The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels
by Alex Epstein
209 pages / 2014
Author Alex Epstein challenges society’s negative view of fossil fuels by asking us to also consider the positives. He argues that, “energy is ability – because energy can help us do anything better” and “make the world a better place . . . for human beings.”
Throughout the book Epstein exposes the unreliability and unaffordability involved in alternative energies (with the possible exception of nuclear energy in the future), he repeatedly emphasizes the importance of making human life our measure of something’s value, and he shows how fossil fuel consumption has actually led to improved water quality, less disease, and cleaner air – fossil fuels are moral because they have improved human life!
One caution: though not critical to his argument, the author is seemingly not Christian, as is evidenced by references to “Mother Earth,” and one silly quote from Ayn Rand in which having “half naked women” about the house is lauded.
That said, this book is a must-read for those working in the energy industry, a should-read for those pursuing science degrees, and a good-read for all who are interested in developing a realistic, big-picture approach toward environmental stewardship, sustainable energy, and industrial progress and development.