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Daily devotional

Friday June 15 – Sloth defined

Slothfulness casts into a deep sleep, and an idle person will suffer hunger. – Proverbs 19:15 Scripture reading: 2 Samuel 11 I heard that sloths sleep 15-20 hours a day. Physical laziness, a lack of ambition, a faltering imagination, are symptoms of a core lack of interest in God Himself. It is not necessarily a lack of activity; we have so much to do, so many gadgets to fiddle around on, so many TV channels to surf through. William Willamon writes, “Failing to have our attention grabbed by anything of lasting value, our eyes, our minds wander, restlessly roving, failing to alight on anything worth having.” I call it the David vs. Daniel phenomenon. In 2 Samuel 11, we find David growing rather apathetic as his kingdom has grown and his wealth has increased. He is surrounded by distractions and opportunities for pleasure. His lack of zeal and godly energy serve as gateway sins that end with lust, adultery, murder, lying, and much more. Daniel, on the other hand, the teenaged exile in the land of Babylon, one who we might excuse much more for lacking in energy and passion, fights to maintain his grip on God. His refusal to eat the delicacies at the king's table is not ultimately a matter of fidelity to Jewish dietary laws. He works hard to maintain his identity in a pagan, ungodly world. Where is your passion for God's Word, for the kingdom of Jesus Christ? Have you fallen into a spiritual malaise? What's wrong with us when we can spend hours on Facebook but have trouble spending ten minutes of quality time getting to know our Savior more? Have we become bored with God? Suggestion for prayer “Invigorate my love that it may rise worthily to Thee, tightly entwine itself round Thee, be allured by Thee.” – The Valley of Vision: Journeying On This daily devotional is available in a print edition you can buy at Nearer to God Devotional. Rev. Mark Stewart serves the Burlington URC in Burlington, WA....

Daily devotional

Thursday June 14 - Sloth defined

I passed by the field of a sluggard, by the vineyard of a man lacking sense, and behold, it was all overgrown with thorns; the ground was covered with nettles, and its stone wall was broken down. - Proverbs 24:30-31 Scripture reading: Proverbs 24 As though answering our confusion about sloth being on this list, Proverbs loves to give us visual pictures of the dangers of this besetting sin (just do a Google search on sloth). It is not just his lawn and garden and grounds that are unkempt and disordered. It is symptomatic of his heart and life. His plans and priorities and energies are skewered with thorns, strewn with nettles, ineffective like a broken stone wall. C.S. Lewis once wrote: “You will say these are very small sins... it does not matter how small the sins are, provided that their cumulative effect is to edge the man away from the Light and out into the Nothing. Murder is no better than cards if cards can do the trick. Indeed, the safest road to Hell is the gradual one – the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turning, without milestone, without signposts.” This is sloth, a true slippery slope towards apathy, disinterest, indifference. Dorothy Sayers describes it as: “the sin that believes in nothing, cares for nothing, enjoys nothing, seeks to know nothing, loves nothing, hates nothing, lives for nothing, and remains alive only because there is nothing it would die for.” We will encapsulate it this way: sloth is boredom with God. Suggestions for prayer “I have no green shoot in me nor fruit, but thorns and thistles; I am a fading leaf that the wind drives away; I live bare and barren as a winter tree...Lord, dost thou have mercy on me?” – The Valley of Vision: Heart Corruptions This daily devotional is available in a print edition you can buy at Nearer to God Devotional. Rev. Mark Stewart serves the Burlington URC in Burlington, WA....

Daily devotional

Wednesday June 13 – Anger: a way forward

Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. – James 1:19-20 Scripture reading: James 1 Anger serves as a helpful whistleblower in our lives. Follow your anger to the passions and desires you have and you will find what you are actually in love with. Pray to the Spirit to thus reveal the idols of your heart and allow you to reorient your love in the direction of Christ and His kingdom. This broken world is full of anger; sprinkle the salt of kindness, gentleness, patience and mercy for all to see. “Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools” (Eccl. 7:9). Practice humble forgiveness for those who have done you wrong. Embrace mercy towards others with the type of earnest passion that Jesus demonstrated towards others. Be slow to speak and to judge another person; take your time and listen. Get angry at the right things: your own sin and failures, as well as the broken world and the broken hearts all around you. “Let all bitterness and wrath and put away from you...Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you” (Eph 4:31-32). Suggestions for prayer “I bless Thee for the discoveries, invitations, promises of the gospel, for in them is pardon for rebels, liberty for captives, health for the sick, salvation for the lost.” – The Valley of Vision: Living for Jesus This daily devotional is available in a print edition you can buy at Nearer to God Devotional. Rev. Mark Stewart serves the Burlington URC in Burlington, WA....

