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Drama, Movie Reviews

12 Angry Men

Drama 1957 / 96 min. Rating: 9/10 A movie that takes place in a single room? All dialogue, and no car chases or explosions? 12 Angry Men might not seem like it has the makings for an amazing film, but whoever I've watched it with over the years has always been impressed. This courtroom drama begins with eleven men eager to declare the defendant guilty – it's an open-and-shut case, so why waste time? But the twelfth (Henry Fonda) isn't so sure. And he isn't willing to convict a man without carefully working through the evidence... even if other jurors were looking forward to their weekend plans. So in the middle of a sweltering heat wave, stuck in close quarters with complete strangers, they start going through the evidence. 12 Angry Men is an absolutely fascinating look at how personal histories and prejudices can play a part in a jury decision. Cautions I can't think of any concerns for this one. There's some racism evident, but the worst language is a juror talking about "those kind of people." This is an adult film in the sense that your smalls aren't going to be interested. But it is a family-friendly film in the sense that kids of any age could be in the room with you and you wouldn't need to worry about what they might see or hear. The closest thing to a caution I can think of is that the 1997 remake has language problems (and isn't close to as good anyway). Conclusion I don't want to geek out on the film, but I will share one neat bit on its cinematography. If you're like me, you don't really note how a film is shot unless it's bad and gets in the way of the story. That said, there is one neat trick used here you might want to look for: watch for how the camera slowly descends as the tension rises. We start just above eye-level, and by the time the climax arrives, lots of shots are now coming from below, giving jurors an ominous shadowed look. It's cool what different camera angles can do. But the reason you should watch it is for what it wrestles with. This is looking at the whole idea of justice, and how apathy, prejudice, and even people's limited ability to logic things out, can shape the verdict. God has told us that it'd be better for a guilty person go free than an innocent man be punished (that, and innocent until proven guilty, are the implications of texts like Deut. 17:6 and Deut. 19:15), but is that how our justice system works? In 12 Angry Men we've got a behind-the-scenes look with a man willing to stand against the room to do what's right. Check out the trailer below. ...

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Documentary, Movie Reviews, Science - Creation/Evolution, Watch for free

Mountains after the Flood

Documentary 2023 / 102 minutes Rating: 7/10 The folks who brought us Is Genesis History, have crafted a sequel of sorts. Host Del Tackett is back, and just as inquisitive as ever. Mountains after the Flood looks at areas of the Grand Canyon, and exposed layers around the world, including in our mountains, to show how quickly they were formed. The conventional evolutionary thinking is that all these layers took eons to form. However, there are folds in these rock layers... and how could that be? If these layers took so long to form then they would have been hardened and unable to fold – any bending would have resulted in cracks and fracturing instead. So these smooth folds serve as evidence against the prevailing "long age" dating of the Grand Canyon. But what if, instead of forming over hundreds of thousands of years, the folds were formed quickly in the cataclysmic aftermath of the Flood? Then the layers wouldn't be the result of millions of years, but would have been rapidly formed as the sediment settled during the Flood. And the bending could have happened while the layers were still soft. Under these circumstances we would understand how these still soft layers could have been bent over on themselves without cracking. Mountains after the Flood is more technical than the previous film, and that's part of the point. In addition to exploring the evidence for the Flood, Tackett and his crew are also trying to show what doing good creation science really involves. They want to show its rigor, and highlight its credibility – what they are doing here is following well-established scientific protocols to produce findings that can't be dismissed and need to be contended with. While there's loads of information for anyone already interested in the subject, this is not a film I’d show anyone, kids or adults, to try and get them interested. For that I'd point to the original Is Genesis History (which is reviewed, and can be watched for free, at this link). The producers have all sorts of supplementary material at that is well worth exploring. And now they've made Mountains after the Flood available to watch for free, so start watching below! ...

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Drama, Movie Reviews

The Shop Around the Corner

Drama/Romance 99 min / 1940 Rating: 9/10 While Jimmy Stewart is best known for his other Christmas movie, It's a Wonderful Life, this is the one that mom and dad should watch for an in-home date night. Stewart plays the young Alred Kralik, top salesman at the Matuschek and Company giftshop in Budapest. As top salesman, he serves as confidant and all-around-right-hand man to his boss, Hugo Mastuschek. When a young lady, Klara Novak, comes in looking for a job, it is Alfred's sad duty to inform her that there just aren't any positions available. But strangely Alfred's boss, in a fit of independence, decides to override Alfred and hires Klara. From the start, it's clear that Alfred and Klara have a little chemistry, but he decides she isn’t the girl for him. Maybe it was how they first met, but whatever the reason, the two of them just can’t get along. And besides, Alfred already has a girlfriend of sorts. He has a heart-to-heart, mind-to-mind connection with his long-time pen pal, and how can mere physical attraction compare to something like that? It just can’t! Before he rushes off to marry his pen pal, Alfred decides he should probably meet her once first. And it's at this first date that he finds out his pen pal looks a lot like the new store clerk…an awful lot like her! Turns out, Shop Around the Corner is a great counter to the Hollywood notion of love at first sight – this is love done write! Cautions The one caution here regards a backstory and the reason why Mr. Mastuschek decided to override his top salesman. He suspects Alfred of having an affair with his wife. It turns out that while Mr. Mastuschek is wrong about which salesman it is, he is right about the affair, and that drives him to attempt suicide. Thankfully he is saved by the store's delivery boy. This mature topic matter means this isn't one for the whole family, even though it is delicately handled. Conclusion Shop Around the Corner has been in Time magazine's Top 100 Films list, has a 99% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and was popular enough to spawn two remakes. A musical adaptation, In the Good Old Summertime (1949), was done less than a decade later and stars Judy Garland and Van Johnson. This time the two letter-writers are working in a music store. Not as good as the original, but it is a solid 7. Van Johnson isn't as charming as Jimmy Stewart, and near the end even comes off as a bit creepy. That said, it is fun to see how this remake compares and contrasts with the film that inspired it. Another sequel is Tom Hank's You've Got Mail (1998), which was super popular, but which also takes God's name in vain. If you enjoy Shop Around the Corner, you may also like a couple more from the same director, Ernst Lubitsch. His To Be Or Not To Be (1942) is about a Shakespeare acting troop surviving World War II. And Ninotchka (1939) is a comedy about a loyal Russian communist who comes to Paris and falls in love with a man who represents everything about the West that she despises. There are some good and educational laughs in that one! Check out Shop Around the Corner's trailer below. ...

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Family, Movie Reviews


Family / Sports 2019 / 92 minutes RATING: 7/10 Kyle Cooke is an 11-year-old baseball prodigy who's always the best kid on the field. When he gets cut from an all-star team – the coach picks his own kids instead of the best kids – his already impressive work ethic goes into overdrive. Kyle is going to make his next season the best ever, so he can take whatever team he's on all the way to the 12-year-olds' World Series. That sums up both what's great about Twelve and what's wonky with it too. If you have kids who aren't overly obsessed with sports then showing them a film about a 12-year-old who lives, sleeps, and breathes his sport could be a good bit of inspiration. If they really want to make their high school basketball team, or get onto the junior high cross-country team, then they need to put in the work. They could do with being more like Kyle. But Kyle, and his dad too, are quite a bit too invested in baseball. The saving grace is that theirs is a love-of-the-game kind of obsession and not a win-at-any-costs kind of thing. The dad proves he's too into baseball when he lets his generally solid sportsmanship slip after his son gets cut unfairly from the all-star team. And Kyle shows he's too obsessed in that his life doesn't have anything else to it but baseball. That said, he is respectful to coaches and to his dad. And even though he is by far the best player on his new team, he doesn't have an inflated ego around his teammates. So, the pluses are some fun training montages, cute interactions between him and his big brother (and his big brother's girlfriend, who is rooting for him), lots of drive and determination, and a fairly low tension level, which might be nice for the 10-12 year-old target audience – there's never really any doubt that Kyle is going to go all the way. Cautions The most notable negative is, again, just how seriously this family takes baseball, getting pretty close to a substitute religion, moderated only by the fact that the two boys aren't obsessed with winning (Kyle is super confident he will win, but he doesn't get all stressed out about it). Language concerns are minor: Kyle's brother "X" almost says a bad word, starting off with "bullsh..." before ending on a better note with "" Dad does it once too. Oh, and if you try to stream this, beware of the 2010 film of the same name which is about drugs, not sports. Conclusion The consensus in our house rated Twelve a solid 7. The one holdout didn't like the abrupt ending and dropped her initial 10 all the way down to a 0 – she wanted a little bit longer with these characters, but the final credits start just a couple of minutes after the climax. So, take that for what you will. If you're looking for sports flick with some good camaraderie, and not too much of an edge, this will fit the bill... as long as your kids aren't as sports-obsessed as Kyle. Check out the trailer below for a good overview of the admirable and the obsessive. ...

