 8 - Have a proper view of our heavenly Father

“Conduct yourself with fear throughout the time of your exile knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ.” - 1 Peter 1:17-19  Scripture reading: 1 Peter 1:17-21 In the prayer that Jesus taught us to pray, He instructs us to call His Father our heavenly Father. Peter tells us that if we do call God our Heavenly Father, we should conduct ourselves in a certain way, showing we have a special fear of God. This fear of God is the opposite of having a fear of man. As children of our heavenly Father, we should first seek to do what is pleasing to Him, not our fellow man. We are to do this while we wait for the time when He will call us to our heavenly home. We are to live our lives, remembering the payment made for us to become part of the family of our heavenly Father. The payment was made with the precious blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. May we trust that God, from eternity, wanted to send His son to make this payment so that we could be His beloved children. God sent His Son into this world to sacrifice His life on the cross. He sent His Son to do this so that sinful, undeserving people can call God their loving, heavenly Father. Do you believe that Jesus paid the price to ransom you from the futile ways of this world to be a beloved child of a heavenly Father? In believing this, you are called to conduct yourself as one who does not fear what man thinks, but what God thinks. As His beloved child, you are called to do what is pleasing to your Heavenly Father. Suggestions for prayer That we would grow to fear man less and our heavenly Father more. Pastor Richard Bultje is a missionary and pastor of the River of Life church plant in Niagara Falls Ontario. It is a church plant under the oversight of the Wellandport United Reformed Church. Pastor Richard and his wife, Yukyung moved to Niagara Falls in November 2012 with their three children, Calvin, Isaiah and Gloria. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

Daily devotional

July 3 - Why we should praise our God

“He has caused us to be born again . . . to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefined and unfading.” - 1 Peter 1:3-4 Scripture reading: John 3:1-14 After praying for grace and peace to be multiplied in the lives of his readers, Peter tells us why we should praise God. It is not because we have nice homes and families, good jobs or health, but because He has caused us to have a new life. Most important of all, we have a living hope because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Peter is calling us to believe that just as Jesus rose from the dead, we now have a new life as children of the living God, an eternal relationship that will never end. While living on this earth with struggles and problems, we can trust that nothing will be able to separate us from the Love of God. This means that we always have a reason to praise our God and Father. But there’s more. Peter says we are to praise our God because we have an inheritance in heaven that will never perish, fade or spoil. Jesus promised that He not only died to secure our inheritance, but went to heaven to prepare it for us. He is there now making a place for us where we will no longer be sinful and the devil will never be able to come there. This inheritance will never go bad, get boring or be too much for us to handle. We will experience the reality of being completely at home, with no sadness or fear, only joy and contentment. This is a great reason to praise our God and Father. Suggestions for prayer That we rejoice in what we have as children of God now and be overjoyed with what is coming our way in heavenly glory. Pastor Richard Bultje is a missionary and pastor of the River of Life church plant in Niagara Falls Ontario. It is a church plant under the oversight of the Wellandport United Reformed Church. Pastor Richard and his wife, Yukyung moved to Niagara Falls in November 2012 with their three children, Calvin, Isaiah and Gloria. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

Daily devotional

July 2 - A blessing for Christ’s church

“May grace and peace be multiplied in you.” - 1 Peter 1:2b  Scripture reading: Romans 1:1-7 After Peter announces who he is and to whom he is writing, he declares something very important. Many pastors also declare a blessing to God’s people at the beginning of a worship service. They give a special blessing to those who have come to worship the Lord in spirit and truth. This sets the tone of our worship services. God gathers and welcomes us to bless us as we come to worship Him under the reading and preaching of His Word. In declaring a blessing to the Christians, Peter is also summarizing what the letter is about: God extending grace and peace to His people in abundance. The first Christians to read this letter faced persecution and displacement and were often struggling with why God was allowing this in their lives. Today, we may not deal with the struggles early Christians faced, but we still face various situations that challenge our faith. We are blessed when we believe these words are not just from the man Peter, but from our Lord. God wants us to believe His grace has been abundantly supplied to us in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Out of a great love that we did not deserve, God the Father sent His only Son to take the punishment for our sins, so that we can become God’s beloved children, adopted into the eternal family of God. He did this so that we can have eternal peace with God, a peace that no one and nothing can take away, not even death. Suggestions for prayer That we would trust God’s grace and peace are ours because of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Pastor Richard Bultje is a missionary and pastor of the River of Life church plant in Niagara Falls Ontario. It is a church plant under the oversight of the Wellandport United Reformed Church. Pastor Richard and his wife, Yukyung moved to Niagara Falls in November 2012 with their three children, Calvin, Isaiah and Gloria. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