Daily devotional

Tuesday June 12 – Jesus Christ and our anger

Take My yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. – Matthew 11:29 Scripture reading: Matthew 11 This is true love. The Lord of Glory, the Word, the Alpha and the Omega left the joy and glory of heaven to dwell with sinful man in this broken world. The good news is that He did not treat us as we deserve; He did not pour out just wrath on sinful mankind in an act of sudden and permanent judgment. Instead, He bore the wrath of the Father on an accursed tree to set us free. His spirit, even while suffering on the cross, was one of patience and forgiveness (Luke 23:34). This knowledge of our Savior is the starting and ending point of all struggle against the sin of anger. In Mark 3, Jesus heals a man with a deformed hand on the Sabbath. Some religious leaders balked at his carefree attitude towards the law. We read of Jesus in verse 5, “He looked around at them in anger and in deep distress at their stubborn hearts.” You can feel the love of Christ for sinners, even in his anger and distress. We instinctively look to defend and attack, but “as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so He did not open His mouth” (Is. 53:7). Watch as Jesus exerts His energy and passion against all that threatens the church that He loves. This is how much pleasure He takes in you. He is worthy of every ounce of your faith. Suggestions for prayer “My love is frost and cold, ice and snow; let His love warm me, lighten my burden, be my heaven.” – The Valley of Vision: The Love of Jesus This daily devotional is available in a print edition you can buy at Nearer to God Devotional. Rev. Mark Stewart serves the Burlington URC in Burlington, WA....

Daily devotional

Monday June 11 - Anger defined

  What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you? You desire and do not have, so you murder. – James 4:1-2  Scripture reading: Genesis 27 So anger is all about what you love. Sinful anger involves loving all the wrong things. We get angry to protect the things we love. If we love and highly value comfort, we may yell at our children when they disturb it. When I feel that respect due to me is threatened, I may react with anger against the person challenging my reputation. This is why we are so often blind to our anger: we are simply protecting what we love and feel deeply about. The more we invest in what we love, the harder we will fight to protect it. Be careful that you do not underestimate just how dangerous anger is. Because anger will often feel incredibly empowering. Rebekah said to Jacob, “Your brother Esau comforts himself with the thought of killing you” (Gen. 27:42). Anger is so destructive, to ourselves and to those around us. Frederick Buechner once wrote: “Of the seven deadly sins, anger is possibly the most fun. To lick your wounds, to smack your lips over grievances lost past, to roll over your tongue the prospect of bitter confrontations still to many ways it is a feast fit for a king. The chief drawback is that what you are wolfing down is yourself. The skeleton at the feast is you.” Suggestions for prayer “I am troubled for my sin of passion, for the shame and horror of it as an evil; Lord God, I know that my sudden anger arises when things cross me, and I desire to please only myself, not Christ.” – The Valley of Vision: Passion This daily devotional is available in a print edition you can buy at Nearer to God Devotional. Rev. Mark Stewart serves the Burlington URC in Burlington, WA....

