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Daily devotional

June 28 - Definite conversion

“Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.” - Romans 12:11 Scripture reading: Nehemiah 13:1-3, Deuteronomy 23:3-8 Being converted to God means we must both embrace what is good and reject what is bad. Some people have an easy time singing in the choir, but they have a hard time putting away wicked and greedy habits. The law of God makes clear that we cannot serve two masters or hold two identities. The law of God commanded the Israelites to live distinct from the Moabites and the Ammonites because the Moabites and Ammonites had despised God and His Word. They would lead Israel down a path of constant compromise. So, with trust and obedience to the Word of God, the Israelites exclude those of foreign descent. Now this does not mean everyone with foreign descent would be excluded. The most famous Moabite was a woman named Ruth. She renounced her old ways, came into Israel, and was honoured with being one of the mothers of Christ. Those who renounce the foreign identity and fully embrace the identity of the people of Israel could stay – of course they could. However, those who wanted to be both the people of God and also of the people of the world, they had to go. Conversion means a clear turning from the old ways. We cannot love and pursue sin, while also calling ourselves part of the holy people of God. Our devotion to the Lord includes separating ourselves from compromise and from those who push us toward compromise. Our identity must be firmly and fully in Christ Jesus. Suggestions for prayer Ask the Lord to help you to identify things in your life that push you to compromise. Pray for the Lord to help you persistently turn away from sin and toward thankful obedience. Rev. Simon Lievaart currently serves Bethel United Reformed Church of Smithers BC. Prior to this, he served the United Reformed Church in Doon, IA. Rev. Lievaart grew up in southern Alberta, attended Redeemer University College and Mid-America Reformed Seminary. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. This devotional is made available by the Nearer To God Devotional team, who also make available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

June 27 - Sing Choirs of new Jerusalem

“And they offered great sacrifices that day and rejoiced, for God had made them rejoice with great joy; the women and children also rejoiced. And the joy of Jerusalem was heard far away.” - Nehemiah 12:43  Scripture reading: Nehemiah 12:31-47 Sometimes on a Sunday, I will briefly stop singing and take in the words being sung by people in the pews. It warms my heart. Singing is often connected with God’s great works. There will be singing in heaven. When the apostle John had a vision in Revelation 15, the saints in heaven were singing the song of Moses. Song is a natural response to the work of God in our hearts and lives. This occasion in Nehemiah was like none other. Two great choirs were trained and ready. Starting at the bottom of the city, one choir went one way on the wall around the city, and the other the opposite way. They encircled the city, singing of God’s mercies and faithfulness, perhaps Psalm 48 or 122. Those in the city would hear voices echo back and forth until they met in the Temple Courts for the final stanzas of praise. Amazing! Glorious! The city was filled with song, sounding out from Mount Zion and was heard far away. Remember the disgrace recorded in chapter 1 that caused Nehemiah to weep? A generation prior, the book of Ezra records a mixture of joy and weeping that could be heard far away (Ezra 3:13). Now there are shouts of great rejoicing. They could not sing this way in a foreign land; they did much weeping over the years. But now they rejoice in song. God promises this to us. You might go out weeping, but wait on the Lord, and you will return with songs of joy. Suggestions for prayer Pray for those going through dark times where songs of praise are difficult. Pray for the Lord’s ongoing work in your heart, that your heart may be tuned to sing His praise and long for the glories of the New Jerusalem. Rev. Simon Lievaart currently serves Bethel United Reformed Church of Smithers BC. Prior to this, he served the United Reformed Church in Doon, IA. Rev. Lievaart grew up in southern Alberta, attended Redeemer University College and Mid-America Reformed Seminary. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. This devotional is made available by the Nearer To God Devotional team, who also make available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

June 26 - Preparing for worship 

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 18 All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.” - 2 Corinthians 5:17–18 Scripture reading: Nehemiah 12:27-30 The walls are complete. The people of Israel are ready to praise the Lord with a celebration. But first, both the people and the walls were purified. The only way we can offer acceptable worship to God is through the cleansing He gives. The Israelites had cleansing ceremonies which steadily reminded them (and we must know this too) that our sin creates a barrier between God and His people. On this day, the walls were purified. The walls cannot save them, only the Lord can. The ceremony was like a statement saying, “May it please the Lord to use these walls for His purpose of preserving His people and for proper worship.” We remember that these walls were not built by experts; they reused old stones blackened by the fires. The walls carried marks, which were like scars reminding Israel of their foolish past. Only by the cleansing of God do they become worthy of God. Think about the things the Lord has done for you. And think of all the mistakes in your own past. Are there things in your life that remind you of the times you failed to trust God and rebelled against His Word? That is real, isn’t it? But there is cleansing. We can belong to the Lord and be worthy of bringing worship to God though the cleansing and renewal given in Jesus Christ. May we daily seek our life in Christ Jesus. Suggestions for prayer Confess your recent sins and the sins you have not wanted to confess. Repent and ask the Lord to cleanse you from your sin, that you may offer to God worship that is pleasing to Him. Rev. Simon Lievaart currently serves Bethel United Reformed Church of Smithers BC. Prior to this, he served the United Reformed Church in Doon, IA. Rev. Lievaart grew up in southern Alberta, attended Redeemer University College and Mid-America Reformed Seminary. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. This devotional is made available by the Nearer To God Devotional team, who also make available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

