Is it a little too ironic that two Top 10 lists are there at the top of our list of our Top 10 articles of the year? Shucks, who doesn’t like a good Top 10 list, especially when one celebrates good movies, and the other celebrates fantastic fantasy novels.
And here are the rest, starting at #10 and counting up to top article of the year. If you’re interested in past year’s lists, be sure to check out 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, and 2017.
#10 – Why do we suffer? Buddhism vs. Christianity
This is likely the most popular article – at least online – that RP has published, with more than 50,000 views on our old website, and still challenging people each year again on the new one. What’s the appeal? The stark, clarifying contrast between Buddhism’s “answer” to suffering and the only real comfort to be had, from God Himself.
#9 – Is Creation worth fighting about?
“In the creation vs. theistic evolution debate, there are a lot of Christians who aren’t prepared to pick a side. They aren’t loyal to 6 days or billions of years, perhaps believing they need a theology or science degree to be qualified to take a stand. They don’t want to be forced to pick one team over the other. However, when the question is ‘Does this matter?’ then not picking a side is still picking a side. Refusing to choose is only legitimate if this is no big thing. So is it really no big thing… or is it huge?”
#8 – Calvin’s Institutes: Which edition should you read?
We aren’t supposed to judge a book by its cover… but we do. And even more so, we judge it by its font, layout, and, in this case, translator. So, with three main translations of Calvin’s key work, here’s what you need to know to pick the right one for you.
#7 – Infant baptism vs. believers-only baptism: what’s the main difference?
Wonderfully concise, here’s a key, often-overlooked argument.
#6 – 20+ Christian fiction suggestions for your 10-15-year-old boys
There is some great fantasy fiction out there, so if you’re trying to keep your boys interested in reading, here’s a list of 20 books, most of them fantasy, that’ll grab their attention (and might make for a great last-minute present).
#5 – Christianity explains everything…including Reincarnation
Yes, the Christian worldview explains even reincarnation. First published back in 2020, this article didn’t make that year’s Top 10, but has every year since then.
#4 – Is recreational marijuana sinful?
First published back in 2017, this remains every bit as relevant even with marijuana now legalized in Canada.
#3 – Christian fantasy after Tolkien: a Top 10
If your kids are just gobbling books, and have already worked their way through Tolkien’s The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings and Lewis’s Narnia, then what’s next? Here’s a Top 10 list of Christian fantasy novels – some more obviously Christian than others – that they can check out next!
#2 – The truth matters: analyzing the facts beneath the “mass burials” at residential schools
Back in 2021, a report of more than 215 possible graves at a Kamloops residential school prompted the Canadian flag to be lowered to half mast across the country for months. But to this point, no bodies have actually been unearthed. That matters, because, as Mark Penninga argues, truth is important for reconciliation.
#1 – Top 10 films on PureFlix right now
The title of this one was a bit of a misnomer, as 20 films were recommended, 10 for mom and dad, and another 10 just for the kids. This was published way back in January, but updated again just a couple weeks ago so it should still be current.