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Articles, Family, Movie Reviews

A century of cinema for your family

20+ great films for you and your kids to time travel through the last 100 years ***** While most other art forms have been around for centuries and millennia, “motion pictures” have only existed for just over a century. Back in March of 1895, two Frenchmen, the Lumière brothers, had a public screening of their black and white, silent, 46-second-long film Employees Leaving the Lumière Factory. And while that was as boring as it sounds, improvements started coming fast and frequently – later that same year they showed a 40-second comedy of sorts, The Tables Turned on the Gardener. The title character is using a hose to water his plants and when the water pressure drops, he looks down his hose to find out why. And that’s when the boy who’d been stepping on his hose lets the water resume – a first go at cinematic slapstick. In the decades that followed we got plot, then color, and eventually sound. Cinema brought different art forms together – writing, acting, costuming, cinematography, music, construction, and more – and it took filmmakers about a quarter century to really figure out how to gel them all. So it isn’t until the 1920s that we get films that begin to stand the test of time, and can entertain still. Now it’s never been that easy to find quality movies for kids, and even less so when you have Christian standards for what your family watches. But if you expand your choices beyond what’s come out in the past year, it does get a little easier. And if you want to mix some education along with your entertainment, then now might be a great time to introduce your kids to great movies of the past. You can show them the ways the world has changed and the ways it hasn’t, and they can learn that newer is not always better! To make it easy to do, we’ve created a list of suggestions for you from movies we’ve previously reviewed. Travel backwards in time from today to the 1920s to see a hundred years of cinema history. And by heading backward one movie at a time, you can slowly get your children used to the very different pace and look of the older movies. All the films that follow are linked to their longer reviews, so if there are any cautions, you can see what they are by clicking the titles. 2020s Paw Patrol: the Movie Who hasn’t heard of Paw Patrol by now? But rest assured you don’t have to have watched the show to enjoy the movie. When an incompetent mayor runs amok in Adventure City, the pups have to help clean up the chaos. This film is good old-fashioned fun. The Super Mario Bros. Movie If your kids are a bit older, they might enjoy this fun romp through the world of Mario Bros. Mario and his brother Luigi get sucked into a strange and colorful land, where Mario has to rescue everyone from the dreadful Bowser. 2010s Tangled This retelling of Rapunzel is a favorite of many. Rapunzel has been told she needs to stay in the tower to stay safe, but when she meets a thief named Flynn, she gets an opportunity to leave and explore the wider world. A highlight is her versatile hair and all the ways she uses it to help her and Flynn get out of tight situations! The Peanuts Movie This movie brings in all the silly fun of the comic and leaves out some of the melancholy. Charlie Brown tries a variety of activities to impress the Little Red-Haired Girl, and is helped out by his friends. Will he succeed? 2000s Pollyanna Orphaned Pollyanna teaches her aunt and neighbors about the “Glad Game” her father taught her – this game involves striving to find something to be glad about in even the most difficult situations. Throughout the movie, things happen that make it very hard for her to stay “glad” – will Pollyanna stop playing her game? Chicken Run This one is for teens and maybe tweens but not younger – a clever claymation homage to the World War II prisoner escape genre, this takes place on a chicken farm, with the hens working together to plan a mass exodus. But they'll have to get past the Nazi guards farmer and his dogs first. This might be more for dads and their lads, but kids with an interest in World War II history should appreciate this. 1990s Little Women Four sisters, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy, come together through hard times their family experiences, and do their best to grow up into good young women. Toy Story All of the Toy Story movies are worth watching, but the first one came out all the way back in 1995, making it a great fit for the 1990s. Andy’s toys – Woody, Mr. Potato Head, Little Bo Peep, and more – all come to life when no people are around. Then a new toy, Buzz Lightyear, arrives to make Woody jealous. Both adults, and children as young as 12, can really appreciate this one (a bully and his initially creepy toys might be too much for the younger crowd). 1980s An American Tail Animated films are often assumed to be “just” for children, but the best of them use the art form to showcase stories for all ages – which means this could be a great film for the whole family! An American Tail explores the story of immigration, which is something many of us are familiar with as a result of our own family histories with immigration. The Fox and the Hound A fox and a hound meet and become the best of friends... but as they grow up, will their friendship last? They’re told foxes and hounds are natural enemies. This is a classic film with strong lessons about racism contained in it. 1970s The Hobbit While the live-action Hobbit trilogy hit big screens in the 2010s, the initial animated version came out in 1977. It has a lot to offer, and is not split into three parts! The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh Who doesn’t love Winnie the Pooh? This movie contains several classic Pooh stories, and is a perfect way to introduce children to Pooh and his friends. 1960s The Incredible Journey Another classic movie based on a book. In this story, two dogs and a cat have to find their way back to their family, who are over 200 miles away. Hans Brinker, or the Silver Skates A movie set in the Netherlands! Young Hans has to support his family, but he struggles to afford both food for them all, and medicine for his father. So he enters a 26-mile skating race with a big prize. Will he win? 1950s Jack and the Beanstalk Abbott and Costello, the well-known comedy duo from the 40s and 50s, star in this version of Jack and the Beanstalk. It’s slapstick, so some parental explanation might be needed for kids to get the jokes and comic physical humor, but kids will surely enjoy all the zany antics. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea A mysterious “sea monster” is destroying ships in the ocean, and three men are sent out to discover what it is, and stop it. It turns out not to be a sea creature, but a submarine! The three of them are taken aboard and start to learn all about its mysterious captain... 1940s My Friend Flicka A classic story of the love between a boy and his horse – a wild colt who needs to be tamed, and a boy who daydreams his way through school. Maybe they can both help each other grow up. A few cautions: for children who love horses, the death of a horse in this movie might be a tough watch, and the pace of this movie is slower, especially by modern movie standards. Lassie Come Home A boy is forced to sell his beloved and loyal dog Lassie when his family can’t afford to feed her anymore. Lassie’s new owner takes her to Scotland, but she is determined to find her way home, and goes through some serious adventures on her long journey. 1930s The Prince and the Pauper Stories about switched identities are fun, and this is one of the classic versions. A poor boy and a prince realize they look almost identical, and after they switch clothes they’re both mistaken for the wrong boy. Will the wrong boy end up crowned king? This is a black-and-white film, and is slower paced, but many children 9 and up will enjoy it. The Adventures of Robin Hood This film is consistently mentioned as the classic version of Robin Hood on screen, which went on to influence all the others. No dark and gritty retellings of Robin here! Our review lists four reasons you’ll never find a better version than this one. 1920s Sherlock Jr. We’re getting into movies old enough that some children will find them very, very different from modern movies... that said, most children do enjoy the silent films that are jam-packed with action! This could be a great opportunity to expand their viewing – and yours. Our first recommendation for silent films is Sherlock Jr., which is also free online if you click the title. Seven Chances Another silent film! Jimmie has seven chances to find someone to marry that day, in order to fulfill the conditions to inherit his grandfather’s fortune. Conclusion And that, then, is a collection of 22 films covering just over a century of cinema. If you do end up working your way through this list with your family, please let us know your thoughts, especially on the older ones. What were your favorites? We hope you find some gems! To find even more film recommendations, including many films for younger children, be sure to check out our list of 200+ movies King David might watch....

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Animated, Movie Reviews

Animal Farm (1954)

Animated / Drama 1954 / 72 minutes RATING: 7/10 This is George Orwell's classic dystopian tale brought to the big screen. A farm setting is used to highlight a conflict between the "working class" – chickens, geese, cows, and pigs – and the wealthy, represented here by the farmer who owns everything. Orwell was anti-communist, but not blind to the problems of the arrogant elite who abused the poor, so his Farmer Jones here is a piece of work, shown whipping the animals in a drunken stupor. When Old Major, the most revered pig on the farm, calls a meeting, all attend. He gives a rousing speech, calling for solidarity against the oppressive farmer, and equality for all animals. But Old Major doesn't live to see the revolution he has called for – he punctuates his speech by collapsing at the end. But he has inspired action. The animals drive out Farmer Jones, and take over the farm for themselves. However, the animals soon learn the same lessons the poor Russians peasants learned when they overthrew the Tsar: being free of one tyrant isn't the same as being free. The pigs soon take the place of the farmer, because, after all, someone has to show some leadership. The pigs are soon eating the farmer's food, and sleeping in his bed too, even as the rest of the animals remain in the barn. All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others. Caution The cautions are of two kinds. Parents could see the trailer and think this could make for a good family night flick. While the simple 1950s animation does mute some of the violence, there are still creature killed both onscreen and off. At one point it is a full out war between a dozen armed humans and all the animals. Not a lot of blood is shown, but way too much for children. That's okay though, because this really isn't intended for an audience too young to understand the moral to the story. The other concern is that teens, and even some adults, might miss some of the nuance here, in part because of changes to the film that aren't in the book. This is a more hopeful version of the tale that ends with the dictator pig, Napoleon, getting overthrown, trampled to death by the other animals. In the book, it ends with the pigs still in charge, now making deals with the humans, and it is getting hard to tell the humans from the pigs and the pigs from the humans. The film's more hopeful ending was likely made because the film was, in fact, produced by the CIA. They may have wanted it to end on a more "democratic" note, the people rising up against their communist dictator. But Orwell's unresolved ending was likely meant to highlight the growing communist encroachment even in the West. And viewers will not get that from the film. But both book and film do critique the abuses that can happen under the arrogant. Orwell wasn't saying that the West was perfect and that only communism was a problem; he was highlighting that communism wasn't a solution to the problems happening in the West, and would only make things worse. Conclusion This is not a film to watch for entertainment; it rates only middling on that scale. But it is a great presentation of one of the more important novels of our time. At a time when "equity" is thought to be the ultimate goal, it's important to teach the next generation where that road really takes us. So, this would be a great one for 12 to 112. You may also be interested in Animal Farm: the Graphic Novel. ...