Daily devotional

Sunday June 10 – Anger defined

Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and give no opportunity for the devil. – Ephesians 4:26-27 Scripture reading: Ephesians 4 Envy, pride, lust, greed: there is something so ordinary about the seven deadly sins, something so basic to the heart of mankind lost in sin, broken and corrupt. There is an extra ingredient in the next in our list: anger. The Bible actually has some pretty positive things to say about anger; above all, God Himself is said to be angry (Ps. 7:11). You see, anger is really about what and how you love. God loves holiness, righteousness, wholeness, light. And the more you love something, the angrier you are when it is threatened, when it is in danger. There is a beauty then in God's anger which is marvelous to see. His love for this world, for those made in His image, for His plan, are so deep and so constant, that He will hate and oppose and pour out His wrath against any opposition. On the same theme, a wife's anger over her husband's infidelity is not only understandable, it is holy. The problem is, our anger is, at the best, mixed with all kinds of sins and, at the worst, actually not righteous or holy at all, but is just concerned with standing up for our own rights. C.S. Lewis once wrote, “Anger is the fluid that love bleeds when you cut it.” But what about anger as a deadly sin? Sinful anger is also about love, but love in the wrong direction. Suggestions for prayer “O Holy Trinity, three Persons and one God, inhabit me, a temple consecrated to Thy glory. When thou art present, evil cannot abide; in thy fellowship is fullness of joy.” – The Valley of Vision: The Great God This daily devotional is available in a print edition you can buy at Nearer to God Devotional. Rev. Mark Stewart serves the Burlington URC in Burlington, WA....

Daily devotional

Saturday June 9 - Envy: a way forward

Now the works of the flesh are evident...envy...but the fruit of the Spirit is love...kindness...goodness... – Galatians 5:19-23 Scripture reading: Galatians 5 Secure in the love of Jesus Christ and our identity as the Father's children, I have no need to envy my brother or sister. I am a recipient of favor and kindness and grace that I could never earn or pay for. There is no higher or better privilege to reach for. Harold Abrams and Eric Liddell were both runners in the Olympic Games. Harold was 'known to have said to his girlfriend before a race, “If I can't win, I won't run at all.” Eric once said, “When I run, I feel God's pleasure” – not when I win, but when I run. The cross of Christ liberates us from envy into a spirit of compassion for one another. Content in what the Father has chosen to give to me, I am now freed up to want the best for you. The next time a friend receives a compliment that you have long desired, pray for the grace to authentically express your joy over his success. When a brother's daughter succeeds, be happy with what the Lord has blessed you with, and be joyful with your brother. Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. Look for opportunities to do good when no one but God will notice. Drop the need for recognition. Rejoice just in the brazen love of God for you. Suggestions for prayer “Let my happy place be amongst the poor in spirit, my delight the gentle ranks of the meek.” – The Valley of Vision: Christlikeness This daily devotional is available in a print edition you can buy at Nearer to God Devotional. Rev. Mark Stewart serves the Burlington URC in Burlington, WA....

Daily devotional

Friday June 8 - Jesus Christ and our envy

Jesus Christ...though He was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, by taking the form of a servant... – Philippians 2:6-7 Scripture reading: Matthew 20:20-28 Jesus took upon Himself, bore all the way to the cross, our envy. It was certainly not His own sin that caused Him to become accursed on Calvary. His life was one of giving up the highest position possible, considering it of greater joy for Himself and glory to the Godhead, to come down to earth and identify with the lowly. Envy is satisfied only in the lowering of someone who I perceive to be better or better off than me. Our Savior is satisfied only when He is unjustly punished and the guilty go free. “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” Jesus did not require others to be brought lower to experience His identity as the Son of God and the one sent to die for the sins of the world. He was absolutely secure in His Father's love and will. There is nothing twisted in His approach to us. He is the Shepherd who leaves the ninety-nine behind and will seek after the one sheep who was lost: “And when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing.” This is what He longs after, this is what He rejoices in, the salvation of sinners, sons and daughters rejoicing around the table in His Father's kingdom: “Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost!” Suggestions for prayer “Christ was all anguish that I might be all joy, cast off that I might be brought in, trodden down as an enemy that I might be welcomed as a friend.” – The Valley of Vision: Love Lustres at Calvary This daily devotional is available in a print edition you can buy at Nearer to God Devotional. Rev. Mark Stewart serves the Burlington URC in Burlington, WA....

