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Top 10 RP articles of 2021

Free films featured prominently in this year’s Top 10 with three entries, but there wasn’t an identifiable theme for the rest. Or maybe that diversity was the theme: all of God’s universe, from doctrinal discussions on baptism, to history, Christian fiction, the World Wide Web, and more, God created it for us to explore.

These, then, are the most popular articles of 2021! You can click on the titles to check them out.

#10 – 3 simple reasons we believe misinformation

In an era of fake news, you’d think we’d know better than to fall for it again and again. So why do we? Chris Martin offered this much-appreciated explanation.

#9 – In His Image: Delighting in God’s plan for gender and sexuality

Gender and sex will be hot topics for the next decade, and this free documentary was the go-to for thousands of RP readers who wanted to get a good grounding.

#8 – Calvin’s Institutes: Which edition should I read?

There are three main translations of this pivotal work. So which should you read?

#7 – On mandatory vaccines and “My body, my choice”

Chris deBoer offered up this topical take on how Christians might have different thoughts on the Covid vaccines, but we should all agree to be against mandatory vaccines.

#6 – Why do we suffer? Buddhism vs. Christianity

There are some similarities between the way Buddhism and Christianity respond to suffering. But there’s a big difference too! An article that didn’t make the top ten the year it was posted comes in at #6 in 2021.

#5 – A Return to Grace: Luther’s life and legacy

It’s another free film, and what makes this a must-see is its unique mix of drama and documentary. Other great Luther documentaries exist, but the most engaging of “talking heads” can’t really grab the attention of a broad audience. Drama might be more gripping but it can’t go into the same depth as a documentary. However, A Return to Grace is a docudrama – half documentary and half drama, making good use of the strengths of each. And it is free to see at the link.

#4 – The hidden meaning of The Chronicles of Narnia

This article was actually more popular in 2021 than when it was first published in 2020, when it was only #10. Cap Stewart explains how we’ve only recently discovered that C.S. Lewis – for his own private amusement because he seems to have never told anyone – linked each of his famous Narnia books to one of the 7 planets as medieval cosmology understood them.

#3 – The Marks of a Cult: a biblical analysis

This fantastic free documentary was very popular, and with good reason: it boils down a big topic into just two hours. If that’s a bit long, it works equally well broken up into four separate chapters. And did we mention it’s free?

#2 – The impact of saying “I’m so busy!”

This was an article for businessmen that we could all benefit from: sometimes it’s a point of pride, being so busy. But what does being busy say about our leadership? And what opportunities does it limit?

#1 – Infant baptism vs. believer’s baptism: what’s the main difference?

The most popular article this year is a short but sweet piece by Pastor Garry Vanderveen. He asks, “The fundamental difference between the two positions is revealed in how one answers this question: Is baptism primarily God’s action or is it a human response?”

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2020's Top 10 articles

It's not surprising that three of 2020's top articles addressed the coronavirus and governments' responses to it. But, in a blast from the past, C.S. Lewis also takes up a couple of spots. Other than that, the year's most popular articles are as different as different could be, united only in recognizing that God is working through it all. Without further adieu, here are Reformed Perspective's top articles for 2020, starting at…. #10 - The hidden meaning of "The Chronicles of Narnia" It's been recently discovered that C.S. Lewis, seemingly just for his own private entertainment, linked each of his famous Narnia books to one of the 7 planets as medieval cosmology understood them. #9 - Netflix’s “The Baby-Sitters Club” sells transgenderism to its preteen/teen audience The streaming giant brought a much-loved pre-teen/teen girls' book series to the small screen but "updated" it with transgenderism. #8 - The Regulative Principle and church lockdowns Is live-streaming the equivalent of in-person worship of God? What does the Regulative Principle tell us about that? And if it is not the equivalent, how should that impact our interactions with our elected leaders, and the message we would want to communicate to them? #7 - C.S. Lewis's Apologetics: a Reformed assessment C.S. Lewis's second entry on our Top 10, this time we're examining his approach to apologetics from a Reformed and presuppositional perspective. #6 - 3 ways of confronting the problems of diminishing attention spans through the reading of the Great Books Like even this article title, the Great Books stretch us. If you want to give reading "the Great Books" a try, this article includes a listing of 50 of them to choose from (with links to download a half dozen for free). #5 - Solomon on smartphones and the pull of pornography King Solomon didn't know smartphones but had insights into the power and pull of sexual temptation, which he shares with young men in Proverbs 7. Older men, and young and older women, can also benefit from the wisdom shared here. #4 - Twice a Sunday needs to happen Chris deBoer encourages a more creative approach to getting people back in the pews and singing God's praises together: if the government restricts church attendance to 50%, then let's double our services! Or let's come out with some other, similarly creative, way to come together again, twice each Sunday. #3 - TikTok passes 2 billion downloads A social media platform that was already big in 2019 became enormous in 2020... and parents who wanted the basics were checking out this primer. #2 - Calvinism in the time of coronavirus Written at the beginning of the Coronavirus crisis, it reminded us that we can be comforted knowing that, no matter what craziness might be going on out in the world, our Lord remains in control! #1 - A great-grandma 100 times over...and counting Our top article of 2020 is a short but sweet story about God's abundant blessings – 100 times over! – to this grand great-grandma....