Daily devotional, Uncategorised

July 1 - Introduction to 1 Peter: holding fast to Christ in a rebellious world

During the past years, our governments and the people of our lands have shown more rejection of God and His Word. We see ungodly lifestyles promoted. We see what Paul explained in Romans 1. Although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking has become futile and their foolish hearts are darkened. Although they claim to be wise, they have become fools, exchanging the glory of God for images and heroes of their making. We see that God is giving them over to their sinful desires. When we see the foundations of our culture being destroyed, we wonder what the righteous can do. Peter wrote his letter in a time of great persecution, immorality and confusion. We are not sure what lies ahead for us, but Peter tells us where to find our hope and comfort, and how we are to live as saints set apart in the midst of a rebellious world, being ready to give a reason for the hope we have as beloved children of God. We will be going through the first letter of Peter this month. Peter tells us to praise God in the midst of a fallen, rebellious world for the great blessings we have because of Christ our Saviour. He also tells us how we are to live for Him as His beloved children, fighting sin and encouraging each other as fellow citizens of the Kingdom of heaven, looking forward to a glorious future that will never perish, spoil or fade. May Peter’s words encourage us to be faithful, so that we will not give up following Jesus, continuing in the mission He has given us: to tell others about Jesus and show that Jesus is a true and loving Saviour. Having our identity in Christ “Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ. To those who are elect exiles of the Dispersion . . . according to the foreknowledge of God the Father.” - 1 Peter 1:1-2a  Scripture reading: John 21:15-19 Peter starts this letter by emphasizing the identity of those who believe in Jesus Christ. Earlier, Peter had struggles in this area. On the night Jesus was arrested, Peter was asked if he knew Jesus. He denied it three times. But Peter repented and now calls himself an apostle of Jesus Christ; one who represented and witnessed for Jesus Christ. And he gives special designations to those to whom he is writing. First, he calls us God’s elect, chosen to be God’s beloved children according to His eternal, unconditional love. God sent His Son to die for His people. He also sent the Holy Spirit to enable His children to believe and live in joyful obedience because of Christ’s sprinkled blood. Peter encourages us to trust in Jesus Christ, find our identity as His beloved, chosen people and confess our faith in Him. In the second designation, Peter calls us strangers. Peter was writing to those who were scattered throughout the world. Although they were scattered among various places they were citizens of a new Kingdom, the kingdom of God. Peter is encouraging us to see that this world is not our real home. We should seek to be a blessing to any country we live in, yet in believing in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. May we see that we are strangers to this world and part of God’s chosen people, the Kingdom of God. Suggestions for prayer That we would more and more see our identity in Jesus Christ as members of God’s elect people, strangers in this world living in obedience to our Lord. Pastor Richard Bultje is a missionary and pastor of the River of Life church plant in Niagara Falls Ontario. It is a church plant under the oversight of the Wellandport United Reformed Church. Pastor Richard and his wife, Yukyung moved to Niagara Falls in November 2012 with their three children, Calvin, Isaiah and Gloria. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

Daily devotional

June 30 - Jesus the radiance of the glory of God

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.” - Psalm 19:14  Scripture reading: Hebrews 1:1-4 Radiance is a rarely used word in the Greek New Testament. It means shining brightness. That probably doesn’t help matters much in terms of trying to define what radiance is. What I love about this title for Jesus is, it really is at the very edge of both our language and ability to explain that Jesus is the Beautiful One. Thinking about Him and His work is like following a sunbeam that pierces the clouds after a rainstorm. As you follow the outward edges of the sunbeam upwards your eye is drawn to the source of its light, the sun. So it is with Jesus, the more you consider Him, the longer you gaze into Scripture and contemplate Who He is, the more your senses will be drawn upwards in Jesus, up toward the brilliance of the Living God, Who alone lives in unapproachable light. It is the contemplation of the Names of God and the Attributes of God which clarify your understanding of Who He Is. As you spend more and more time thinking about God, your imagination gets stirred up and your soul soars in hymns and prayers to Him. If He did not reveal Himself, His radiant brilliance and His glory would remain hidden. He has shown us His salvation. He invites you to keep learning of Him, so that in the endless reaches of eternity, you will still shout: “Oh, Jesus, radiance of the Father’s glory, show us more that we may give more love to You, Triune God, and serve You ever more joyfully!” Suggestions for prayer As you continue to read the Bible, pray that the Spirit of God will show you more of the beauty of God, His glorious Self-Revelation, so that your vocabulary for praise and worship will grow and your delight in the LORD our God will be infectious to all around you. Rev. Richard Vander Vaart served as a minister in the Christian Reformed Church of North America for over twenty years, before joining the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. He is now serving as the Atlantic Region prison-visiting pastor working with Redemption Prison Ministry. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