Daily devotional

Thursday June 7 - Envy defined

Saul has struck down his thousands, and David his ten thousands...And Saul eyed David from that day on. – 1 Samuel 18:7-9 Scripture reading: 1 Samuel 18 Envy is similar to jealousy, but it is not strictly a desire for something that someone else has that I want. It is a hatred for the person who has it. In fact, because someone has something that I do not, some advantage over me, I cannot be satisfied or happy until it is taken away from him. Envy rejoices with those who weep and weeps with those who rejoice. In the new top ten hits on the streets of Israel, Saul is praised for his exploits, but he can no longer hear the song because David is praised even more. Envy always says, but what about me? Someone is elected to an office in the church that I desired. A fellow employee is promoted ahead of me. A sister in the church has a personality and warmth that you long for. For the envious, these are not reasons to give thanks to God for his blessings upon others; these are reasons for despair and anger. Look in the church nursery. Little Marie may seem as happy as a clam playing with her favourite toy animal until she sees Little Beth laughing over a princess car. Little Marie, green with envy, now cannot be happy until the car is in her possession and Beth is in tears. Only then will she be satisfied. Envy is the opponent of contentment and gratitude; it is the enemy of joy and love. Suggestions for prayer “I bring my soul to Thee; break it, wound it, bend it, mould it. Unmask to me sin's deformity, that I may hate it, abhor it, flee from it.” – The Valley of Vision: Yet I Sin This daily devotional is available in a print edition you can buy at Nearer to God Devotional. Rev. Mark Stewart serves the Burlington URC in Burlington, WA....

Daily devotional

Wednesday June 6 - Envy defined

A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot. – Proverbs 14:30 Scripture reading: Proverbs 14 As sinful and ruinous as pride is, envy comes along as a worthy competitor on the scales of deadly sins. In the Faerie Queene, envy is depicted as a man with cankered teeth, chewing on a venomous toad, poison running down his jaws. Elsewhere it is compared to an internal gnawing worm, rust of the heart, the malignant shriek of the shriveled soul. Envy roars when someone gets better grades than I do, has more friends, is more likeable, preaches to more congregants, gets the promotion I think I deserved, is better looking, has nicer parents, is more popular, intelligent, respected, successful. Envy is so uniquely depressing, cold and suicidal. In an ancient Jewish tale, an angel visits a shopkeeper known for envying his rival. The angel offers to fulfill one wish, but warns him that his competitor will receive twice as much of whatever he asks for. Momentarily puzzling over this challenging opportunity, the shopkeeper arrives at his request: he asks to be made blind in one eye. “Where jealousy and selfish ambition exist there will be disorder and every vile practice” (James 3:16). Before Cain rose up to murder his brother on that dark day, envy was rotting his bones and his heart. Disorder had invaded paradise. Nothing but grief is gained through envy and all that trails behind her: discontentment and ingratitude. Suggestions for prayer “I can scarce open my eyes, but I envy those above me or despise those below...Am I inferior? How much I grudge others' pre-eminence! Thou knowest greatest snare is myself.” – The Valley of Vision: Self-deprecation This daily devotional is available in a print edition you can buy at Nearer to God Devotional. Rev. Mark Stewart serves the Burlington URC in Burlington, WA....

Daily devotional

Tuesday June 5 - Pride: a way forward

Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time He may exalt you. – 1 Peter 5:6 Scripture reading: 1 Peter 5 We need our pride opposed by God, we need to be humbled by His Word, His Spirit, and the circumstances that He brings into our lives. We need to give up our demand for what we deserve, for what we deserve is judgment and death. Jesus taught His disciples that, “The greatest among you shall be your servant. Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” Jesus practiced this without fail in His own life and death and sets it as a pattern for His church. Think about this carefully: what people in your life will benefit from your humble servanthood? As you come to be more like your humble Savior, who will be affected? Think of everyday conversations and interactions. C.S. Lewis once wrote, “Humility is not thinking less of ourselves but thinking of ourselves less.” Have you been humbled recently? Feeling weak is the best garden for the flowering of dependence upon God's sufficient grace. Allow the superior satisfaction in God to overpower your self-preoccupation. Ultimately the Father is remaking us in His Son's image. We must be willing to be humiliated as He was. Let us say, with Paul, “...far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.” – Galatians 6:14 Suggestions for prayer “Holy Spirit, Make me the lowest of the lowly, that my spiritual riches may exceedingly abound. Keep me humble, meek, lowly.” – The Valley of Vision: Pride This daily devotional is available in a print edition you can buy at Nearer to God Devotional. Rev. Mark Stewart serves the Burlington URC in Burlington, WA....