June 25 - From one generation to the next 

“The Lord records as he registers the peoples, “This one was born there.”” - Psalm 87:6  “But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose.” - 1 Corinthians 12:18 Scripture reading: Nehemiah 12:1-26 It’s time to test your commitment to reading the assigned Scripture. Did you read through the names that God placed in His Word? What about yesterday? The Bible often has lists and genealogies, and it takes a special patience to read through them. Especially when many of the names are the same from one chapter to the next. While I admit that I don’t love reading out loud the lists of names, I do love the fact that they are there. I am comforted by such lists for two wonderful reasons. First, God knows them by name, and He gives them a place in His kingdom. Each of these names and clans have registered and seek to serve. We see this in the church as well. The church is not some mishmash of spare parts. We might wonder at times what the Lord is doing, but God is at work bringing together a congregation and each part, like every one of our body parts has a place and a role. Second, in these lists we notice that family lines are traced. We see the faith of fathers handed down to the children. Parents raised their children in the fear and instruction of the Lord, and the children embraced it. This list is, in part, the fruit of the prayers of a mother praying for her rebellious child and of a father teaching his children what the Scriptures and the covenant means. Through ordinary families and relationships the Lord works, restoring a people for the glory of God. Suggestions for prayer Thank the Lord that He knows you by name and for the place He has for you in His Kingdom. Ask the Lord to restore the wayward and bring in others who previously did not know Him, that by many more the Lord may be praised.  Rev. Simon Lievaart currently serves Bethel United Reformed Church of Smithers BC. Prior to this, he served the United Reformed Church in Doon, IA. Rev. Lievaart grew up in southern Alberta, attended Redeemer University College and Mid-America Reformed Seminary. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. This devotional is made available by the Nearer To God Devotional team, who also make available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

June 24 - Gathered by the Lord 

“Now the leaders of the people lived in Jerusalem. And the rest of the people cast lots to bring one out of ten to live in Jerusalem the holy city, while nine out of ten remained in the other towns.” - Nehemiah 11:1  Scripture reading: Nehemiah 11:1-36 In chapter 7, we were told that the walls were built, yet the city was empty. The city must be filled, but who will go? The people cast lots, and 1 of 10 would go. Imagine this: for every person there was a 10% chance that they would pack up and move to a vacant lot in Jerusalem. Not easy. Jerusalem had walls, but the city was despised by many neighbours. Many people had been putting down roots in their villages. They would have to leave neighbours they trust, vineyards they built, and family nearby. A move involves sacrifice. But they know their faith, hope and future are in the Lord. They will not neglect the temple. Why were lots used? Because while not everyone needed to move, the responsibility was on them all. We read in verse 2 that those selected went willingly with the blessing of the people. What do we see here? The temple will not be neglected, and the ministry of knowing and worshipping God will be supported. For us today, the time of the temple has been fulfilled. Now the Spirit goes out, and each believer is a temple. The church is the hub of God’s work. Today the calling of every believer is to be a prophet, priest, and king in this world. This means we don’t value our location or vocation above the work of God. Those things are temporary and God’s work is eternal. May we see how the Lord Jesus is gathering us and may we serve Him joyfully. Suggestions for prayer Thank the Lord that you can belong to Him and to the body of believers. Ask the Lord to help you live more and more attached to Him and His work and not to the temporary things of this world. Rev. Simon Lievaart currently serves Bethel United Reformed Church of Smithers BC. Prior to this, he served the United Reformed Church in Doon, IA. Rev. Lievaart grew up in southern Alberta, attended Redeemer University College and Mid-America Reformed Seminary. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. This devotional is made available by the Nearer To God Devotional team, who also make available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