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Articles, Movie Reviews

200+ movies King David might watch

Great minds think alike, and the same month I was first compiling this article two of those great minds belonged to a missionary in Brazil and an evangelist in California. The evangelist, Ray Comfort, passed along a story, first told by Jeremy Archer, about a man who invited all sorts of folks into his house to meet his family. Often the visitors would talk crudely and angrily with each other, teaching his children words he'd rather they not know. But these visitors could also get his whole family laughing so the man decided to focus on the good they did, rather than the bad. Over time the man could see the visitors were having an impact on his family, and it wasn't a good one. He found that his own children were now using crude language and making coarse jokes. What was worse, the visitors were behaving outrageously, even taking their clothes off right there in front of his family! That's hard to believe, isn't it? Why didn't the man just kick them out? Why didn't he protect his family from their influence? Well, it turns out this man had some sense, and as the visitors started getting naked the man acted. Together with his family, the man finally "turned off the television." That same month the missionary, Rev. Ken Wieske, expressed the same concern, titling a Facebook post "David vows to get rid of his TV." Underneath he included the text of Psalm 101 which reads (in part): I will ponder the way that is blameless. Oh when will you come to me? I will walk with integrity of heart within my house; I will not set before my eyes anything that is worthless. The pastor's point was clear: most of what's on TV is worthless and if King David were here on earth today, he might well pitch his TV right out of the palace. Of course, it isn't quite as easy as that. Today we also have computers, and smartphones, so getting rid of the TV isn't going to restrict our access to fluff and filth that's so readily available. So let's take this a step further. Yes, much of what's on TV (and on YouTube, Facebook, etc.) is worthless. But some of it isn't. Some of it is quite good. Excellent even! So if we were to make the same promise King David makes in Psalm 101 – to put away all that is worthless – what sorts of films and videos might we still watch? I've got some suggestions, and I've listed them under 10 categories, with 20 or more movie recommendations in most categories. My hope is that this list can help families find something worth watching. With over 235 suggestions I'm also hoping there will be something for everyone. There's just one documentary included here, but you can find a whole bunch more in our list of "100+ documentaries that make learning a joy." Title, year, and length are included and, if there's a review available on, I've indicated that by making the title all caps and clickable. I've also included an entertainment rating. This is out of 10, and in my books, a 7 is a solid mark, while 8 is something special, and 6 is still watchable but there is some notable flaw (maybe some corny writing, or a bad bit of acting, that sort of thing). The only reason I've included a few films that rate as low as 6 is because they have something about them that makes them valuable viewing – oftentimes their educational value. I'll note also, that a 7 for a children's film means that this target audience will think it a 7, and not adults. The same is true of a black-and-white classic. If you hate anything B&W, then you probably won't like one with a solid 7 rating (though maybe you'd be swayed by one with an 8, 9, or 10). One other note: none of these films and videos take God's name in vain. That's important. While a degree of violence and even sexual content of some sort can be appropriate on screen, the way God's name is abused on film just isn't. More than 40 of the films below have the tag "FREE ONLINE" and can be viewed for free by clicking on the link provided. ANIMATED VIDEOS (11) This mix of shorter videos (whether standalone or TV series) can be ideal when mom wants to take a nap but doesn't want the kids sitting in front of the TV forever. ANNE OF GREEN GABLES: THE ANIMATED SERIES – 2003, 25 min x 26 episodes – 7/10 – FREE ONLINE ADVENTURES IN ODYSSEY – 1991-2003, 27 min x 17 episodes – 7/10 CURIOUS GEORGE – 2006-2022, 24 min x 198 episodes – 8/10 THE GRUFFALO – 2009, 27 minutes – 8/10 Horton Hears a Who – 1970, 30 minutes – 7/10 JUNGLE BEAT – 537 minutes – 10/10 – FREE ONLINE LIFE AT THE POND – 2004-2009, 30 min x 5 episodes – 8/10 LOST AND FOUND – 2013, 24 minutes – 8/10 A Show about Anthem Lights – 2022-, 12 min x 20 episodes – 7/10 VEGGIETALES – only some are recommended – 7-8/10 Wallace and Gromit in Three Amazing Adventures – 1989-1995, 85 minutes –  7/10 ANIMATED "TORCHLIGHTERS" SERIES (9) There are 20+ videos in the Torchlighter series, and the nine below are all great. While I haven't seen the whole series yet, there are a couple I haven't included for two different reasons. The first was on St. Patrick. While legends abound, little firsthand material on Patrick's life exists, making it hard to separate fact from fiction. That difficulty should have been acknowledged. Then, in the one on Augustine, an animated Jesus makes an appearance, and while I'm not wholly sure of the wrongness of visually depicting Christ, I am also not sure of its rightness, so I haven't recommended it. There are four more, I haven't yet watched, which I suspect might be good: The Robert Jermain Thomas Story, The George Muller Story, The Gladys Aylward Story, and The Richard Allen Story. THE CORRIE TEN BOOM STORY – 2013, 34 minutes – 7/10 – FREE ONLINE THE ERIC LIDDELL STORY – 2007, 31 minutes – 6/10 – FREE ONLINE THE HARRIET TUBMAN STORY – 2018, 30 minutes – 7/10 – FREE ONLINE THE JIM ELLIOT STORY – 2005, 30 minutes – 6/10 – FREE ONLINE THE JOHN BUNYAN STORY – 2006, 30 minutes – 8/10 –FREE ONLINE THE JOHN NEWTON STORY – 2021, 30 minutes – 7/10 – FREE ONLINE THE MARTIN LUTHER STORY – 2016, 34 minutes – 7/10 – FREE ONLINE THE RICHARD WURMBRAND STORY – 2008, 30 minutes – 6/10 – FREE ONLINE THE WILLIAM TYNDALE STORY – 2005, 32 minutes – 6/10 – FREE ONLINE ANIMATED FILMS (27) It seems like cartoons used to be safe for kids, though boring for adults. Today, with the appearance of obscene animated fare like “South Park” and “Family Guy,” many cartoons are unsuitable for children, and for that matter, adults. But there has been a change for the better too – movies like “Curious George” and “Meet the Robinsons” show that some animated fare can keep the kids happy, and entertain their parents as well. AN AMERICAN TAIL – 1986, 87 minutes – 9/10 BALTO – 1995, 78 minutes – 7/10 CHICKEN RUN – 2000, 84 minutes – 8/10 CURIOUS GEORGE – 2006, 88 minutes – 8/10 CURIOUS GEORGE 3: BACK TO THE JUNGLE – 2015, 81 minutes – 7/10 CURIOUS GEORGE: ROYAL MONKEY – 2019, 86 minutes – 7/10 Finding Dory – 2016, 97 minutes – 7/10 Finding Nemo – 2003, 100 minutes – 8/10 FOX AND THE HOUND – 1981, 83 minutes – 8/10 THE MANY ADVENTURES OF WINNIE THE POOH – 1977, 74 minutes – 9/10 Meet the Robinsons – 2007, 95 minutes – 8/10 MINISCULE - 2014, 89 minutes – 7/10 Monsters Inc. – 2001, 93 minutes – 9/10 Monsters University – 2013, 104 minutes – 8/10 PAW PATROL: THE MOVIE – 2021, 86 minutes – 8/10 PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie – 2023, 87 minutes – 8/10 THE PEANUTS MOVIE – 2015, 88 minutes – 8/10 SGT. STUBBY: AN UNLIKELY HERO - 2018, 84 minutes – 8/10 THE SUPER MARIO BROS. MOVIE – 2023, 92 minutes – 7/10 TANGLED – 2010, 100 minutes – 9/10 TOY STORY 1, 2, 3, and 4 – 1995-2019, 81-103 minutes – 8/10 Up – 2009, 96 minutes – 9/10 Wall-E – 2008, 98 minutes – 9/10 WINNIE THE POOH – 2011, 63 minutes – 8/10 See also Leo Da Vinci: Mission Mona Lisa, Long Way North, and The Secret World of Arrietty in Foreign Films, and Animal Farm, Boxcar Children, Boxcar Children: Surprise Island, and The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, and The Phantom Tollbooth in Based on a Book, Tintin: Destination Moon in Children. BASED ON A BOOK (24) It's always hard to live up to the book, but some of these get awfully close! 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA – 1954, 127 minutes – 7/10 THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD – 1938, 101 minutes – 8/10 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes – 1939, 82 minutes – 7/10 ANIMAL FARM – 1954, 72 minutes – 7/10 THE BOXCAR CHILDREN – 2013, 81 minutes – 7/10 THE BOXCAR CHILDREN: SURPRISE ISLAND - 2018, 82 minutes – 6/10 THE GIVER – 2014, 97 minutes – 8/10 THE GOSPEL BLIMP - 1967, 38 minutes – 8/10 – FREE ONLINE Ivanhoe – 1952, 107 minutes – 7/10 THE HOBBIT – 1977, 77 minutes – 7/10 The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe – 1979, 95 minutes – 7/10 The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe – 2005, 125 minutes – 8/10 Little Women – 1949, 121 minutes – 8/10 LITTLE WOMEN – 1994, 118 minutes – 9/10 THE LORD OF THE RINGS (ANIMATED) – 1978, 133 minutes – 7/10 THE MAN IN THE IRON MASK – 1939, 113 minutes – 6/10 – FREE ONLINE THE PHANTOM TOLLBOOTH – 1970, 89 minutes – 7/10 POLLYANNA – 2003, 99 minutes – 8/10 PRIDE AND PREJUDICE – 2003, 104 minutes – 8/10 THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER – 1937, 118 minutes – 8/10 Prince Caspian – 2008, 154 minutes – 8/10 Rascal – 1969, 85 minutes – 7/10 SWALLOWS AND AMAZONS – 2016, 96 minutes – 7/10 SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON – 1960, 126 minutes – 8/10 See also The 3 Worlds Of Gulliver and Lassie Come Home in Children. BLACK & WHITE CLASSICS (19) These have all stood the test of time and are still being watched again and again. 