Daily devotional

Monday June 4 - Jesus Christ and our pride

Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who...being found in human form, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. – Philippians 2:5, 8 Scripture reading: Philippians 2 The greatest foil to pride in our lives is to come to know our humble Savior, the Lord Jesus, deeper and deeper. Watch as the highest becomes the lowest: in His birth, life, suffering, death and burial. He did not need to lower Himself one inch towards us, and yet He voluntarily bent Himself in submission to His Father's will to accomplish what only He could accomplish. He allows Himself to be baptized – Jesus Christ, the sinless Son of God! Confess Jesus Christ, the Suffering Servant, in the face of every ounce of pride remaining in your heart. For your Savior was ridiculed, misunderstood, mocked, spat upon, struck, bargained over, pierced with thorns and nails, brutally crucified, killed, all while bearing the unthinkable weight of the sins of the world upon Himself. John Flavel once wrote, “Was not this astonishing self-denial? That He, who from eternity, had His Father's smiles and honours, He that from the creation was adored, and worshiped by angels, as their God, must now become a footstool for every miscreant to tread on.” Suggestions for prayer “Dearest Savior, when I am tempted to think highly of myself, grant me to see the wily power of my spiritual enemy; Help me to stand with wary eye on the watch-tower of faith, and to cling with determined grasp to my humble Lord” – The Valley of Vision: Pride This daily devotional is available in a print edition you can buy at Nearer to God Devotional. Rev. Mark Stewart serves the Burlington URC in Burlington, WA.  ...

Daily devotional

Sunday June 3 – Pride defined

God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. – James 4:6 Scripture reading: James 4 How would you define pride? Self-promotion, self-absorption, self-exaltation? When things are going well, pride takes the credit; I worked hard, I dieted well, I scored a hat-trick. When things are going poorly, pride plays the blame game; things are not fair, I deserve better. Pride wants to be the center of attention. There is even a false humility that craves sympathy – look at me, feel sorry for me, praise me, notice me. C.S. Lewis once wrote, “Pride wants to keep away from everything that will make it feel small.” It's true; our sinful pride makes us feel threatened by others, by their skills, accomplishments, jobs, children, appearance, car, etc. We compare ourselves to others and build our identity based on how we match up to those we consider to be above or below us. Someone else said that the proud person thinks a lot about herself and also a lot of herself. Pride ultimately is the creature made in God's image contending for glory with God Himself. Therefore, it cannot be anything but self-destructive. Jeremiah 9 offers this gracious instruction: “Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows Me.” Suggestions for prayer “Gracious God, Help me to see myself in Thy sight, then pride must wither, decay, die, perish. Humble my heart before Thee, and replenish it with Thy choicest gifts.” – The Valley of Vision: Pride This daily devotional is available in a print edition you can buy at Nearer to God Devotional. Rev. Mark Stewart serves the Burlington URC in Burlington, WA....

Daily devotional

Saturday June 2 - Pride defined

These six things the Lord hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look... – Proverbs 6:16-17 Scripture reading: Proverbs 6 It's probably not surprising to you to find pride at the top of the list of the seven deadly sins. We know pride is a problem. But how much of a problem? Someone once said, “To say that we are a speck of dust, in the context of the enormity of space out there, is an insult to a speck of dust.” We are creatures made in the image of an infinite Creator. And yet we are consumed with ourselves. Worse, we are carelessly unaware of how deep an issue pride is. Daniel chapter four is a personal favourite, partially because it shows the end of pride. Just picture great King Nebuchadnezzar revelling in all his perceived glory. Listen to the voice of Almighty God from heaven. Watch the king's transformation into a lawn-munching beast. Such is the insanity of our pride in the world belonging to Almighty God. The insanity has infested our hearts in so many different ways. Thank God He hates pride as an abomination and is determined to eradicate it. Suggestions for prayer “Heavenly Father, Every faculty of mind and body is Thy undeserved gift. Low as I am as a creature, I am lower as a sinner; how can I flaunt myself proudly?” – The Valley of Vision: Pride This daily devotional is available in a print edition you can buy at Nearer to God Devotional. Rev. Mark Stewart serves the Burlington URC in Burlington, WA....