June 23 - O Jesus I have promised 

“Join with their brothers, their nobles, and enter into a curse and an oath to walk in God’s Law that was given by Moses the servant of God, and to observe and do all the commandments of the Lord our Lord and his rules and his statutes.” - Nehemiah 10:29 Scripture reading: Nehemiah 10:1-23 If the Lord is our King and He has graciously brought us into His kingdom, then it is only right that we aim to walk in His ways. As Israel learned their history and their identity as covenant people, they realized that they needed to make a commitment. That commitment had to show itself with particular action. It showed in who they married, how they observed the Sabbath, and in how they handled their money. Some call this legalism. But legalism is when we think that what we do causes us to be accepted by God. Israel had learned that the joy of the Lord was their strength. God did love them, and now they wanted to respond in love. What about us? Jesus tells us that if we love Him, we will keep His commandments. Do we recognize the call to action? Looking at the vows Israel made, we notice these are commitments that affect relationships and spending habits – sensitive stuff. A young guy is dating a girl, and she is really nice and funny and they get along great, but he has to break it off because she does not fear God. Business opportunities come, but they are turned down because they involve work on the Sabbath. These things can be difficult. But we need to trust in the Lord. But failing to follow God’s Word brings trouble. Let us seek to always go where God leads, knowing that one day we will receive an inheritance from the Father’s mighty hand. Suggestions for prayer Pray that the Lord helps you to renew your commitment to Him. Ask the Lord to expose areas of weakness and to help you to treasure Him above all. Rev. Simon Lievaart currently serves Bethel United Reformed Church of Smithers BC. Prior to this, he served the United Reformed Church in Doon, IA. Rev. Lievaart grew up in southern Alberta, attended Redeemer University College and Mid-America Reformed Seminary. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. This devotional is made available by the Nearer To God Devotional team, who also make available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

June 22 - The peace of knowing who we are 

“And we indeed justly, for we are receiving the due reward of our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong.” - Luke 23:41  Scripture reading: Nehemiah 9:33-38 This long confession of sin by the Israelites in Nehemiah 9 has so much to teach us about a relationship with God and trusting God in this life. When we know our good God and know our own ugly sin, can we still trust God, even when He allows trouble and hardship for us? The Israelites knew the horrors of war; many lost grandparents, aunts and uncles and grew up with deep wounds due to the exile into Babylon. When we face such things the temptation is to be bitter and to grumble. But notice their confession in verse 33: “Yet you have been righteous in all that has come upon us, for you have dealt faithfully, and we have acted wickedly.” There is neither entitlement nor anger against God, but trust. God was mercifully working in this. What we need is for the Lord to help us be at peace in our situations and to trust His mercy going forward. What do we do when we feel we have been wronged, when we feel we are not getting a fair deal, when we suspect God does not care about us and our situation? Remember who we are and who our God is. Don’t judge God by our perceptions and feelings. Rather, trust God. He is holy. This means God is not sloppy in the ways He cares for His children; God does not put His children through trials for no reason. God is good and wise, and we are like restless children. When we are still and know He is our God, we can have peace. Suggestions for prayer Pray for peace in your own heart. Take time also to pray for people around you who have faced serious hardships, that they may continue to trust God. Rev. Simon Lievaart currently serves Bethel United Reformed Church of Smithers BC. Prior to this, he served the United Reformed Church in Doon, IA. Rev. Lievaart grew up in southern Alberta, attended Redeemer University College and Mid-America Reformed Seminary. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. This devotional is made available by the Nearer To God Devotional team, who also make available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

June 21 - The assurance of knowing who we are

“Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” - Hebrews 4:16  Scripture reading: Nehemiah 9:9-32 “We have been through a lot together.” A 90 year-old man told me about his deceased brother. They lived through the war in the Netherlands; they served together in the Dutch army, moved to Canada and started a business together. A great history can tell a lot about a relationship. The Israelites were rebuilding their identity as the people of God, and in doing so they had learned that they have been through a lot together; or rather, God had brought them through a lot. This gave them assurance. Look back at the past, look at what happened when the people sinned and at what happened when they sought the Lord. And why was God merciful? Because He is righteous; because He is faithful to Himself. God in His mercy punished, but did not destroy His people. In relentless mercy, God sent His Son to bear the punishment that we deserve, so that through faith in Jesus we can confidently lay claim to God and the promises He gives to His children. Galatians 3:7 says that it is those of faith who are sons of Abraham. This means by believing in God and His promises; this is our history too. Let us learn and recall and retell the old stories. May our prayers reflect this understanding and our faith be assured. Though we have come through many dangers and have frequently wandered, in Christ, we can boldly approach the throne. God would no sooner deny us than He would deny His own Son – Great is His faithfulness! Suggestions for prayer Pray that your faith may be strengthened by understanding that God will comfort you with the knowledge that you belong to Him, because He has been merciful. Rev. Simon Lievaart currently serves Bethel United Reformed Church of Smithers BC. Prior to this, he served the United Reformed Church in Doon, IA. Rev. Lievaart grew up in southern Alberta, attended Redeemer University College and Mid-America Reformed Seminary. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. This devotional is made available by the Nearer To God Devotional team, who also make available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