12 ANGRY MEN – 1957, 96 minutes – 9/10 THE AMAZING ADVENTURE – 1936, 62 minutes – 7/10 – FREE ONLINE THE ABSENT-MINDED PROFESSOR – 1961, 96 minutes – 8/10 Adam's Rib – 1949, 101 minutes –  8/10 CASABLANCA – 1943, 103 minutes – 10/10 Citizen Kane – 1941, 119 minutes – 7/10 HIGH NOON – 1952, 85 minutes – 9/10 I Remember Mama – 1948, 134 minutes – 7/10 It Should Happen to You – 1954, 87 minutes – 7/10 The Man in the White Suit – 1951, 85 minutes – 7/10 THE MAN WHO SHOT LIBERTY VALANCE – 1962, 123 minutes – 8/10 MEET JOHN DOE – 1941, 122 minutes – 7/10 – FREE ONLINE Mr. Deed Goes to Town – 1936, 115 minutes – 7/10 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington – 1939, 129 minutes – 8/10 Ninotchka – 1939, 110 minutes – 8/10 SEA HAWK – 1940, 127 minutes – 8/10 THE SIGN OF ZORRO – 1958, 90 minutes – 8/10 THE SHOP AROUND THE CORNER – 1949, 99 minutes – 9/10 The Tin Star – 1957, 92 minutes – 7/10 See also Roman Holiday in For Mom and Dad. BLACK & WHITE SILENT CLASSICS (6) As a subcategory to the above are a half dozen silent film selections. If you've never gotten into silent films, be sure to start with the comedies – there the overwrought acting just adds to the funny. And Buster Keaton is the best! THE GENERAL – 1927, 80 minutes – 8/10 The Gold Rush – 1925, 96 minutes – 7/10 GRANDMA'S BOY – 1922, 56 minutes – 7/10 – FREE ONLINE SEVEN CHANCES – 1925, 56 minutes – 8/10 SHERLOCK JR. – 1924, 44 minutes – 8/10 – FREE ONLINE Steamboat Bill, Jr. – 1928, 70 min – 7/10 BIOGRAPHICAL (16) Most of these are Christian biographies, and being true gives them a leg up on fictional Christian fare that too often concludes with “happily ever after” endings, more fairytales than our one true faith. It’s simply a fact that here on earth bad things often happen to good, faithful Christians. I will also note that while many of these are great, others are merely okay (ranking only a 6), but are still included here because of their educational value. THE CASE FOR CHRIST – 2017, 113 minutes – 7/10 C.S. LEWIS ONSTAGE – 2018, 76 minutes – 7/10 – FREE ONLINE C.S. LEWIS: THE MOST RELUCTANT CONVERT – 2021, 93 minutes – 9/10 END OF THE SPEAR – 2006, 108 minutes – 7/10 FINAL SOLUTION – 2001, 102 minutes – 8/10 – FREE ONLINE GOD'S OUTLAW: THE STORY OF WILLIAM TYNDALE – 1988, 93 minutes – 6/10 – FREE ONLINE GOSNELL: THE TRIAL OF AMERICA'S BIGGEST SERIAL KILLER – 2018, 93 minutes – 8/10 THE JACKIE ROBINSON STORY – 1950, 77 minutes – 7/10 – FREE ONLINE JOHN HUS: A JOURNEY OF NO RETURN – 2015, 55 minutes – 7/10 – FREE ONLINE MARTIN LUTHER – 1953, 105 minutes – 7/10 – FREE ONLINE THE MIRACLE WORKER – 1962, 106 minutes – 9/10 SABINA: TORTURED FOR CHRIST, THE NAZI YEARS – 2022, 115 minutes – 7/10 – FREE ONLINE THE SPIRIT OF ST. LOUIS – 1957, 135 minutes – 7/10 TORTURED FOR CHRIST - 2018, 77 minutes - 8/10 – FREE ONLINE UNBROKEN: PATH TO REDEMPTION – 2018, 98 minutes – 8/10 THE WRIGHT BROTHERS – 1996, 27 minutes – 7/10 See also I Can Only Imagine and Unsung Hero in For Mom and Dad. CHILDREN (16) This is fare for younger children – not a lot of tension here. And that means, while the kids will probably like it, mom and dad might not. Because children often watch their favorite videos repeatedly, even dozens of times, it’s all the more important to make sure what they do watch is the good stuff. THE 3 WORLD'S OF GULLIVER – 1960, 99 minutes – 7/10 BUDDY DAVIS' AMAZING ADVENTURES – 2011-2021, 6 episodes of 25-58 min – 7/10 THE CREATION ADVENTURE TEAM – 2001-2002, 40 min x 2 episodes – 7/10 – FREE ONLINE THE DEFENSE OF NEW HAVEN – 2016, 82 minutes – 7/10 – FREE ONLINE DUDE PERFECT: BACKSTAGE PASS – 2020, 84 minutes – 8/10 – FREE ONLINE INCREDIBLE CREATURES THAT DEFY EVOLUTION I, II, & III – 2006, 47 minutes – 7/10 LASSIE COME HOME – 1943, 90 minutes – 8/10 A LEGO BRICKUMENTARY – 2015, 93 minutes – 7/10 MISTY – 1961, 91 minutes – 7/10 THE NEWTONS' WORKSHOP – 1997, 226 minutes – 7/10 ODD SQUAD: THE MOVIE – 2016, 67 minutes – 7/10 PATTERNS OF EVIDENCE: YOUNG EXPLORERS – 2020, 190 minutes – 7/10 – FREE ONLINE THE RUNNER FROM RAVENSHEAD – 2010, 81 minutes – 7/10 – FREE ONLINE THE SPARKY CHRONICLES – 2003, 28 minutes – 7/10 – FREE ONLINE SPACE BUDDIES – 2009, 84 minutes – 7/10 THE WILD BROTHERS (8 episodes) – 2015-2020, 28-30 minutes each – 7/10 FAMILY FUN (30) These are films that mom and dad can also look forward to watching. But that does mean that some of them have action or drama that may be too intense for your youngest children. So be sure to research age-appropriateness. BABES IN TOYLAND – 1961, 105 minutes – 7/10 A BEAR CALLED WINNIE – 2004, 90 minutes – 7/10 BEYOND THE MASK – 2015, 103 minutes – 8/10 BORN FREE - 1966, 95 minutes – 8/10 CITY OF EMBER – 2008, 95 minutes – 7/10 CONDORMAN – 1981, 90 minutes – 7/10 The Court Jester – 1956, 101 minutes – 8/10 Emil and the Detectives – 1964, 98 minutes – 7/10 THE FIGHTING PRINCE OF DONEGAL – 1966, 110 minutes – 7/10 GRACE UNPLUGGED – 2013, 102 minutes – 7/10 Greyfriars Bobby – 1961, 92 minutes – 8/10 Hangman's Curse – 2003, 106 minutes – 8/10 THE INCREDIBLE JOURNEY – 1963, 89 minutes – 8/10 JACK AND THE BEANSTALK – 1952, 83 minutes – 7/10 THE JENSEN PROJECT – 2010, 95 minutes – 8/10 JOHNNY TREMAIN – 1957, 80 minutes – 7/10 The Last Chance Detectives – 1994, 50 min x 3 episodes – 7/10 THE LEGEND OF 5 MILE CAVE – 2019, 90 minutes – 7/10 MY FRIEND FLICKA – 1942, 89 minutes – 7/10 Old Yeller – 1957, 84 minutes – 9/10 THE SECRETS OF JONATHAN SPERRY – 2008, 96 minutes – 6/10 – FREE ONLINE Shark Boy and Lava Girl 3D – 2005, 93 minutes – 7/10 STORM: LUTHER'S FORBIDDEN LETTER – 2017, 105 minutes – 7/10 – FREE ONLINE SWITCHED – 2020, 104 minutes – 6/10 THE SWORD AND THE ROSE – 1953, 92 minutes – 7/10 THE THREE INVESTIGATORS IN THE SECRET OF SKELETON ISLAND – 2007, 91 minutes – 7/10 TIME CHANGER – 2002, 99 minutes – 7/10 – FREE ONLINE UNITARDS – 2010, 107 minutes – 8/10 A WEEK AWAY – 2021, 97 minutes – 9/10 Who is Simon Miller? – 2011, 85 minutes – 7/10 FOREIGN FILMS (10) Part of the pleasure of watching films set in foreign locales is that they provide a peek into unfamiliar cultures. Most of us will never be able to visit Mongolia or Iran but we can get an insight into the cultural life of those communities by watching their films. ANTBOY - DENMARK – 2013, 77 minutes – 7/10 – FREE ONLINE BELLE AND SEBASTIAN – FRANCE – 2013, 99 minutes – 8/10 Children of Heaven – IRAN – 1997, 87 minutes – 7/10 Godzilla – JAPAN – 1954, 96 minutes – 7/10 LEO DA VINCI: MISSION MONA LISA – ITALY – 2020, 82 minutes – 8/10 LONG WAY NORTH – DENMARK – 2015, 81 minutes – 7/10 NOT ONE LESS – CHINA – 2000, 106 minutes – 7/10 THE RED BALLOON – FRANCE – 1956, 34 minutes – 7/10 – FREE ONLINE THE SECRET WORLD OF ARRIETTY – JAPAN – 2010, 95 minutes – 8/10 The Story of the Weeping Camel – MONGOLIA – 2003, 87 minutes – 7/10 "HALLMARK-Y" (10) Before they got woke, Hallmark made a lot of films appreciated for being safe and good, and though they were rarely great there were a few of those too. Sometimes they'd even be based on Christian books. Not all of these are from Hallmark, but they are all of that sort. AN AMERICAN IN AUSTEN – 2024, 84 minutes – 7/10 EXTRAORDINARY – 2017, 86 minutes – 6/10 – FREE ONLINE GOOD SAM – 2019, 90 minutes – 8/10 HIDDEN PLACES – 2005, 86 minutes – 6/10 LOVE ON A LIMB – 2016, 84 minutes – 7/10 LOVE'S LONG JOURNEY – 2005, 88 minutes – 7/10 A ROYAL CHRISTMAS – 2014, 87 minutes – 7/10 SARAH, PLAIN AND TALL – 1990, 98 minutes – 8/10 THE ULTIMATE GIFT – 2006, 114 minutes – 7/10 UNLEASHING MR. DARCY – 2016, 84 minutes – 7/10 See also Roman Holiday in "For Mom and Dad." FOR MOM AND DAD (24) These are films intended for an adult audience, movies and videos to enjoy with your better half...and sometimes with the older kids too. 2081 – 2009, 25 minutes – 8/10 – FREE ONLINE ALLEGED – 2011, 93 minutes – 8/10 Anastasia – 1956, 105 minutes – 7/10 AUDACITY: LOVE CAN'T STAY SILENT – 2015, 50 minutes – 7/10 – FREE ONLINE The Caine Mutiny - 1954, 124 minutes – 7/10 COURAGEOUS – 2011, 129 minutes – 8/10 FREEDOM – 2014, 94 minutes – 7/10 HIDDEN BLESSINGS – 2024, 107 minutes – 8/10 – FREE ONLINE THE HOBBIT TRILOGY – 2012-2014 – 7-8/10 I CAN ONLY IMAGINE - 2018, 110 minutes - 8/10 The Lord of the Rings Trilogy – 2001-2003 – 10/10 LIKE DANDELION DUST – 2009, 104 minutes – 8/10 ROBERTA – 1935, 106 minutes – 7/10 ROMAN HOLIDAY – 1953, 118 minutes – 8/10 The Second Chance – 2006, 102 minutes – 7/10 THE SONG – 2014, 116 minutes – 9/10 SOUND OF FREEDOM – 2023, 131 minutes – 8/10 TO SAVE A LIFE – 2010, 120 minutes – 8/10 UNSUNG HERO – 2024, 112 minutes – 8/10 A VOW TO CHERISH – 1999, 84 minutes - 8/10 – FREE ONLINE SPORTS (10) These are a mixed lot, with "Woodlawn" definitely for older audiences, and "Going to the Mat" something for a younger age group. BACK OF THE NET – 2019, 86 minutes – 7/10 FOREVER STRONG – 2008, 109 minutes – 7/10 – FREE ONLINE GOING TO THE MAT – 2004, 82 minutes – 8/10 THE HORSE IN THE GRAY FLANNEL SUIT – 1968, 113 minutes – 7/10 HANS BRINKER OR THE SILVER SKATES – 1962, 90 minutes – 8/10 MERCY RULE – 2014, 119 minutes – 7/10 NEVER GIVE UP – 2023, 79 minutes – 6/10 – FREE ONLINE OVERCOMER – 2019, 119 minutes – 7/10 TWELVE – 2019, 92 minutes – 7/10 WOODLAWN - 2015, 123 minutes - 9/10 See also The Jackie Robinson Story in Biographical, and Extraordinary in "Hallmark-y," and the documentary Long Short: the Kevin Laue Story. WAR FILMS (20) The Second World War might have been the first major conflict in which film could play a role, presenting stories intended to encourage those on the frontlines and at home. The most inspiring World War II films show ordinary, average people doing extraordinary, heroic things (many of whom were our parents, grandparents or great grandparents, hiding Jews or otherwise putting themselves at risk simply because they knew it had to be done). Many of the best World War II films were made during the war – they have a completely different feel, because no one at the time knew what the war’s outcome would be! BATAAN – 1943, 114 minutes – 8/10 Decision Before Dawn – 1951, 119 minutes – 7/10 DESPERATE JOURNEY – 1942, 107 minutes – 8/10 Destination Tokyo – 1944, 135 minutes – 8/10 Edge of Darkness – 1943, 119 minutes – 7/10 The Fighting Seabees - 1944, 99 minutes – 7/10 FLYING TIGERS – 1942, 104 minutes - 7/10 THE FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT – 1940, 120 minutes – 7/10 THE GREAT DICTATOR – 1940, 125 minutes – 8/10 Hail the Conquering Hero – 1944, 101 minutes – 7/10 Objective Burma! – 1945, 142 minutes – 7/10 RUN SILENT, RUN DEEP – 1958, 93 minutes – 8/10 SABOTEUR – 1942, 109 minutes – 7/10 Sahara – 1943, 98 minutes – 7/10 Sands of Iwo Jima – 1949, 100 minutes – 7/10 THE SILVER FLEET – 1943, 88 minutes – 7/10 They Were Expendable – 1945, 135 minutes – 7/10 To Be Or Not To Be – 1942, 99 minutes – 8/10 Twelve O'clock High – 1949, 132 minutes – 8/10 Why We Fight – 1942-45, 417 minutes – 7/10 See also Sgt. Stubby (Animated Films), Belle and Sebastian (Foreign Films), Sea Hawk and Casablanca (Black and White Classics). BONUS #1 - TV SERIES (2) With TV series, it isn't possible to evaluate the whole run, so some of these will be rated by season, and other just by the first episode or three. SUE THOMAS F.B.EYE – 2002, 41-minute episodes (57 in all) – 8/10 – FREE ONLINE Danger Man (Season 1) – 1960-62, 25-minute episodes (39 in all) – 8/10 BONUS #2 - OBSCURE BUT IMPRESSIVE (4) These ones aren't easy to find but, for some, might be worth the hunt. The Pistol: The Birth of a Legend – 1991, 104 minutes – 7/10 Seasons of the Heart – 2003, 99 minutes – 8/10 Snuf de Hond in Oorlogstijd – 2008, 95 min – 8/10 THE WAY THINGS WORK – 2001, 300+ minutes – 8/10 This post first appeared on RP has also done an issue of the magazine on movies you can find here....

