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Wednesday May 23 – If God is for us, who can be against us?

If God is for us, who can be against us? – Romans 8:31b

Scripture reading: Romans 8:18-39

Life on this side of glory is hard and, at times, very hard. This world is a broken place. As followers of the Redeemer, we face experiences that test our faith. Our many sinful weaknesses militate against the progress of holiness. Broken relationships leave deep scars. Health issues can immobilize us. Prodigal children make our hearts weep. The loss of a loved one stings. Some Christians face hostility, some to the point of martyrdom.

Holding to the promises of God is what is needed, not only for troubling circumstances, but for all of life. Never forget that the Bible speaks with power and practicality to everything you are facing, thinking and feeling. Even though God may seem far, He is always nearby. “Suffering dispels the illusion that we have the strength and competence to rule our own lives” (Tim Keller).

When we believe God is for us, then we may sing,”It is well with my soul.” He did not spare His own Son in order that Christ’s disciples may receive all that they need to travel through this vale of tears. Yes, we will face difficulties, but for the believer, those complexities will not destroy our faith. The Christian lives with hope that does not disappoint. Christ’s victory on the cross assures Christians that victory is theirs. When darkness fills their soul, they turn again to the testimony of the empty cross. The children of the heavenly Father can never be separated from the love of Christ. Is this your confession?

Suggestions for prayer

Give thanks to God for His blessed promises. Rejoice in God’s provision through Christ’s saving work. Acknowledge, before God, the victory of the cross.

This daily devotional is available in a print edition you can buy at Nearer to God Devotional.

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