June 20 - The humility of knowing who we are 

“For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh.” - Romans 7:18a Scripture reading: Nehemiah 9:1-8 When the law was read in chapter 8, the people were told not to weep. Then the Feast of Booths was celebrated with much joy. It is vital for God’s people to rejoice in what the Lord is doing. But even the believer who is assured of God’s love needs to be keenly aware of his sin, own that sin, and confess it to God. The law is read. Then for three hours the people confess their sin and worship God. How can confession and worship go together? Wouldn’t the confession discourage them and leave them feeling worthless? No, not when they remember who they are in the Lord. Confession and worship go together when we honestly confess our sin, knowing the goodness of God that triumphs over our sin. The Bible teaches us to confess our unworthiness and God’s worthiness. Confess our pathetic foolishness and God’s patient faithfulness. Confess how we wandered and how God pursued us. Yes, we have sinned, but we praise God for He is righteous. The Israelites found comfort in the lamb that was offered for their sin. That lamb points to Jesus who was offered that our sins may be removed. It is humbling to think of our sin and of Jesus suffering on the cross to remove our sin and guilt. But we worship, for this is the working of the grace of God. Like Romans 7 ends and Romans 8 begins, “Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ…. …there is therefore now, no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Suggestions for prayer Spend some time confessing sin in your heart and life; then as you consider God’s grace (in prayer or song), praise God for His amazing love. Rev. Simon Lievaart currently serves Bethel United Reformed Church of Smithers BC. Prior to this, he served the United Reformed Church in Doon, IA. Rev. Lievaart grew up in southern Alberta, attended Redeemer University College and Mid-America Reformed Seminary. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. This devotional is made available by the Nearer To God Devotional team, who also make available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

June 19 - The joy of knowing who we are 

“And all the assembly of those who had returned from the captivity made booths and lived in the booths, for from the days of Jeshua the son of Nun to that day the people of Israel had not done so. And there was very great rejoicing.” - Nehemiah 8:17  Scripture reading: Nehemiah 8:13-18, Leviticus 23:39-43 Does your family have any summer traditions? My parents got married in July and went camping for their honeymoon. When I was young, every July our family would go camping, and now I make it a priority to take my family camping each summer. Wonderful memories are made. The Feast of Booths was about much more than a family tradition or a break from work. The feast had been forgotten, but now it would be revived to teach and connect the people with their God and His care for them. They would stay in the booths to remember that their God provided for their fathers in the wilderness for 40 years. During the feast, they would spend time with friends and family, feasting, learning the stories of how God cared for His people and that this is theirGod who is strong and mighty and faithful. This is our God, too. We are still pilgrims, travellers, passing through this world, looking forward to the New Jerusalem to come. We still look to our God to provide for us all we need in the wilderness of life. This is what Jesus taught. When it was the Feast of Booths and the people were thinking of how God, through Moses, brought water from the rock, then Jesus declared in a loud voice, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink.” God has provided for His people. He continues to provide for His people, and will provide for us until our weary days are done and we are home. Rejoice in this! Suggestions for prayer Ask God to make you keenly aware of His past, present and future care for you. Pray that God will give you joy, even on the days you feel weary and alone. Rev. Simon Lievaart currently serves Bethel United Reformed Church of Smithers BC. Prior to this, he served the United Reformed Church in Doon, IA. Rev. Lievaart grew up in southern Alberta, attended Redeemer University College and Mid-America Reformed Seminary. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. This devotional is made available by the Nearer To God Devotional team, who also make available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

