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Wire Mothers: Harry Harlow and the Science of Love

by Jim Ottaviani and Dylan Meconis
2007 / 84 pages

Many horrors have been done in the name of science. Wire Mothers is the story of how Harry Harlow combatted one of them.

Now this “horror” might not seem all that horrible. In the first half of the 20th century, psychologists were warning parents not to show too much affection to their children. That might not seem so crazy; after all, we all know parents who spoil their kids. But what exactly is this “too much affection” they are talking about? Here is how one prominent psychologist put it: “Never hug and kiss them.”

What? Really?

Yup. American Psychological Association President John B. Watson encouraged parents to shake hands with their children rather than hug. That really was being promoted!

This is misinformation that Christians at that time should have been able to see through. since there is a lot of kissing and embracing going on in the Bible – just think of Jesus’ story of the prodigal son being embraced by his father (Luke 15:11-31).

Many in the world swallowed this pseudo-science whole, but scientist and psychologist Henry Harlow wasn’t one of them. He doesn’t seem to have been Christian (at least, not from what this book shares), but he did understand that parents hugging their children wasn’t the problem it was being made out to be. In fact, he knew it was a good thing and set out to prove it, using monkeys.

Harlow rigged up an experiment in which monkey babies were “raised” by two surrogate “mothers” – each surrogate was a simple wireframe monkey body, with no arms or legs, topped with a simple-looking head. On the first “mother,” the researchers included a milk bottle inside the wireframe, with the bottle nipple situated so the baby monkey could cling to the wire and suckle at this “breast.” The second mother had the same wireframe body and simple head, but didn’t have a bottle. Instead, it had soft terry cloth wrapped around the wire body.

So which “mother” did the baby have an emotional response to? The one that fed it, or the one with the terry cloth body?

While the baby monkey would feed on the “bottle mother,” it would spend less than an hour a day on it, quickly returning to the cloth mother afterwards, where it would spend as many as 17 hours per day cuddling. As pale an imitation as this was to a mother’s cuddling – this cloth surrogate had no arms to hold the monkey baby – it was a great deal better than the bare wire body of the first surrogate mom.

Harlow also discovered that when a frightening stimulus was brought into the setting – a noisy wooden creature – the monkey would go to the cloth mother. And, after seeking comfort, it would then feel secure enough to go investigate this clanking noisy creature. Harlow showed that if a monkey was to learn, it needed affection and comfort and cuddling, even if only from this surrogate mother.

That Harlow presumed what was true for monkeys would be true for mankind shows an implicit evolutionary bias, but it is never made explicitly. And while Harry Harlow probably had evolutionary beliefs, his findings are just as useful to Christians. An evolutionist might assume that monkeys and men have this common need for touch because we are related, but as Christians we know that this is a matter of us both having a common Designer. God is love, so is it any wonder that love is also apparent in some forms and fashions in the animal kingdom? No, not at all.

Rather than bolstering evolution, this story highlights what happens when we have science untethered from God. Why did these scientists convince so many not to hug their children? Because the world listened more to these supposed experts than to what God says in His Word. And that’s never a good idea.


I’ll note a couple of language cautions: “crap” and “stupid ass.” In the interest of thoroughness, I’ll also note that while this isn’t remotely titillating, there is a depiction of what might be the side of a naked woman, though with all the key bits covered up. There is also an episode in which Harlow gets rescued by a group of drunk navy sailors who sing (in the background) “I love to go swimming with bow-legged women, and swim between their legs.” Any kid old enough to want to read this will not be impacted by either of these two concerns.


This is a great one for adults and older teens. It’s important that both we and our children remember the many times and many ways that all-knowing “Science” has messed up in the past. As Wire Mothers shows, there are many scientists who are making pronouncements that go far beyond their findings. So, this small comic is actually quite an important book.

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Book Reviews, Graphic novels

What's Darwin got to do with it? A friendly conversation about Evolution

by Robert C. Newman & John L. Wiester 146 pages / 2000 A graphic novel about evolution vs. intelligent design? Now that's got my attention! The plot here revolves around an upcoming forum put on by Professor Teller, a Darwinist who believes evolution is a "Fact! Fact! Fact!" Of course, forums involve speakers from two different sides, so Intelligent Design proponent Professor Questor steps in to offer up another perspective. One of the first points Professor Questor makes is how important it is to define terms in this debate. Evolution is often defined simply as "change over time"  and if that was all there was to it, even creationists would agree that evolution happens. (After all, we believe that all the dog species – the vast array of them – came from just a couple or so types on Noah's Ark. We certainly believe change can happen over time!) The actual debate is over the limits and direction of this change over time, so when we debate evolution, the disagreement is over whether molecules can, over millions of years, evolve into Man. But in defining her terms, Professor Questor also makes it clear she is not a creationist. She doesn't attack creationists, but in distancing herself from them, it does leave the impression that creationism isn't quite as... legitimate as Intelligent Design. But that's a minor quibble in a wonderful book. Other issues and topics the two professors discuss include: Is there room in science for any supernatural explanations? And if we rule out supernatural explanations at the start, then is it any wonder we don't find evidence for God in our scientific explanations? Are Peppered Moths a "proof" of evolution? Are the changing beak sizes of "Darwin's finches" really evidence for evolution? Why do so many creatures have similar (homologous) body structures if we aren't all descended from a common ancestor? What is the real role of mutation? Can it do all that evolutionists say it does? Is "bad" design evidence of evolution? (And is it actually bad?) This might seem like the discussion could get quite dry and dusty, but the authors bring in all sorts of analogies and illustrations to keep things hopping. For example, Dr. Watson and Sherlock Holmes make a couple of appearances, and mutation and natural selection are personified as two superheroes (with less than effective superpowers) Mutaman and Selecta. And there's lots more! The result is a very fun book which is also highly educational. It would be a great resource for any high school science class to go through because it touches on a lot of the big issues, and it does so with wit and impressive clarity - pictures are used here to boil down pretty complex concepts into only a few pages or a few panels. And for any comic-loving teen, this would make a wonderful present, expanding and stretching them, without overly taxing them. ...