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Drama, Movie Reviews

Sarah, Plain and Tall

Drama / Romance 1990 / 98 minutes Rating: 8/10 In 1910, Jacob Witting, a Kansas farmer and widower, places a newspaper ad asking for a woman interested “in making a difference” in the lives of his two small children, Anna and Caleb. Sarah Wheaton responds to his ad and agrees to a one-month visit. She brings with her a cat, a collection of seashells and a streak of stubbornness that is the young widower’s match. When Sarah arrives she quickly learns that while Jacob's wife Katherine died six years ago, he is still grieving. He's packed away all his wife's pictures, and blankets, and anything else that reminds him of her. And he hasn't sung since her death. But little Caleb loves to sing and Sarah does too. Anna isn't as quick to warm up to her, but when Sarah arranges to have Katherine's pictures hung back up, she starts to win the little girl over too. Sarah's love for the two children, and her better understanding of what they need pits her against their father, so when the month is done, will Jacob even want her to stay? Or will he start to love her as his equal... and his match? Caution No real cautions to offer. This does deal with the topic of losing a mother, and the children worry that they might lose Sarah at month's end, so there is some tension here that younger viewers might find harder to deal with. Especially when the neighbor goes into labor early and the delivery is not an easy one. But it comes to a beautiful resolution. This is very much a film for the whole family. Conclusion This is based on the book by Patricia MacLachlan which won the 1986 Newbery Medal for best American children's book of the year. It's a loyal rendition, as the screenplay was written by MacLachlan too, and I think it's one of those rare times where the film really does equal the book. It’s a wonderful quaint, quiet, and beautiful flick, sure to bring a tear to your eye. That means some boys might have a bit of trouble sitting through it during the early going, and maybe it just isn't for them. But if they can be settled, with their own bowl of popcorn perhaps, then I can't imagine a lovelier film for a family movie night. ...

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Drama, Movie Reviews

An American in Austen

Drama / Romance 2024 / 84 minutes Rating: 7/10 In the opening scene, we discover that Harriet-the-aspiring-author is struggling with writer's block, but her alter ego, Harriet-the-librarian is having quite the day. First a teen patron asks for a recommendation and Harriet gets to introduce the girl to Jane Austen. Harriet briefly hugs a copy of Pride and Prejudice before handing it over. Then Harriet's boyfriend of three years, Ethan, arrives early to take her to an anniversary dinner. But when Ethan pulls off the most romantic surprise marriage proposal ever, Harriet finds herself giving what might be the worst answer possible: "Maybe?" That scene ends with a quick cut to Harriet commiserating with two friends, all three wondering what on earth just happened. When they see a shooting star, one friend suggests Harriet wish for a do-over on the night. But instead, she wistfully declares, "I wish for Mr. Darcy." And that's when it happens. On the cab ride home, Harriet falls asleep, only to wake up in the back of a carriage. She's confused, thinking it's all a rather scary joke. Even when the carriage stops, and she meets the Bennets – mama, papa, and the five sisters who believe that Harriet is their just-arrived American cousin – still thinks it's a prank, some kind of play being put on for her behalf. She only starts to clue in when she notices there are no telephone or power lines, and no planes flying overhead. The shooting star has done its work – she's been transported into Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, and soon she's going to meet Mr. Darcy! This will best be appreciated by Austen fans, who will understand the different ways that Harriet's arrival is messing with the original story, and her attempts to get things back on track. There's a fun Groundhog Day homage going on here too, with the way Harriet begins each day. Instead of alarm clock music repeatedly starting off Bill Murray's day, we have a rooster's crow startling Harriet again and again. Like Murray, Harriet has that moment where she realizes she's still there, and she's still stuck, living out another day in this same story. Cautions After realizing that even Mr. Darcy doesn't compare with being loved by Ethan, Harriet looks up to the heavens and offers what's basically an agnostic prayer. She never addresses God or anyone. She seems to be speaking to the sky, perhaps hoping for another shooting star to come by and grant her a second wish. The other caution would be the one you can tack on to every Hallmark movie: the god here is love. And while God is love, love is not god, and to elevate it so is to make an idol out of it. Conclusion We're all Jane Austen fans in this household, and it was that very love that left us split on this creative riff. For the loyalists, it's just annoying to have a ditzy, maverick American walking through the original story and messing things up. But I quite enjoyed how Harriet was both stuck in the story, constrained by what Austen wrote, and yet still able to cause new and original problems for the Bennet household, all while staying within the spirit of the original. This is a Hallmark film, and while still predictable enough, it has a good dollop of creativity that left me wondering exactly how it would all work out. So, safe for the whole family, but best enjoyed by those already well-acquainted with Jane Austen and yet not fiercely loyal to her. You can watch a short scene below... ...