June 18 - The joy of the Lord is your strength 

“You shall no more be termed Forsaken, and your land shall no more be termed Desolate, but you shall be called My Delight Is in Her, and your land Married; for the Lord delights in you, and your land shall be married.” - Isaiah 62:4  Scripture reading: Nehemiah 8:1-12 If chapter 3 is my very favourite, then chapter 8 is my second. The wall is done. Fathers are coming back to the city with their families. They are not coming to admire the walls, but to listen to the law of God. Old Ezra, the faithful priest, is brought before the huge gathering, and he reads the law. I picture Ezra reading a section of Deuteronomy, and the leaders of the people meeting with families and small groups, answering questions and ensuring they understand. And then another section is read. All day they read and learn from the law. The law convicted the people. They knew they were sinners and worthy of punishment. They weep, but they are told not to weep. The law is wrapped in grace. Remember the great work which God has begun - the law was not read to condemn the people, but to teach them to live as those who have received God’s love. They are told, “The joy of the Lord is your strength.” That changes things! What does it mean that God delights in you and that he joyfully invests in you? Hebrews 12:2 tells us that for the joy set before Him, Jesus endured the cross. This means, in spite of our sin, we are not a pain to God. Yes, God delights in dwelling with us and working in our lives. And so may that be our strength. How can we apply the law of God? What is our motivation? It is knowing God loved us first. Suggestions for prayer Thank the Lord for what He has done in the past and for patiently teaching us His ways. Ask the Lord to help you understand His Word and apply it daily. Rev. Simon Lievaart currently serves Bethel United Reformed Church of Smithers BC. Prior to this, he served the United Reformed Church in Doon, IA. Rev. Lievaart grew up in southern Alberta, attended Redeemer University College and Mid-America Reformed Seminary. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. This devotional is made available by the Nearer To God Devotional team, who also make available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

June 17 - To glorify God 

“And of Zion it shall be said, “This one and that one were born in her”; for the Most High himself will establish her.” - Psalm 87:5–6 Scripture reading: Nehemiah 6:17-7:73 The walls were not for show. Gatekeepers were charged to keep corruption and compromise out. In our lives, too, we need to stand firm against corruption and compromise. But that is not the end. The goal is that sinners may worship God. But how does one know they really can dwell in the city where God makes His name to dwell and where they worship God at the temple? I have known people who are happy to come on a Saturday and help with church cleaning or to serve at a soup kitchen, but they feel they can’t come into the sanctuary on a Sunday and worship with God’s people. To encourage the people that this is indeed their city too, Nehemiah pulls out the records of genealogy that had been recorded years before (compare with Ezra 2). As family names are read, the people are reminded this is about more than a wall; they have been brought back from exile so that they may worship God. The list of names reminds the people that this is part of the inheritance promised to them, and they have a calling to live as those who belong to the city of Jerusalem and the work of God. What happens when you think of what God has done in your life? What people and events came together so that you came to know the Lord? Let this encourage you that God is indeed at work in your life and calling you to live a life that worships Him. Suggestions for prayer Ask the Lord to fill your heart with thankful praise. Pray that as we turn from sin, we give more and more glory to God. Rev. Simon Lievaart currently serves Bethel United Reformed Church of Smithers BC. Prior to this, he served the United Reformed Church in Doon, IA. Rev. Lievaart grew up in southern Alberta, attended Redeemer University College and Mid-America Reformed Seminary. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. This devotional is made available by the Nearer To God Devotional team, who also make available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

June 16 - A refuge of worship 

“So the wall was finished on the twenty-fifth day of the month Elul, in fifty-two days. And when all our enemies heard of it, all the nations around us were afraid and fell greatly in their own esteem, for they perceived that this work had been accomplished with the help of our God.” - Nehemiah 6:15–16  Scripture reading: Psalm 48:1-14 The wall was up! It took just over seven weeks. Long weeks enduring opposition and strife of all sorts, but they persevered and suddenly the walls were raised. Remember Sanballat saying they would never do it? Remember Tobiah saying that when a fox climbs on the wall it will crumble? Reflect and see: this is the work of God done with the help of God. We think of the church today, too; how many despise the church and mock the church. Maybe people say you are a fool for going to church, or they say your church is a joke because people sing off-key, or you don’t have nice programs, and certain people are not very polished. Take comfort. Since the beginning, God’s work has been ridiculed and persecuted. But this is God’s work. Do you see the goodness? Today you might be tempted to dwell on the trouble that the church faces. I encourage you to think about this as the beautiful work of God and a place where God meets with His people. In the New Testament the church is called the bride of Christ. She is despised by the world, but to God she is cherished and beautiful. Not because she is so amazing in herself, but because God bought her with Jesus’ blood. See this and joyfully serve the Lord, and in the end the enemies will see, and they will fear and one day bow before Christ. (Heads up: Tomorrow’s Scripture reading is a long one. If you are typically rushed on a Monday, take some time to read chapter 7 today). Suggestions for prayer Consider where God has been at work in your life and in the church, and praise God. Ask the Lord to open your eyes to the good things He has done. Rev. Simon Lievaart currently serves Bethel United Reformed Church of Smithers BC. Prior to this, he served the United Reformed Church in Doon, IA. Rev. Lievaart grew up in southern Alberta, attended Redeemer University College and Mid-America Reformed Seminary. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. This devotional is made available by the Nearer To God Devotional team, who also make available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

June 15 - What if God’s servant lies? 