Daily devotional

June 25 - Jesus the Lord of the Sabbath

“So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all His work that He had done in creation.” - Genesis 2:3 Scripture reading: Matthew 12:1-14 It is confusing for many people to know what the Sabbath means. In his commentary on this passage, Lange noted that from the time Jesus made this declaration as being the Lord of the Sabbath, He was on the run. This title moved Jesus from being acclaimed and loved, to becoming harassed and questioned. Jesus is Lord. He has the right to interpret the Sabbath: why it was given and what it is designed to achieve. Genesis 2 teaches that the LORD blessed the seventh day and made it holy. That first Sabbath, Adam and Eve experienced the joy of knowing Him and being loved by the LORD. Adam’s fall disrupted the pattern of Sabbath. When Jesus fed His disciples or healed the broken on the Sabbath, He was fulfilling Psalm 23. As He prepared to restore the soul, He first provided food and water. The weary, thirsty soul cannot rest content in Him when the belly is growling and the heart is parched. So, it is with Jesus’ works on the Sabbath, He feeds, He heals so that His people can truly be refreshed in the presence of the King. This day, confess your sins, knowing these are forgiven because of Jesus, Lord of the Sabbath, so that nothing will hinder your walk with God. This LORD’s Day, do you know someone who needs mercy or help? Demonstrate the kindness of God so that they will experience the blessing of God. In this way Jesus, Lord of the Sabbath, will be made known to this generation and beyond. Suggestions for prayer Pray that the Lord of the Sabbath will open your eyes to the needs of the people around you, the broken places of their lives where your acts of mercy will help them to see Jesus; praise God the Father that He has given us this joyful day of fellowship and blessing. Rev. Richard Vander Vaart served as a minister in the Christian Reformed Church of North America for over twenty years, before joining the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. He is now serving as the Atlantic Region prison-visiting pastor working with Redemption Prison Ministry. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

Daily devotional

June 24 - God who hems us in an knits us together

“You hem me in, behind and before…You formed my inward parts; You knitted me together in my mother’s womb.” - Psalm 139:5a & 13  Scripture reading: Psalm 139:1-24 Two striking images of God the Father stand out in this Psalm. These are two particularly intimate images of the LORD: He hems me in and He knitted me together. While teaching this passage in a Bible study in prison, one man noted the expression “to hem in” eluded him. I thought about it for a moment and asked, “Have you ever had pants that were too long for you?” He nodded. “To hem the pants is to fold the edge back over itself and sew it so the pants will be the appropriate length. That fold is the hem—and the picture is of God folding us close to Himself and keeping us there.” The LORD our God surrounds us with His goodness. It is like He sews us close to Himself so that we will not stray from Him. It is silly to think of the Father with knitting needles and a string of DNA, clattering those needles together to form His people. Yet, the image of a knitter making a sweater or a pair of socks, is something that teaches the believers about the intimacy of God’s workmanship. He knows the purposes for which He makes us. He knows how He put us together. He knows what is good for us; what will unravel us, and He hems us so that we do not fray and become useless. This nearness of God is not based on our feelings, or our sense of His presence or absence. He is near. Trust the Word of God on this. Suggestions for prayer Pray that your mind and heart would own the promise of God that He is near; thank Him for His nearness; pray by name for friends, co-workers and family members who do not yet know God as near and loving, so that they too will rejoice in God as Saviour and Lord. Rev. Richard Vander Vaart served as a minister in the Christian Reformed Church of North America for over twenty years, before joining the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. He is now serving as the Atlantic Region prison-visiting pastor working with Redemption Prison Ministry. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

Daily devotional

June 23 - Jesus: the holy one, the true one

“And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: “The words of The Holy One, The True One, Who has the Key of David.”” - Revelation 3:7  Scripture reading: Revelation 3:7-13 The Holy One, The True One are titles which, applied to Jesus, draw together many teachings of Scripture. He has the power to shut the Kingdom to wicked people and open it to sons and daughters of the Most High God. In the hands of ordinary people, such power would corrupt. Humans strive for power, promising to use it for good, but achieving power, we find out how corrupt their hearts are. Jesus is the Holy One with God the Father, co-equal in power, majesty and holiness. Jesus’ power to open or shut heaven is always, perfectly and honourably carried out. Though Jesus is fully man and fully God, His humanity is conformed in perfect obedience to the will of God. He cannot be corrupted. Therefore, His warning to the people of Philadelphia and to us today, is an important teaching. Believers must hold fast to Jesus Christ as the only foundation for their salvation. We are called to be holy as He is holy. He is the Only True One. This makes sense when we think of the idiom: ‘He is a true friend’. When you say that, you mean his friendship will withstand the tests of time, betrayal and reconciliation after hurts are healed. Jesus is True. When His own people waver in affection, Jesus stays true. Nothing can stop His steadfast love which is poured out on His people through the presence of the Holy Spirit. This love brings the people under His care to a place of patient endurance for the sake of His Name. Suggestions for prayer Bring any struggle in your faith to Jesus, The Holy One, the True One, trusting in His steadfast love; if things are good in your life, intercede for those experiencing hardship in their walk with God; when such trials are covered by the merciful love of God, give thanks. Rev. Richard Vander Vaart served as a minister in the Christian Reformed Church of North America for over twenty years, before joining the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. He is now serving as the Atlantic Region prison-visiting pastor working with Redemption Prison Ministry. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. It is also available in print, for purchase, at  ...

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