Daily devotional

Friday June 1 - Introduction to June's devotionals

The origin of what we have come to know as the Seven Deadly Sins goes back at least to the ancient church. You can find it in literature like Dante's Divine Comedy. It is a classic grouping of sins: pride, envy, anger, sloth, greed, gluttony, and lust. These are not intended to serve as the top seven in a ranking of the worst sins. Instead, we recognize them as core sins, the sins beneath all other sins. Studying these seven serves as a gateway into every way in which Satan, this world, and our own hearts, twist the good into something evil. Someone compared these seven to military captains commanding entire armies of sins behind them. Our meditations are meant to get us thinking more carefully about the ways in which we dishonour our heavenly Father, add to sufferings of our Savior, and grieve the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. Ultimately they should serve as an invitation to seek the grace that is found only in Christ, to repent and believe, to hunger and thirst after the Father and His kingdom. Each suggestion for prayer for this month is from the Banner of Trusts' The The Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers and Devotions. This volume is highly recommended for your personal devotions. Introduction My people have committed two evils: they have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, and hewed out cisterns for themselves, broken cisterns that can hold no water. – Jeremiah 2:13 Scripture reading: Jeremiah 2 Jeremiah's sermons act like a modern intervention into the life of an addict. He is merciless in exposing the state of our sinful hearts, so that we might look up to God and live. This is our purpose in looking at the seven deadly sins. We seek what the Heidelberg Catechism describes as true repentance or conversion: the dying away of the old self, and the rising-to-life of the new (Lord's Days 88-90). The exposure of our sin puts us in a vulnerable spot: often we retreat in shame and despair. But we must not doubt God's purposes even in our failure. He is a sovereign God, a faithful Savior who has triumphed over the power of Satan and sin. The knowledge of our failures needs to drive us closer to our Savior, not further away, because it is for sinners that He has come, and it is sinners that He loves. Do you see hope in this? To turn away from broken cisterns to the fountain of living waters is to know life, joy, peace, hope. These devotions are for those who want to grow nearer to God in Jesus Christ. It is for those who want to reach a lost world, not only with the truth of the gospel, but also with the humble presentation of a life changed by the power of Jesus Christ. Suggestions for prayer “Let me learn that the broken heart is the healed heart, that the contrite spirit is the rejoicing spirit, that the repenting soul is the victorious soul...that the valley is the place of vision.”  – The Valley of Vision: Intro Prayer This daily devotional is available in a print edition you can buy at Nearer to God Devotional. Rev. Mark Stewart serves the Burlington URC in Burlington, WA.   ...

Daily devotional

Thursday May 31 – Who will not fear, O Lord, and glorify your name?

Who will not fear, O Lord, and glorify your name? For You alone are holy. All nations will come and worship you, for your righteous acts have been revealed. – Revelation 15:3 Scripture reading: Revelation 15 The vision John receives in Chapter 15 depicts something of both the worship and the activity in heaven. John is permitted to see the inner area of God’s heavenly dwelling. (cf chapters 4&5). What wonder and glory!! The song sung in verses 3&4 is a rendition of the Song of Moses found in Exodus 15, celebrating the salvation of God’s people. It is a testimony to God’s glory, truth, justice, holiness and His awe-inspiring deeds. God is great and greatly to be praised. How is it possible that His Name not be glorified and feared? A heart in tune with God can’t help but sing His praise May our prayer be: To Thee all angels cry aloud: the heavens and all the powers therein. To Thee Cherubim and Seraphim continually do cry Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God Almighty. Heaven and earth are full of the majesty of Thy glory. The glorious company of the apostles praise Thee. The goodly fellowship of the prophets praise Thee. The noble army of the Martyrs praise Thee. The holy church throughout the world doth acknowledge Thee. The Father of an infinite immeasurable majesty; Thine honourable true and only Son – our redeemer and friend and the Holy Spirit our comforter. – Anglican Prayer Book This month we have considered together just a sampling of questions found in the Bible. It is a deep comfort to know that the questions found in God’s Word also have His answer. Surely who will not fear, O Lord, and glorify your Name? Suggestions for prayer Pray with heartfelt thanksgiving acknowledging the glory of our thrice Holy God. Thank Him that the questions found in God’s Word also have His answer. This daily devotional is available in a print edition you can buy at Nearer to God Devotional....