“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.” - 1 John 4:1  Scripture reading: Nehemiah 6:10-14, Psalm 31 If the only thing Nehemiah fears is the Lord, then why not pay a prophet to lead Nehemiah astray? This was the new strategy to bring Nehemiah to ruin. If he would go into the temple, he would sin against God, he would lose the support of the people, and he would no longer be able to lead. And what a good strategy. Nehemiah did not know Shemaiah was paid to mislead him. These verses remind us to know the law of God and to test all other words against it. On the surface the advice seems good and wise. One might say that it is better to go into the temple than to die. But Nehemiah knew that what Shemaiah told him was against God’s Word. I have heard ministers and elders give terrible advice. Essentially, they told certain young people that holiness does not matter, and that they may sin that grace may abound. Bible teachers in schools and colleges have advised their students to ignore the Word of God and go by what the world says instead. This advice, if followed, would lead people to eternal condemnation in hell. This is serious stuff. This is why Nehemiah prays, placing his opponents and the false prophets into the hands of God. Again, we are reminded to look to the Lord and lean on the Lord, trusting our troubles to Him. The refuge we need is in the Lord. Suggestions for prayer Thank the Lord for the goodness of His Word. Pray for preachers and teachers of God’s Word, that they will never compromise in their calling. Pray for wisdom and discernment to tell the difference between true and false prophets. Rev. Simon Lievaart currently serves Bethel United Reformed Church of Smithers BC. Prior to this, he served the United Reformed Church in Doon, IA. Rev. Lievaart grew up in southern Alberta, attended Redeemer University College and Mid-America Reformed Seminary. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. This devotional is made available by the Nearer To God Devotional team, who also make available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

June 14 - Conspiracy! 

“Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle.” - Psalm 144:1 Scripture reading: Nehemiah 6:1-9 Jesus said His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Doing the work of the Lord and fighting sin is good, sweet and satisfying. Yet, it is not without trouble and opposition. The book of Nehemiah makes this plain. Nehemiah was following God’s lead every step of the way, and yet it seems that every step of the way there was opposition and trouble of one sort or another. Here comes the three malicious opponents to the work. They flatter Nehemiah by inviting him to an important meeting. But Nehemiah knows they want to harm him, so he deflects the enticement. Then they shift strategies and claim Nehemiah is building the wall in defiance to Persia and wants to make himself king. This is all a lie. Have you ever been accused of having wicked motives for doing something good? The intent of the accusation was to make Nehemiah afraid to do what is right. They will make him fear he is doing something wrong, and fear facing the wrath of King Artaxerxes. It is in these times we need to know that we answer first to God. Fear the Lord, not people nor mobs! Looking to the Lord, Nehemiah is able to call the bluff and press on with the work. And how does he do that? Again, by coming to God in prayer. We are so weak, we are vulnerable and we often fear the worst. But our God is a rock, and in Him we are strengthened. Suggestions for prayer Thank the Lord for the victory He has already won for us through Jesus’ death and resurrection. Pray for strength as you battle the three enemies of the world, our own flesh, and the devil. Rev. Simon Lievaart currently serves Bethel United Reformed Church of Smithers BC. Prior to this, he served the United Reformed Church in Doon, IA. Rev. Lievaart grew up in southern Alberta, attended Redeemer University College and Mid-America Reformed Seminary. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. This devotional is made available by the Nearer To God Devotional team, who also make available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

June 13 - Grace-filled leadership 

“And whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” - Matthew 20:27–28 Scripture reading: Nehemiah 5:14-19 There are many politicians who don’t have a generous bone in them, and yet they speak loudly on the need for the rich to share. We sense their hypocrisy and are outraged. It happens in homes too. If a father demands his children always tell the truth, but lies to save himself trouble – it is a shame. Now, no human leader is perfect, but we should expect leaders, husbands, elders and politicians to be examples. We see that in Nehemiah. These verses look at over 10 years of his role, and we notice a few things. First, Nehemiah refused to be a burden. He could have placed a tax on the people for food for himself and his servants. But he did not need it, so he didn’t ask. Second, he regularly fed and served others. From his own supply he showed hospitality to those in need. Nehemiah was keenly aware of the burden that was on them and laboured to support them. In this we see the ministry of Christ. He was rich beyond splendour and because of His love for lost sinners like us, He became poor. King of kings, Jesus came to serve. Do we recognize this service? Do we know that in following Jesus we carry a burden that is light? Jesus is the Good King that we need. And knowing this, then we are able to show grace to others and bless those weighed down and in need. We can focus less on serving ourselves and more on serving those around us. Suggestions for prayer Give thanks for the Good King you have in Jesus Christ. Ask the Lord to look upon you with favour and bless the good you have done for those around us. Rev. Simon Lievaart currently serves Bethel United Reformed Church of Smithers BC. Prior to this, he served the United Reformed Church in Doon, IA. Rev. Lievaart grew up in southern Alberta, attended Redeemer University College and Mid-America Reformed Seminary. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. This devotional is made available by the Nearer To God Devotional team, who also make available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

