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The Shop Around the Corner

99 min / 1940
Rating: 9/10

While Jimmy Stewart is best known for his other Christmas movie, It’s a Wonderful Life, this is the one that mom and dad should watch for an in-home date night.

Stewart plays the young Alred Kralik, top salesman at the Matuschek and Company giftshop in Budapest. As top salesman, he serves as confidant and all-around-right-hand man to his boss, Hugo Mastuschek. When a young lady, Klara Novak, comes in looking for a job, it is Alfred’s sad duty to inform her that there just aren’t any positions available. But strangely Alfred’s boss, in a fit of independence, decides to override Alfred and hires Klara.

From the start, it’s clear that Alfred and Klara have a little chemistry, but he decides she isn’t the girl for him. Maybe it was how they first met, but whatever the reason, the two of them just can’t get along. And besides, Alfred already has a girlfriend of sorts. He has a heart-to-heart, mind-to-mind connection with his long-time pen pal, and how can mere physical attraction compare to something like that?

It just can’t!

Before he rushes off to marry his pen pal, Alfred decides he should probably meet her once first. And it’s at this first date that he finds out his pen pal looks a lot like the new store clerk…an awful lot like her! Turns out, Shop Around the Corner is a great counter to the Hollywood notion of love at first sight – this is love done write!


The one caution here regards a backstory and the reason why Mr. Mastuschek decided to override his top salesman. He suspects Alfred of having an affair with his wife. It turns out that while Mr. Mastuschek is wrong about which salesman it is, he is right about the affair, and that drives him to attempt suicide. Thankfully he is saved by the store’s delivery boy. This mature topic matter means this isn’t one for the whole family, even though it is delicately handled.


Shop Around the Corner has been in Time magazine’s Top 100 Films list, has a 99% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and was popular enough to spawn two remakes. A musical adaptation, In the Good Old Summertime (1949), was done less than a decade later and stars Judy Garland and Van JohnsonThis time the two letter-writers are working in a music store. Not as good as the original, but it is a solid 7. Van Johnson isn’t as charming as Jimmy Stewart, and near the end even comes off as a bit creepy. That said, it is fun to see how this remake compares and contrasts with the film that inspired it. Another sequel is Tom Hank’s You’ve Got Mail (1998), which was super popular, but which also takes God’s name in vain.

If you enjoy Shop Around the Corner, you may also like a couple more from the same director, Ernst Lubitsch. His To Be Or Not To Be (1942) is about a Shakespeare acting troop surviving World War II. And Ninotchka (1939) is a comedy about a loyal Russian communist who comes to Paris and falls in love with a man who represents everything about the West that she despises. There are some good and educational laughs in that one!

Check out Shop Around the Corner‘s trailer below.

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