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Family, Movie Reviews

My friend Flicka

Family 1943 / 89 minutes Rating: 7/10 All Ken wants is a colt of his own, and seeing as his dad raises horses, that doesn't seem an unreasonable ambition. But all Ken's father wants is for his son to start using his head, and he's not sure when or if that's ever going to happen. The boy's fifth-grade report card is impressive in the worst possible way – Ken managed to get a zero in English. He daydreamed his way right through the hour-long test and never even got started. So it's against his better judgment that stern poppa does indeed give his underachieving son his choice of a colt. But dad is left shaking his head once again when his son picks Flicka, a colt from the most "loco" mare on the ranch – Ken has picked a colt that may not even be tameable! And shortly after getting picked, Flicka proves just as wild as the father feared, running straight into a barbed wire fence. There is a silver lining – the injured colt needs attention, and Ken shows himself both willing and able. Might this daydreaming boy be on the way to becoming a young man? Cautions Parents will want to know that one of the horses, a wild mare named Rocket (Flicka's mom), dies suddenly midway through the film. I was surprised – I figured the horse was just stunned, and even reassured our kids it would recover. But nope. This was shot in World War II so I think the times may have resulted in kids then that were made of a little sterner stuff, so one horse getting killed might have been no big deal to them. But it might be a bit of something to some of our sensitive ten-and-under kids, who have grown up on children's fare where the peril never results in anything permanent. Rocket's death makes Flicka's own brush with death – at one point dad gives the order to put him down – much scarier than it otherwise would have been. Shucks, it seems like there's no guarantees in this movie about who is going to make it to the end. But parents can reassure their kidlings that Flicka will indeed make it. Language concerns are limited to a few "doggone it" and "gee whiz"s. Conclusion One modern-day reviewer celebrated this as a "great movie for kids with no... sex, drugs or cursing." It is that. But it is also an older film that doesn't have the frenetic pacing of most of today's kids' stuff. That means it might test some children's attention spans, but that could be a very good thing. I'd suggest it for 10 and over, but I'm not quite sure whether its hundreds of horses might make this a great one for horse-crazy girls, or whether the death of Rocket might mean they'd be the worst possible audience. I'll also note that in our family of five, three quite liked it, one fell asleep, and one was quite distraught over poor Rocket. So, if you're looking for a sure-fire bet for family movie night, this might not be it. But if you want something from a more decent time, this could fit the bill. It's full of characters with character, whether that's a stern but loving dad, a compassionate capable mom, respectful ranch hands, or even the son, a kid who isn't measuring up but wants to. Check out a brief clip below. ...

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Articles, Movie Reviews

Our Top 10 movie reviews of 2023

Here are our most popular movie reviews for 2023, ranked in reverse order – this is what our online readers checked out most often over the last 12 months. Click on the titles for the longer reviews and, in some cases, links to watch the film for free online. (For more movie recommendations, be sure to check out our list of "200 movies King David might watch.") 10. Storm and Luther's forbidden letter This children's movie has the 12-year-old son of a 16th-century printer getting chased about by authorities when the family's print shop agrees to print one of Martin Luther's letters. A good bit of fun that can be watched for free online. 9.  2081: Everyone will finally be equal In another free film, we get a peak 50 years into the future in which everyone's outcomes are exactly equal. How is that achieved? By weighing down the strong, and distracting the smart, and marring the beautiful. 8. The Lord of the Rings animated "trilogy" Long before Peter Jackson first thought about filming the live-action version, there were three animated Lord of the Rings movies. And two of them are worth checking out. 7. Incredible creatures that defy evolution  The giraffe’s heart has to be strong to get blood all the way up to its head but what happens to all that power when, instead of pumping against gravity, the giraffe dips its head to take a drink? Then the same strong stream of oxygenated blood will be traveling with enough pressure to create some serious brain trauma….except for the amazing shut-off valves in a giraffe’s neck that kick in when it lowers its head! This free film series shows all sorts of animal design features that give testimony to God's engineering brilliance! 6. End of the Spear A true story about five missionaries who wanted to bring the gospel to the Aucas tribe in Ecuador and died trying. It is, however, through their witness that this "Stone Age" tribe was first introduced to God. 5. Sound of Freedom This true story is the film everyone seemed to be talking about was also popular among RP readers too. Tim Ballard once had the disturbing job of hunting down pedophiles, and in the course of his career he busted almost 300 of them. But when his partner challenged him, “And how many kids have you saved?” he couldn't answer. So he set out to start freeing the children instead. 4. Jungle Beat A variety of animal friends try to solve ordinary problems, but do so without being able to communicate via words (animals can't talk, after all). So this is part miming, part explosive action, and it is a whole bunch of good clean innocent fun! With more than 10 hours of it, broken up into 5-minute little skits, parents will enjoy sharing this with their kids again and again. And you can watch it for free! 3. On Earth as it is in Heaven Another free documentary, this one tries to make the case for post-millenialism. You be the judge for how well it does so. 2. The Essential Church John MacArthur's church defied government COVID closures, and it was eventually vindicated in the courts. Here MacArthur and other church leaders try to make that same case – that the Church is essential – but this time to their fellow Christians. 1. The Hiding Place This is Corrie Ten Boom's true story of her World War II role in hiding Jews. Or, more so, it is the story of her family's trust in God, even when the going got very tough – all of them ended up being sent to Nazi concentration camps. But did we need another Corrie Ten Boom movie? Isn't there already a great film version? I needed to find out, and based on the review's popularity, a whole bunch of RP readers need to find out too....

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Drama, Movie Reviews

The Great Dictator

Drama / War / Black and White 1940 / 125 minutes Rating: 8/10 Long before Hitler adopted it, Charlie Chaplin made the "toothbrush mustache" famous. Once Hitler adopted it, you might wonder why Chaplin still kept it. Might this 1940 film be the answer? Chaplin had been planning to take on Hitler even before World War II began, and his mustache helped him manage a fantastic impersonation of history's most infamous dictator. Chaplin plays two parts here, the hero and the villain. Adenoid Hynkel, the "Phooey" of Tomainia, a satiric take on Adolph Hitler, the Führer of Nazi Germany, The Jewish barber who fights for Tomainia during the First World War, and then loses his memory for the next 20 years When the barber leaves the hospital to finally return home, he opens up his barbershop, not knowing two decades have passed. He also doesn't understand why a man is painting the word "Jew" on his shop window, and goes outside to stop him. The barber was a soldier just yesterday in his own mind, so he won't stand for this! But two stormtroopers against one barber isn't a fair fight. Thankfully, the fight stops underneath the heroine's apartment window, allowing the beautiful Hannah to make good use of her frying pan, applying a solid "bong" to each stormtrooper's head. This being a Chaplin film, the poor barber gets a misaimed blow too, resulting in a hopscotching staggered dance up and down the street. From the moment we see Chaplin playing both parts, we know that the barber is going to save the day by replacing the "great dictator." But what a ride it is, getting there! Hitler isn't Chaplin's only target either. Benzino Napaloni, the Diggaditchie of Bacteria (think Benito Mussolini, il Duce of Italy), comes by for a visit, and the two compete to see who can be the more self-important. That this comic takedown came out right when Hitler seemed to be unstoppable says something about Chaplin's bravery and his outrage. He wanted the world to know who Hitler really was, even if he needed to use a fictional country, title, and name to do so. It might be worth noting that while Chaplin is best known for his silent films, this is a "talkie." Cautions The only caution would be the topic matter: war and the murderous megalomaniac who started it. But this is also black and white, and satire rather than drama, so some of the most shocking material has been muted by the format. Still, this could be a bit much for the very young. However, if kids know anything at all about the Holocaust, they'll likely be old enough to see The Great Dictator. Conclusion My daughters aren't the target demographic for a 1940s black and white World War II film that stars a talking 1930s silent film star. I was so sure they wouldn't be up for this one that, instead of trying to foist it on them for a family movie night, I decided to watch it on my own while they were busy with friends. But a few minutes in our youngest, 9, wandered by, sat down, and never left. The other two and my wife showed up midway, and after a bit of recap to clue them in, they all enjoyed the second half. So, a good film for the whole family? Maybe... if they're an adventurous bunch. My youngest told me that it helped a lot that I was there to explain some the World War II references being made. She already knew about the Holocaust, so she wasn't surprised that the Jews were mistreated, but to see it, even in this muted manner, did get her indignant. It's one thing to hear about people being picked on and singled out for persecution, and quite another to see even a bit of it. Overall, I would give this two very enthusiastic thumbs up! The film is available in both clear high resolution, and also in a variety of cheap knock-offs, so be sure to get the good one. There's even a colorized version that looks intriguing. Most libraries will have a version on DVD, and you should be able to rent it from places like Amazon. Check out the trailer below. ...

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Family, Movie Reviews

Back of the Net

Sports / Family 2019 / 86 minutes Rating: 7/10 Cory Bailey is an American teen science nerd whose next stop is a semester-long trip on a research ship departing from Sydney, Australia. But after arriving at the Sydney Airport, she boards the wrong school bus, and ends up on the wrong campus. Now instead of spending a term studying aquatic life, she's at a soccer academy. And she's never played before in her life. Adults are going to be able to predict where this is going right from the get-go, but no worries mate, because they aren't the target audience. And the pre-teens this is aimed at are going to enjoy Cory's fish-out-of-water experience. This is really just a light, feel-good film, with Cory going from friendless to gaining a bunch of bosom buddies. There's also a charming jock who doesn't really get science, but can appreciate Cory's passion. The Australian accents and scenery also add to the appeal. There is a villain, of course, but even rich girl Edie isn't all that nasty. She's really just misunderstood, don't you see? Cautions The cautions here are mostly of the too-good-to-be-true nature of the story. Cory might have been a fish-out-of-water to start, but by film's end, everything has turned up roses, and in every possible way. Adults will know this isn't realistic, but the pre-teens might need a reminder that even as confidence can often be key, "believing in yourself" isn't some kind of miraculous guarantee of victory. Another concern is the budding romance between Cory and a very nice boy. While there's just one peck on the lips exchanged (and another attempted kiss), Cory's friends do a fair amount of "ooooh"ing to tease Cory. Sure, it's funny, but parents may want to point out that it's also just plain silly: these kids are too young to be thinking of marriage, so they don't need to (and shouldn't be trying to) contend with all the drama that comes with dating. The other cautions include three instances of "Oh my gosh," and a beach scene in which two boys are shirtless (though in long shorts). Conclusion Back of the Net strikes me as a cross between one of the better Hallmark films and an old-school Disney TV movie, or in other words, a sweet if predictable story, with decent production values and pretty good acting. Pre-teen girls will love it, and the rest of us won't mind it. ...