Daily devotional

Wednesday May 30 - Who is the man that fears the Lord?

Who is the man who fears the LORD? Him will he instruct in the way that he should choose. - Psalm 25:12 Scripture reading: Psalm 25 The question posed in Psalm 25 is answered with a promise. Those who fear the LORD receive the LORD’s instruction. Psalm 25 outlines the desire of one who knows the friendship of the LORD. God’s covenant blessing rests on those whose eyes are ever toward the LORD (vs. 15). What blessing is ours when we fear the LORD in reverence, awe and humble submission. We may and must take deep joy in the faithfulness of God. When we seek and wait upon Him, He will not put us to shame. He will make us to know His ways, leading and teaching us. He is the God of our salvation, the God of pardoning grace canceling our debt. How great is the forgiving love of God! If that be our conviction, then it becomes our prayer ever to know His ways and for the LORD to lead and teach us in His truth (vs. 4&5a). There are those who think the Word of the LORD to be too restrictive. But we are not to argue with the Bible. The Word of God is “living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joint and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And no creature is hidden from His sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.” (Hebrews 4:12-13 cf. also II Corinthians 5:10). Do you desire the Lord to teach you His ways? Suggestions for prayer When you pray, you are never alone. The Father listens; the Holy Spirit helps, and our Saviour is always interceding. Pray that we may grow in the fear of the Lord. This daily devotional is available in a print edition you can buy at Nearer to God Devotional....

Daily devotional

Tuesday May 29 - What fellowship has light with darkness?

For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever? What agreement has the temple of God with idols? – II Corinthians 6:14b-16a Scripture reading: II Corinthians 6-7:1 In the context of our calling to be ambassadors for Christ (5:20), we receive, in chapter 6, the command not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers (6:14a), to be a separated people (6:17). Worldliness is a constant temptation. Moral defilement blackens the reputation of a Christ follower. The Bible teaches that believers are the temple of the living God (I Corinthians 6:19; I Peter 2:5). We represent Christ to those God puts on our path. How do we answer such a calling? There are those who believe that they can ‘play both sides of the fence’. But a true Christian desires to please the LORD (5:9) in a life of grateful obedience. God has said, "Be holy, for I am holy." (Leviticus 11:44). And therefore we need to pay attention to what has our attention. What does it mean to be a separate people? How does this apply to our work or our recreational activities? How do we use the ‘weapons of righteousness” as we live in the world day by day? (vs. 7). These are tough questions. And as we seek to answer them, we must do so in the conviction that, "by ourselves we are too weak to hold our own even for a moment. And our sworn enemies, the devil, the world and our own flesh never stop attacking us” (Heidelberg Catechism Q&A 127). How we need to daily look to Christ, the Cornerstone. Are you busy looking to Christ – for salvation and sanctification in the Holy Spirit? Suggestions for prayer Pray for the grace to be a living testimony of Christ’s work on our behalf. Pray that daily we would be living stones in His temple. Pray for the Lord to uphold us and make us strong with the strength of the Holy Spirit, so that we may resist our enemies until we finally win the complete victory. (Heidelberg Catechism Q&A 127) This daily devotional is available in a print edition you can buy at Nearer to God Devotional....

Daily devotional

Monday May 28 - How long?