June 12 - Trouble at home 

“But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him?” - 1 John 3:17 Scripture reading: Nehemiah 5:1-13, Deuteronomy 23:19 The wall was going up, but things were not well at home. While fathers went to the front lines of building the wall, mothers had to make do without income. Land was mortgaged, and children were being sold in order to buy food. Those lending the money were supporting the work of the wall, but at the same time they were greedily taking advantage of the circumstances of the poor. Do you sense the injustice? Can you see the division that would be forming? There is nothing wrong with wealth, but getting richer by taking advantage of the poor is plain wrong. Disgraceful. What good is a nice wall when the people are filled with greed or bitterness? Angry at the injustice, Nehemiah calls the people to walk with fear of the Lord. A child will not bully his sibling if his parent is right there. So why should we take advantage of others when God sees all? Everything we have comes from God. God loves the one who is oppressed, and God is able to take our livelihood from us in a moment. We cannot try to build our own kingdom and at the same time seek first God’s kingdom. What is the answer to injustice? Grace. When the lenders stopped charging interest, when we show the grace of God to others, then hearts are blessed. Bitterness is replaced with thankfulness. The nations around should see not only protective walls, but a community that shows the love of God. Suggestions for prayer When others are inconsiderate toward you, pray for grace to know your life is in God’s hands. Pray that God will help you know His love and patience to help you be generous to others, especially those in need. Rev. Simon Lievaart currently serves Bethel United Reformed Church of Smithers BC. Prior to this, he served the United Reformed Church in Doon, IA. Rev. Lievaart grew up in southern Alberta, attended Redeemer University College and Mid-America Reformed Seminary. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. This devotional is made available by the Nearer To God Devotional team, who also make available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

June 11 - Doing the hard work 

“Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.” - Philippians 2:12b–13  Scripture reading: Nehemiah 4:21-23 I grew up on a farm where working long days was common in the busy seasons. Now, much of that was spent in the cab of a tractor. I could not imagine laying bricks from dawn to dusk and sleeping with work clothes still on and a sword still strapped to my side. I wonder how many thought, “Really, if this is the work of the Lord, why is it so hard?” Doing the things the Lord calls us to do is often hard, tiring work. For some reason, the attitude of many today is that there should not be too much sacrifice, and the fight against sin should be only a little bit difficult. When people are serving and sacrificing, some might say, “Relax, for God loves you either way.” If that was the approach Nehemiah and the builders took regarding the wall, the wall would never have been built and the children would not know the Lord. So what does that mean for us? Why should someone work on their marriage – it is going to be hard? Why should we set the alarm so we can do devotions? Why should we bother guarding our tongues? And the answer is because this is what God has called us to do. This is what Jesus is equipping us for. This is how we will glorify the Lord and how we bless those around us. Suggestions for prayer Thank the Lord Jesus for making the ultimate sacrifice that you may know salvation. Confess where you have refused to serve the Lord and ask the Lord to conform your will to His. Rev. Simon Lievaart currently serves Bethel United Reformed Church of Smithers BC. Prior to this, he served the United Reformed Church in Doon, IA. Rev. Lievaart grew up in southern Alberta, attended Redeemer University College and Mid-America Reformed Seminary. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. This devotional is made available by the Nearer To God Devotional team, who also make available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