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Family, Movie Reviews

The Legend of 5 Mile Cave

Western / Family 2019 / 90 minutes RATING: 7/10 The Legend of 5 Mile Cave begins with a bang, a fleeing cowboy being shot right off his horse by an eagle-eyed sheriff. And it begins with misdirection too: the sheriff looks kind of scary, his posse pretty mean, so are they the heroes? Or should we be rooting for the guy lying at their feet? It doesn't get any clearer when we cut forward 20 years and see an escaping prisoner evade pursuing guards and their bloodhounds. Again, it seems like we're supposed to be siding with the bad guy. What's going on? The main story is about a young farm boy, Tommy Tilwicky, and his widowed mother, Susan, who are taking in boarders to balance their budget. The first to arrive is the escaped prisoner, though now in a decent set of clothes. He can't pay much, but he's willing to help them break in their horses, to get them ready to sell. And he's also willing to tell stories of the West as it was to a boy who can't get enough of pulp-fiction Westerns. Those novels don't get the facts quite right, says the man. And he proceeds to tell Tommy, in bits and pieces, the true story of the infamous "Shooter Green," a gunslinger infamous for a $200,000 stagecoach holdup in which the gold was never recovered. Much of the movie is told in flashbacks, Tommy seizing every opportunity he can to hear more about Shooter. We cut back 20 years again to see Shooter Green doing trick shots to earn some money. We get to watch this boastful young man get his comeuppance when a beautiful young lady bets against him, and the flustered Shooter Green misses for the very first time. It's a cute scene, but had me wondering yet once more, is this film expecting us to root for the criminal? I needn't have worried: Legend has us cheering for the right guy all along, and the mystery is how he could seem so bad at the beginning and be a hero at the end. Cautions For a Western, there ain't much gunplay. Shooter Green does get shot off his horse in the opening scene, and when the stagecoach is held up, three men are quickly shot, however, with little blood seen. There is also a brief bit of gambling, as the trick-shot Shooter is making money off of people betting against him. And that's about it. So this isn't an all-ages family film, but it could be good for everyone 12 and up. Conclusion I've reviewed a few hundred films, and it was fun coming across one I couldn't properly compare to anything I'd seen before. The best I can liken it to is one of the better old Disney movies (think Swiss Family Robinson) crossed with one of the better and funnier Hallmark films. I'm not pitching this as a great movie, just as a solid evening's viewing. It is well-produced and well-acted – kid actors can sometimes ruin things, but the fellow playing Tommy does a decent go of it. It is maybe a teensy bit long, which is why it gets a 7 and not an 8. Check out the trailer below. You can stream it on and elsewhere. ...

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Drama, Movie Reviews

Sound of Freedom

Drama 2023 / 131 minutes Rating: 8/10 Roberto Aguilar has two beautiful children. The charming woman at his door, Giselle, knows it too. In fact, she believes that his 11-year-old daughter Rocio, and his cute-as-a-button 4-year-old son Miguel, might have what it takes to be in the entertainment business. So when she invites Roberto to bring them both by for a photo shoot, the Honduran welder is willing to take the long bus ride into the city, to give his children this special opportunity. When he knocks on the apartment door, the children are invited in, and Roberto is told that parents aren't allowed to stay. He can come back at 7 pm to pick them up. Except, when he returns, they are gone. The charming woman is no talent scout. Giselle has just kidnapped another dozen children for her sex trafficking business. And that might be the last time Roberto ever saw his children, but for one Homeland Security agent. Tim Ballard has the disturbing job of hunting down pedophiles, and in the course of his career he's busted almost 300 of them. But when his partner challenges him, "And how many kids have you saved?" he can't answer. He's had to look through the filth these 300 guys have collected, seen child after child abused, even had to catalogue it for the trials, and he's not been able to save even a single child. But for his own sanity, he needs to start now. "This job tears you to pieces," he tells his boss. "And this is my one chance to put those pieces back together.” What follows is an undercover operation that has no sanction from the US government. Ballard is a highly capable Homeland Security agent, but the children he wants to save are mostly out of country, where his department has no jurisdiction. His boss helps him as much as he can, but in the end Ballard has to cut ties with his government and he goes in with just a couple of new friends who have their own reasons to risk their lives for these children. Sound of Freedom isn't an explicitly Christian film – Roman Catholic Jim Caviezel plays the part of Ballard, who in real life is a Mormon – but there's a reason it appeals to us. What drives Ballard, even still today, is that these children are made in the Image of God, and "God's children not be for sale." Christians will also recognize the Scripture verse Ballard cites when he is about to arrest a pedophile he's had to pretend to befriend in his undercover work. Ballard tells the man: “Better a millstone be hung around your neck and you be cast into the sea than you should ever hurt one of these little ones” (Luke 17:2). Cautions Filmmakers don't tell their audience what's happening; they show it – that's the power of a visual medium. However, some topics are just too grim to show: the real-life Ballard has been left scarred by what he's had to see, and we, as the audience, don't need to share in that misery. Thankfully, the filmmakers were very intentional about educating their audience about child sex-trafficking without exposing us to the full depravity of it. For example, the film's creepiest scene might be the initial photo shoot with Miguel, Rocio, and the other dozen children who have been left with Giselle. The pre-school Miguel has the top two of his polo shirt buttons undone, and the preteen Rocio is seen having red lipstick applied. The children are told how to stand, how to purse their lips, tilt their head, and smile just so. That's already creepy, but what makes it much more so isn't what we see, but rather what we know about how these pictures are going to be used to market the children to "buyers." There's violence, the most graphic of which is a fight scene a minute or two long with two men equally intent on killing each other. Here, too, some "muting" is going on, as we watch the fight through the eyes of a child who has been told not to look. So we hear it, but don't always see what's going on. While there is restraint in what is shown, this is still a film about the sexual trafficking of children. That means lots of people should steer clear. That this is a true story means if you have a soft heart, this could break you. I also wouldn't suggest it for anyone under 16. It is gripping, it is well-acted, it is important, but it isn't really entertainment – this is a film you watch to have your eyes opened. Conclusion As the credits rolled, I was left wondering, Now that I know, what can I do? In a short, post-film plea, actor Jim Cavezial tells us we can help end sexual trafficking by raising awareness. How can we do that? By getting more people to watch the film. That might be a really good idea, but it still has me wondering, what's next? After everyone knows, what do we do then? The film doesn't offer an answer, so I'll pitch a few thoughts: Put the danger in a context - It's good to teach our children to be aware of their surroundings, and good also for parents to be aware themselves. But while some of the real-life footage shown in Sound of Freedom involves drive-by abductions, those are a rarity in the US, and likely Canada too. More often the children are steered into this life by people they trust, or who have some sort of relationship with them. Parents should be more concerned with Giselle-types trying to create bonds, perhaps over social media, than random kidnappings. Stop the sexualization of children – We've got crazy people saying little girls should be able to handle seeing male genitalia in the locker room, and that kids should go to Pride parades even if they have "public nudity and kink." We might be able to shelter our own kids by sending them to Christian schools, but let's not forget about the children who are getting subjected to public school sex-ed, or who are borrowing the books our governments are putting in the teen section of the public library. Lots of fronts in this battle, but closest to home I suspect it might begin with delaying when our own kids get phones and the access that phones bring to the dark side of sexuality. Wait til Grade 8 is a good idea, but I sure wouldn't mind 9 or 10, though any later and parents risk sending their kid out the door at 18 with no guidance on how to use a phone responsibly. Support Christian organizations like SA foundation (Servants Anonymous) that seek to "provide a way out for young women (and their children) that are able to escape the sex trade." Find out more at You can view the trailer below... ...

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Family, Movie Reviews, Watch for free

Never Give Up

Family / Sports 2023 / 79 minutes RATING: 6/10 This is great family viewing for the peek it offers into the very different world of the deaf. Never Give Up is the true story of Brad Minns, left deaf by a high fever at the age of three, back in 1968. His parents made the unusual decision at that time, to teach Minns to lip-read and have him try to take on the challenge of a regular school, instead of going to a deaf institution. While his classmates and even his teacher aren't all that welcoming, the game of tennis becomes an outlet and a refuge. Here his hearing loss doesn't make him all that different. It's still not an even playing field – deaf players can't hear how the ball sounds coming off their opponent's racket – but as Minn's first instructor tells him, he can use his eyes and his heart to make up the difference. When Minns beats his big brother, he starts realizing he could become great at this. One of the more unlikely tennis comebacks serves as the backbone to this film – it opens with Minns down two sets, and down five games to none in the third. In flashbacks throughout the match we learn about how he got here and how those early life challenges and triumphs gave him the perseverance to keep fighting even when he's that far down. CAUTIONS The only caution to note would be a hazing scene. When Minns tries out for the US national deaf tennis team, someone hides his rackets right before his first match. Then, after he wins and heads to the showers, they hide his clothes. With no other option, Minns comes to the team meeting "wearing" nothing but a two-foot by three-foot sign which reads "Used tennis balls here." That sounds worse than it is – the signage has him covered more modestly than even the biggest pair of shorts. CONCLUSION I wanted to give this a 7, because our whole family enjoyed it. Who doesn't like a family-friendly, sports underdog story, that teaches you a bit about a different world, and even acknowledges God with a few quiet and respectful nods? But I give 6s for good films that have something notably subpar, and that's the acting here. It's just not very good. It's not so bad that it's annoying, but it is in the range of what you'd find in a low-end Hallmark movie. I'll add that there are some nice production touches too, including the soundtrack featuring Huey Lewis' The Power of Love (playing when Minns was down 40 to love), and some unique "sketched" opening titles. The tennis match itself is solidly shot – believable if not all that suspenseful. So, a 6, but significantly, a 6 that everyone in our family enjoyed. Never Give Up can be viewed for free on RedeemTV here (you do need to sign up for a membership, though at no cost). You can also watch it on YouTube, though with commercials. See the trailer below. ...

