“Love…rejoices with the truth” – 1 Corinthians 13:4-6
Scripture reading: Ephesians 4:17-25
Love rejoices with the truth. Love rejoices when truth and integrity win the day, even when it is injurious to oneself. It rejoices when the truth of the Gospel is proclaimed. Love rejoices when the truth of God’s Word exposes the lies of the devil. It does not want to hear and pass on lies, gossip or slander. Love doesn’t share things on social media carelessly because it confirms one’s bias. Love goes the extra mile to fact check things, not believing everything on the internet. It wants truth to win, even if it isn’t what one wants to hear or believe. Love joyfully celebrates truth!
Again, Jesus fulfills this aspect of love. Jesus not only rejoiced with the truth but He IS the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). He is Truth Incarnate. He never rejoiced at wrongdoing. He never lied, gossiped or slandered. No deceit was found in His mouth (1 Peter 2:22). Rather, He always delighted to speak the truth in love. He always rejoiced to reveal the truth of who God the Father is (John 4:34; 14:9; 17:4). And He rejoiced to reveal the truth of how we can be reconciled to God through faith in Him (John 5:24; 6:47). By His Spirit He now sanctifies us in the truth of God’s Word, so that we also love the truth and speak the truth in love. As followers of the Truth let us rejoice with the truth!
Suggestions for prayer
Ask God for forgiveness for the times you’ve failed to rejoice with the truth and rest in the truth of the Gospel. Pray that the Spirit of Truth would help you to always rejoice with the truth and to rejoice in the Lord, who is the Truth.
Rev. Brian Cochran is ordained in the United Reformed Churches in North America and has served as the pastor of Redeemer Reformation Church in Regina, SK, for 14 years. This month he starts a new call to Grace URC in Torrance, CA. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. This devotional is made available by the Nearer To God Devotional team, who also make available in print, for purchase, at NTGDevotional.com.