June 10 - Armed and ready 

“Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world.” - 1 Peter 5:8–9 Scripture reading: Nehemiah 4:15-20 Sometimes soldiers go off to war, fighting at the front, hundreds of miles away from home. Sometimes war comes to us. We think of life for those in Ukraine. Suddenly no place is safe and every civilian must also be a soldier. The threat of an attack on Jerusalem came down a degree. The building could continue, but everyone had to be their own bodyguard. Those going to get supplies had the supplies in one hand and a weapon in the other. Those on the wall continued the work, carrying their sword and trowel. What a lesson for us in the Christian life. We must be always ready, always watchful, always prayerful. When we are on the road, at the worksite, in town and out of town, we need to have our weapons ready against the attacks of the enemy. Satan wants to contaminate godliness and destroy growth. Satan will attack us when and where we are vulnerable. We need to be always ready to stand firm in the faith and fight off the attacks. And what are the weapons we must have ready for our spiritual battles? It is the Word of God, the truth of God. It is the shield of faith and steadfast prayer. A life of serving the Lord will be attacked by Satan. But we know the One Who is greater. Trust the Lord. As James 4:7 says, “Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” Suggestions for prayer Thank the Lord for equipping you for the battle. Confess where you have been careless, and ask for watchfulness and discernment, so you can recognize the schemes of the devil and stand firm when tempted. Rev. Simon Lievaart currently serves Bethel United Reformed Church of Smithers BC. Prior to this, he served the United Reformed Church in Doon, IA. Rev. Lievaart grew up in southern Alberta, attended Redeemer University College and Mid-America Reformed Seminary. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. This devotional is made available by the Nearer To God Devotional team, who also make available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional

June 9 - Halfway there (living on a prayer) 

“And we prayed to our God and set a guard as a protection against them day and night.” - Nehemiah 4:9 Scripture reading: Nehemiah 4:6-14 Whoever said good fences make good neighbours was not thinking about Nehemiah. The wall was raised. They were halfway there. Israel now had angry neighbours in every direction, threatening to attack Jerusalem, and no allies. Artaxerxes might defend them, but it would take months for an army to get there. The people of God needed (again) to pray. Never undervalue prayer. We feel weak or overwhelmed, helpless and alone, but John 4:4 reminds us, “He who is in you is greater than He who is in the world.” Call out to God for mercy, for support. The Israelites were overwhelmed. The work was stalled because the workers had to become soldiers standing guard. They weren’t trained for war. Why does God's work have to be so hard? Verse 14 says they were reminded to not fear, but to remember the Lord Who is great and awesome. Do we think about how great our God is? (Sunday helps us to do that.) When we worry about what the world might do, or feel weak against the temptations of the flesh and fear we cannot withstand whatever trial might come, can we remember how much greater and more awesome our God is? We have a long way to go, and there are real enemies around us. Continue in prayer, trusting in the Lord. 1 Peter 5:10 comforts us saying, “After you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen and establish you.” Suggestions for prayer Ask God to help you to remember that He is great, and He is with us in grace. Pray that in the times of trial and temptation, we may fight, knowing the Lord Almighty is our God. Rev. Simon Lievaart currently serves Bethel United Reformed Church of Smithers BC. Prior to this, he served the United Reformed Church in Doon, IA. Rev. Lievaart grew up in southern Alberta, attended Redeemer University College and Mid-America Reformed Seminary. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. This devotional is made available by the Nearer To God Devotional team, who also make available in print, for purchase, at

Daily devotional, Uncategorised

June 8 - A fool’s errand?

“…looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.” - Hebrews 12:2–3  Scripture reading: Nehemiah 4:1-5 Do you have unfinished projects that you started long ago? On my shelf I have paint, wood and supplies for a project I have not gotten around to doing. Beginning a task is easy, but persevering in a task is not. This is especially true when everyone tells you that what you are doing is foolish. Sanballat and Tobiah, in the presence of the army of Samaria (today they would be backed by the media and masses), made all sorts of accusations, intending to make the Israelites feel that this wall-building is a bad idea and sure to fail. The mockery was destroying the courage in their hearts. But the believer goes by faith, not by sight. Take these troubles by prayer to God, Who sees His people striving at the work, and sees the enemies trying to tear it down. God made a promise to Abraham that He would bless those who bless him and curse those who curse him. The Israelites could rightly ask God to repay their enemies for the wrong they are doing. This reminds us: what matters is not what the world says, but what God says. The mockers will answer to God and so must we. What is done with faith in Jesus Christ will be given the reward Christ has earned, and the enemies will be given the reward every sinner deserves. We must persevere in the Christian life. Think of Noah – the world called him a fool, and he persevered, finishing his project of building the ark. He had no regrets. Suggestions for prayer Thank the Lord Jesus for enduring mockery so that we can be accepted. Ask God to help us live this life knowing we must give account to God for how we live. Rev. Simon Lievaart currently serves Bethel United Reformed Church of Smithers BC. Prior to this, he served the United Reformed Church in Doon, IA. Rev. Lievaart grew up in southern Alberta, attended Redeemer University College and Mid-America Reformed Seminary. Get this devotional delivered directly to your phone each day via our RP App. This devotional is made available by the Nearer To God Devotional team, who also make available in print, for purchase, at

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