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Animated, Movie Reviews

Long Way North

Animated / Family 81 minutes / 2015 RATING: 7/10 It's the 1880s, the North Pole has yet to be reached, and a Russian explorer dreams of doing so. But when his expedition disappears, along with his unsinkable ice-breaking ship, the Russian Tsar offers a million rubles for anyone who can find them. No one does. Two years later, the explorer's 15-year-old granddaughter, Sasha, discovers his notes and realizes that everyone has been searching in the wrong area. When she can't convince anyone to listen – and when her prodding angers a Russian prince and harms her family's social status – Sasha steals away on her own to discover what really happened. With the lure of the Tsar's reward, Sasha manages to convince an ice-breaking ship to take her on board. Cautions Sasha is the only one who knew where her grandfather's ship is; all the adults should have listened to her! This "the kid knows best" is a staple in children's movies. but fortunately it isn't pushed all that hard here. And Sasha is also shown being rescued by adults who are cleary wiser in these other areas. The only other caution concerns the moment when Sasha finds her grandfather. He's dead, his body frozen and looking more ice sculpture than corpse, so it isn't all that scary. And it's almost as if everyone knew he couldn't still be alive, so the scene is sad, but not weepy. Conclusion This is a sweet story about a granddaughter's love and respect for her grandfather. What makes it unique is the hand-drawn animation, and the starkly beautiful arctic landscapes. This French/Danish production is drawn in an often lineless form – a carriage in the distance is just a block of color – that's very different from anything you're familiar with. While the first 15 minutes might test the patience of some younger viewers, the director's leisurely pacing gives the barren ice and waves and wind time to entrance us. This could be a wonderful family film for a quiet night when the snow is blowing up against your own front door. ...

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Family, Movie Reviews

Seven Chances

Comedy / Silent 56 min / 1925 Rating: 8/10 This Buster Keaton classic is a silent film, so instead of asking my kids if they wanted to see it, I just popped it in and started watching on my ownsome in the family room. And, as I expected, it didn't take long for them to sit down beside me. I think it was the otherworldliness that got them. This is unlike anything they've seen before, from another time, all black and white, with dialogue you read and music that's so well matched to what's on-screen that it's almost like they can talk. Keaton stars as Jimmie Shannon, a down-on-his-luck businessman who has long wanted to marry his sweetheart, Mary Jones, except he doesn't have the money to support them. And, to make matters worse, his boss has been tricked into "a financial deal that meant disgrace – and possibly prison – unless they raised money quickly." So Jimmie is as down as down can be. That's when the lawyer shows up with news that Jimmie's grandfather has given him seven million dollars... on the condition that Jimmie is married by 7 pm on his 27th birthday! Jimmie's problems are solved: he can marry his girl and keep everybody out of jail! But today is his birthday, so off he rushes to propose. Sadly, poor Jimmie muffs it, making it sound like the reason he wants to marry Mary is just so he can get the money. She refuses! The distraught Jimmie has no interest in marrying anyone now, but is pressured by his partner to marry someone, anyone just to keep them out of jail. The partner makes a list of seven names – seven chances – for Jimmie to try. And when Jimmie foolishly does, he gets laughed right out the door. But that partner isn't finished: he tells the newspaper about the story, and effectively takes out an ad for ladies interested in marrying a millionaire to meet him at the church. When several hundred show up, the chase is on, and for the next ten minutes we get to watch as Keaton jumps, leaps, slides, and runs, runs, runs for his life! Cautions This is an old film and with that comes a couple of concerns. With Jimmie seemingly willing to propose to just about anyone, we see him approach a woman from behind, only to veer off when he discovers she's black. It's a quick few seconds and kids may not even notice the racism here, but if they do, then you can talk about the way things were back then. The bigger caution is the film's premise: marrying for money. This was remade in 1999 as The Bachelor, and it bombed, probably because. by adding color, sound, lots more dialogue, and a star who gave a restrained performance, they made it almost believable. And this is only funny as a farce. If anybody would actually marry someone for money, that'd be a sad, creepy story. The original remains hilarious precisely because it stars a clown no one could ever find believable. Conclusions I encourage you to rent or borrow this from your library, even though many free copies can be found online. It is so old it's in the public domain, free for anyone to republish, but most of those free versions are grainy or have a soundtrack that's nothing more than random selections of classical music. The very best version is KINO's, which pairs a crisp picture with music that matches the action perfectly. It makes a huge difference! So who would like this? I've tested it on pre-teens and skeptical 20 and 30-year-olds too, and while it took them all a few minutes to warm to it, by the end everyone was giving it the thumbs up. They appreciated the hijinks and some also enjoyed the education: this is what film was like way back when, and Seven Chances is one of the rare gems that still hold up today. You can watch the trailer below. ...

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Family, Movie Reviews

The 3 worlds of Gulliver

Family / Children's 1960 / 99 minutes Rating: 7/10 The film manages one upgrade on the book. In the original Gulliver's Travels, Dr. Lemuel Gulliver is all on his lonesome, but in this 1960s film version, he now has a love interest. And she's got spunk; when Gulliver decides to sail away to find his fortune, his fiancee Elizabeth stows away to go too! By the time she's discovered, the ship is already underway, and a storm ensures they can't just turn around. Still, Gulliver wants to send Elizabeth back to England, so the two go topside to argue it out. That's when a wave sweeps Gulliver right off the ship, and into his first adventure. When next we see Gulliver, he's clawing his way up a beach, calling for help from the people he sees further up the shore. He collapses, only to wake up with his arms and legs all tied down. It turns out those people down the beach weren't so far away – they were quite close, but also quite tiny, and very scared of him. Gulliver has arrived in Liiliput, a land where the people are only 6 inches tall! Gulliver quickly charms the Lilliputian emperor into letting him loose and shows his value to the ruler when he promises to help him win his war. But when Gulliver won't kill the enemy, the emperor conspires against him, and Gullliver has to flee. He's back on the water again. If you know the story, you know what happens next. And if you don't, I won't spoil it for you, but I will assure you that the second chapter is every bit as good as the first. A big part of the fun here is trying to figure out how they managed to have an enormous Gulliver interact with the tiny people around him. There was nothing computer generated back then, so this had to be done with rear screen projection, claymation, gigantic props, and I can't even imagine what else. Cautions There's just a smidge of adult sexuality here. When Gulliver finds his fiancee, he kisses her quite passionately. She interrupts, noting that "We aren't married yet," and runs off to her room and locks the door. To answer her objection, Gulliver arranges with the ruler for a lightening quick marriage ceremony! That's it – nothing untoward shown – but Gulliver's ardour did strike me as a bit PG-ish. The action scenes are generally tame, but children under 8 might be frightened when Gulliver is unexpectantly grabbed by a giant squirrel. The squirrel's weird screech also adds to the tension. Conclusion Parents familiar with Jonathan Swift's book may notice just a bit of his satire still evident in some of the dialogue. But for the most part this is a children's film, enjoyable for the spectacle of seeing a giant man interact with a pixie-sized nation. There have been more recent movie versions of Swift's classic, but this is the very best one for young children. Even if the special effects aren't as slick as the new CGI stuff, there's something very appealing about the 1960s movie magic too. Overall The 3 Worlds of Gulliver rates as a fun, fairly tame film for kids ten and under, but it's also one that mom or dad might enjoy for the old-school effects. ...

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Drama, Movie Reviews


Drama 2011 / 129 minutes Rating: 8/10 Like Fireproof, Facing the Giants and Flywheel before it, Courageous is a sermon wrapped up as a film. But unlike those earlier Kendrick brothers’ efforts – where the message took precedence over the moviemaking – this time the sermon has been wrapped up in a really good film! The moral of this story is that fathers are vital to their kids, and consequently to the whole country. We follow five fathers, four of them police officers, only one of whom seems to be doing a great job as a dad. Another, Adam Mitchell, will seem quite familiar to most of us – he isn’t a bad father; he just isn’t as good as he could be. Or to put it in his own words, “I’m doing about half of what I should be.” Courageous begins and ends with a pair of chase scenes which give the Kendricks a chance to show just how good they have become at staging action sequences. These are basically police chase scenes, and they are intense! In the middle of the film we have some comedic scenes that are laugh-out-loud funny, and of course plenty of edifying conversations about the challenges of fatherhood. Cautions Two cautions: the comedy and action make this a film that most of the family would enjoy, however there is one tragic event that makes this too emotional for children, and might make it quite unpleasant for some parents too. Without giving too much away, one of the five families is struck by tragedy, which is what gets that father to reassess just what he’s doing as a dad. It is a necessary plot element, but it turns this from a start-to-finish feel-good movie to one that will take viewers through the full range of emotions. The second caution would only be not to expect too much from the film. If you're looking for depth and nuance and Academy-Award-winning acting, then this isn't for you. The acting's not remarkable but it is solid. And while the biblical model of godly fatherhood is given a compelling presentation here, it certainly isn't a comprehensive one - there isn't time for more in a 2-hour film. Conclusion What you will find here is an encouraging, inspiring plea for fathers to get on with the task and privilege of raising their children. If you don’t mind being challenged as you are being amused, you’ll enjoy it. Edifying and entertaining – it’s a rare combination, but the Kendricks have pulled it off! ...

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Drama, Movie Reviews, Watch for free

Sabina: Tortured for Christ, the Nazi Years

Drama 2022 / 115 minutes RATING: 7/10 The opening scene shows Nazi soldiers at the end of World War II fleeing for their lives, and a Jewish woman, Sabina, willing to risk her life to hide them from the new regime. That's quite the beginning! The Nazis don't understand why she's doing it, and even as they turn to her for help, the soldier in charge demands an explanation. So Sabina tells them the story of her life. As the title indicated, this is a sequel of sorts to the 2018 Tortured for Christ about Pastor Richard Wurmbrand’s courageous and faithful stand against the Soviets when they took over Romania. Like the original, this is a true story too, and this time the focus is on Wurmbrand's wife Sabina, beginning before they were even married. As she shares, you would never have guessed back then that she'd become a pastor's wife, or that her husband-to-be would ever become a Christian. So the whole film is told as a flashback, cutting to and away from Sabina's conversation with the Nazi soldiers. What she is explaining to them is why someone such as her – persecuted by soldiers just like them – is still willing to forgive. It is because she has been forgiven first by God. Cautions While there are some shots fired at the fleeing soldiers, no one is hit. And at one point a despairing Sabina attempts to drown herself. It's a few tense moments like this that make Sabina too much for the under-10 set. But teens and up will have no problem with it. Conclusion This is very well done, with believable characters, wonderful scenery, and solid acting. It is an excellent Christian production. If I was going to pick nits, I'll say at nearly two hours it may have warranted just a bit of trimming, and that's why I rated it a 7 rather than an 8. You can watch the trailer below, and see the film for free at RedeemTV (though you will have to sign up for a free account).  ...

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