How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? - Psalm 13:1a  Scripture reading: Psalm 13 Psalm 13 begins with a fourfold lament of penetrating questions all prefaced by the cry, how long? (Verses 1&2, please read again). David is lamenting with expressions of despair and anguish. He is more than down in the dumps. He is initially paralyzed, unable to deal with the realities of his enemies. Are you discouraged? Do you feel like God has forgotten you? Is your heart clouded by sorrow? Are the tests, trials and even tribulations in your life almost too much to handle? Are you overwhelmed by the turbulence in your life? Do you in your situation cry out, how long, O LORD? David is praying and as he pours out his heart, he moves from despair to a plea for God’s answer (Verses 3&4, please read again). We hear his desire for God’s answer. And then in the final two verses (Verses 5&6, please read again), we hear a complete turnaround. David gives expression to the confidence that belongs to him, in faith. He takes strength in the steadfast love of God. He confesses that God, in covenant love, has bound Himself to His people. Psalm 13 moves from despair, to desire, to delight. Prayer is a rich gift. Bring your heart cries to the Sovereign LORD. Be comforted in His promises. Charles Spurgeon wrote: “Believer, when you are on your knees, remember you are going to a king. Let your petitions be large.” Do you trust God to be at your side no matter what the circumstance? Suggestions for prayer Approach God’s throne of grace with confidence (Hebrews 4:16). Pray, trusting God to uphold us in times of turbulence. Remember “ is a living, daring confidence in God’s grace, so sure and certain that a man could stake his life on it a thousand times.” – Martin Luther This daily devotional is available in a print edition you can buy at Nearer to God Devotional....

Daily devotional

Sunday May 27 - Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord?

O LORD, who shall sojourn in your tent? Who shall dwell on your holy hill? - Psalm 15:1 Scripture Reading: Psalm 15 Today, in freedom, we may attend the house of the Lord, seeking His face to worship Him in Spirit and Truth. In the place of worship, we come as guests. Psalm 15 is very clear as to who are invited guests. Psalm 15 outlines the character of worshippers. They are, by God’s grace, people of integrity. Integrity can be defined as "steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code; the quality or condition of being whole or undivided." Integrity is seeking to be true to God’s standards. Honesty and sincerity are hallmarks of integrity. A person who lacks integrity is someone who says one thing and does another – and that person is a hypocrite. Who can reach such a standard? Thankfully, we do not come to the Lord’s house of praise, prayer and proclamation in our own name or by our own merit. We come before the LORD in the Name of the One Who perfectly fulfilled God’s standards, Jesus Christ. And it is in His Name that we seek to honour our heavenly Father with a heart washed in the blood of our Redeemer. In God’s grace, we present ourselves to Him as living sacrifices. We confess the wonder of God’s wonder-working love for needy sinners. As said by another: "We are saved by the gospel of God, in order to worship the God of the gospel." Today again is a day of glorious opportunity. Will you self-consciously offer yourself this Lord’s Day for His honour? Suggestions for prayer Integrity is essential if any believer is to represent God and Christ in this world. Pray for Christ-like integrity as outlined in Psalm 15. Give thanks for our multiple provisions in Christ. This daily devotional is available in a print edition you can buy at Nearer to God Devotional....

Daily devotional

Saturday May 26 - If the foundations are destroyed...

If the foundations are destroyed what can the righteous do? - Psalm 11:3 Scripture Reading: Psalm 11 It is no secret that hostility against the truth of Scripture and the God of Scripture is on the increase. To be sure, each age, in turn, has had its own hostilities and we must be very careful that we do not fall into the trap that believes there was once a golden age. Nevertheless, our present age is marked by gathering storm clouds. Society wishes to do away with absolutes and assert that man is the measure of all things. What is one to do in a world where the foundations established by God are ridiculed? The sanctity of life is mocked. Babies are murdered in their own mother’s womb. There are those who consider the elderly to be expendable. Confusion exists with respect to gender. And the list goes on. Outside the confession of God’s sovereignty, we would be left in a daze. Thankfully, believers recognize "that though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet." Psalm 11 is a psalm of refuge. With David of long ago, our confidence must always rest in God and His covenant promises. Life is much bigger than our cranky computers, our erstwhile projects, earning a living, struggling marriages, prodigal children, defiant unbelievers and the many troubles of this world. Nothing surprises God; His all-seeing eye is never closed. He will test His people, but He will never forsake them. In faith, believers rest in both the confidence and the comfort that our times are in His hands. Do you? Suggestions for prayer Pray in that joy that confesses: “This is my Father’s world: Why should my heart be sad? The Lord is King, let the heavens ring! God reigns; let the earth be glad. This daily devotional is available in a print edition you can buy at Nearer to God Devotional....

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